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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

01/24/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
What if Jax is indeed Jacqui's uncle by blood and Cassie's through friendship with Sonya and Johnny? This would make sense from Cassie saying " You don't have Uncle Jax's robo-arms".

Still doesn't fly with the way Cassie's sentence is structured.

This is all about sentence structure.

"You didn't get Uncle Jax's robo arms, but I got the shadow kick"

let's break it down:

"You didn't get Uncle Jax's robo arms, but I got the shadow kick (FROM MY FATHER)"

This sentence is drawing on parallels, so what I did to the 2nd half of the sentence, I must do to the first.

broken down further:

"You didn't get Uncle Jax's robo arms (FROM YOUR FATHER), but I got the shadow kick (FROM MY FATHER)"

Jax can't be Jacqui's father and uncle, so we can conclude that Cassie calls Jax "Uncle".

But why?

Since Sonya and Jax are so close and share so much history, we can very safely assume that Jax is also very close to Cassie, so close, in fact, that he's "like an uncle" to Cassie.
01/24/2015 03:22 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
What if Jax is indeed Jacqui's uncle by blood and Cassie's through friendship with Sonya and Johnny? This would make sense from Cassie saying " You don't have Uncle Jax's robo-arms".

Still doesn't fly with the way Cassie's sentence is structured.

This is all about sentence structure.

"You didn't get Uncle Jax's robo arms, but I got the shadow kick"

let's break it down:

"You didn't get Uncle Jax's robo arms, but I got the shadow kick (FROM MY FATHER)"

This sentence is drawing on parallels, so what I did to the 2nd half of the sentence, I must do to the first.

broken down further:

"You didn't get Uncle Jax's robo arms (FROM YOUR FATHER), but I got the shadow kick (FROM MY FATHER)"

Jax can't be Jacqui's father and uncle, so we can conclude that Cassie calls Jax "Uncle".

But why?

Since Sonya and Jax are so close and share so much history, we can very safely assume that Jax is also very close to Cassie, so close, in fact, that he's "like an uncle" to Cassie.

Either or. No one said Jax is both to Jacqui, because he can't be. All these assumptions will bring out the truth in the comic in Chapter 4.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/24/2015 04:37 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
What if Jax is indeed Jacqui's uncle by blood and Cassie's through friendship with Sonya and Johnny? This would make sense from Cassie saying " You don't have Uncle Jax's robo-arms".

Still doesn't fly with the way Cassie's sentence is structured.

This is all about sentence structure.

"You didn't get Uncle Jax's robo arms, but I got the shadow kick"

let's break it down:

"You didn't get Uncle Jax's robo arms, but I got the shadow kick (FROM MY FATHER)"

This sentence is drawing on parallels, so what I did to the 2nd half of the sentence, I must do to the first.

broken down further:

"You didn't get Uncle Jax's robo arms (FROM YOUR FATHER), but I got the shadow kick (FROM MY FATHER)"

Jax can't be Jacqui's father and uncle, so we can conclude that Cassie calls Jax "Uncle".

But why?

Since Sonya and Jax are so close and share so much history, we can very safely assume that Jax is also very close to Cassie, so close, in fact, that he's "like an uncle" to Cassie.

Are you seriously having to teach reading comprehension?

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01/24/2015 06:18 AM (UTC)
Unrelated, but I hope Jax retired from SF and the series.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/24/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Unrelated, but I hope Jax retired from SF and the series.

Why do people hate Jax so much on these boards?

He's been one of my favorite MK characters since the old days of MKII on Genesis/SNES and he's still one of my overall favorite characters in the series.
01/24/2015 06:40 AM (UTC)
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, no matter how right or wrong it really is. C'est La Vie.
01/24/2015 06:58 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Unrelated, but I hope Jax retired from SF and the series.

Why do people hate Jax so much on these boards?

He's been one of my favorite MK characters since the old days of MKII on Genesis/SNES and he's still one of my overall favorite characters in the series.

Mainly because NRS made him the stereotypical black guy that speaks with jive and is there to ease the tension with a joke. It's blatantly obvious he's added to "be the black guy," especially in DA where he had that hood alternate outfit. He adds nothing really special to the table and only holds the distinguishable label as "Sonya's Partner."

Black people get stereotyped enough. Stereotyping in general is rude, racist, and just needs to stop.

Honestly, they can keep all of Jax's jokes in as long as they actually add character pertinence to him and ease up on the blatant "he's our black character" promotion.

If NRS can reinvent his character into something not stereotypical and make him a semi-serious character, at least, then I'm absolutely fine with him being in.

Not to mention people are just tired of seeing the same characters each game.
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01/24/2015 07:17 AM (UTC)
I hope Jax continues to be in every game. Maybe we'll have two of him now! ;)
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01/24/2015 07:39 AM (UTC)
Daughter of Jax for sure. No other way to take it. I'm exited for another desendent liu kang and Kitana should get one as well
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01/24/2015 07:44 AM (UTC)
Nice shade, spidey.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/24/2015 08:34 AM (UTC)
mentalbreakdown Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Unrelated, but I hope Jax retired from SF and the series.

Why do people hate Jax so much on these boards?

He's been one of my favorite MK characters since the old days of MKII on Genesis/SNES and he's still one of my overall favorite characters in the series.

Mainly because NRS made him the stereotypical black guy that speaks with jive and is there to ease the tension with a joke. It's blatantly obvious he's added to "be the black guy," especially in DA where he had that hood alternate outfit. He adds nothing really special to the table and only holds the distinguishable label as "Sonya's Partner."

Black people get stereotyped enough. Stereotyping in general is rude, racist, and just needs to stop.

Honestly, they can keep all of Jax's jokes in as long as they actually add character pertinence to him and ease up on the blatant "he's our black character" promotion.

If NRS can reinvent his character into something not stereotypical and make him a semi-serious character, at least, then I'm absolutely fine with him being in.

Not to mention people are just tired of seeing the same characters each game.

Actually, I agree that they should stay away from the blaxploitation/stereotype stuff. I didn't like that in MKDA. They didn't change his whole character though. And in MK2011 that was gone completely.

Besides their attempt to make him "jive talking"(ugh, stereotypes) in MKDA, he has BEEN a pretty serious character as far as I can remember. But thanks for answering because I was genuinely curious not just bitching about other peoples' opinions.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

01/24/2015 08:35 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
I hope Jax continues to be in every game. Maybe we'll have two of him now! ;)

Say it again, louder! the haters on page 1 didn't hear you!

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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/24/2015 08:35 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
I hope Jax continues to be in every game. Maybe we'll have two of him now! ;)

Heh. I was kind of hoping you'd show up.
01/24/2015 11:39 AM (UTC)
I was never a fan of Jax, and I hope he doesn't make it in the roster of MKX (same with Sonya Blade) but I do hope his daughter from the comic (if it is his daughter) makes it in!

really like this kick-boxer, dreads girl! Hope she has special powers though...

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-sig by MINION

01/24/2015 12:23 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Actually, I agree that they should stay away from the blaxploitation/stereotype stuff. I didn't like that in MKDA. They didn't change his whole character though. And in MK2011 that was gone completely.
Besides their attempt to make him "jive talking"(ugh, stereotypes) in MKDA, he has BEEN a pretty serious character as far as I can remember. But thanks for answering because I was genuinely curious not just bitching about other peoples' opinions.
They hate him anyway. Giving him an alternate where he looked like an 80s rapper is just the go to excuse.

1. It was an ALT, you didn't even need to see it if you didn't want to.
2. His character never changed. He was a little angrier because of Hsu Hao but that's it.
3. It was gone by MKvsDCU. People are totally OTT about it.

And really it doesn't make since. Jax is a stereotype but every other thing we see is a "homage" to something. NRS is allowed to have fun with their characters. No one hates Jade for suddenly becoming a stripper in her MK2011 win pose for example. People on MKO just really hate Jax.

Anyway the real question is why does Cassie think robot parts are hereditary? How old is she when she's saying this? A small SMALL child?

NRS horrible naming conventions strike again. She could've been named anything and all they needed to do was attach Briggs to her name and we would've known. Cassie style. Jax and Jacqui? I'm putting that up there with Swarm Queen/Brood Mother, Warlock/Sorcerer, Reptile/Chameleon etc.
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01/24/2015 12:59 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
I kno this sounds mean, but I hope this girl dies in the comic. It'll give Jax some character development. He's been pretty stale since MK3, and that's a loooong time.

I like this approach. I don't really have much urge to see "Jax's daughter" and I agree with the other user that said the "offspring" thing is getting redundant. If Jax had a daughter that died it would be a good angle to make him sympathetic and have reason to take up arms (LOL) in his old age. He'd still be the Jax we know and love, but it would be a much fresher, and I think more interesting, take on him.

Offspring thing is getting redundant? The only one we have is Cassie and she won't be the only one we get.

The problem might be the way they are doing it. Sonya/Cage is pretty well set up in MK9, and out of the pairingsd, that is the one that has the least amount of hindrances.

If they are going with the idea that every one of the old ones should hook up and pump offspring out, then that is pretty much schematic copypasting the idea.

Imo, Jax and whoever that she is to him should be background characters. It takes away from the uniqueness of C.C. Imo, there will be no Kitana/Kang offsping, thanks for that, hopefully.

About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

01/24/2015 01:31 PM (UTC)
Why are ppl bringing up Jax's stereotyped MKDA era as a reason to exclude him from this game? That was 13 years ago. He hasn't been portrayed in that manner in, again, over a decade. NRS treated him just fine in MK8 and that same treatment continued in MK9. As if 13 years wasn't long enough, that entire era has been retconned, cannon wise. It doesn't even exist. The Deadly Alliance hasn't even happened in the current canon, so that era and that argument is just irrelevant in 2015.

I've read arguments to exclude him because of his story and "basic" or "lack of powers" These arguments are more sound than the Blaxploitation angle, but still not strong enough to disqualify Jax from MKX.

Yes, Jax's gimmick or "powers" are his robo arms. Some say without them, he's just a dude. Well, duh. What do you think Johnny and Sonya are without their powers? All human characters will just be "dudes" without their powers...because they are humans. Take away Johnny's energy and gravity-defying powers and what is he? A wack ass actor. Take away Sonya's kiss, energy bracelet and gravity-defying powers and what is she? A basic bitch, just like Jax and Johnny. And don't just list Jax's arms as his only power, he has similar gravity-defying and energy powers just like Sonya and Cage. They are literally on the same level sitting in the exact same boat. So the "powers" argument is weak, at best.

On to his story. One may say "He's just Sonya's boss", "He's just Sonya's partner" or "He just follows Sonya around". This is the strongest argument, because all of that is fairly true. I'm not afraid to give props to a sound argument, but even this will never disqualify Jax from MKX. And NRS would agree with me, because he was sitting pretty in MK8 and MK9. Why? Because you do not have to have this grand, over-arching, complex, inter-woven story arc to be a part of a story. Contrary to popular opinion, Mortal Kombat does not feature an "ensemble cast". The characters in any given game are not treated with equal amounts of importance. Instead, Mortal Kombat typically features an "All-Star cast", where characters in the game are quite well-known or iconic, but they are assigned varying amounts of importance. Jax is generally a supporting character. So is Jade, Baraka, Sheeva, Reptile and Ermac. And that is okay. Because no matter what argument you throw up, they are All Stars. So I hope NRS continues their Jax love affair and include him in the playable roster for MKX. He deserves it, as he is just as qualified as any other All-Star human kombatant.
01/24/2015 02:20 PM (UTC)
The offspring thing gets ridiculous really...

Cassie Cage - Can live with it if at least her mother skipps the game or dies, Cage in Seido uniform would be lovely.

Jacqui or whatever is fine by me if she is Jax his cousin and not his daughter, I mean he died and should stay dead forever.

Takada - Would be fine by me if he doesn't get telekinesis, two of those are really enough and Kenshi doesn't need to be replaced, give him a whip and some cool non telekinesis moves and wére fine though.

The worst of the lost would be Kung Jin though... That would be the worst waste of a character spot ever, and really destroys the other offspring ideas by making it insane and too much.

Kung Jin sounds very boring too, hope only Shalazar is real from that list, and maybe the underground crime boss with same name as Bo Rai Cho, only if Bo doesn't show up.
01/24/2015 03:21 PM (UTC)
I'm a little disappointed Jaqui is a kickboxer rather than a boxer, since MK doesn't have a boxer yet, not to mention, a black female boxer would be truly refreshing in a fighting game.

Her dialogue when she's fighting Cassie in that preview also worries me, as she sounds angry, just like Jax. If she makes it to the roster, please don't make her a female Jax. Cassie isn't THAT similar to Johnny, personality-wise, so Jaqui doesn't have to be the next Jax, either.

01/24/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)
Lol just because she used the word Uncle doesn't mean Jax has to be her actual uncle, its possible, but people use that term lightly, sometimes to refer to people they or their parents are close with.
01/24/2015 04:17 PM (UTC)
mortal kombat = stereotypes. Get over it lol
01/24/2015 05:09 PM (UTC)
Lmao Cassie doesn't think bionic arms are an inheritable trait...it was clearly a smart a** remark.
01/24/2015 05:17 PM (UTC)
I prefer Jax to be Jacqui's uncle instead.
01/24/2015 05:31 PM (UTC)
Jax is forever and will be the only black man in MK, in my book. They only legitimate reason why people don't like him, is because they don't really know how to use him. Don't like him? Ignore him in a whole. Simple as that.
01/25/2015 11:03 AM (UTC)
I hope this girl:

1) Turns evil/bad, to oppose Cassie, she looks kinda mad in the comic already.

2) Lesbian, yeah yeah, I just think it suits her, flirting with the girls.

3) Have silver theme, nobody has silver or gold, and it suits her dark skin perfectly, silver armor-like stuff on her feet, legs, head and dangerous silver glove weapons, and silver linings in her dreads/hair, and maybe even silver make-up as she doesn't want to be human.

4) Her moves could resolve around kickboxing, her glove/feet weapons which are sharp silver gloves and shoes.

Yeah I would like her to be silver-themed.
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