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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

01/15/2015 03:19 AM (UTC)
I'm totally into Reiko/Mileena being a thing. Daddy issues much? Fits with Mileena's character perfectly.

I worry about her presentation in the comic, though. Dare we take a bland and MK9-inspired look as a clue that she wasn't redesigned for MKX (and thus won't be appearing)?
01/15/2015 03:19 AM (UTC)
I was sure that mileena and baraka were going to be shown in the trailer because everything was was leading to tarkatans. From the old renders on the mag to the portal invasion stage of them snatching humans "they weren't supposed to see". I was thinking mileena got the throne with baraka and they're laying waste. She's in the comic with reiko but it's still possible lol. I bet kotal smashes their shit in the game.
01/15/2015 03:20 AM (UTC)
septillion Wrote:
I'm totally into Reiko/Mileena being a thing. Daddy issues much? Fits with Mileena's character perfectly.

I worry about her presentation in the comic, though. Dare we take a bland and MK9-inspired look as a clue that she wasn't redesigned for MKX (and thus won't be appearing)?

I'm not sure if I'd read too much into that. Kittelsen has talked about how they had to make up some designs for characters due to them not appearing at certain time periods in the game.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/15/2015 03:23 AM (UTC)
MortalGeek Wrote:

After seeing Fujin in the comic, I am now getting paranoid of the fact that NetherRealm is going to order Kittelsen to do something stupid like have Raiden kill him off.

Knowing of their strong distaste for most of the 3D gen fighters, I can see it happening. I hope I am wrong. Fujin and Raiden are tied in as my favorite characters but... Come the hell on. Treat them as equals. They're like the Magneto and Xavier of MK, inseparable brothers who always seem to have each other's backs. Wind and Thunder

Ed Boon and the folks at NetherRealm Studios, don't ruin this for us and listen to the fans... confused

NRS: We gon' kill all dem 3D muthafuckas. 'Cept Quan Chi.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

01/15/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
Lord I hope that black woman that Jax is training is playable (and Jax!)

She's giving me Queen Latifah in "Set It Off" vibes!
01/15/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
Wonder if the Netherrealm War will feature that Reiko and Mileena relationship and that makes me wonder if they become a thing, what if they have a child that'll be in the game?

Also, didn't one of the summaries say one of Kotal's allies dies? Well, what seems to be hinted as Reptile is right beside Kotal...what if Reptile dies? Also, I think we can see Jax's daughter or family member in the game. Or at least I hope, it gives us another female fighter that's for sure.
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01/15/2015 04:41 AM (UTC)
The woman Jax is training could be just a generic SF soldier, but how would you guys feel if that's his daughter and she ends up playable?

I could picture her with a boxing type fighting style, something more reliant on punches and evasion and a more jacked look compared to the other female characters. It would be something different.

Too many descendants would feel ridiculous but I'm kinda not against the idea...
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

01/15/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
The woman Jax is training could be just a generic SF soldier, but how would you guys feel if that's his daughter and she ends up playable?

I could picture her with a boxing type fighting style, something more reliant on punches and evasion and a more jacked look compared to the other female characters. It would be something different.

Too many descendants would feel ridiculous but I'm kinda not against the idea...

I hope she becomes a thing. The jacked look would be a great addition to the female roster. Like I said, she gives me Queen Latifah in Set it Off vibes. I love the cornrows as well. We'll see. Jax is my favorite character, so I'm actually rooting for him as well - more so than this unknown chick.

I say bring em' both on board; the more diversity the better!
01/15/2015 05:03 AM (UTC)
MK176 Wrote:
Wonder if the Netherrealm War will feature that Reiko and Mileena relationship and that makes me wonder if they become a thing, what if they have a child that'll be in the game?

Also, didn't one of the summaries say one of Kotal's allies dies? Well, what seems to be hinted as Reptile is right beside Kotal...what if Reptile dies?

I bet Salazar will die
01/15/2015 05:19 AM (UTC)
-Reptile- Wrote:
MK176 Wrote:
Wonder if the Netherrealm War will feature that Reiko and Mileena relationship and that makes me wonder if they become a thing, what if they have a child that'll be in the game?

Also, didn't one of the summaries say one of Kotal's allies dies? Well, what seems to be hinted as Reptile is right beside Kotal...what if Reptile dies?

I bet Salazar will die

If he's in the show as well, and likely playable, I really don't think they'll kill Salazar off in the comic.
01/15/2015 05:27 AM (UTC)

Jax is the boxer so it makes sense if he's not in the game but I think he will be. She probably has mechanical arms like the start of mk9. For her i'd rather some kid with the golden arms Kung fu shit from Bo. You got the elemental ninjas and the flying guillotines, wheres golden arms? Perfect fit I say. I miss those old Kung fu flicks where the credits rolled as soon as the bad guy hit the ground lol. Good stuff.
01/15/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
The woman Jax is training could be just a generic SF soldier, but how would you guys feel if that's his daughter and she ends up playable?

I could picture her with a boxing type fighting style, something more reliant on punches and evasion and a more jacked look compared to the other female characters. It would be something different.

Too many descendants would feel ridiculous but I'm kinda not against the idea...

If she is a playable one and a boxer is what she is, maybe they're throwing a homage towards ole' Nimbus?
01/15/2015 07:24 AM (UTC)
I had to google nimbus but I remember now lol.
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01/15/2015 10:44 AM (UTC)
Looks like a flesh colored Reptile.. Reminds me of his MK9 mask and cowl...

01/15/2015 12:40 PM (UTC)
Awesome! ^ That's gotta be Reptile :), just with the light of the sun making it look like he is a weird colour, same with Kotal. I don't think he has flesh coloured skin or a white outfit, just the choice of colouring by the artist was poor in this shot.

The fact that he has a cool new outfit is good right? Could point to a roster inclusion. Could be nothing either :(
The fact that he is with Kotal may be bad though...pretty sure one of the summaries said one of Kotal's henchmen dies and we know Ferra/Torr is in the game so...:(
It's also slightly sad that he's Kotal's henchman because once again he is the eternal lackey with repeating story.

If it's Chameleon, that's cool too as long as he dies a more horrific death and in a shorter time than Hsu Hao. :P
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/15/2015 01:05 PM (UTC)
Reptile might just be able to naturally change hues on a whim.

It doesn't look like he's trying to hide, but I'd imagine a lime green garb would be an easy target for any enemy in broad daylight.

So maybe he's playing it safe.

Or it's faulty coloring, lol.
01/15/2015 01:19 PM (UTC)
Actually, looking at it more...it looks like the area around his eyes is light green like his skin is and should be.

From the neck down is a slightly different colour (more brownish/olive) and though at first I thought it was supposed to skin too, now I think it's actually some sort of material. Could be what unleash said above either with skin changing ^

Need to see more though obviously. When does Kotal's chapters begin again? After Cassie?
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01/15/2015 02:27 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
The woman Jax is training could be just a generic SF soldier, but how would you guys feel if that's his daughter and she ends up playable?

I could picture her with a boxing type fighting style, something more reliant on punches and evasion and a more jacked look compared to the other female characters. It would be something different.

Too many descendants would feel ridiculous but I'm kinda not against the idea...

If she is a playable one and a boxer is what she is, maybe they're throwing a homage towards ole' Nimbus?

Terra Briggs maybe? ;)
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/15/2015 03:03 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
Awesome! ^ That's gotta be Reptile :), just with the light of the sun making it look like he is a weird colour, same with Kotal. I don't think he has flesh coloured skin or a white outfit, just the choice of colouring by the artist was poor in this shot.

The fact that he has a cool new outfit is good right? Could point to a roster inclusion. Could be nothing either :(
The fact that he is with Kotal may be bad though...pretty sure one of the summaries said one of Kotal's henchmen dies and we know Ferra/Torr is in the game so...:(
It's also slightly sad that he's Kotal's henchman because once again he is the eternal lackey with repeating story.

If it's Chameleon, that's cool too as long as he dies a more horrific death and in a shorter time than Hsu Hao. :P

I can't see them killing Reptile in the comic. He's probably in the top 10 recognizable characters. He's the first ever hidden character in a fighting game. Unless there's a new Saurian to take his place, I don't think Reptile dies. Please God don't let Reptile die.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/15/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
The Reiko and Mileena combo actually makes sense in a lot of ways.

He was Kahn's general, and she was his heir.

So there's one side of the civil war. Other side could be Kotal/D'Vorah.

There's also the possibility of a Tarkatan/Shokan uprising or rebellion. Which would put Mileena in a very volatile situation. I'm all for that, because if she's still like MK9 Mileena, then she has got to do some growing up to make these tough decisions. It's the classic "nurture" vs "nature" scenario for her.

It's a step in the right direction for Mileena.
01/15/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
The woman Jax is training could be just a generic SF soldier, but how would you guys feel if that's his daughter and she ends up playable?

I could picture her with a boxing type fighting style, something more reliant on punches and evasion and a more jacked look compared to the other female characters. It would be something different.

Too many descendants would feel ridiculous but I'm kinda not against the idea...

She may be one of the other new females we may get. I'm in wink
01/15/2015 08:24 PM (UTC)
septillion Wrote:
I'm totally into Reiko/Mileena being a thing. Daddy issues much? Fits with Mileena's character perfectly.

I worry about her presentation in the comic, though. Dare we take a bland and MK9-inspired look as a clue that she wasn't redesigned for MKX (and thus won't be appearing)?

girls who date people like their father.... ewww....

But it does make sense for Mileena i guess. She might be missing Shao Kahn's prescence or something.

Plus shes never really going to conquer outworld with a lackey/follower like Baraka. So its an upgrade.
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01/15/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:


>mfw you think you're in a position to demand anything
01/15/2015 08:51 PM (UTC)
If Reptile is in, I really hope he has more of a Cobra / snake face than the lame lizard, chameleon, frog looks he has..
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/16/2015 08:24 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:


>mfw you think you're in a position to demand anything

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