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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

04/07/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Funny how the people claiming they aren't uncomfortable keep bringing it up and trying to prove their "innocence*

Posts like this just get me heated. First off the people that said they didn't like it, just said they didn't like it (at least I know I did). Nothing more. Nothing less. I wanted a duster. Then you come along and throw words in my mouth saying "I don't like it because it's a shirtless guy lol" and giving stupid generalizations that I wasn't giving. I gave you a response as to why that's not true. My favorite design is Kano and he's fuckin' shirtless. I don't give a rat's ass if he's shirtless. He looks cool.

Don't start throwing these stupid thoughts around and expect people to not give responses back and then try to play it off as we're being defensive about our "manhood". Simple as that.
04/07/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)
I have to admit im loving these alt costumes right now! Im looking to Main Mileena first and her costumes looks sick... the two fancy looking ones and her MK2 is just as sick.. instantly reminds me of that old school shit!
04/07/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
I LOVE that alt Erron is making all of these straight guys uncomfortable. I'm totally going to use him all the time (when I'm not using Sonya), just because of that.

Guys just aren't used to seeing men used as sex objects. *plays a tiny violin* Boo hoo. Erron's alt isn't even comparable to the porn skins that most of the females in MK have had. I mean seriously, some of them might as well have been covered by bandaids and a cork. At least Erron has pants on. Quit yer bitchin'.

Who's uncomfortable dude? get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

Lol @ the "us vs hetero male" mentality there is no excuse for acting like a sniveling child. You should be ashamed to call yourself an adult the way you conduct yourself.


You must not understand English that well would you like me to write in Spanish for you maybe French?

Drop the false sense of grandeur would you? Stop making it about yourself for the sake of argument when it was never about you.

Take that little kid drama back to highschool ninja.

y'all say you want equality and inclusion then you go and pull the special snow flake act.

Be as vocal as you want but don't impose your views on anyone.

The special Snowflake routine is always used, that's why i laugh at Social Justice Warriors, they are all hypocrites.
04/07/2015 04:16 PM (UTC)
Was still really hoping we would get more then 3 Alts for Subby, Deception, Mkda Alt. confusedconfused I know it cannot possibly be just those 3.
04/07/2015 04:16 PM (UTC)
Wouldn't be MKO without a bullshit fight over some kinda bullshit. Anyway
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04/07/2015 04:30 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Funny how the people claiming they aren't uncomfortable keep bringing it up and trying to prove their "innocence*

Posts like this just get me heated. First off the people that said they didn't like it, just said they didn't like it (at least I know I did). Nothing more. Nothing less. I wanted a duster. Then you come along and throw words in my mouth saying "I don't like it because it's a shirtless guy lol" and giving stupid generalizations that I wasn't giving. I gave you a response as to why that's not true. My favorite design is Kano and he's fuckin' shirtless. I don't give a rat's ass if he's shirtless. He looks cool.

Don't start throwing these stupid thoughts around and expect people to not give responses back and then try to play it off as we're being defensive about our "manhood". Simple as that.

Right. The one costume people are bitching about just HAPPENS to be the sexualized cowboy. Buuuuuuuullshit. He's being compared to a stripper, and here and other places (Gamefaqs, Facebook, etc) people are saying they don't like that he looks sexualized. That it's out of character. Again, bullshit. Same could be said about every female ever, before MKX.

There is a difference between shirtless and sexualized. Most straight men are uncomfortable with men being sexualized in the way that women are. Shirtless Kano wasn't designed to be sexy. Erron's alt, clearly, was. And THAT is what has most people bitching. Well, deal with it. Women deal with it all the time.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

04/07/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
You know what, believe whatever you guys want. I'm done talking to brick walls here. Carry on.
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04/07/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
My main deal with Erron's alt is how....odd it is. It just seems a weird choice to be a cowboy gunslinger in his main to a stripped down wastelander in his alt. There should be a middle here but there just isn't. To me it seems like it was thought up in about five minutes with no thought. I could care less if it is sexualisation or not. He could wear nipple clamps for all I care, doesn't hide the fact that it's just an odd choice for Erron.

Just my two cents.
Royal Assassin
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"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

04/07/2015 04:45 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Funny how the people claiming they aren't uncomfortable keep bringing it up and trying to prove their "innocence*

Posts like this just get me heated. First off the people that said they didn't like it, just said they didn't like it (at least I know I did). Nothing more. Nothing less. I wanted a duster. Then you come along and throw words in my mouth saying "I don't like it because it's a shirtless guy lol" and giving stupid generalizations that I wasn't giving. I gave you a response as to why that's not true. My favorite design is Kano and he's fuckin' shirtless. I don't give a rat's ass if he's shirtless. He looks cool.

Don't start throwing these stupid thoughts around and expect people to not give responses back and then try to play it off as we're being defensive about our "manhood". Simple as that.

Right. The one costume people are bitching about just HAPPENS to be the sexualized cowboy. Buuuuuuuullshit. He's being compared to a stripper, and here and other places (Gamefaqs, Facebook, etc) people are saying they don't like that he looks sexualized. That it's out of character. Again, bullshit. Same could be said about every female ever, before MKX.

There is a difference between shirtless and sexualized. Most straight men are uncomfortable with men being sexualized in the way that women are. Shirtless Kano wasn't designed to be sexy. Erron's alt, clearly, was. And THAT is what has most people bitching. Well, deal with it. Women deal with it all the time.

it's also very simple you don't like an alt don't use it/play it simple. being a female i didn't care for the stripper look in mk9 BUT i would just choose Kitana's/Jade's mk2/umk outfits and Mileena's Umk3 outfit. for Sonya i would use her alt cause heels for a Special Force Officer kind of weird to me, anyways

i'm loving so far all of Mileena's and Kitana's alts they look amazing but i find Kitana's face in her alt Princess look? looks a bit weird. her Revenant and Dark Empress looks are cool and abit creepy

find it weird Erron's alt is causing so much issues straight/gay guys even woman watch WWE or WWF or whatever and those guys are shirtless in little shorts and or speedos do the guys complain about seeing that?

doesn't he have tattoos or scars on his body? maybe they want to show it off cause it has something to do with his shirtless look. or ask NRS team why they choose for him to look like that
04/07/2015 04:45 PM (UTC)
I don't like Erron's alt either. Not that I really care for his primary to begin with. Before the defenders of the realms over here jump down my throat though.... It isn't because he is shirtless. He looks goofy as hell and I also don't mind Kano's costume. He looks badass. Erron just looks awful. I'm sure I'll get a lashing for having an opinion that isn't strictly "cover up the females and uncover the males" but they could have thought of a much better costume.
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God of War is Back!

04/07/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)
I don't like sexy Erron Black because, it reduces his character to a fighting Fuck toy.....LMAO that hurt to type.
I don't care, I just wanted a sexier Marina.grin
04/07/2015 04:57 PM (UTC)
lordkirac Wrote:
I don't like sexy Erron Black because, it reduces his character to a fighting Fuck toy.....LMAO that hurt to type.
I don't care, I just wanted a sexier Marina.grin

The girls are already reduced to this. They always have been. Look at d'vorah's alt. a total skank outfit. I'm not going to say it destroys the character tho like some people are saying cus its a alt.
04/07/2015 04:59 PM (UTC)
Don't like 'em, don't use 'em.
04/07/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
Ooooft. Some of those are awesome. Generally good all round with a few exceptions.

Kitana and Mileena got some of the best costumes, though two of Mileenas are a bit too similar but still a vast improvement in what she's had the last couple of games. Bit tired of the mk2 costumes though I'd rather Kitana got MKDA and Mileena her MKGold.

Loving FerraTorr, DVorah, Reptile alts, Johnny's that he wears in his chapter, most revenants.

Not liking Cassies Ermac or Kotal alts, ninjas mime cage or farmer jax. Also Jacqui a bit too bland.
04/07/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
Lol I hate when people bring real life issues into video games.

Now that alot of people hate "Sexy Erron Black" I know which costume I'll use everytime ;)
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God of War is Back!

04/07/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
Lol I hate when people bring real life issues into video games.

Now that alot of people hate "Sexy Erron Black" I know which costume I'll use everytime ;)

Use it well
04/07/2015 05:31 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
Lol I hate when people bring real life issues into video games.

Now that alot of people hate "Sexy Erron Black" I know which costume I'll use everytime ;)

Is it sad I knew i was just gonna use it for the lulz from the moment i saw it
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God of War is Back!

04/07/2015 05:33 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
lordkirac Wrote:
I don't like sexy Erron Black because, it reduces his character to a fighting Fuck toy.....LMAO that hurt to type.
I don't care, I just wanted a sexier Marina.grin

The girls are already reduced to this. They always have been. Look at d'vorah's alt. a total skank outfit. I'm not going to say it destroys the character tho like some people are saying cus its a alt.

Joke-------------------------------------> Joke
.................Your Head

04/07/2015 05:39 PM (UTC)
lordkirac Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
lordkirac Wrote:
I don't like sexy Erron Black because, it reduces his character to a fighting Fuck toy.....LMAO that hurt to type.
I don't care, I just wanted a sexier Marina.grin

The girls are already reduced to this. They always have been. Look at d'vorah's alt. a total skank outfit. I'm not going to say it destroys the character tho like some people are saying cus its a alt.

Joke-------------------------------------> Joke
.................Your Head


I'm sorry but u seriously don't know these days with the way people are acting.
04/07/2015 05:40 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Funny how the people claiming they aren't uncomfortable keep bringing it up and trying to prove their "innocence*

Posts like this just get me heated. First off the people that said they didn't like it, just said they didn't like it (at least I know I did). Nothing more. Nothing less. I wanted a duster. Then you come along and throw words in my mouth saying "I don't like it because it's a shirtless guy lol" and giving stupid generalizations that I wasn't giving. I gave you a response as to why that's not true. My favorite design is Kano and he's fuckin' shirtless. I don't give a rat's ass if he's shirtless. He looks cool.

Don't start throwing these stupid thoughts around and expect people to not give responses back and then try to play it off as we're being defensive about our "manhood". Simple as that.

Right. The one costume people are bitching about just HAPPENS to be the sexualized cowboy. Buuuuuuuullshit. He's being compared to a stripper, and here and other places (Gamefaqs, Facebook, etc) people are saying they don't like that he looks sexualized. That it's out of character. Again, bullshit. Same could be said about every female ever, before MKX.

There is a difference between shirtless and sexualized. Most straight men are uncomfortable with men being sexualized in the way that women are. Shirtless Kano wasn't designed to be sexy. Erron's alt, clearly, was. And THAT is what has most people bitching. Well, deal with it. Women deal with it all the time.

You're full of fucking shit. I don't like Errons alt because it looks fucking stupid. How dumb is it gonna look when he has a gun on his back and he's shirtless? He should have gotten a duster alt, not that bullshit.

Oh, but no, to you, we're complaining because he's a "sexualized cowboy". Apparently that's what it all boils down to, and we're supposed to deal with it because women are put in skimpy outfits and there's supposed to be "equality".

@Killswitch completely agreed. I have no idea why the fuck people are like this, but this type of shit is ridiculous.
lordkirac Wrote:
I don't like sexy Erron Black because, it reduces his character to a fighting Fuck toy.....LMAO that hurt to type.
I don't care, I just wanted a sexier Marina.grin

Who the hell is Marina? confused
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04/07/2015 06:02 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Funny how the people claiming they aren't uncomfortable keep bringing it up and trying to prove their "innocence*

Posts like this just get me heated. First off the people that said they didn't like it, just said they didn't like it (at least I know I did). Nothing more. Nothing less. I wanted a duster. Then you come along and throw words in my mouth saying "I don't like it because it's a shirtless guy lol" and giving stupid generalizations that I wasn't giving. I gave you a response as to why that's not true. My favorite design is Kano and he's fuckin' shirtless. I don't give a rat's ass if he's shirtless. He looks cool.

Don't start throwing these stupid thoughts around and expect people to not give responses back and then try to play it off as we're being defensive about our "manhood". Simple as that.

Right. The one costume people are bitching about just HAPPENS to be the sexualized cowboy. Buuuuuuuullshit. He's being compared to a stripper, and here and other places (Gamefaqs, Facebook, etc) people are saying they don't like that he looks sexualized. That it's out of character. Again, bullshit. Same could be said about every female ever, before MKX.

There is a difference between shirtless and sexualized. Most straight men are uncomfortable with men being sexualized in the way that women are. Shirtless Kano wasn't designed to be sexy. Erron's alt, clearly, was. And THAT is what has most people bitching. Well, deal with it. Women deal with it all the time.

You're full of fucking shit. I don't like Errons alt because it looks fucking stupid. How dumb is it gonna look when he has a gun on his back and he's shirtless? He should have gotten a duster alt, not that bullshit.

Oh, but no, to you, we're complaining because he's a "sexualized cowboy". Apparently that's what it all boils down to, and we're supposed to deal with it because women are put in skimpy outfits and there's supposed to be "equality".

@Killswitch completely agreed. I have no idea why the fuck people are like this, but this type of shit is ridiculous.

Agree 100%
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God of War is Back!

04/07/2015 06:06 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
lordkirac Wrote:
I don't like sexy Erron Black because, it reduces his character to a fighting Fuck toy.....LMAO that hurt to type.
I don't care, I just wanted a sexier Marina.grin

Who the hell is Marina? confused

Amazon Stream Dude called Mileena Marina
04/07/2015 06:07 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Funny how the people claiming they aren't uncomfortable keep bringing it up and trying to prove their "innocence*

Posts like this just get me heated. First off the people that said they didn't like it, just said they didn't like it (at least I know I did). Nothing more. Nothing less. I wanted a duster. Then you come along and throw words in my mouth saying "I don't like it because it's a shirtless guy lol" and giving stupid generalizations that I wasn't giving. I gave you a response as to why that's not true. My favorite design is Kano and he's fuckin' shirtless. I don't give a rat's ass if he's shirtless. He looks cool.

Don't start throwing these stupid thoughts around and expect people to not give responses back and then try to play it off as we're being defensive about our "manhood". Simple as that.

Right. The one costume people are bitching about just HAPPENS to be the sexualized cowboy. Buuuuuuuullshit. He's being compared to a stripper, and here and other places (Gamefaqs, Facebook, etc) people are saying they don't like that he looks sexualized. That it's out of character. Again, bullshit. Same could be said about every female ever, before MKX.

There is a difference between shirtless and sexualized. Most straight men are uncomfortable with men being sexualized in the way that women are. Shirtless Kano wasn't designed to be sexy. Erron's alt, clearly, was. And THAT is what has most people bitching. Well, deal with it. Women deal with it all the time.

take your political correctness to Tumblr, and just fyi stop throwing us all into one category, Sonya being in special forces and having high heels and a braless vest was dumb imo, and this is coming from a straight male. You are a hypocrite, if you want to be one of those people that jump down someones throat just because they said they didn't like an outfit then you are part of the problem.

@killswitch this is how i feel when i see these dumb arguments on twitter, social media as a whole. Probably should lock this thread, going to get worse.
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04/07/2015 06:08 PM (UTC)
lordkirac Wrote:
giggles Wrote:
lordkirac Wrote:
I don't like sexy Erron Black because, it reduces his character to a fighting Fuck toy.....LMAO that hurt to type.
I don't care, I just wanted a sexier Marina.grin

Who the hell is Marina? confused

Amazon Stream Dude called Mileena Marina

Was he Asian?
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