04/05/2015 01:26 PM (UTC)
thats the hing man...they DID NOT DO ANYTHING NEW

from the shit roster, to the horridly thought out pathetic rehashed fucking story, to the pathetic fatalties....

seriously i have said it before...if boon fuckin hired tobias back they would be ok

and if boon fucking spent half as much time developing the actual game mORTAL KOMBAT......and not fucking scorpion...hed make a good game!
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
A lot of you guys are really ungrateful and feel super entitled. And who the fuck said they should fire Ed Boon and John Vogul? Why? Because you personally weren't happy? Fuck off. If you don't like what you read don't buy the damn game. The gameplay is amazing and the graphics are too. This forum is filled with a bunch of sensitive ass gamers who don't appreciate the OVERALL bigger picture. They into reduced is too many new characters and that hasn't been done since Alliance and Deception. Be appreciative they tried to do something new. I'm really contemplating leaving this forum.

No. Please. Don't go.
About Me

old username: TheKrypt

04/05/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
dus kenshi ded?
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/05/2015 01:36 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
A lot of you guys are really ungrateful and feel super entitled. And who the fuck said they should fire Ed Boon and John Vogul? Why? Because you personally weren't happy? Fuck off. If you don't like what you read don't buy the damn game. The gameplay is amazing and the graphics are too. This forum is filled with a bunch of sensitive ass gamers who don't appreciate the OVERALL bigger picture. They into reduced is too many new characters and that hasn't been done since Alliance and Deception. Be appreciative they tried to do something new. I'm really contemplating leaving this forum.

No. Please. Don't go.
Fuck off with your sarcasm. I'm not on here for you or anyone. So don't need your false pity.
You don't need it but you're getting it anywaytongue
04/05/2015 01:44 PM (UTC)
So I went to sleep last night after the stream died in the middle of chapter IV, but I gather this morning it eventually came back, and I've read the important points...

Sounds like the comic book has a better story going for it than the game aye? lol

So... Big spoilers aside...

Were there any more small spoilers? Any more cameos we didn't know about? (I saw Tanya, Rain & Sareena yesterday, and all the ones we knew about before like Bo, Li Mei, Fujin, etc... any more show up?) Anymore story mode only fights?

Did Goro ever end up doing anything, or his DLC appearance completely non-canon? (Which some of us assumed it might be.)
04/05/2015 01:46 PM (UTC)
So is Jax not a revenant any more but everyone else is?
04/05/2015 01:47 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
thats the hing man...they DID NOT DO ANYTHING NEW

from the shit roster, to the horridly thought out pathetic rehashed fucking story, to the pathetic fatalties....

seriously i have said it before...if boon fuckin hired tobias back they would be ok

and if boon fucking spent half as much time developing the actual game mORTAL KOMBAT......and not fucking scorpion...hed make a good game!

Dude just stfo. We fuckin get it. This is like the 50th time you post here to bitch. Nobody takes you seriously anymore.
We are all disappointed by some of the choices they made but you really take this to a whole new level. If you hate this game and its creators so much, do us all a favor and leave.
04/05/2015 01:50 PM (UTC)
I'm probably in the minority, but I'm actually interested in this ending. I think where they left off with some characters will definitely set up the next game's events. I just want to know the official word on who's dead at this point.
04/05/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
Ravenbez Wrote:
I'm gutted there's no Reiko :(

The comics were such a tease :(
it was obvious that anyone not redesigned in the time skip era, would not be playable on day 1.

Fujin, Mavado, Reiko, Havik, Hsu Hao, Jarek...

Only odd one was Rain because he had a new outfit in a trailer but had the mk9 one in the comics. Even he wasn't playable.

Yeah... I kept saying that, but people kept insisting it meant nothing.

And I was like, "It MEANS they didn't provide the comic book artists with concept art for those characters to work from. Which MEANS those characters weren't important enough for new concept art. Which MEANS they're not bloody likely to be friggin' playable, because Kitana's Concept art is dated 2013, so obviously the playable characters have been well into development for a long friggin' time."

But no no... it means nothing because NRS said so. Not like they'd be trying to hide story details or get us talking right? They have nothing to gain here.
04/05/2015 01:56 PM (UTC)
MK176 Wrote:
I'm probably in the minority, but I'm actually interested in this ending. I think where they left off with some characters will definitely set up the next game's events. I just want to know the official word on who's dead at this point.

Mileena is the only one I'm sure.

Shinnok is kinda dead.

Given the fact that Liu and Kitana are the emperors of the Netherrealm than Quan Chi must be dead too.

And there is Sektor. Killed by Sub Zero.
About Me

04/05/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
My major issue is..

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Why was Kotal so hyped up as a character only for his arc to show up right after Johnny's? That deserved a wag of my finger.
04/05/2015 02:04 PM (UTC)
So 2 hours lasts the story mode?... that's actually longer than most of the CoD games :/
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/05/2015 02:07 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
Ravenbez Wrote:
I'm gutted there's no Reiko :(

The comics were such a tease :(
it was obvious that anyone not redesigned in the time skip era, would not be playable on day 1.

Fujin, Mavado, Reiko, Havik, Hsu Hao, Jarek...

Only odd one was Rain because he had a new outfit in a trailer but had the mk9 one in the comics. Even he wasn't playable.

Yeah... I kept saying that, but people kept insisting it meant nothing.

And I was like, "It MEANS they didn't provide the comic book artists with concept art for those characters to work from. Which MEANS those characters weren't important enough for new concept art. Which MEANS they're not bloody likely to be friggin' playable, because Kitana's Concept art is dated 2013, so obviously the playable characters have been well into development for a long friggin' time."

But no no... it means nothing because NRS said so. Not like they'd be trying to hide story details or get us talking right? They have nothing to gain here.
oh I know. I got banned on TYM because of that. I said the exact same thing and when an enormous number of people kept pointing an d laughing at someone being able to think, I called them what they were. McDonald's future employees. Can't wait to get unbanned there and go back to laugh at the idiots.
04/05/2015 02:16 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Sektor fans will NOT want to click this, repeat DON'T CLICK

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

I totally gotta see sharefrock's face.

Poor Sektor. And this is coming from a fellow fan

mkwhopper Wrote:

I totally gotta see sharefrock's face.


I have not seen the whole story but this fucking picture represents how shitty it fucking is. Really, killing off Sektor? And why? Just to make him your personal hologram, FUCK YOU! Could you think of something else you incompetent fucking writing team, go fuck yourself whoever thought to write this fucking story for Sektor, they fucking made him Subby's and Scorpion's little toy computer that they share, what's next? they are going to play GTA 5 on Sektor? FUCK NRS AND FUCK THEIR STORY. Oh not just that, but guess who is the "secret unlockable" FUCKING SHINNOK. No hate for Shinnok but why is he the unlockable? We already fucking knew Shinnok was going to be in and we saw a fucking breakdown of Shinnok. Get the fuck outta here with this shit.

Fuck everybody who told me not to worry because the story is going to be amazing, I have not seen the stream but you wanna know how I know it sucks? Because EVERYBODY is saying so. I heard that Kitana/Kung Lao and Liu Kang NEVER get back to life and they stay as Quan Chi's personal bitches and yet they are PLAYABLE! YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!

Why couldn't those spots be for someone who is actually alive and can contribute to the story in a meaningful way... WHY?! TELL ME!? Where is Cyrax? Why could he have been there instead of Kung Lao or Liu Kang. Or you know what. Why couldn't they bring all those 3 characters back to life if they are going to look human and talk like humans. FUCK THIS SHIT! You know why they brought Jax back? Of course you do, because they wanted Jacqui and that's the ONLY fucking reason. Fuck NRS and fuck their story, I'm going to still enjoy the amazing gameplay but I'll never look at MKX and say "Oh what an amazing story that was" I'll look at it and say "Don't fucking remind me"

End of rant. If I offended anybody on this forum by my words then sorry but if not, I want you to remember and quote me on this, FUCK NRS AND THEIR SHITTY ASS STORIES.

Sektor I will miss you dearly <3.
04/05/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
your right man, your 100 right

NRS is a fucking joke...boon an vogel need to fuck off and let some one else write....get tobias back
04/05/2015 02:32 PM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
A lot of you guys are really ungrateful and feel super entitled. And who the fuck said they should fire Ed Boon and John Vogul? Why? Because you personally weren't happy? Fuck off. If you don't like what you read don't buy the damn game. The gameplay is amazing and the graphics are too. This forum is filled with a bunch of sensitive ass gamers who don't appreciate the OVERALL bigger picture. They into reduced is too many new characters and that hasn't been done since Alliance and Deception. Be appreciative they tried to do something new. I'm really contemplating leaving this forum.

There's a reason I mostly just lurk in this forum.
04/05/2015 02:32 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't exactly call Sektor killed off, frankly. He's not playable in this game, sure. But far from killed off.

Nevermind the fact that death has a revolving door for ANY character in MK for a second...

But in Sektor's case in particular, he's a friggin' evil cyborg! He doesn't NEED a body. They're obviously preserving his mind to extract information from it. That's all an evil robot needs to get his foot back in the door in a sequel.

Hell, Baxter Stockman from Ninja Turtles has just been a head in a jar at various points, and has gone through like 2 dozen robot bodies.

Sektor himself! Changed/Upgraded his body when he returned in MKA!

Yes, Sektor's off the table for THIS particular game, but we already knew that.

Honestly, if anyone didn't know that already at this point, they weren't paying attention. We've been 99% sure of the roster for months now. There was a LITTLE wiggle room suggesting the boss might be someone new, but not much. Most people who assumed we'd see more playable characters at this point were deluding themselves.

But Sektor is still totally viable for sequels, and far from dead. All he needs is for someone to flick the switch for his brains back on and stick him on a new body.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/05/2015 02:33 PM (UTC)
Smh, this is EXACTLY why I stopped caring for the story aspect of these games. We haven't truly had a great story since Deadly Alliance/Deception era. From Armageddon onward we've had nothing but weak stories.

MKX sorta roped me back in because the comics were so good...but now...eh...they've lost me again.
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/05/2015 02:36 PM (UTC)
I will say this however, maybe the comic should've been the story mode in the game lol
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/05/2015 02:39 PM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
I will say this however, maybe the comic should've been the story mode in the game lol

Haha yes! The comics truly had some great stuff going on. Fox mutilating his own face and being possessed by that demon thing is probably some of the darkest shit MK has done- the horror fan in me is proud.

Comics > Storymode.
04/05/2015 02:40 PM (UTC)
Sektor is just as dead as Liu Kang in MKX.. Which means no one is really dead in MK. I believe he will come back in MK11... :)
04/05/2015 02:40 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:

Nevermind the fact that death has a revolving door for ANY character in MK for a second...

Lol but true.

Gillbob316 Wrote:

Yes, Sektor's off the table for THIS particular game, but we already knew that.

Honestly, if anyone didn't know that already at this point, they weren't paying attention. We've been 99% sure of the roster for months now. There was a LITTLE wiggle room suggesting the boss might be someone new, but not much. Most people who assumed we'd see more playable characters at this point were deluding themselves.

Don't get me wrong, please.

I'm not mad Sektor is not in, I've accepted that and I have no problem with the roster itself because I have my favs in there. I'm mad about a couple of things.

1. The way they showed Sektor, he was just there, no flashback to a fight, nothing. Just a destroyed junk which is simply stupid and a fuck you to all the fans of Sektor.

2. Why does Liu Kang and Kung Lao get an aged human form when they clearly stay dead during the whole story and never get back to being human(I have not seen the story but this is what I heard)

3. Why is Shinnok the secret unlockable? He is not a secret and he should be an unlockable when we clearly saw him and saw a breakdown of him and some gameplay.


And those are just some points I've made without even seeing the story myself, I'll have a long ass list after I see the full story.
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/05/2015 02:40 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
I will say this however, maybe the comic should've been the story mode in the game lol

Haha yes! The comics truly had some great stuff going on. Fox mutilating his own face and being possessed by that demon thing is probably some of the darkest shit MK has done- the horror fan in me is proud.

Comics > Storymode.
Yeah! The comics were damn amazing! I'm actually now pissed that Fox bit didn't make it in!
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/05/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
I will say this however, maybe the comic should've been the story mode in the game lol

Haha yes! The comics truly had some great stuff going on. Fox mutilating his own face and being possessed by that demon thing is probably some of the darkest shit MK has done- the horror fan in me is proud.

Comics > Storymode.
Yeah! The comics were damn amazing! I'm actually now pissed that Fox bit didn't make it in!

Sucks because I was at one point actually looking forward to him the most! Even without him being possessed, I liked him as a character. He seemed like the perfect big brother/rival to Takeda, him being possessed would just add even more depth. Ah damn that could've been good lol
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