02/25/2010 07:55 PM (UTC)
well with mk9 it will be about 6 trys. so im hoping that it will be good. but i know it probably wont.

and mk is not realistic, the digitalized graphics were, not the gameplay. if it was weapons would have killed people with 2 strikes. lol

so just make realistic 3d graphics with 2d gameplay for mk9-mk???.

dont we have the technology to do that????

and who would ever thought that digitalized graphics would look ok in a 2d fighter.

i think they should give 2.5 it a chance, just one at least.

About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
02/25/2010 08:01 PM (UTC)
The perfect MK would simply have 'perfect' gameplay and a great story. All of this stuff everyone is listing would add to the overall package but the gameplay and the story are the core of the game. Without them being good, you can add as much filler as you want and it will still never be great.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I think the perfect Mortal Kombat game would be ninja Smoke fighting nazis.
In space

Count me in, bro!
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

02/25/2010 08:30 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
mk sucks to the hardcore fighting game fan. just go ask them if you dont believe me.

and everybody copied st2 because it made alot of money. even vf copied, but they made a 3d game instead. sega wanted something to compete with it, thus the creation of vf and other 2d and 3d games. SF OWNS.

now mk is a GREAT alternative to sf anime book style, deep technical style, and non blood type of gameplay.

but only in 2d. because the game was faster man. in 2d you can get away with gimmicky gameplay. 3d is meant to be realistic, thats why none of them have special moves. they are trying emulate real life. mk never tried to copy real life in GAMEPLAY.

imagine if super smash bros went 3d??? it would SUCK THE FUN out of it. thats all im saying, MK IS NOT AS FUN AS IT USED TO BE. so im trying to make it for casual gamers and pro gamers.

i know mk should not be DIRECT COPY OF SF. but i like how casual fans and pro fans can enjoy the sf games.

and the nostagic stuff is all one big opinion, where is the proof???

my music examples are facts.

and sf2 is a classic legendary 2d game, so stop with the nostalgic stuff.

just admit that SOME things were better back then. some were not. like 80's hairstyles and clothes. im not a stuck in the past freak. im equal and i tell the truth.

another example: look at star wars movies. old one was good with limited technology, new ones had better technology, but not as good. not just my opinion. just ask an average star wars fan.

Alright, this is real simple:

Why people hated MK back then:

1) Because they thought it ripped off Street Fighter
2) They thought that it got famous on the blood gimmick
3) The gameplay, while good in MK1/MK2, wasn't up to the standards of SF
4) Dial a combos almost eliminated the casual fan base.

Why people hate MK now:

1) Because they think it's a rip off of VF and Soul Calibur
2) Because they think it's trying to live off of violence that was cool 15 years ago.
3) The gameplay, while solid, isn't up to the standards of Virtua Fighter or Soul Calibur.
4) Dial a combos almost elminated the casual fan base.

See, this is the problem. MK messed up when they went 3D by putting in the dial a combos ala MK3. If they had put in a simpler combo system that's similar to Dead or Alive "you know, punch punch punch kick kick" instead of "A, B, X, A, L, Y, X, L, A, A" and then simply incorporated special moves, it would've worked just fine.

Also, again... You keep supporting your opinions with opinions. You can't say that 2D is better because faster is better. I don't grant that premise. Faster is better TO YOU. How many languages do I have to put that in!?

I like a fightin game that's slower and more methodical. Where you have to think more and plan out your moves, not some twitch crap where any moron with a controller can bash buttons and be successful.

I know, Street Fighter is more than that. But to me, Street Fighter, with it's limited moves and animations, is just way too simple for me because it came from an era of simpler gaming.

To me, the genre has grown. You can still have your moves be easy to do, but you can add tons of more depth. Soul Calibur is a great example of what I'm talking about. The combos are simple and the moves are easy to pull off, but there's a ton of depth in the fighting system for advanced players so that while yes, you can get by pressing buttons, you'll still get owned by people that know the characters.

I'm not saying that MK should have Soul Calibur's style of fighting. Far from it. I'm saying that type of accessibility would be great for ANY fighting game. So that fights will feel fast when you get in to it with someone that knows their stuff. It's more strategic because there's more depth.

Keep your sprites and your old school 2D stuff. It was great back then but games have grown since then.

Also, of course some things were better back then, and some things were worse. I have no idea why you keep talking about music and stuff, because that's all irrelevant to this conversation (and subjective. Sorry, but the amount of good things, especially music, that came out of the 80's are so small, their very existence is in question).

Star Wars? Yes, the old movies were better. But it has nothing to do with the technology and everything to do with the fact that George Lucas made 3 good movies back then and made 3 crappy movies now. Bad casting, bad acting, horrifically bad dialog and lame plotting brought down the last 3 Star Wars films. The fact that the technology looked better is actually about the only thing these movies had going for them to begin with!

But we're talking about video games, which is an industry that continues to advance in technology, storytelling, animation, etc. They can make the most beautiful 2D game like BlazBlue and it's still going to be a relic of a bygone era because ya know what? It is.

As I said, there's a reason why all of those companies that made 2D fighters in the 90's aren't still churning out sequels... It's because 2D fighting games are a thing of the past and the MK team knew that's where things were heading at the end of the 90's and why MK4 went 3D.

Oh, and you can put MK is not as fun as it used to be in caps if you want, that doesn't change the fact that it's still your opinion and not everyone agrees with you.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
tk6 did not sale well because it's its the same ole 3d. its not exciting anymore. they changed a few things but not that much. keep making excuses, just admit 2d is classic and can sell just as well or better than 3d. you guys think 3d is so much advanced but its really not.

and tekken is not failing because same ole fighters. they update them every game. plus they added like 7 new fighters, if you had not got tkdr.

just give next gen 2d a chance. we gave that 3d junk a chance(5 times). i remember when i bought mkd. and i played it and it was stiff garbage.

sf4 proved that a 2d fighter could translate to next gen gaming well without having to go 3d. yes that is a fact.

and mk does not just suck to me, go out and ask fighting game fans.they will tell you that it sucks in 3d. and all that time sf had been off, mk could have stole the spotlight, but nope they were to busy making sorry 3d games.

Oh my God, how do you go through life with such a slanted opinion on things? Are you a lawyer? You keep connecting dots that shouldn't be connected.

You say that Tekken suffered in sales because it's the same old 3D. What the hell does the game being 3D have to do with ANYTHING!?!? It suffered in sales because, like I said, it offered stale gameplay. If it was a 2D fighting game, A) it would be stale simply because it's 2D and B) It would be stale because it had stale gameplay.

Yes, they add new fighters to the game but after 6 games, most of which play like Tekken 3, you're bound to get stale if you keep doing the same ideas over and over again. That's just the nature of video games.

You seem to want MK to go back to it's old glory days, but you know what? If MK had kept churning out sequels that were 2D, added seven new characters each game, featured the same gameplay etc... That series would be DEAD by now because it's the same crap over and over again.

No one on the MK team is going to give 2D a chance. Get over it man. They were 2D for several games and then the 2D genre dried up and MK went 3D. If it hadn't, it would be a memory right now.

Yes, MKD was stiff, but MK vs DC was less stiff and I'm hoping that with the next game they'll continue to improve on that. You have to keep in mind that they basically had to reinvent the series for 3D and a team that made 2D games for so long had a difficult time transitioning to 3D. They'll get there though.

I honestly think that there's a system out there where simple but enging combos, throws, unique attacks and special moves can all come together and form a good 3D, uniquely MK experience.

To me, that dream is a lot more realistic than simply hoping that MK will return to a dead era. Sorry man, video games don't do that. Resident Evil will never have tank controls again. Side scrollers like Streets of Rage will never dominate sales charts. RPGs will never be text only anymore.

There are those niche games that come out every so often. While Mario games will be 3D, you'll still get a game like New Super Mario Bros. Even though 3D fighters have gone far beyond what 2D is capable of, you'll see a game like Blazblue come out every now and then.

And that's fine. I like JRPGs like Lost Odyssey. But at the same time I recognize that they're few and far between because the genre has advanced beyond that turn based style of fighting.

You keep thinking that MK has tried the future and you didn't like the results, so MK should go back to the past. You know what happens when you go back to the past? You either become nostalgia, which doesn't last, or you become niche. You become small market. Or you just flat out die.

Street Fighter 4 proved that people still like Street Fighter after not having played Street Fighter for 8 years. That's the only fact that I see. Just because Capcom made a great 2D fighter doesn't mean MK should follow suit.

Let the MK team blaze their own trail and figure out where to go next. I'd rather they do that than simply follow in other games' foot steps.
02/25/2010 09:37 PM (UTC)
why do you keep trying to take street fighter 4 sucess away. you just want to see it your way. i have never seen people argue with facts like you do. $F4 SOLD well. NO EXCUSES. who cares if IT WAS nostagia(not proven). nobody would care what the reason was if it had failed. you would just be saying "see i told ya 2d is outdated......."

the only reason that you and many people still come on this mk site is "nostalgia", oh i forgot mk has been relevant in the past 4 years. *cough* yeah right.

i meant tk6 had the same 3d game play and they added the bound system.....

2d is classic buddy. if you knew the POWER of the word classic, you would give 2.5 at least one chance.

and stop talking about mgs and resident evil series. im only talking about fighting games from the 90's should be 2.5. only fighting games.

guilty gear and bb have never been popular, even in the 90's, so thats not a good point.

go do a survey if you think mk fans and fighting game fans still love mk as 3d.
02/25/2010 09:55 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
man just look at the sig. im tired of fighting this battle. iv explained myself like 10 billion times. so no need to do it here. but yeah i think it should be 2d with 3d backgrounds. no side step movement.

mk needs to stay mk(2d), and stop trying to be(3d) vf5 and tk6.

Since I do not feel that another thread needs to see some pathetic argument about 2d, I'll post this comment on here since this disagreement is still hot.

Baraka's one argument to you stuck out like that, and I want to see if I can end this...He mentioned that you back your opinions with more opinions, and why I posted your comment you mentioned on a different thread is why I'm saying this.

The only reason you continuously "fight this battle," is because you cannot let one person's opinion go. It's their choice, whether you want to agree with them or not. And no matter how many times someone say, "It's my opinion," you cannot let that go because they're not agreeing with you. With my opinion, I do not feel that the game should go back into the 2d concept, but because I say that, and you have this habit of trying to get me or anyone who disagrees to change their opinion, you'll fight back until you get what you want.

And stretching the truth is just dumb, you've only complained about the issue in two different threads... that's not 10 billion times, that's like... 6.

So, with that said, if you're tired of fighting whatever battle there is, then stop whining when someone disagrees with your opinion, stop rubbing your opinions in their faces and calling them facts when they're not, and just accept that there are users on this site who will not agree you with certain things.
02/25/2010 09:57 PM (UTC)
1) I'd want the gameplay to have more speed but with easier buttons where any combination can be made with different moves.
2) Characters should at least have 1 fatality that has some form of sexual humor.
3) NO MORE GLITCHES!!! That is just annoying.
4) Fatalities should be easier to perform.
5) Mileena and Jade should be in the game with nasty fatalities.
6) A more interesting storyline with good twists.
7) It should have realistic graphics. So real that when an enemy explodes, the entire anatomy of his body is shown all over the place and not just a chunk of salsa.
8) Characters should curse like real people would in fights.
9) There should be a sadistic female nympho character in the game.
10) We need a homosexual male character or a transexual male to female character. (Not trying to be funny.)
11) A way better Create a Character Mode with a variety of customization options.

02/25/2010 10:09 PM (UTC)
I didn't think any of the ideas of people's "perfect" mortal kombat would make me DREAD WB making a game by taking some of the ideas off of here, but you just nailed it. Congratulations buddy.

Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
1) I'd want the gameplay to have more speed but with easier buttons where any combination can be made with different moves.
2) Characters should at least have 1 fatality that has some form of sexual humor.
3) NO MORE GLITCHES!!! That is just annoying.
4) Fatalities should be easier to perform.
5) Mileena and Jade should be in the game with nasty fatalities.
6) A more interesting storyline with good twists.
7) It should have realistic graphics. So real that when an enemy explodes, the entire anatomy of his body is shown all over the place and not just a chunk of salsa.
8) Characters should curse like real people would in fights.
9) There should be a sadistic female nympho character in the game.
10) We need a homosexual male character or a transexual male to female character. (Not trying to be funny.)

11) A way better Create a Character Mode with a variety of customization options.

02/25/2010 10:14 PM (UTC)
whoa ive turned "icy"baby to "spicy"baby. lol you make sure you track my every move like a heat seeking missle. why keep messing with me when im clearly not talking to you. why do you want to start with me so bad. lol

none of us will agree so leave me alone, just post your perfect game. i thought we already had got passed that.....

About Me

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

02/25/2010 10:53 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
why do you keep trying to take street fighter 4 sucess away. you just want to see it your way. i have never seen people argue with facts like you do. $F4 SOLD well. NO EXCUSES. who cares if IT WAS nostagia(not proven). nobody would care what the reason was if it had failed. you would just be saying "see i told ya 2d is outdated......."

the only reason that you and many people still come on this mk site is "nostalgia", oh i forgot mk has been relevant in the past 4 years. *cough* yeah right.

i meant tk6 had the same 3d game play and they added the bound system.....

2d is classic buddy. if you knew the POWER of the word classic, you would give 2.5 at least one chance.

and stop talking about mgs and resident evil series. im only talking about fighting games from the 90's should be 2.5. only fighting games.

guilty gear and bb have never been popular, even in the 90's, so thats not a good point.

go do a survey if you think mk fans and fighting game fans still love mk as 3d.

Dude, you make me tired.

We'll never agree, and the more I try to keep coming at you with facts or revealing your "facts" for what they really are (opinions, slanted views, half truths or flat out bullshit), the more you'll just come back at me with more of the same. It's pointless.

The term "Classic" holds true for cars, art and literature. It doesn't hold true for video games. I love MK1 and MK2 for what they were way back when. I play games like New Super Mario Bros for the nostalgia factor. That doesn't mean I have to want the next big game in theither of those series to be 2D.

To me, video games have gone past that point. Fighting games are capable of so much more now. But you don't want any newer stuff, you want the same old crap that's been done to death.

You know what? To each, his own.

I brought up Resident Evil's tank controls to illustrate the fact that video games evolve over time, but you don't even listen, so what the hell's the point in trying to have a converstation with you? It's really like talking to a brick wall.

You keep saying that I shouldn't dismiss SF4, but while I can't prove that nostalgia helped sell copies, you can't prove that it didn't. Here's one way of looking at it though:

You really think that if SF4 had completely different characters and a different name that it would've sold half as well? No, it wouldn't and if you think it would have then you're delusional.

I know, you'll disregard that comment completely. But what I meant is that you keep holding up SF4 as this shining example of MK should be but here's the thing, just because SF did it and it worked, doesn't mean it will work for MK.

So in that vein, give me ONE more example of a highly successful 2D fighting franchise currently on the market today. Tell me ONE... Just ONE and I'll stop assuming that half of SF4's success came from nostalgia and the fact that a new SF game hadn't come out in over 8 years.

Oh, and don't presume to know why I come on here. You don't know me at all. I've liked MK since the first one was in arcades and I was first in line when MKvsDC came out. So don't tell me I'm here for nostalgia.

And I've seen a LOT of the fans on here for a LONG time. People like Razor, TGrant, Icebaby etc... These people loved MK back then, but they also love what MK is now. I know this by the many posts of theirs that I've read over the years. That's why they keep coming back.

See? You might not recognize what I'm doing there. It's called arguing with facts. You should try it some time.

I don't mind that we disagree. Hell, I used to even feel the way you did until I played MK:DA, MK:D, MK:A and MKvsDC more and saw more of the good parts in them.

Oh well, like I said, to each, his own. You like what you like and I like what I like. No problem.
02/25/2010 11:04 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
whoa ive turned "icy"baby to "spicy"baby. lol you make sure you track my every move like a heat seeking missle. why keep messing with me when im clearly not talking to you. why do you want to start with me so bad. lol

none of us will agree so leave me alone, just post your perfect game. i thought we already had got passed that.....

I'm not "tracking" you. I didn't want to start another stupid disagreement debate on a third thread so I moved that statement of yours onto here, since you so did not read why I did so. I did post my perfect game, Einstein, you were too busy trying to shove your opinions you think are facts into another user's face, that's why you missed it.

And my user's name is ICEbaby... not Icybaby...???

And, if you continue to say, "none of us are going to agree," then why do you keep lashing out at Baraka, myself, or anyone who disagrees with the fact that 2d sucked or whatever? They mentioned it once yet you jumped on them... Or do you just don't want to accept that you basically started the battles because you're too pepped up on how MK should go back to 2d when it never will?
02/25/2010 11:12 PM (UTC)
you dont have facts. you have good points. its still speculation. and just because some people on here still like or think 3d mk is better. 3d mk does not account for the other million. just like my opinions dont.

and it sounds like you are only worried about sales of mk not about good gameplay like i am. "with that 2d wont sale stuff and sf4 is the only 2d game selling."

if gg can survive while not being popular in 90's and 2000 so can mk. how do i know they are surving, well they brought out bb and bringing out bbcs.
and if companies bring out sequels, the game sold pretty good.

and tell me one game that turned from 2d to 3d that is doing good in terms of gameplay.

i can argue the only reason people buy mk is because they really want that old 2d. just admit it, you have craving for it. lol just kidding.
and isnt video games a form of art. to say if sf4 came out with diff fighters it wouldnt sale is an opinion. see thats what im talking about. you make good points but no facts. you have no way of knowing if it would sold or not.
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02/26/2010 06:14 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
you dont have facts. you have good points. its still speculation. and just because some people on here still like or think 3d mk is better. 3d mk does not account for the other million. just like my opinions dont.

and it sounds like you are only worried about sales of mk not about good gameplay like i am. "with that 2d wont sale stuff and sf4 is the only 2d game selling."

if gg can survive while not being popular in 90's and 2000 so can mk. how do i know they are surving, well they brought out bb and bringing out bbcs.
and if companies bring out sequels, the game sold pretty good.

and tell me one game that turned from 2d to 3d that is doing good in terms of gameplay.

i can argue the only reason people buy mk is because they really want that old 2d. just admit it, you have craving for it. lol just kidding.

and isnt video games a form of art.

to say if sf4 came out with diff fighters it wouldnt sale is an opinion. see thats what im talking about. you make good points but no facts. you have no way of knowing if it would sold or not.

So wait, you can just say things like "the casual fan doesn't like..." blah blah blah, but when I say something that makes perfect sense like "if SF4 had no SF characters and no affiliation with SF, it wouldn't have sold as well" but thats.... Oh that's too bold for you, huh?

You want facts? I'll give you facts. Straight from my post in the other thread:

Street Fighter EX and EX2 were 3D: IGN gave them an 8.5 and an 8 respectively. EX3, the one you're probably thinking about was at the laungh of the PS2. It was described by IGN as "rushed, uninspired, and downright mediocre." That's a quote directly from their review.

Nowhere in those words is that an indictment of SF being in 3D. It's in indictment of the team making the game. To me, that's pretty typical of a launch game, but honestly? I played EX3 and I thought it was decent.

But still, 2 out of the 3 in the EX series were good games. That was right about the time that the 2D version went in to hiding basically, and we didn't see it for several years.

King of Fighters 2006: Official Playstation Magazine gave it a 4 out of 5 and 1up.com gave it an 8 out of 10 (before it went to the dumb system they have now). But still, the Gamestats average score is a 7.0. So I'll grant you that it was average but not "an abomination." as your nation of pro gamers or casual gamers or whoever your attributing your opinion to might thinkg of it as being.

Personally, I always saw KoF as average to begin with, so that doesn't overly surprise me. That was one series that I never really got in to.

Mortal Kombat 4: Gamespot gave it an 8.6, IGN gave it an 8.0 and Gamepro gave it an 4.5 out of 5. This is the Playstation version I'm talking about.

MK Gold on the Dreamcast was released to mediocre reviews because it was a rehash of a game that had been released on prior generation systems over a year before and the graphics looked hideous in general, but especially so when compared to Soul Calibur, which was also a launch title for the Dreamcast.

MK:DA: Averaged a hard eight on Gamestats, with only 3 of the 16 scores provided going for lower than an 8 out of 10. That's not bad for the first real 3D MK.

After three more games, MKD, which was basically fan service, MKA which was basically MK Trilogy part 2 and MKvsDC, we've seen the MK team try new ideas to varying rates of success, but they've gradually moved away from the complicated dial a combo strings and they've settled in more recently on a system that incorporates smaller combos mixed with special moves. The last game had a great number of special moves, I think.

To me, MKvsDC, while still slightly lacking in the graphics dept and still a bit lean in the gameplay was none the less another step in the right direction... MInus the running through walls, the rock em sock em close kombat and the free fall kombat.

So I dunno man, I think that MK would benefit from going a little more in the 3D direction as far as giving characters unique regular moves, but the blood, the special moves and everything else that makes a fighting game MK obviously isn't going anywhere either, so I think that we could potentially be headed for a better balance and hopefully a better game.

I don't think that 2D MK works in 3D, but I think that if you add the right amount of 3D fighter elements to MK, you could have a really nice balance that pleases both 2D and 3D enthusiasts. It's a unique problem to have for the MK team, to be sure, but the reason why all of those other 2D fighters' companies don't have this problem is because 2D fighters barely get made anymore. Many of them died out in the 90's.

I honestly think that MK had stayed flat 2D, they'd be lying on the scrap heap with Eternal Champions, Weaponlord, Blood Storm, Fighters Destiny, King of FIghters, Samurai Shodown, Dark Stalkers and all the other also-rans of that era.

Still though, I don't fault you for wanting 2D anymore than you'd fault me for wanting 3D. I just hope we can get a good mix of the two so everyone's happy.

I should also add that King of Fighters, MK and the EX games are about the only 2D fighters to try to transition to 3D. Most other 2D fighting game series died off in the 90's with the 2D fighter genre. Yes, one company makes Guilty Gear and Blazblue. One company caters to that niche market.

If that doesn't tell you a genre is just about as dead as can be, I don't know what will. But hey, if you want MK to go down that road, to blaze that trail to the bargain bin, well, that's your call.

Now... Where's your back up? Cmon, produce some evidence that you have done your research on this subject. Give me the big list of pro gamers or casual gamers that you've talked about in virtually every post. Show me some evidence, or are you finally ready to admit that you simply support your opinions with more of your own opinons and that your arguments are based on half truths and BS?

I've given you names of people on this site that prefer MK to stay in 3D (nevermind the concept that MK has been in 3D for over TEN YEARS and you'd think that if people here really hated 3D MK they wouldn't be here anymore). I've told you how well recent MK games have sold (MKvsDC sold over 2 million copies, MK Armageddon sold well over a million) but you just said that I cared about the money.

Well, I care about it because A) I'd like MK to be popular and if a game sells well, it tends to reason that it's popular and B) I want more games to get made and how many copies a game sells tends to have something to do with that as well.

But regardless, you said that you care about gameplay. Alright, here's some more knowledge, just for you. Bear in mind that this is only MKA:

2006: Mortal Kombat franchise takes home Spike TV's Video Game Award for Best Fighting Game of the Year for Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

IGN.com awarded Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Best Fighting Game of the Year 2006

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon has received a number of awards, nominations and top review scores including IGN.com's Editors' Choice Award, 9 out of 10 from GamesRadar.com, 4.5 out of 5 from GameDaily, 9 out of 10 from Official Xbox Magazine and many more

1up.com nominated Mortal Kombat: Armageddon for Best Fighting Game of the Year 2006

So... If all of these places thought that MKA was a good game and it got good review scores (not to mention the stuff I already said about MK4, MK:DA and MKvsDC)... Wouldn't that go to reason that all of these MANY places thought the gameplay was good??

Well? Where's your army of like minded thinkers now? Let's see that survey. Let's see that list of pro gamers.

Last time: I don't mind that we have a differing opinion. But you've ignored my logic and you've ignored my facts. You support your opinions with more opinions, half truths, slanted viewpoints and general BS. Until you decide to bring anything real or factual to this conversation that backs up all of your wild assertions like 3D fighting is the past, fans don't want MK to be in 3D, pro gamers want MK to be in 2D etc... Then this converasation is over.

You might be a nice person, so I'm not going to yell or berate you or anything like that. It's not my style, really. So why don't we just agree to disagree about this one topic, and just not talk about it anymore, hmm?
02/26/2010 03:39 PM (UTC)
1.- Balanced and fun gameplay.
2.- Amazing new storyline and fresh character development.
3.- Great Iconic classics and memorable newer characters.
4.- MORE replay value.
5.- A new fun Konquest mode like in MKA+MKD.
6.- Something similar to the krypt or vault (special pics, movies, trivia, fun stuff).
7.- A new amazing story mode like in MKvsDC.
8.- 3 Fatalities per character.
9.- Pit Fatalities.
10.- Sonya (Yay! grin)
11.- New interesting fight modes to make battles more challenging.
12.- Classic music remastered.
13.- MOVIE endings once and for all.

I'll add more later.
02/26/2010 07:18 PM (UTC)
man just because you awards dont mean shit. mk sucks to people who know fighting games. like pro gamers at evo torunament. cant argue with that fact. they vote the games in buddy. and mk has never made it, and 3d mk is never gonna make it. mkvsdc didnt make so if thats the best 3d mk , it still sucks.

soul caibur, tekken, virtua fighter are 3d games that make it. because they dont suck.

and stop following people just because they work for big name companies or this awrds show. talk to pro gamers or watch what they play at evo tournaments.

Evolution 2009 Winners
July 24th, 2009 by MrWizard
Ladies and gentlemen, here are your Evo2k9 winners:

Street Fighter IV
1) Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
2) Justin Wong (Rufus, Balrog, Abel)
3) Ed Ma (Akuma, Zangief)
4) Sanford “Santhrax” Kelly (Akuma, Cammy)
5) Long “ShadyK” Tran (Akuma)
5) Eduardo “Vvv scrub” Perez-frangie (Balrog, E.Honda)
7) Takashi “Dan from Japan” Hukushi (Ryu)
7) Ricky Ortiz (Rufus)

SSF2T HD Remix
1) Hung “Afro Legends” Nguyen (Balrog, Dee Jay)
2) John Choi (Ryu)
3) Damien “Damdai” Dailidenas (Ken, Zangief)
4) Graham Wolfe (Balrog)
5) David Sirlin (Fei Long, Cammy, M.Bison)
5) Louis “Thelo” Paquin (E.Honda)
7) Alex “CaliPower” Valle (Ryu)
7) Alex “Sin” Salguero (Dhalsim)

Marvel vs Capcom 2
1) Sanford “Santhrax” Kelly
2) Justin Wong
3) Michael “IFC Yipes” Mendoza
4) Bill “Deus” Wellman
5) Marc “Madbooface” Ansay
5) SooMighty (Magneto/Storm/Psylocke)
7) Jay “Ytwojay” Son (Magneto/Storm/Psylocke)
7) Erik “SmoothViper” Arroyo

SF3 3rd Strike 2-on-2 Teams
1) Justin Wong (Chun Li) and Issei Suzuki (Yun)
2) Jimmy “Emphynaps” Tran (Urien) and Rommel (Yang)
3) Mark “Mopreme” Rogoyski (Ryu) and Ryan “Fubarduck” Harvey (Chun Li)
4) Alex “CaliPower” Valle (Ken) and J.R. Rodriguez (Akuma)
5) Lee Cephas (Dudley) and Starboy (Ken)
5) Amir (Chun Li) and Thomas (Ibuki)
7) Mike “Mike Z” Zaimont (Makoto) and Sanchez (Alex)
7) Hsien Chang (Yun) and Ricky Ortiz (Chun Li)

Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core Plus
1) Latif (Eddie)
2) Marn (Eddie, Jam)
3) FlashMetroid (May)
4) Hellmonkey (Baiken)
5) Elvenshadow (Faust)
5) Senkei (Faust)
7) Wuku (Testament)
7) Joe Higashi (Chipp)

Soul Calibur 4
1) malek (Ivy)
2) KDZaster (Cassandra, Astaroth)
3) thugish_pond (Amy, Hilde)
4) Ceirnian (Hilde)
5) Omega (Zasalamel, Nightmare)
5) RTD (Hilde)
7) AlphaMale (Voldo)
7) Dreamkiller (Amy)

only soul caibur made it, and for 2010 only tk6 made it. american and japanese players compete. they also vote the best 2d and 3d games in that they want to play. evo is the biggest fighting game tournament.

and you see 3rd strike, it didnt sale to casuals, but pro gamers reconized it as one of the best fighting games ever. see pro dont care about story,characters and gimmicks, they only care about gameplay. so thats why no 2d to 3d game ever gets in because the 2d to 3d 3d games suck in terms of gameplay.

and ive read where capcom is going to stick with 2.5 games for the future. just like sf4 and capcom vs tatsunoko, which did sale good on the wii. street fighter 4 just might be a trend setter just like with sf2. capcom is just advanced thats all. from eventhubs.com

tournament list from evo2k.com.

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02/26/2010 08:01 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
man just because you awards dont mean shit. mk sucks to people who know fighting games. like pro gamers at evo torunament. cant argue with that fact. they vote the games in buddy. and mk has never made it, and 3d mk is never gonna make it. mkvsdc didnt make so if thats the best 3d mk , it still sucks.

soul caibur, tekken, virtua fighter are 3d games that make it. because they dont suck.

and stop following people just because they work for big name companies or this awrds show. talk to pro gamers or watch what they play at evo tournaments.

THAT'S NOT A FACT!! Just because they don't play 3D MK at a tournament doesn't mean all of the players in the tournament think it sucks. Oh my God what freakin planet are you from!?!?!?!?

You and I clearly look at video games differently. You name all of these players that were at a tournament and then draw the conclusion that because they're not playing MK, that they all hate MK and that they think it sucks.

1. Just because they don't vote for it, doesn't mean they don't like it.
2. You don't know what they voted for. You only know what they played.

See, this is where you and I diverge. I look at review scores, WHICH TAKE GAMEPLAY in to account as a basis for what to buy. I never bought MK Special Forces because the review scores for it were awful. So I'm not some drooling fanboy that will buy anything because it has a dragon logo on it.

You seem to think that pro gamers are the be all / end all in terms of what games are good. Forget about awards, which are voted on by CRITICS and DEVELOPERS, forget about REVIEW SCORES... Because Bigsyke has a list of gamers from a tournament.

Oh, and I looked over that website you gave and I particularly enjoyed the thread about how this tournament is oriented towards 2D games. It's in the forum section which is actually called Shoryuken.com if that gives you any indication of what this tournament is geared toward.


Now, I know to you that will simply mean that 2D games are better or some such garbage. But it actually means that there's a bias in this tournament for 2D fighting games. That doesn't make 2D games better, it just means that the people that enter this tournament favor 2D games.

Again, let me repeat that so you can get this between your ears:

It's a tournament CREATED FOR PEOPLE THAT LIKE 2D GAMES. That does NOT equate to "pro gamers like 2D games." THESE pro gamers are playing in this tournament that favors 2D games.

3D MK doesn't suck. If it sells a ton, that means that people are buying it and if it gets good review scores that means that critics like it. I don't give a flying you know what about what 2D loving pro gamers that play in a tournament that's geared toward 2D games think of 3D Mortal Kombat.

Stop trying to tell me that I shouldn't like what I like or that I shouldn't listen to critics, review scores, sales numbers or MY OWN DAMN TASTE IN VIDEO GAMES. I don't agree with you and your producing a list of gamers that YOU DON'T KNOW, that you've NEVER TALKED TO about MK and are playing in a tournament GEARED towards 2D fighting games WILL NOT GET ME TO CHANGE MY MIND.

Seriously man, you need to leave me alone. Your arguments are terrible, they're not based on facts, you support your opinions with opinions, half truths, slanted viewpoints or flat out BS. You're easily one of the worst posters I've seen on this site in years.
02/26/2010 08:07 PM (UTC)
I enjoy the fact that he continues to think he knows what pro gamers like when he considered himself that he's not a pro gamer. Like he really knows what people like and don't like just because apparent opinions are facts all of a sudden. Hilarious.
02/26/2010 08:32 PM (UTC)
This whole thread is pretty much testament as to why I quit debating personal preferences on this site years ago. MK is a different style of fighting game. You either like it or you don't. The fact that "hardcore fighting fans" or "professional" gamers don't play it, but only play Tekken, VF, or Soul Calibur (which in and of themselves are pretty much clones of eachother if you think about it, MK is the only one that really stands out) doesn't mean MK "sucks". Like I said, debating personal preferences is pointless.
"Hardcore fighting fans" or "professional" gamers are usually full of themselves anyways, taking their own personal preferances or opinions as "fact".
It's just a game.
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02/26/2010 08:37 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I enjoy the fact that he continues to think he knows what pro gamers like when he considered himself that he's not a pro gamer. Like he really knows what people like and don't like just because apparent opinions are facts all of a sudden. Hilarious.

Honest to God, Icebaby... I've been on here since before MK:DA came out, back when it was called MK5.org.

I remember several people that would troll on this board, picking fights, starting pointless arguments or cussing constantly, using ethnic slurs etc.

All of those guys were less annoying than Bigsyke. I don't think that it's exaggerating to say that he's probably the worst poster I've ever run in to on this board.

Never have I encountered someone that changes their story, lies, tells half truths, gives extremely slanted opinions on facts and tries to pass his opinion off as fact more than Bigsyke. Every time I try to point out his BS, he simply restates it.

Baraka407 "you don't have the pulse of pro gamers, you dont' know any, you've never taken any survey, you've never even seen a pro gamer in person."

His response?

Bigsyke: "ask any pro gamer and they'll tell you that MK blah blah blah I'm mentally deficient."

Ya know... I saw him arguing with you and my troll detector was goin off and yet still.... Still I feel in to his troll trap. Apparently I'm still there.

Oh well. Eventually I'll ignore him, but I'm still just shocked at how absurd his opinion can be, who he pays attention to versus who he doesn't (pro gamers that he's never taked to entering a 2D oriented tournament versus game developers awards, critics and fans who buy the games)... I dunno, I'm just at a loss...
02/26/2010 08:43 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I enjoy the fact that he continues to think he knows what pro gamers like when he considered himself that he's not a pro gamer. Like he really knows what people like and don't like just because apparent opinions are facts all of a sudden. Hilarious.

Honest to God, Icebaby... I've been on here since before MK:DA came out, back when it was called MK5.org.

I remember a guy named Sektor17 or something like that who did NOTHING but post stuff about Sektor and how awesome he is. He'd post thread after thread bout Sektor.

THAT GUY was less annoying that Bigsyke. I don't think that it's exaggerating to say that he's probably the worst poster I've ever run in to on this board.

Never have I encountered someone that changes their story, lies, tells half truths and tries to pass his opinion off as fact more than Bigsyke. Every time I try to point out his BS, he simply restates it.

Baraka407 "you don't have the pulse of pro gamers, you dont' know any, you've never taken any survey, you've never even seen a pro gamer in person."

His response?

Bigsyke: "ask any pro gamer and they'll tell you that MK blah blah blah I'm mentally deficient."

Ya know... I saw him arguing with you and my troll detector was goin off and yet still.... Still I feel in to his troll trap. Apparently I'm still there.

Oh well. Eventually I'll ignore him, but I'm still just shocked at how absurd his opinion can be, who he pays attention to versus who he doesn't (pro gamers that he's never taked to entering a 2D oriented tournament versus game developers awards, critics and fans who buy the games)... I dunno, I'm just at a loss...

It's more down the lines to where if I see something that somewhat bothers me in a way, I write something back, whether or not it's feeding the troll. I hear you all the way though, I understand this argument between you and him/him and myself won't end unless HE feels that he won it... That's basically how it ends... Or a mod just sees the big mess and orders everyone to shut up and closes. I personally take your side because you back yourself with facts than opinions, and you don't ramble off onto another topic.
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

02/26/2010 08:56 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It's more down the lines to where if I see something that somewhat bothers me in a way, I write something back, whether or not it's feeding the troll. I hear you all the way though, I understand this argument between you and him/him and myself won't end unless HE feels that he won it... That's basically how it ends... Or a mod just sees the big mess and orders everyone to shut up and closes. I personally take your side because you back yourself with facts than opinions, and you don't ramble off onto another topic.

Well, that's much appreciated. Thanks. I do kind of feel bad for feeding the troll and doing so repeatedly. You're right though. It won't be over until he thinks he's won or until the mods close these threads.

I do tend to ramble sometimes in general, but as far as this topic goes, I kept trying to have a rational argument with someone who's views, opinons etc are all inherently irrational. That was a big mistake on my part and hopefully we can all just be done with it sooner rather than later.

Speaking of gong off topic... grin

Who is the next character in the character thread?
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02/26/2010 09:39 PM (UTC)
Hahaha. Sektor13 Was me. When i was young and stupid. ahaha. Very new to teh website.

I have asked mods to delete his existance as this is my name on my new computer. I wish i could forget my fanboy days. hahaha

sorry man.
02/26/2010 11:14 PM (UTC)
baraka just cant handle facts. now you wanna say evo is geared towards 2d. you want to see everything your way. slanting facts for your liking.

you are right mk does sale. 3rd strike did not. but 3rd strilke is better. because pros know gameplay. you still did not say anything about why 3rd strike did not sale but pros love it. casuals dont. because casuals dont know anything about gameplay, they only see story and gimmicks.

you have to dumb down your products for casual people for it will sell. or just make it like sf, they have casuals and pros.

everyone has learned by now that sales dont mean you have quality. its called being commerical or mainstream. like pop music. DUUH.

now baraka have you ever saw a movie that a critc said was bad, then you watched it, and you liked it. well the same thing can happen the other way around.

and they let 3d games in. pros love 3d games. just the ones from japanese companies that was FIRST 3d, not 2d to 3d.

and the pros said sf ex sucked, and they are sf fans. so stop trying to say they are bias.

pros dont care about mainstream cool junk. you see they had gg. pros know good gameplay. and just because im not a pro, does not mean i dont know what im talking about. i could have lied and said i was a pro, but why do that. im not trying make myself look better than people!!!!

stop acting like you have this right logic, when its still a guess or opinion, dont matter how good it connects. no facts.

lets end this discussion. we both will go our own ways thinking we are right. lets see if you can resit posting back to me. lol just kidding.

and sf4 outsold mkvsdc.
02/27/2010 01:49 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
and sf4 outsold mkvsdc.

Despite this is not directed to anyone but Baraka, this is your last statement. You also said that you want to end the debate. Well, if you're asking to end a debate, then don't put in the last two cents. Otherwise expect another thread proving you wrong or something. Even 5 year olds would know that.
02/27/2010 01:52 AM (UTC)
yeah they are strong opinions from people who know what the hell is going on.

and tekken and virtua fighter and soul calibur all feel very different. but they are the best of the 3d genre, just check ratings etc.....

mk does not need to be like any street fighter or tekken. but they do need to learn diff techniques that those games have. those games have set a STANDARD for fighting games, and mk has never been up to par. you can be current in gameplay without being like something else.

and mk goal is not to have deep fighting, so stick your ass to 3d. some dumb people who just dont get that. 3d has to be deep dummies. thats if you want good gameplay. look at soul calibur, easy to play and learn, but it has depth to it. ed boon and the mk team does not understand that.
and dumb casual fans keep buying it, so they are never going to change.

02/27/2010 05:17 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
yeah they are strong opinions from people who know what the hell is going on.

and tekken and virtua fighter and soul calibur all feel very different. but they are the best of the 3d genre, just check ratings etc.....

mk does not need to be like any street fighter or tekken. but they do need to learn diff techniques that those games have. those games have set a STANDARD for fighting games, and mk has never been up to par. you can be current in gameplay without being like something else.

and mk goal is not to have deep fighting, so stick your ass to 3d. some dumb people who just dont get that. 3d has to be deep dummies. thats if you want good gameplay. look at soul calibur, easy to play and learn, but it has depth to it. ed boon and the mk team does not understand that.
and dumb casual fans keep buying it, so they are never going to change.

Oh so now we're insulting people. Dude just fucking give up and shut up about the damn issue. You wanted to stop yet you keep whining when no one fucking cares anymore. Hypocrites are so interesting.
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