07/13/2006 04:59 PM (UTC)
scaze :
elament: elder god
fighting stiles:prayingmantis jeet kune do wepen stiyle ninga soured
special tricks:spear fire ball hell telaport fire sheild
fatality:flames his oponent shoots to spears at stomic an head and rips off head first then stomic.
mission:saving all relms.and finding his son scorpion
allies:scorpion shujinko
foes:reiden quanchi shangtsung blaze
as an eldergod i have to save the relms .a fool named shoujinko dangerd the relms . he saved the relme but reiden killed him i must distroy reiden

i now know my son scorpion i must find him and tell him

scaze met with scorpion in a bttle they for hours and none won
they an alliance together and defteted reiden
so eny one like himfurious
07/15/2006 02:17 AM (UTC)
All I like is your EXTREMELY (I'm talking Rob Van Dam v.s. Sabu extreme) incorrect spelling!grin
07/15/2006 02:37 AM (UTC)
fuckin basterdfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious
07/15/2006 03:56 AM (UTC)
thegodofevilman Wrote:
fuckin basterdfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious

Calm down, and don't post three emoticons. They don't go on well, and are not needed. It would be considered spam, and it pierces my corneas just looking at it.
07/15/2006 06:47 PM (UTC)
07/16/2006 10:32 PM (UTC)
During the time of Armageddon blood covered the realms. The Elder Gods saw it fit to emerge one from the blooded soil. His name was Sangren. As the "son" of the elder gods he grew as powerful as Raiden and Fujin combined. At the conculsion of his 1000 years of training and spiritual guidance, Sangren was sent to be the new protector of Earthrealm. Raiden passed down his staff and joined his rightful place as an Elder
Styles: Praying Mantis, Wu Shu, Tai Chi
Weapon: Raiden's Staff
Powers: All of Earthrealm's Elements
Allies: Earthrealm warriors
Enemies: All who threaten Earthrealm and her warriors

I view him as a warrior with beautiful and powerful kung fu very fast and acrobatic. Makes Shujinko's skills look like switching to pull ups.

Tell me what you think
07/19/2006 01:14 AM (UTC)
07/19/2006 01:23 AM (UTC)
thegodofevilman Wrote:

ummmmm dude just fucking calm down..............great now this thread is gonna get closed for sure because of you and your spam shit just stop now
07/19/2006 02:11 AM (UTC)
About Me
MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
Signature by Pred
07/19/2006 03:48 AM (UTC)
scorpion_s2 Wrote:
ummmmm dude just fucking calm down..............great now this thread is gonna get closed for sure because of you and your spam shit just stop now

It wouldn't be closed; the guy would just be banned if he continued to spam it up (which he will stop doing).
07/20/2006 01:03 AM (UTC)
Jerrod Wrote:
scorpion_s2 Wrote:
ummmmm dude just fucking calm down..............great now this thread is gonna get closed for sure because of you and your spam shit just stop now

It wouldn't be closed; the guy would just be banned if he continued to spam it up (which he will stop doing).

ight no problem! :)
07/24/2006 01:26 AM (UTC)
man these ideas are really impressive!!!!!! cmon guys lets keep it up!
07/24/2006 02:49 AM (UTC)


Fighting style:Lui he ba fa

2nd fighting style:Ba Gua

Weapon:Rapier Alignment:Good Allies:Ashrah, Jade, Sindel, Kitana, Raiden, Sub Zero. Enemies:Mileena, Baraka, Scorpion, Shujinko, Cyrax, Sektor, Smoke, Noob, Dragon King, Deadly Alliance, Hotaru, Shao Kahn, Oni, Nitara, Reptile, Sheeva, Goro, Tanya.

Special Moves:

Mystical shot: A Magic spark flies toward the enemy knocking them down.

Dark Tangle: Adrad's hair flies out and entangles her opponent squeezing them then uppercutting them.

Sky blast: Adrad shoots a beam of magic into the air and smashes them down to the ground then raises them up and they fall.


Hellish Entangle: Adrad's hair consumes her opponent crunching them to nothing.

Holy Cleanse: Adrad Charges up a huge orb and then shoots it to her opponent and it becomes a beam that rips them apart. Story: Ashrah's mother and Sindel's advisor, Adrad has fought in every battle in history. She is said to have been one of the Elder Gods' sisters. Adrad has been said to be the goddes of light but came down from the heavens to help Earthrealm. She has long time hated almost every being that is from out world. Ending: As Adrad returned through the portal from Outworld she was ambushed by some of her most hated enemies. Mileena, Tanya, and the Deadly Alliance had come to put and end to the light goddess. Adrad struck Mileena down when Tanya came behind her grabbed the Kamidogu of Edenia. Adrad turned around and cut deep into Tanya. With this chance, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung did a combined blast and severely injured Adrad. Close to death, Adrad combined the Kamidogu and summoned the Dragon King. Onaga easily defeated the two sorcerors and turned to Adrad for his end of the deal. Adrad handed Onaga the Kamidogus and beckoned farewell. As Adrad climbed back through the portal she heard the satisfaction of the Dragon King.......Dying. The Goddess of Light had sealed Onaga in the one place he could not survive............................The Heavens.
07/24/2006 05:17 PM (UTC)
Kenshi777 Wrote:
Fighting style:Lui he ba fa
2nd fighting style:Ba Gua
Allies:Ashrah, Jade, Sindel, Kitana, Raiden, Sub Zero.
Enemies:Mileena, Baraka, Scorpion, Shujinko, Cyrax, Sektor, Smoke, Noob, Dragon King, Deadly Alliance, Hotaru, Shao Kahn, Oni, Nitara, Reptile, Sheeva, Goro, Tanya.
Special Moves:
Mystical shot: A Magic spark flies toward the enemy knocking them down.
Dark Tangle: Adrad's hair flies out and entangles her opponent squeezing them then uppercutting them.
Sky blast: Adrad shoots a beam of magic into the air and smashes them down to the ground then raises them up and they fall.
Hellish Entangle: Adrad's hair consumes her opponent crunching them to nothing.
Holy Cleanse: Adrad Charges up a huge orb and then shoots it to her opponent and it becomes a beam that rips them apart.
Story: Ashrah's mother and Sindel's advisor, Adrad has fought in every battle in history. She is said to have been one of the Elder Gods' sisters. Adrad has been said to be the goddes of light but came down from the heavens to help Earthrealm. She has long time hated almost every being that is from out world.
Ending: As Adrad returned through the portal from Outworld she was ambushed by some of her most hated enemies. Mileena, Tanya, and the Deadly Alliance had come to put and end to the light goddess.
Adrad struck Mileena down when Tanya came behind her grabbed the Kamidogu of Edenia. Adrad turned around and cut deep into Tanya. With this chance, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung did a combined blast and severely injured Adrad. Close to death, Adrad combined the Kamidogu and summoned the Dragon King. Onaga easily defeated the two sorcerors and turned to Adrad for his end of the deal. Adrad handed Onaga the Kamidogus and beckoned farewell. As Adrad climbed back through the portal she heard the satisfaction of the Dragon King.......Dying. The Goddess of Light had sealed Onaga in the one place he could not survive............................The Heavens.

I like it
08/04/2006 02:33 PM (UTC)
man im so sorry what i did
08/07/2006 02:31 AM (UTC)

Age: 26
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sub-Zero, Earthrealm Warriors
Foes: Deadly Alliance, Onaga, Blaze, Shao Kahn
Sex: Male
Specials: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Ice Spear
Bio: Growing up thinking Mortal Kombat was nothing more than a game, he idolized Sub-Zero, and wished his powers were real. He practiced to try to mimic them, and one day he finally did. He practiced more elements and mastered them all, thus becoming the kore of all elements. Then, to his surprise and delight, he was called upon by Raiden to participate as one of the next generation of eathrealm warriors.
08/09/2006 08:26 PM (UTC)
Lu Ku...he was the greatest fighter durring the three kingdome era and was brought by Fujin into the new mortal kombat
08/10/2006 12:10 AM (UTC)
they should bring back striker he was awesome is MK3tongue
I thought up a character the other night, and although I am no good at naming peeps(^venom was the one I actually had in mind...), I do believe i have a very original and cool character.

She is African. Black. her skin is as dark as Noob Saibots, and her body has whites tatoos of archaic symbols. Her eyes are the most notable- grey pupils with white spot patters around the underside of the eyes. Her hair is braided tight and short. She wears shrunken monkey skulls for earrings and a bikini made of neon colored frogs. Wrapped around her at almost all times is a slithering red anaconda python, roughly twelve feet in length. But her blood is the best. She bleeds black, but as the drops of blood hit the ground, tiny legs pop out and it turns out than many a tiny spiders hit the ground instead, and they scurry off into the foreground.

and the one special I forged for her is the Bola Constrictor. She extends her arm and the anaconda coils itself around her arm, slinky style. This takes about one second before the snake shoots out at lightning speed(beam projectile) and wraps itself around the enemy. It causes no damage, but the enemy is "frozen" in place.

She would also likely have some fancy kick move. maybe a counter attack or teleport, and a poweful throw move in which she poisons the opponent.

Wait, I have a name: Akrimony
And her weapon? the snake becomes rigid and is used like a club.
09/28/2006 10:16 PM (UTC)
i know they arn't that original but im a ninja fan so here are a few

Hellfire- Lossely based on Blaze, came up with him watching the part in MKSM were Shang makes the fire portal. He is a shape shifter but has his own original moves. He throws fire, teleports by makeing a flame portal, shapeshift, and can turn invisible appearance similar to blaze, but he isn't made of fire. he is neutral and his allys an enemys are yet to be determained. i have a story for him but i dont have time to write it

Anarchy- very loosley based on me also based on Criss angle. He Is a ninja, but he doesn't have the traditional hood. He has long hair and was a rocker (thoughs parts are based on me) befor he was killed. He still keeps true to his musical roots he even carries a guitar to the start of the match. He has a spear move similar to that of scorpions in the fact that he throws it and when it hits he screems " get over here you hippie!" not all of his story is done but i do have his info.Anarchy
6 foot 4
267 lbs
Allies: Hellfire, Tremor, Scorpion
Enemys: Shao Khan, Dragon King, nOOb saibot

Next dude is Kaine:Based on Kane from the wwe/f and Shao Khan

This guy is massive. I don't know what the height limit is but i hope to get him around 9 feet. He weighs about 800 pounds. His background is basicly about how he came to be. When Shujinko got rid of the Sedin Guardsmen in the Chaos relm, He rose up and became emporer. This dude is pure force and can reflect projectile attacks. his wepon will be (i hope) the thing that Scorpion uses the Mugatu Ryu or somthing like that. His main goal is power. He wants to rule all the relmes.

His info: Kaine
9 Feet
800+ lbs
Chaos relm
Allies: Dragon King, Brothers of the Shadow, Havik
Enemys: Shao Khan and his allies, Hellfire, Tremor, Anarchy and
and all the earthrelm warriors.
Thats all i have for now, no bios (as in background) yet, i'm more focoused on the characters themselves, not the story.
Pages: 3
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