02/04/2015 11:09 PM (UTC)
Daily reminder that there is still no official confirmation on which brother is in MKX

Good catch with the costume.

So both of Ermac's fatalities involve intestines falling out of bodies. Ok.
02/04/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
So both of Ermac's fatalities involve intestines falling out of bodies. Ok.

As it should be. Ermac always struck me as a guy who would have intestines involved with his fatalities always. But instead we get "slam into ground"
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02/04/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
I knew Sub was gonna be kuai liang. Bi-Han as Sub Zero again would be too good to be true. At least this way we still get Noob tho which is cool.

The Sub-Zero in game-play is Bi-Han and the one in the comic is Kuai Liang, which will be the other costume. This would be best to make the fans of both (either) happy.

You speak this as if you KNOW for certain. Look back at deadly alliance and see that these costumes are not far from that. Also there was only ONE Sub-Zero in that game.

Sub-Zero speaks like Kuai: "Yet, you have no heart." "I am not my brother"

Acts like Kuai: Serves Raiden and is going to take over the Lin Kuei AGAIN.

Now he even LOOKS like Kuai.

I am not saying Bi-Han won't appear at all as Sub-Zero, but I do follow the notion that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... It's probably a duck.

God you're selfish. Why can't we have both?
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/04/2015 11:15 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
So both of Ermac's fatalities involve intestines falling out of bodies. Ok.

....maybe there's more than two? wow
02/04/2015 11:15 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Daily reminder that there is still no official confirmation on which brother is in MKX

Good catch with the costume.

So both of Ermac's fatalities involve intestines falling out of bodies. Ok.

Well for this fatality more like pulled out intestines.
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02/04/2015 11:20 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
....maybe there's more than two? wow

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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/04/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
....the face that caught the Battle Axe in the CGI trailer = MK3 Subby, you can see the scar.

....Alternate costume = MK3 Subby

What am I missing here, guys?

I also remembered that the in-game model of Sub-Zero (and his renders) have no scar on, around and near his eye. Take that as you will. It can still be both Bi Han and Kuai Lang.

Now thinking about it. Maybe it's just pure coincidence then, can't really see a scar when he gets up groggy. Blood must've ran down his forehead right before the Axe throw or some shiz. But god damn, what a perfect damn placement though.
02/05/2015 12:24 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:


That's better.
02/05/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
I knew Sub was gonna be kuai liang. Bi-Han as Sub Zero again would be too good to be true. At least this way we still get Noob tho which is cool.

The Sub-Zero in game-play is Bi-Han and the one in the comic is Kuai Liang, which will be the other costume. This would be best to make the fans of both (either) happy.

You speak this as if you KNOW for certain. Look back at deadly alliance and see that these costumes are not far from that. Also there was only ONE Sub-Zero in that game.

Sub-Zero speaks like Kuai: "Yet, you have no heart." "I am not my brother"

Acts like Kuai: Serves Raiden and is going to take over the Lin Kuei AGAIN.

Now he even LOOKS like Kuai.

I am not saying Bi-Han won't appear at all as Sub-Zero, but I do follow the notion that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... It's probably a duck.

God you're selfish. Why can't we have both?

Wait, How am I being selfish? I point facts and I'm selfish. Yeah, I favor Kuai, but people have been acting SOOOOO sure that the main sub-zero in this game is Bi-Han and have been preaching this shit since June. I merely point out facts and people get butthurt as hell.

Plus, I REALLY like Noob Saibot as well and think he's a good character, but without Bi-Han he is fucking crippled as a character. Noob Saibot was nothing before Deception and will be nothing again if they rip Bi-Han from him.

If we REALLY want to talk selfish though let's look at fans wanting Bi-Han as Sub-Zero again. Who does it benefit? Certainly not Kuai Liang fans. They would be royally fucked because people bitch about Frost being too similar. Try putting two characters who are ice wielders with the same build, but with different names in the game. You think anybody would tolerate Tundra and Sub-Zero? No.

Then Noob Saibot fans get fucked too because he gets relegated to reptile status again because his whole damn backstory gets ripped away from him.

So, Kuai and Noob Saibot fans both lose out. Yet, Bi-Han fans are happy leaving Kuai sitting in the fucking netherrealm while Bi-Han gets two character slots being Sub-Zero and his evil side Noob Saibot. Yeah, I'm selfish. Outta here with that ish.
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02/05/2015 03:55 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:

Wait, How am I being selfish? I point facts and I'm selfish. Yeah, I favor Kuai, but people have been acting SOOOOO sure that the main sub-zero in this game is Bi-Han and have been preaching this shit since June. I merely point out facts and people get butthurt as hell.

Plus, I REALLY like Noob Saibot as well and think he's a good character, but without Bi-Han he is fucking crippled as a character. Noob Saibot was nothing before Deception and will be nothing again if they rip Bi-Han from him.

If we REALLY want to talk selfish though let's look at fans wanting Bi-Han as Sub-Zero again. Who does it benefit? Certainly not Kuai Liang fans. They would be royally fucked because people bitch about Frost being too similar. Try putting two characters who are ice wielders with the same build, but with different names in the game. You think anybody would tolerate Tundra and Sub-Zero? No.

Then Noob Saibot fans get fucked too because he gets relegated to reptile status again because his whole damn backstory gets ripped away from him.

So, Kuai and Noob Saibot fans both lose out. Yet, Bi-Han fans are happy leaving Kuai sitting in the fucking netherrealm while Bi-Han gets two character slots being Sub-Zero and his evil side Noob Saibot. Yeah, I'm selfish. Outta here with that ish.

How are you being selfish?

Simple. You've had Kuai as Sub-Zero for what since MK2 till now. & when something happens where we could play as both(like in 2011) you say NO!! Only Kuai Liang should be Subby & only Kuai & that's that. I reserve my judgment.

Fearing of the possibility of MKX Sub-Zero not being Kuai

MK2011 storyline's end of chapter 8, end of chapter 13, beginning of chapter 15.

deal with it.

Bi-Han no longer being Noob.
Write a letter that expresses your discomfort towards the writers who made MK2011's story.

Considering fans who want Bi-Han to become Sub-Zero as being selfish.

Not to speak on behalf of those who do, but I believe we're in the minority as of now. For all I know, it being a whole different Sub-Zero still adds to the equation here. But alas!! It's not good enough for you. You want it to be Kuai & ONLY Kuai.

Not benefiting Kuai

You're having Kuai in the game. Just as a different skin. I believe it's the best way to appeal towards both fans of Bi-Han & Kuai Liang. At least that could mean that Kuai is no longer a freezer right?

"Try putting two characters who are ice wielders with the same build, but with different names in the game. You think anybody would tolerate Tundra and Sub-Zero? No."

Did you throw a temper tantrum when you selected Kuai Liang Sub-Zero's alternate costume in 2011 only to find out that the skin was confirmed to be that despicable vermin, known as Bi-Han Sub-Zero?

Noob Saibot fans.

I think after that scenario with the soulnado in 2011's storyline, Noob's not coming back anytime soon.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
unless they do the whole "symbiote" gimmick. I still hope that Forrest Fox becomes Noob. The way he utilizes those shockwave powers proves rather intriguing(not using that overrated synonym)

"So, Kuai and Noob Saibot fans both lose out. Yet, Bi-Han fans are happy leaving Kuai sitting in the fucking netherrealm while Bi-Han gets two character slots being Sub-Zero and his evil side Noob Saibot. Yeah, I'm selfish. Outta here with that ish"

*points at the scene with Sub-Zero in the comic at the beginning* Apparently there's Kuai Liang right there, so he's not "sitting in the fucking netherrealm" as you presume. & how do you figure that Noob is in the game?

It just seems to me that you're so attached to this particular character. I may have expressed my form of disgust towards Kuai Liang being Sub-Zero for the umpteenth time, but then I realized at the end of the day. I'm still going to buy the game, & I might main Sub-Zero, whether which version he is. If Kuai Liang is Sub-Zero, fair enough. That does not mean Noob is coming back. (I hated Noob's MKD ending by the way. It just shoehorned Bi-Han into relevancy)
02/05/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
@Froid nah bruh bruh, you got it wrong. I said FROM THE BEGINNING of MKX's reveal that a brand new Sub-Zero would be fine if it took that because they killed the fuck out of both Kuai and Bi-Han in MK9.

A new Sub-Zero is absolutely fine. I really am not okay with Bi-Han though for the simple fact that it actually moves the story backwards and makes shit real confusing. So, Bi-Han dies then becomes Noob Saibot then magically a soulnado makes him not Noob Saibot? Why did this not happen for Scorpion?

So, then you also have a guy in the netuerrealm (cyber or not) who is going by the name Sub-Zero. The heroes, Raiden, Quan all know him as Sub-Zero. So, now the guys brother wants to come back and also be Sub-Zero? How is that not dumb?

Then there's the fact that Bi-Han actually did kill Scorpion. Yeah, he may not have killed his family, but he did kill him and forced him into being the hellspawn he is now. Their rivalry would never reach a damn end and it really needs to at some point.

Fact is, if NRS wanted to leave Sub-Zero as Bi-Han the perfect time would have been MK9. Just have Scorpion spare his life in the first place. Maybe Bi-Han would have taken over the Lin Kuei and the cyber initiative would have never taken place. Maybe Bi-Han would have submitted and became cyber sub-zero himself. Leaving him alive could have changed things, but they turned him into Noob Saibot and honestly thats a good decision.

Fact is this. Sub-Zero is going to be popular no matter who he is because he's Sub-Zero. Noob Saibot is not going to be popular without Bi-Han though.
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Props to MINION
02/05/2015 04:28 AM (UTC)
I think it'll be like it was in mk9 with both as Sub-Zero

also if u look at the first trailer when sub zero loses his head, the blood splatter lines up over his eye like an indentation of his scar, maybe meaning that his character render's face does have Kuai's scar and they remove it for Bi-han(who i think is actually the Lin Kuei grandmaster now)

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02/05/2015 04:50 AM (UTC)
It may have seemed that I so strenuously supported the idea of Bi-Han being Sub-Zero, I just couldn't believe(yeah, I'm contradicting myself in referencing the Midway timeline as well) anyone could just be removed from the automation process. I also don't even think that Bi-Han's soul could've been purified from such a violent explosion like that so that could put Bi-Han out of the picture. Hell, I'm starting to believe that Quan Chi's revenants resembling the fallen allies that was shown in Raiden's in the netherrealm scene was just there for Quan's mindfuckery tactics. In fact, deactivation, via Sindel's wrath could've released Kuai's soul from his automation. It's a toss up until the storyline is officially revealed in what seems like forever. Until then, let's maintain the speculation cycle.
02/05/2015 05:08 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
That was my favorite part of the story mode, hands down.

Don't you mean... hands... blown...?



I know, I know, I'm terrible, I will go sit in the corner and think about life and stuff...
02/05/2015 05:13 AM (UTC)
Ok, just a quick question here, what rules out Bi-Han from having black, slick combed back hair? we don't know how he looks without the cowl. They are brothers after all, and brothers tend to usually look similar... Just sayin'.

I couldn't care either way, I'd be happy if it was the same as in MK9. Subzero default would be Bi, and Alternate would be Kuai. Done.
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02/05/2015 06:07 AM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Ok, just a quick question here, what rules out Bi-Han from having black, slick combed back hair? we don't know how he looks without the cowl. They are brothers after all, and brothers tend to usually look similar... Just sayin'.

I couldn't care either way, I'd be happy if it was the same as in MK9. Subzero default would be Bi, and Alternate would be Kuai. Done.

Or it could just be another Sub-Zero.
02/06/2015 06:26 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Ok, just a quick question here, what rules out Bi-Han from having black, slick combed back hair? we don't know how he looks without the cowl. They are brothers after all, and brothers tend to usually look similar... Just sayin'.

I couldn't care either way, I'd be happy if it was the same as in MK9. Subzero default would be Bi, and Alternate would be Kuai. Done.

Or it could just be another Sub-Zero.

Nah, we know for sure it's one of the brothers given multiple dialogues mentioning the other brother and his comic appareance brief chat with the red dragon guys. The "sea of sub-zeros" stuff was just misleading bs just to get people talking.
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