The Focus: Mortal Kombat Lore
posted09/30/2014 03:55 PM (UTC)by
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

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06/17/2007 06:48 PM (UTC)
So, today out of curiosity I decided to dwell a little bit more deeper into the story, and I ran into the "One Being" an entity that once fought the Elders before the dawn of time. Which resulted in the "One Being" losing and him being split into the realms.

From, my understanding in order for him to come back he'd need to have the Kamidogou formed together all over again. Which explains his influence on Onaga and Shao Khan. The whole entire series wrapped around the idea of the realms forming together.

To put the One Beings consciousness back together. I believe Armageddon was created to not allow him to have that chance again with Taven being the winner, but he obviously failed. Which gave Shao the keys to recreate the beast all over again.

Hence, why Raiden has to go back in time to not only stop Shao from winning. But to stop the One Beings influence. With a new route shown how will the road to Armageddon pave out now if there is one?

Just mere speculation. furious
09/14/2014 11:11 AM (UTC)
The One Being was never defeated, it went into a kind of slumber and the Kamidogus are fragments of a weapon used to defeat the one being itself.

The Elder Gods coulnt kill it, so they swore to not interfere in the life of mortals that inhabit the realm to avoid a possible series of events which could bring the one being awake again.
That's why the Elder gods created minor gods and gave one of them to each realm.

For sure we know that Raiden was the god of Earthrealm, while Argus was the god of Edenia.

About Raiden 's time travel, he didn't know until the very end that both Onaga and Kahn were under one being' s influence. If he knew of the One Being at all, because the Elder gods were afraid of it, in order to avoid that Raiden or any other god could awake the ob.

Raiden time travel was just to prevent armageddon. The whole fact that he allied with Onaga, Shao Kahn and the others in Mk armageddon is a good proof that he ignored the existence of the one being, or he thought him defeated once and for all.

09/14/2014 03:10 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The One Being was never defeated, it went into a kind of slumber and the Kamidogus are fragments of a weapon used to defeat the one being itself.

The Elder Gods coulnt kill it, so they swore to not interfere in the life of mortals that inhabit the realm to avoid a possible series of events which could bring the one being awake again.
That's why the Elder gods created minor gods and gave one of them to each realm.

For sure we know that Raiden was the god of Earthrealm, while Argus was the god of Edenia.

About Raiden 's time travel, he didn't know until the very end that both Onaga and Kahn were under one being' s influence. If he knew of the One Being at all, because the Elder gods were afraid of it, in order to avoid that Raiden or any other god could awake the ob.

Raiden time travel was just to prevent armageddon. The whole fact that he allied with Onaga, Shao Kahn and the others in Mk armageddon is a good proof that he ignored the existence of the one being, or he thought him defeated once and for all.

Or even at that point Raiden himself was being manipulated by it.
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

09/14/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The One Being was never defeated, it went into a kind of slumber and the Kamidogus are fragments of a weapon used to defeat the one being itself.

The Elder Gods coulnt kill it, so they swore to not interfere in the life of mortals that inhabit the realm to avoid a possible series of events which could bring the one being awake again.
That's why the Elder gods created minor gods and gave one of them to each realm.

For sure we know that Raiden was the god of Earthrealm, while Argus was the god of Edenia.

About Raiden 's time travel, he didn't know until the very end that both Onaga and Kahn were under one being' s influence. If he knew of the One Being at all, because the Elder gods were afraid of it, in order to avoid that Raiden or any other god could awake the ob.

Raiden time travel was just to prevent armageddon. The whole fact that he allied with Onaga, Shao Kahn and the others in Mk armageddon is a good proof that he ignored the existence of the one being, or he thought him defeated once and for all.

Even if it is to prevent Armageddon, the fact remains the same that both have gotten major influence by the One Being.
09/14/2014 05:04 PM (UTC)
It's kind of complicated, but basically, the One Being is a dreaming God (like, in the monotheistic "creator" sense) and the entire universe is a dream he's having.

Every person in the realms is a character in his dream.

And the bad guys who want to conquer and merge realms like Shao Kahn, Onaga, and possibly Dark Raiden, are examples of the dreamer subtly attempting to lucid-dream and wake himself up. They're not mind controlled, they all have their own personalities and motivations...but they're being nudged towards doing things that would destroy the universe and revive the One Being, because, basically, dreams are stories our brain tells us, and waking up is what this dreamer wants his story to be about.

Does that make sense?

Anyway, the plot of Armageddon actually had nothing to do with the One Being.

The plot of Armageddon is that if too many people with magic powers get together in one place and use their powers on each other, reality will tear apart because magic fucks with the laws of physics and nature and stuff, y'know, so too much at once will just make the fabric unravel.

So Delia is an oracle, she had a vision that one day this war where like 60 dudes with magic would fuck up the universe would happen in Edenia and her and Argus invented the whole Blaze thing as a way to kill or depower them so that the universe would be saved.

What they were too stupid to realize is that they were making the fucking vision come true. If there had never been a Blaze, there'd have never been a war between 60 magic dudes in Edenia because the only REASON they were all there was to get Blaze's power for themselves.
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09/14/2014 09:27 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It's kind of complicated, but basically, the One Being is a dreaming God (like, in the monotheistic "creator" sense) and the entire universe is a dream he's having.

Every person in the realms is a character in his dream.

And the bad guys who want to conquer and merge realms like Shao Kahn, Onaga, and possibly Dark Raiden, are examples of the dreamer subtly attempting to lucid-dream and wake himself up. They're not mind controlled, they all have their own personalities and motivations...but they're being nudged towards doing things that would destroy the universe and revive the One Being, because, basically, dreams are stories our brain tells us, and waking up is what this dreamer wants his story to be about.

Does that make sense?

Anyway, the plot of Armageddon actually had nothing to do with the One Being.

The plot of Armageddon is that if too many people with magic powers get together in one place and use their powers on each other, reality will tear apart because magic fucks with the laws of physics and nature and stuff, y'know, so too much at once will just make the fabric unravel.

So Delia is an oracle, she had a vision that one day this war where like 60 dudes with magic would fuck up the universe would happen in Edenia and her and Argus invented the whole Blaze thing as a way to kill or depower them so that the universe would be saved.

What they were too stupid to realize is that they were making the fucking vision come true. If there had never been a Blaze, there'd have never been a war between 60 magic dudes in Edenia because the only REASON they were all there was to get Blaze's power for themselves.

(Claps) yeah.....this right? yeah... ok glasses
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/15/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It's kind of complicated, but basically, the One Being is a dreaming God (like, in the monotheistic "creator" sense) and the entire universe is a dream he's having.

Every person in the realms is a character in his dream.

And the bad guys who want to conquer and merge realms like Shao Kahn, Onaga, and possibly Dark Raiden, are examples of the dreamer subtly attempting to lucid-dream and wake himself up. They're not mind controlled, they all have their own personalities and motivations...but they're being nudged towards doing things that would destroy the universe and revive the One Being, because, basically, dreams are stories our brain tells us, and waking up is what this dreamer wants his story to be about.

Does that make sense?

Anyway, the plot of Armageddon actually had nothing to do with the One Being.

The plot of Armageddon is that if too many people with magic powers get together in one place and use their powers on each other, reality will tear apart because magic fucks with the laws of physics and nature and stuff, y'know, so too much at once will just make the fabric unravel.

So Delia is an oracle, she had a vision that one day this war where like 60 dudes with magic would fuck up the universe would happen in Edenia and her and Argus invented the whole Blaze thing as a way to kill or depower them so that the universe would be saved.

What they were too stupid to realize is that they were making the fucking vision come true. If there had never been a Blaze, there'd have never been a war between 60 magic dudes in Edenia because the only REASON they were all there was to get Blaze's power for themselves.

"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it" lol
09/15/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
Well what kind of immortal deity's never heard of a "self-fulfilling prophecy" before?

And let me tell you another fun little tidbit:

I don't remember which one of the devs said this, but when Armageddon came out, they actually told us the opening cutscene IS the vision Delia had.

So she SAW the pyramid. She SAW Blaze. She KNEW why everyone was there, why the war was happening.

And they fucking built them anyway.
That is some MK9 Raiden tier dumbassery.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/15/2014 02:54 AM (UTC)
Lmao, are you kidding me? Wow, how about that. She thought that she could change what was destined to happen by deliberately creating exactly what she saw cause it to happen in her OWN visions.

At least Raiden had puzzle pieces he was trying to (hopelessly) put together in his failed effort to avoid it. Delia on the other hand, smh. Can't rely on an immortal deity to have common sense I guess.
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

09/15/2014 03:03 AM (UTC)
Pretty much they didn't think out of the possibilities that could have happened. Taven had a 1/64 chance to win Armageddon and defeat Blaze. It seems as if they were better off letting the two sides have had at it.
09/15/2014 08:49 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well what kind of immortal deity's never heard of a "self-fulfilling prophecy" before?

And let me tell you another fun little tidbit:

I don't remember which one of the devs said this, but when Armageddon came out, they actually told us the opening cutscene IS the vision Delia had.

So she SAW the pyramid. She SAW Blaze. She KNEW why everyone was there, why the war was happening.

And they fucking built them anyway.

That is some MK9 Raiden tier dumbassery.

Prophecies aren't 100% accurate.
The plan was to have Taven absorbing Blaze's power, and that power comes from the warriors killed by Blaze or during the Armsgeddon.

Blaze was just a bait in order to lure the kombatants and the Pyramid 's purpose was to create a specific battleground in Edenia.

Don' t forget that Argus wanted to become elder god, but he couldn't until he found a successor in that role.

Taven and Daegon were demigods, it is heavily hinted that they needed the power that Blaze stripped from dead warriors to become full fledged gods, that's why Argus and Dalia created the challange for their sons.

Once Taven /Daegon defeated Blaze and drew its power, they become gods and ascend to heaven, where their power wouldn't hurt the universe.

Why the Armageddon happening, then?

Because Delia 's vision didn't include that someday in the future, while in Outworld, Blaze's power would be corrupted by Onaga's last holymen.
That's how the One Being comes to play a role in Armageddon. Blaze was corrupted by evil although nobody knew in due time.

That's why Delia couldn't predict that her vision was a selffulfilling prophecy.
09/15/2014 10:37 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
That's how the One Being comes to play a role in Armageddon. Blaze was corrupted by evil although nobody knew in due time. That's why Delia couldn't predict that her vision was a selffulfilling prophecy.

But as far as its known it didn't figured in the outcome. Kahn simply defeated Blaze, killed everyone who wasn't dead at the time, finished Raiden and become king of all reality. Taven whereabout is unknown, but it seems he was killed / stopped before Kahn was defeated Blaze...whatever happened next doesn't matter, for obvious reasons.

One more thing. I don't agree that One Being is "god having a dream". It's more like entity, whose body was shattered and turned into realms. It was not creator of the realms (they were created by Elder Gods) and its existence is more akin to comatose slumber, with his conciousness influencing certain powerfull beings in the realms. To put more in a bit more complicated manner, it does not exist as a thinking alive entity, more like whispering fleeting mind somewhere outthere.
09/15/2014 01:00 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
That's how the One Being comes to play a role in Armageddon. Blaze was corrupted by evil although nobody knew in due time. That's why Delia couldn't predict that her vision was a selffulfilling prophecy.

But as far as its known it didn't figured in the outcome. Kahn simply defeated Blaze, killed everyone who wasn't dead at the time, finished Raiden and become king of all reality. Taven whereabout is unknown, but it seems he was killed / stopped before Kahn was defeated Blaze...whatever happened next doesn't matter, for obvious reasons.

One more thing. I don't agree that One Being is "god having a dream". It's more like entity, whose body was shattered and turned into realms. It was not creator of the realms (they were created by Elder Gods) and its existence is more akin to comatose slumber, with his conciousness influencing certain powerfull beings in the realms. To put more in a bit more complicated manner, it does not exist as a thinking alive entity, more like whispering fleeting mind somewhere outthere.

Well Taven's ending in Mk Armageddon wasn't exactly a happy one to be honest. Although I clearly remember Hector Sanchez explicitally saying in an interview during mk9 early promotion in late 2010 / early 2011 that Shao Kahn killed Blaze and became master of the universe.
The problem is that there is no real proof that Blaze was killed by Kahn in mk9 story Mode.

It could be that Blaze 's power was shared among the survivors and THEN these very survivors fought on their own until Shao Kahn and Raiden were the only two left.

With that being said, I' d rather wait for RazorsEdge701.

About the One Being, in Konquest Mode of Deception it is stated pretty clearly by Damashi that the Elder Gods defeated the OB, but couldn't kill it because it was too powerful even for them.

The One Being was put into a forced sleep and made "apparently" inactive, but this is just a void hope for the Elder Gods because even if in a deep coma /slumber, The One Being was still able to assume Damashi 's form and deceive Shujinko.

So the OB was somewhat able to deceive the Elder Gods too, the real idiots of the MK lore.

However there are still so many blind spots in the period between Mk Armageddon and mk9 that we cannot make it out unless MKX sheds some light into it.
09/16/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I don't agree that One Being is "god having a dream".

The following lines are direct quotes from MKD Konquest:

"All of existence is merely the dreams of the One Being."

"The realms are, in fact, the shattered consciousness of a singular being."

"The One Being uses the ambition of creatures like Shao Kahn and Onaga to merge itself back together."

"I have heard tales that the realms are actually a consciousness trying to wake up. That would mean we are nothing but dreams! Ho ho ho!"

As an aside, Raiden's narration at the beginning of MKvsDCU story mode also has a cutesy inside-reference where he compares the realms to a dream.

RedSumac Wrote:
It's more like entity, whose body was shattered and turned into realms.

I believe the best way to explain it is that the land is made from pieces of his body. The people are not. They're the part that comes from his mind.

As such, I suppose the responsibility for the act of creation would be shared. The Elder Gods' actions turned the One Being into the universe, but they obviously did not intentionally create the realms or the living beings in them, and have no desire to BE the creators or caretakers of mortal men. Hence their hands-off uncaring stance towards the affairs of mortals.


As far as The One Being's relation to Armageddon, or how Armageddon ended/how Kahn won at the beginning of MK9, let me say the following things:

1) The ONLY place in the ENTIRE game of MKA that even mentions the One Being is Kai's ending. In that ending, Kai gains the power to telepathically connect to the One Being and see all of reality, past, present, and future, and become an oracle. That's it. The OB has nothing to do with Blaze or the events of Armageddon.

2) It's true that Blaze's power was corrupted by Onaga's holy men when he was bound to watch the dragon egg from MKDA. HOWEVER...this corruption ONLY would have affected what happened to the energy of the prize IF Taven or Daegon won.

The Prize is primarily designed to turn whoever kills Blaze into a god. Taven and Daegon both had magic armor that if either of them killed Blaze, would activate the Prize's SECOND effect: the prize would pass through their armor and spread out to everybody else, either taking away their powers or killing them.

The corruption from guarding the egg changed the second effect, so that it would have made everybody else's powers stronger instead. HOWEVER, that fact ONLY matters if Taven is the one who kills Blaze. Taven did not kill Blaze. He does at the end of MKA Konquest...but that was retconned away by MK9.

Canonically, according to the developers, SHAO KAHN KILLED BLAZE. Shao Kahn, and Shao Kahn alone, got the prize. Somebody, I think Ed, clarified this on Twitter when the game came out.

That is why he glows yellow when he's fighting Raiden during the MK9 opening. That's him using Blaze's power.
09/16/2014 03:28 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The problem is that there is no real proof that Blaze was killed by Kahn in mk9 story Mode.

Vogel confirmed that it was Kahn who killed Blaze. What else do you need?
In Armageddon we wanted it to be Taven. But in MK9 it turns out to be Shao Kahn.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
"All of existence is merely the dreams of the One Being."

It's one way to see this.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
"The realms are, in fact, the shattered consciousness of a singular being."
"The One Being uses the ambition of creatures like Shao Kahn and Onaga to merge itself back together."
"I have heard tales that the realms are actually a consciousness trying to wake up. That would mean we are nothing but dreams! Ho ho ho!"

I have said exactly that in my post.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I believe the best way to explain it is that the land is made from pieces of his body. The people are not. They're the part that comes from his mind.

As such, I suppose the responsibility for the act of creation would be shared. The Elder Gods' actions turned the One Being into the universe, but they obviously did not intentionally create the realms or the living beings in them, and have no desire to BE the creators or caretakers of mortal men. Hence their hands-off uncaring stance towards the affairs of mortals.

It is your personal vision. Not a fact.
09/16/2014 04:33 AM (UTC)
Alright Sumac, since you're once again going to the "that's your personal interpretation" well, EVEN WHEN I'M QUOTING LINES FROM THE SOURCE, tell me what your interpretation is.

When the game itself tells you "the realms are made of his shattered body" AND "existence as a dream he's having and people are literally being influenced by his subconscious desires", how ELSE would you read that?
Hell, your third quote-response there contradicts the second and what you said in your previous post, so do you even know what you're trying to say? Clarify your stance for me here.
09/16/2014 04:50 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
When the game itself tells you "the realms are made of his shattered body" AND "existence as a dream he's having and people are literally being influenced by his subconscious desires", how ELSE would you read that?

It's interpretation in a way how people could say, that out real world is a mere dream of some other being. It's some sort of possible inuniverse interpretation.
Just in case: I am not arguing that I am right here. Just that it is mere possible interpretation.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Hell, your third quote-response there contradicts the second and what you said in your previous post, so do you even know what you're trying to say? Clarify your stance for me here.

There is no contradiction, because I said exactly the same thing in another words:
RedSumac Wrote:
its existence is more akin to comatose slumber, with his conciousness influencing certain powerfull beings in the realms. To put more in a bit more complicated manner, it does not exist as a thinking alive entity, more like whispering fleeting mind somewhere outthere.

You try to argue semantics here.
09/16/2014 06:06 AM (UTC)
You do realize that when human beings are having a dream, they're not consciously thinking either, right?

There's a term for when you achieve self-awareness in a dream, "lucid dreaming". The reason there's a term for that is because it's not the default. Most people can't do it. When people are dreaming normally, they are not self-aware. Every single element of the dream is created by the subconscious.

The One Being cannot lucid-dream either. I already clearly said the influence he exerts over Kahn and Onaga is subconscious.

I also said he's TRYING to lucid dream. "Trying", as in "has not yet succeeded". He got a hair's breadth from taking over Onaga's body completely, if the Kamidogus had been successfully merged into one than Onaga would have BECOME the One Being reawakened. But he was not able to.
You're the one who made this an argument of semantics. It sounds to me like we more or less agree and yet you took a disagreeing, argumentative, nitpicking tone when you began responding to my posts...for what reason, I cannot fathom except the usual "you're you and I'm me and we must always fight" cult-of-personality bullshit.
09/16/2014 06:40 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
You're the one who made this an argument of semantics. It sounds to me like we more or less agree and yet you took a disagreeing, argumentative, nitpicking tone when you began responding to my posts...for what reason, I cannot fathom except the usual "you're you and I'm me and we must always fight" cult-of-personality bullshit.

You think too highly of yourself (as always) to think that I will go out of my way just to argue with you for the sake of arguing.

I merely stated my opinion / interpretation. As I said "realms / beings are dream" is viable, possible interpretation. Though, there can be others.
09/16/2014 07:29 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Though, there can be others.

This is the part where you're losing me.

How can there be other interpretations of something the game tells you in no uncertain terms?

Suggest one.
09/16/2014 08:47 AM (UTC)
What happened to Taven
after Shao Kahn 's victory?
09/16/2014 09:13 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
What happened to Taven
after Shao Kahn 's victory?

Nobody knows for sure.
But if MK9 intro is anything to go by, he is most likely was killed.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Suggest one.

That it's not a dream?
09/16/2014 12:27 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Suggest one.

That it's not a dream?

So your idea of an "alternative interpretation" of the game text is "the game is lying"?
09/16/2014 12:53 PM (UTC)
This one being storyline is too loopy and out there. I hope the future storylines don't get into that part of the story any longer and focus on the characters themselves interacting with each other.
09/16/2014 02:19 PM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
This one being storyline is too loopy and out there.

One Being was an awesome addition to the MK lore, which allowed interesting expansion of the MK Cosmogony. There is nothing hard to understand about it.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
So your idea of an "alternative interpretation" of the game text is "the game is lying"?

Not neccessarily lying.
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