08/15/2014 01:21 AM (UTC)
I uploaded it in fan submissions but I think i takes a while to show
08/15/2014 01:22 AM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
I uploaded it in fan submissions but I think i takes a while to show

Yeah, a mod has to accept it first and that could take days...
08/15/2014 01:24 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
eddiesol Wrote:
If Tanya makes it, what do you think would be her 3 Variations?


Jaded-Raven Wrote:

Tanya is one of my favourite MK characters and I really hope she will be a playable character in MKX, and therefore I wish to share some ideas with you guys and invite you to share your own ideas, do some brainstorming and such.

I'd like for her design to take inspiration from her MKD main outfit, as seen above, as that is my favourite look for her so far. The free-flowing hair with the sharp cut bangs, the dark make-up around her eyes, the corset-like top with the sarong-like cloth hanging from her hips... it just looks amazing, imo. The style is the same as the other Edenian women, but the design is her own.

Background Story:
I won't go into detail with the story though, as we know nothing about how the story will play out in MKX, but this is an example on how it could turn out.

Since Edenia was never freed, Tanya is still a resident of Outworld. We know there are Edenian freedom fighters, as mentioned in Rain's background story in MK9, so I could imagine Tanya being part of them to start with. However with the fascination of powerful magic, she would turn on her allies and join Shinnok as he and his Brotherhood of Shadows rises from the Netherrealm and takes over Outworld. She will then fight against the Earthrealm warriors, until she sees that Shinnok is losing, then turn her back on him...

Special Moves:
- Surging Blast: An eldritch fireball of dark flames hurled at the opponent.
- Human Cannon Drill: Tanya flips into a spinning arrow with her feet first, sweeping the opponent off his feet and up into the air.
- Knee Strike: Tanya jumps diagonally up in the air with a knee first which kicks the opponent up into the air.

- Sorceress: Being a master of dark sorcery, Tanya uses her knowledge of magic to her defense. Adds these special moves:
+ Aerial Surging Blast: The fireball hurled diagonally downwards when Tanya is in the air.
+ Find Me: Tanya vanishes in dark flames and turns invisible for a short duration of time or until she is hit by the opponent.
+ Eldritch Orbs: Tanya conjures two orbs of dark fire which spins around her for a short duration of time and hurt the opponent if hitting her with any punch or kick. Projectiles and other non-physical hits are not affected by this.

- Backstabber: Trained in the arts of Kobu Jutsu, Tanya wields her Tonfa Blades to battle. Adds Tonfa Blades into her fighting style.
(In case you don't know what I mean by Tonfa Blade, click HERE!)

- Edenian Warrior: Tanya has trained alongside the best Edenian Warriors and specializes in stylish kicks. Adds these special moves:
+ Split Flip Kick: In a forward somersault Tanya makes a split kick and crushes her heel down into the ground which knock the opponent out.
+ Spinning Flip Kick: Tanya spins forward and does a helicopter kick hitting the opponent two times. (Kinda like Chun Li's Spinning Bird Kick from Street Fighter)
+ Downward Spiral Kick: While in air, Tanya makes a diagonal downward Human Cannon Drill. Can be used after Knee Strike for a combo.

(Note: I did not like her using a boomerang as she did in MK4, so I chose not to have it be part of her moveset.)

X-Ray Move:
- Neck Breaker: Tanya jumps up and sits on her opponent's shoulder, then twists his head around 180 degrees, snapping his neck. She then falls back into a handstand on the ground and pulls the opponent with her into a Frankensteiner which crushes the opponent's skull into the ground. (A tribute to her MK4 throw)

- Deadly Kiss: Tanya walks over and gives the opponent a kiss on his cheek. It has no effect, but instead she starts snapping every limb on the opponents body, starting with the arms, then the legs and finally snaps his neck. (A tribute to her MK4 fatality)
- Eldritch Flames: Tanya conjures a pillar of fire where the opponent stands, burning the flesh from his bones and leaves a charred corpse. (This is boring, I know, but I am out of ideas for now...)


I really hope that Ed Boon and NRS will put Tanya into the roster, and with what we've seen from MKX so far, I am positive that they will do a great job with her! :D

JR explain to me why you don't work at NRS because this is good shit grin
08/15/2014 01:28 AM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:

JR explain to me why you don't work at NRS because this is good shit grin

Because I just care about the characters I like... and if I worked at NRS, I would have done all I could to cut Scorpion out of the game and that would probably ruin the company as fans would go apeshit crazy.

So yeah... I'd ruin more than I'd do good.
08/15/2014 01:31 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:

JR explain to me why you don't work at NRS because this is good shit grin

Because I just care about the characters I like... and if I worked at NRS, I would have done all I could to cut Scorpion out of the game and that would probably ruin the company as fans would go apeshit crazy.

So yeah... I'd ruin more than I'd do good.

Nevermind then :P Silly Jade.
Fighting Game Rule #1: Never cut out the flagship characters c:
Or there will be a lynch mob at your business by crazy fans.
08/15/2014 01:36 AM (UTC)
Yeah, so, that's why. But I shall take the compliment. ;)
08/15/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
What could be Tanya's variations, in MKX?

FEMUR DESTROYER : Tanya does all kinds of brutalities of the femur bones.

WEAPON MASTER : Tanya throws boomerangs and kobu-jutsuses.

DRAGON KALLER : Tanya summons dragons and demons during the fight!!!

Tanya's fatality could be her MK4 fatality. Jump on the opponent's shoulders and squeeze the brain out!


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Thanks redman for the sig!

08/15/2014 02:05 AM (UTC)
Nrs should just hand her over to JR. He has too much passion for her to mess her up.
08/15/2014 02:08 AM (UTC)
ErmackDaddy Wrote:
Nrs should just hand her over to JR. He has too much passion for her to mess her up.

Apparently not passionate enough! Did you even notice my second Fatality idea? LAME!
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Thanks redman for the sig!

08/15/2014 02:09 AM (UTC)
You'd think of something lol.
08/15/2014 04:29 AM (UTC)
I thought my fatality idea would be great

1- tanya does the canon drill and in slow motion she penetrates through the victims stomach.

2- when she penetrates through, she grabs the victims intestines and holds it until she finishes the canon drill 10 feet away making the intestine stretch like a string across the screen.

I don't know how to finish it or it needs more.

or maybe:

1-Tanya does a handstand on the victims shoulders and the does a split in the air.

2-when she does the split in the air, she twists the victims neck, like sonya in MK4,

then while still in the air she kisses the victim, spider man style, and gets down.

she slowly walks away while the victim starts twisting in gory pain.

08/15/2014 08:50 AM (UTC)
I like the last idea, because it fits her really good. Good fatalities doesn't need lot's of blood and gore. I liked Hotarus Neck Twister fatality in MKD. Pure and effectiv.
08/15/2014 05:52 PM (UTC)
At the end of the day, they can do whatever they want. I just want TANYA to be a KONFIRMED PLAYABLE karakter in the roster. The MK team needs to just save one roster slot for Tanya. That's it.
08/21/2014 07:43 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
At the end of the day, they can do whatever they want. I just want TANYA to be a KONFIRMED PLAYABLE karakter in the roster. The MK team needs to just save one roster slot for Tanya. That's it.

I'm pretty sure she'll be back in this game. I mean, Boon has tweeted before about how she almost was made DLC in MK9. But was scrapped for Kenshi

Plus he tweeted this last year in December:


He wants to bring back Tanya over Havik and Bo Rai Cho XD
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-sig by MINION

08/21/2014 08:46 AM (UTC)
I still think Tanya has a good chance, probably the best chance of any MK4 character outside of Quan Chi. I find that she was the only reoccurring MK4 outside of Quan Chi until MKA to be very telling.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/21/2014 07:57 PM (UTC)
I hope so because my faith is beginning to dwindle what with returning character spots being limited. I know Boon stated the 24 character slot is not the final build but...that doesn't stop the fear I have of Tanya not making it in.

08/21/2014 08:00 PM (UTC)
I'm not getting excited or losing hope until we get some kind of confirmation whether or not Tanya will be in. I'd like for her to be in, but I am not going to hype myself up about it. Sure, I will be disappointed if she doesn't make it, but I won't be completely devastated to the point of hating Boon or NRS about it and not wanting to buy the game because of it.

Cautious optimism. ^^
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-sig by MINION

08/21/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
I think if she's not in the proper roster she'll be DLC. Apparently she was almost DLC for MK9, yes? I would've preferred her over Skarlet and Kenshi.
08/21/2014 08:18 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I think if she's not in the proper roster she'll be DLC. Apparently she was almost DLC for MK9, yes? I would've preferred her over Skarlet and Kenshi.

I'd rather she took Freddy's place instead, as he had no place in MK9. I'd have loved to see Tanya in that game... but hopefully NRS will make up for it by putting her in MKX. ^^
08/21/2014 09:29 PM (UTC)
Every time a new character is announced and is not Tanya, I loose hope that she will be in the game.

Even though there is many rumors that she will be in the game and she is highly requested, that doesn't guarantee that she Will.

I already have my Raiden, Hoping for her to make it as well and I will be very happy.

I keep having this dreams that she will be announced soon. I hope that is a good sign
About Me

-sig by MINION

08/21/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
Actually the thing that might keep Tanya out is her gender. Fighting games seem to want to avoid having too many women on the roster unless they're going in the complete opposite direction and have all girls.

Since we really only have D'Vorah and Cassie I still have a lot of hope for Tanya but when/if they start revealing other new girls......
08/22/2014 11:47 PM (UTC)
I like Tanya. I do.

I just don't get all this hype. She's pretty blah and boring. She was just sorta there in Deception and MKA. I'd LOVE to see her back, but give her some personality please!!! Loved her in MK4.

08/23/2014 01:04 AM (UTC)

I think Tanya has a pretty good chance of making the cut. She has a good cult following, as it is evident on here, and I think NRS is aware. She had a cameo in the last game and she was almost DLC. I would have rather had her over Skarlet or Freddy. Kenshi has always been pretty badass. He's one of the very few MKD-MKA characters that doesn't completely suck.

08/23/2014 04:26 PM (UTC)
If she doesn't make the main roster, she'll be DLC. I know it in my heart!

I just hope we get some story progression for her and understand her motivations/background a little better. She has soooo much potential!
08/23/2014 04:33 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

She had a cameo in the last game

She did??? Where? I need to go back and look!
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