06/11/2006 08:41 PM (UTC)
Name - Special Agent John Ford (U.S. Secret Service)
Alignment - Good
Age - 29
Sex - Male
Height - 6'0"
Weight - 235 lbs
Fighting Styles - S.C.A.R.S., Special Forces Hand to Hand Combat
Weapon - K-Bar (Marine Corps Fighting Knife)
Allies - Liu Kang, Lt. Gen. Sonya Blade, Major Kurtis Stryker
Foes - Kormack, Shinnok, Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Sektor

After spending only 6 years as a part of Marine Corps Force Recon, John Ford was the most decorated Marine in his unit. Late one night while on a training exercise in the Mojave Desert, John was approached by a shadowy figure who made him an offer he couldn't refuse: Become the Special Agent in Charge of President Charles Womack's personal Security Force. Without hesitation, John jumped at the chance. Throughout his 5 years in his service to the President, John was an exemplary agent. Twice saving him from assassination attempts by taking the assassins bullets himself, John was a man without fear. While out for a leasurely run, John was approached by Lt. General Sonya Blade. Sonya told him of a new threat to the President, The Tekunin. It came to her attention that the Tekunin were about to make a move on the U.S. nuclear weapons depot in Virginia. In order for the Tekunin to gain access to these missiles, they would need the Presidents Nuclear Missile Key which hangs around his neck at all times. Sonya told John to brief his men and to be on the alert. Many months have passed since his meeting with Sonya and the Tekunin haven't made a move ........ until today!

While on a retreat to Camp David, President Womack was enjoying a peaceful day of fishing and leasure. At the Presidents behest, John joined him down at the stream, picked up a rod and started fishing with him. This is the break the Tekunin needed. After quietly killing off all of the Presidents other guards, 2 Tekunin soldiers ambushed John and the President. John was shot in the back and left for dead. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was the president being beheaded by one of the Tekunin. He then heard one of them say to the other "Let's go Kormack! We don't have much time." John was later revived at Walter Reed Naval Hospital. During his rehabilitation, John watched as the Tekunin's grizzly plan unfolded. The Tekunin had set up their own base in the most remote area of the world, Antarctica. From there, they held the entire world hostage with their stolen nuclear weapons. John's focus was absolute. Kill the Tekunin at all costs and restore balance to the world.

Special Moves:

One shot, One kill - John pulls out his 10mm pistol and fires one shot at the opponents body, dazing them for 3 seconds.

Punishment - This is a special throw. John grabs his opponents right arm by the wrist with his left hand. He then steps in and delivers an elbow to the opponents solar plexis, and the flips his opponent over his shoulder where he then stomps on their face.

1, 2 - John pulls out his K-Bar and lunges toward his opponent, slashing across his opponents chest twice sending the opponent stumbling backwards.

Spear - John bull-rushes his opponent and tackles him/her. After the tackle, he delivers 3 devestating hook punches to his opponents face.


Retribution - John unsheathes his K-Bar, slices the side of his opponents neck with the sharp side of his blade, turns his blade around to the jagged side and rips the wound open. He then grabs his opponent around the back of their neck, pulling them closer at which time he plunges his blade into their gut and pulls upwards, spilling their entrails onto the ground. As his opponent lies on the ground coughing up blood and dying, John turns his back to them and walks away.

Silence - John approaches his opponent from behind, reaches over thier head and plunges a finger into each of their eye sockets and pulls their head backwards. With his free hand, he rips his opponents throat out and throws it to the ground. He the releases his grip on the opponent and lets them fall to the ground.
06/11/2006 10:29 PM (UTC)
MortalKombatRedemption Wrote:
Oh okay. I guess a name isn't that big of a deal anyway. sorrywink

Its alright dude, no apologies are in need.wink
About Me

<img src="http://i6.tinypic.com/16lxtso.jpg"
Sexy-tastic signature made by BOMBSnFISTS. My deviantART gallery

06/23/2006 11:37 PM (UTC)
About time we got some chicks in here!

Name: Giovanna "Gia" Dilioni
Sex: Female
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 24
Allies: None (and a one-night stand with Mavado doesn't count)
Enemies: All members of Red Dragon, Black Dragon, and Special Forces
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Fighting Styles: Monkey, Leopard Kung Fu
Weapon: Twin Longswords

Born into a wealthy family of Italian weaponsmiths, Giovanna grew up around swords and was more than a competent swordswoman when she left highschool. However, palace intrigue and troubles with the Mafia left her orphaned soon after. Enraged with grief, Giovanna turned to bounty hunting as a means of revenge; she could rip down criminal organizations and get paid for doing it. In this way she was competing with the existing law-enforcing bodies.
Giovanna is shrewd, reckless, and uses any means necessary (sorry Malcolm X) to snare her prey - her brief affair with the Red Dragon leader Mavado caused a shitstorm among the organized crime culture. However, she hasn't forgotten her roots - she counts food, wine, and music among the few joys in her life.
Currently, she hops back and forth between the Dragon clans, using many disguises to pose as new recruits, then slyly snaring their members and turning them in for her sweet reward - cash and revenge - once she has their trust. However, no one can hide forever... Gia's fatalities: Windmill: Giovanna kicks the opponent into the air and holds up one of her swords. She then swings the blade and the victim around a few times and tosses them onto the floor. Deadly Scissors: Gia brings her swords together in a scissor-like stroke, cutting off both the head and torsp. Hara-Kiri: Drives both her swords through her stomach.
About Me

Join the KMD (Kang Must Die) club and recieve a free piece of his corpse, no donation=1 of his fingers. small donation= a limb. Large donation=the turkey voiced Monkey boy's Head.

06/24/2006 01:04 AM (UTC)
Here are 3:

Name: Creed.
Age: looks 23 (lived over 200 years).
Origin: Out-World.
Allies: Sub-zero, Kintaro, Reiko.
Enemies:Ermac, Motaro, Scorpion.
Fighting Styles:Shotokan, hapkido.
Weapon:Berserker Sword (large sword like cloud's from FFVII).
Moves:Energy blast (strong shot of energy), creeping shadow (Disapears and performs a random charge attack, uppercut, roundhouse, or sweep depending on the botton pressed), Ice charge ( an ice clone runs extremly fast toards the opponent freezing them on contact), Flying snow (creates a snow cloud above him that freezes the enemy and keeps them frozen in the air).
Fatality: Taste my power: Grabs the enemy by the neck and gives them his power its too much for the enemy to take and eventualy blows them up.
Cursed Arm:removes his glove then thrusts his left arm into his opponent's chest which causes many changes to him (increase in size, head gets bigger, opponent gets thinner, burns up the opponent) until finally melting the opponent into an acid puddle.
Hara-Kiri: my curse: places his left arm ( glove off) on his face melting himself until his arm is all that remains.

Bio:I was an elite assassin in Motaros extermanation squad, one day he sent me and a couple of centaurs to explore an ice temple which was recently discovered uppon arrival the 2 centaures struck me from behind and told me that he who bares the cursed mark must not live then they left me to die , but Sub-zero found me and helped me, I sparred with him until my glove came off and I touched the Ice and it melted the mark on my hand shines when ever I use this power and the more I use it the more I liked it, I bid the warrior farewell and decided to look for the centaurs that attacked me I saw them fighting Kintaro who was 1 of Khans champions I wanted to leave him to take care of them for me, but then I saw the ghost that was haunting me in the past Ermac, a combonation of many of the people I killed, helping Kintaro was much easier than fightin Ermac we won and Kintaro asked if there was anything he could do to repay me I showed him my mark and asked if knows about it and he said that Reiko may know Kintaro decided to join me on my quest.

Haze(the son of Sub-zero and Sareena): During her time in the lin kuei Sareena fell in love with Sub-zero and had a child from him at the age of ten Haze's Kori(ice) powers awakened but because of his oni blood his entire body up to his neck became Iced(like Sub-zero's arms) causing him to be more powerful than Sub-zero when he was at that age. at the age of 20 haze was the strongest warrior in his group so strong that he could make a kori-blade without the dragons amulet. there is a day each year when Sub-zero goes to Outworld to pray for his fallen comrades who died at armageddon at the cryomancers temple one day he did not return causing Sareena and Smoke(who became a trainer in the lin kuei) to worry. Haze decides to look for his father lacking proper fighting experience Smoke knew that Haze may die in Outworld so he and Sareena wanted to stop him by force the two easily knocked him to the wall(after a short fight) when he was about to give up he accidentally grabed the dragons amulet while getting up. the amulet did not freeze him infact it extended his powers even more allowing him to make 2 kori-blades and enhance his kori powers. now he had the upper hand and was victorious against them when he was about to leave Sareena told him to bring his father back safely he looked at her smiled and said "don't worry I'll bring dad back home,mom" and so his quest begins.

2-Ruby(yes the fake Kitana look a like): Ruby was an orphen whs parents died in the war with Shao Khan,but was later taken into the Edenian palace by Jade. she was trained by both Kitana and Jade to be a covert-ops expert(spying and assassination) Kitana considered Ruby a younger sister while Jade was more of a mother to Ruby after she became old enough she was assigned to monitor any unusual activity in Out-wold, one day while she was there she heard rumours of someone who resembels the former emporer of out world who just returned from an icy temple.this emporer wants to rule Out-world and begins gathering troops. Ruby infeltrated his hide out but was discovered by some guards while running away from the guards she saw the emporer he looked like Shao Khan but was smaller in size and was never called by his name outside. of the hide out she was confronted by centaur who was an ally to the emporer she tried to use Edenian magic to beat him but centaurs arn't affected by magic when her back was to the wall the centaur wanted to finish her off as he was about to strike he was literly frozen then an angry warrior walked up to him created a sword of ice and used it to cut the centaures head off the warrior said that the emporer had somthing that belongs to him Ruby asked what it was he responded angerly:"My fathers soul"
06/24/2006 06:06 AM (UTC)


Allies-Kenshi,Liu Kang,Kitana

Foes-Reptile,Shao Khan

Bio-I am Dymadon,a Surian that has been enemies to Reptile ever since that day........I and Him were walking in Outworld doing Shao Khans bidding when a strange shadow apeared! it took my throat and cut it while Reptile that fool ran off screaming,not helping I at all! I was pretty much in pain and suffering.The unknown bieng was still beside me so I acted dead to fool him.....or whoever that was.My wounds are now fully healed and I join Liu Kang and his allies to destroy Evil and put it back where it belongs........in Hell..................................

Battle Styles-

Hung Gar

Tia Chi

Special Moves-

Tail Lash-Dymadon swipes his tail at the opponents face making them scream in pain

Snap!-Dymadon snaps at the opponents face ,causing some damage

Sludge-Dymadon throws up some acid on the floor and makes the opponent slip causing some minor damage

Fatalities and Hara Kiri-

Fatality #1-Gut Munch-Dymadon walks up to the dizzy opponent and and bites off there whole stomache,then they drop on the floor dead

Fatality #2-Tail Frenzy-Dymadon's tail turns sharp as a sword an starts slicing body parts off the opponent,first leg,then both arms,and finally there head

Hara Kiri-Gut Pull-Dymadon forcely stabs his hand in his belly and pulls out his stomache and then puts it in his mouth,then drops dead

Ending-I,Dymadon was about to finish off Shao Khan when out of nowhere the Figure pops out and forcely punches my face making me unconcius,falling to the floor

I woke up later only to find me strapped onto some ropes over the Deadpool,I see Shao Khan laughing his brain off with another Kombatant...............Noob Saibot.......................
06/24/2006 11:06 PM (UTC)




noob saibot.scorpion.


lui kang.


Shade was killid by the earthrealm warrior lui kang in the era of the deadly alliance.when he arrives in the netherrealm he sees a man dreesed in black fighting a black dragon member.the black warrior was geting a beat down there was blood everywere and then teh black fighter moves so fast and sticks his leg in the red dragon warriors eye sockets and slowly pulls it out.he starts 2 walk off then shade runs up to him and the warrior explanes that he apart of the dark brotherhood of shadows.shade decides to join the brootherhood and practice his skills so that one day he mite have his revange against lui kang.


(this is in the deception era)After defeating the gragon king shade is diapointid to find out that lui kang is already dead.he then gos to out world in search of a new life he.is walking by as a man ambushes him.Shade takes his autunm dao and kills him with one blow to the head.a man in black and purple walks up to him and sais that was a great display of combat skills nad sias he should join shao kahns army.shade decides to join.

speical moves. telekanetic flury.shade does a kick kombo using his mind to hit his opponent from a distant.

Darknnes.shade throws a smoke bomb and the everything gos black exept for the other fighter.

teleport kick.shade telelports bhind his oponent and snap kicks them. Fatalities and har kiris.fatality 1.shade pulls of his cloth and reveals a burned face and wraps it around his enemys head and pulls it off as its comin of so does there skin until its completly gone. fatality 2.shade rases his oponents body with telekanecis then kicks off every part of there body. hari kiri shade put his ands to gether as is he were praying and a red glow forms around him ans he explodes. apearance feet.booots legs.brotherhood pants waist.black belt with skull belt buckle torso.darkbrotherhood shirt arms.black sleeves head.grey cloth waraped around head.black mask covering mouth.
06/25/2006 12:30 AM (UTC)
They should make a fighting charachter outta KIng jerrod...although im not good at writing bio's it would b kick ass if they made him a bad as character who kicks the shit outta shoa kahn and then regains edenia....ya that would b kool
I got you...

Place of Origin- Edenia
Status- Fallen Edenian King
Alignment- Good
Height- 6'7"
Weight- 265
Fighting Styles- Pao Chui, Leopard
Weapon- Tiger Fork

1 Royal Pain- Jerrod kicks his enemy in the back of the knees, forcing them to kneel down. Jerrod takes his tiger fork and stabs the enemy in the back.
2 Under Seige- Jerrod punches the enemy over and over, bludgening them. Jerrod rears back, and with all his stregnth, punches the enemy's head. The head flies across the screen. As the body falls down, Jerrod holds up his blood-covered hand and laughs.

Shao Kahn has taken my life, my queen, and my kingdom. For this, he will pay dearly. An insane man with no face resurrected me. His name is Havik. Havik is working with Edenia, Orderealm, and Outworld's armies to stop the Damnation army of the Netherealm and they need my help. Alongside Rain, I will lead Edenia's armies. We will stop Damnation at all costs.

Character Bio created for my new game- Mortal Kombat Damnation
06/28/2006 04:43 PM (UTC)
thxs man thats kick ass
You like that? I'm just starting. I'll make some more. One more thing. Could someone draw a concept of Jerrod and post it? I would, but I can't figure my scanner out...anyway, here's Jerrod's description. Jerrod has long, black hair and a long, black beard. Jerrod wears a long, purple cape and gold chest armor. Jerrod wears a purple roman-looking dress thingy(kilt, whatever it's called) and sandals.
About Me

<img src="http://i6.tinypic.com/16lxtso.jpg"
Sexy-tastic signature made by BOMBSnFISTS. My deviantART gallery

07/01/2006 01:04 AM (UTC)
I'm a decent artist. I might be able to draw something. Is he muscular or skinny?

Gia's fatalities:

Deadly Scissors: Giovanna sneaks up on her opponent and swipes her swords in one scissor-like motion, cutting off the head and torso.

Forbidden Gate: Giovanna grabs her opponent, stands them on their head, and drives one of their swords right between their legs before twisting; the opponent screeches until they finally die.

Hara-kiri: Giovanna drives one sword up her vagina and faceplants.

07/01/2006 01:59 AM (UTC)
Well they shuld still have a ninja sspecter like scorpion and some new ninjasfurious
07/01/2006 03:43 AM (UTC)

He wuld have a mask like sub zero or scorpion but itd be red and black and he would be wearing a black hoody with black jogging pants

His fighting styles wuld be Karate, Hikuata and the weapon wuld be the tomb chaiser double bladed axe with half a dragon head and half a human skull on the bottom

His Fatality wuld be sticks in his sword in their throat rips out their wind pipe and then sticks his throat down in his stomache then rip them out

Har kairi: He wuld rip off hid head then fall to the ground and blow up

His Bio : he was discoverd by scorpion on his way to meet with shao kahn and slayer wuz battling with a tarkatan so scorpuion noticed he was a very experinced fighter who had trained who was a former member of the lin kuei but had deserted after being told to kill scorpion but then abadoned them to join the shai ri ryu only to be enterd in the mortal kombat by scorpionfurious

Foes: Quan-chi, Noob, Onaga
Allies: Scorpion, Reptile, Sub-Zero, Ermac, Rain
To EvanjiAxu: Jerrod's built muscular. Please show me the drawing when you get done. Have him holding his tiger fork. If you don't know what it looks like, it looks like a trident with 3 points.
About Me

<img src="http://i6.tinypic.com/16lxtso.jpg"
Sexy-tastic signature made by BOMBSnFISTS. My deviantART gallery

07/01/2006 03:37 PM (UTC)
Mmmkay, I'll work on it.

And a partner for Giovanna...

Race - 3/4 Tarkatan, 1/4 Edenian
Place of Origin - Outworld
Status - Bounty Hunter
Alignment - Neutral
Age - Whatever the Tarkatan equivalent of 17 is
Height - 6'1"
Weight - 160 lbs
Fighting Styles - Tiger Kung Fu, Hapkido
Weapon - Tarkata Blades
I'll type up the bio later. EDIT: What color are his eyes? And don't all tridents have 3 points?
07/02/2006 02:01 AM (UTC)
Name: Spectre

Allingment: Neutral
Allies: Darrius
Enemies: Noob, Reptile, Nightwolf
Desc. White cloak that covors whole body accept face (from nose to eyes) green eyes.
Weapon: Sword like Ashra's

Profile: Spectre is a silent assasin from Edenia who works only for Darrius. Darrius had other plans and targets so he hired Spectre,a well talked about assasin. Spectre was hired to slay a Noob Saibot And Reptile. He doesn't know why Darrius assigned him these two but Spectre would work on ending their lives anyway. As Spectre looked through Netherrealm for his foes, he met a man who said he was lost in the retched place and needed help to find a way out. The man was Nightwolf, and as Spectre declined the task, Nightwolf noticed a strange thing about Spectre. A precence, that gave off a very evil feeling. Nightwolf wanted to clense Spectre, but it ended up in combat, due to Spectre's alignment only with Darrius. Spectre shooed off Nightwolf and later found one of his targets, Noob. After a long fight, Spectre had Noob pinned down and his sword raised high, trying to get Noob to tell why he has heat with Darrius. The answer was he and Reptile were to join the Resistance, and they did. But they formed an allience and planned on turning on the group. They killed many members of the Resistance members and fled. Darrius wanted to find someone to kill these two, now he finaly has. Spectre drove his sword into Noobs head and set off to find Reptile.

Fatality 1: Viscerator: Spectre knocks his opponent down, and slices their stomach. He pulls out their organs and shows them to the camera.

Fatality 2: Intestine Choke: Spectre drives his hand into the opponent's stomach and takes out the long organ. He then chokes his victem to death with it!

Hara-kiri: Spectre pulls his eyes out of his sockets and eats them wow. He then falls over.

(Stupid story, I know.)
About Me

<img src="http://i6.tinypic.com/16lxtso.jpg"
Sexy-tastic signature made by BOMBSnFISTS. My deviantART gallery

07/02/2006 06:29 PM (UTC)
Continuation of Giovonna's story: Eventually, Gia found a strange portal that sucked her into Outworld. She decided to set up shop because the ever-purple sky reminded her of her mother, who had worn that color so often. More importantly, Outworld was always at war, so she'd have no shortage of customers. Seeking only money, Giovanna sold her weapons to both sides and all races - the weapons of battling Shokan and Centaurs might both be of Dragonfang (for that is the name of the business) make. However, once she witnessed battling within inches of her armory, and that is where Ezana's story begins...

Gonna type it later. I'm lazy.
07/02/2006 08:19 PM (UTC)
There should be a guy with a mask and chainsaws for handssmilesadwinkgrinconfusedwowfurioustonguesleepglassesglassessleeptonguefuriouswowconfusedgrinwinksadsmileconfused
07/02/2006 08:40 PM (UTC)
Mavado619 Wrote:
There should be a guy with a mask and chainsaws for handssmilesadwinkgrinconfusedwowfurioustonguesleepglassesglassessleeptonguefuriouswowconfusedgrinwinksadsmileconfused

i dont think all those smilies are requiered! please dont do that.
07/02/2006 10:19 PM (UTC)
About Me

<img src="http://i6.tinypic.com/16lxtso.jpg"
Sexy-tastic signature made by BOMBSnFISTS. My deviantART gallery

07/02/2006 10:58 PM (UTC)

A long time ago, in a land where the sky is purple and most of the inhabitants have scary teeth or eyes, Baraka and Mileena were in love. After some time, Mileena bore him a son - three-fourths Tarkatan and one-fourth Edenian. He had his mother's hair and skin tone, but other than that he resembled his father Baraka. They named him Ezana, which means "beloved". (Actually, it's the name of an African king who converted to Christianity. Whoopsie, I've said too much.)
Ezana was raised like any other Tarkatan child, and when he was of age he went off to fight for Kahn like the other young males. He reveled in bloodshed, indulging his desire for violence and gooey gore that lies within all Tarkatans.
One time the fighting was particularly fierce. Suddenly, a bearded man in rust-colored robes ambushed him and began to wave his hands about. Ezana took a while to realize that the green energy being drained from him was his soul. Fortunately, some anonymous do-gooder sneak-attacked this man from behind, drawing his attention. Ezana was mercifully merely knocked unconscious.
When he woke up, he remembered nothing - not what had happened, not his Tarkatan barbarity, not even his family - but his own name. Bending over him was a woman with skin and hair barely lighter than Mileena's but again, he didn't remember her.
"Who are you? What are you? You were the only thing left alive after that battle," the woman inquired nervously, two swords at the ready.
"...My name Ezana," he forced in his harsh, rasping voice.
"Are you my enemy?" she asked more sharply.
"What 'en-uh-mee' mean? Where am I? I know my name Ezana, and that all I know," he replied.
"Enemy. Y'know, someone you hate."
"What 'hate' mean?"
The woman sighed and shook her head. The Tarkatan would be a handful.
07/03/2006 05:14 AM (UTC)
scorpion_s2 Wrote:
Mavado619 Wrote:
There should be a guy with a mask and chainsaws for handssmilesadwinkgrinconfusedwowfurioustonguesleepglassesglassessleeptonguefuriouswowconfusedgrinwinksadsmileconfused

i dont think all those smilies are requiered! please dont do that.

on the bright side I like this character!grin
About Me

<img src="http://i6.tinypic.com/16lxtso.jpg"
Sexy-tastic signature made by BOMBSnFISTS. My deviantART gallery

07/03/2006 11:30 AM (UTC)
Ezana's shy, nervous, and naive. Poor Giovanna, she's going to hafta teach him how to flush the toilet D:
About Me

The reverse side of beauty is dyed by filth, flith lies in the beauty...

07/06/2006 09:49 PM (UTC)
here's one me and my friends made up

foes:his father


creature had no name when he was little.his father hated him because creatures mother died givin birth to him,and his father hated him for tht,one day his father got fed up of him,and dumped him in a desert for him to die there.but amazinly creature survied,but barely,and found his way into the living forest,there he met nightwolf.nightwolf sensed he had powers,but they were locked away inside him,so nightwolf raised him up untill he was 18,then he told him about his powers,nightwolf did a ritual tht was sopposed to realese his powers.he did.but the pain for creature in tht moment was unbareable.he also herd animal sounds in his head.also wings sprouted from his back and they just bursted out.after the ritual ended,and after creature had some rest,nightwolf filled him in on his powers,creature had the powers of the animals,basicaly he had characteristics of animals,but an appearance of a mortal.nightwolf trained him for 2 years to let him train his powers and how to use them.from then on he called himself creature....................

after the 2 years,creature set out on himself to find his father for revenge,he bid nightwolf goodbye,and set off.on his journeys he was attacked by a man in blue armour,cool it! creature said and grabbed the man in blue armour with his snake powers.why are u acttackin me asked creature.the man in blue armour said because u r the son of dhumah,and i must kill all relatives of him!.....wat did my father do to u!? asked creature, the man said he was the one who killed all the cyromancers,i'm am the only one left,apart from my brother,and i want my reavenge! well so do i said creature....wat!!? asked the man.......i want revenge to......creature let go of the man and creature filled him in on his story,and the man revealed himself to be sub-zero.they both agreed tht they would go together to kill dhumah,but creature wanted to make the final blow,and they set off on there journey to kill dhumah......
About Me

07/12/2006 06:07 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
These are my Twin characters, bios are basically the same so it is really only necessary to read one.

Name: Vandrix (LK-1X3)
Alignment: Evil
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'5"
Fighting Styles: Tekunin, Ninjitsu
Weapon: Tekunin Shock Staff
Allies: Kormack, Sektor, Shinnok
Foes: Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Cyrax
Growing up in the netherealm, Vandrix and his twin brother Kormak were taken from there parents at a young age. Originally decending from earthrealm, Vandrix did not recall much of the events that took place as they were only seven years old, he does however remember a name uttered while they were taken, "Shinnok", he was trained at a young age aside his brother untill they were 22. Thier leader planned to invade earthrealm and the two were eager to join the fight but as they were preparing to depart for their great quest to conquor earthrealm, a wraith approached them and offered them a deal, delay their much awaited kombat and depart with him and he would promise them much greater power and higher status amung their ranks.

So they departed with the dark warrior to a distant base kept secret even to the original master where they were trained in even more arts, hearing that their former master was indeed defeated by the hands of earthrealm, they decided to stop following such inferior warriors and depart to find a way of their choosing.

It was while going to the oh too farmiliar earthrealm that we had whitnessed a battle between a relatively small group of warriors and a group of warriors greater in number that seemed to have ice abilitys. Vandrix recodnized the warrior from storys he had heard while in the netherealm, Vandrix and his brother looked at them as weak, relying on such a cruch in battle and not fighting like a worrior. After the battle had ended, the small group had all been killed accept the warrior who faught the leading ice warrior, they approached him in aid as they saw the scared tactics used by the ice warrior.

He collapsed in front of the twins. Vandrix had taken him over his shoulder as sparks flew out of the clearly damaged warrior. They carried him to an abandoned factory of retired industrial use. Kormak scavanged the building for supplies as Vandrix examined the warrior for repair details. Eventually they had the parts they needed, and repaired the power generator within the being that apeared to be cybornetic.

He awakened and was a bit defensive but came too realize he was in no danger. He revealed himself as Sektor, LK-9T9 Lin Kuei Cybornetic warrior ver.1.0

He had explained the battle that had transpired and thanked the twins for there assistance and asked them if we wanted to join him. He claimed that they were superior warriors based on his sensors and offered to make modifications to them that would increase their power by 10 times. they did not pass the oppertunity up.

For the next year or so, we were genetically and physically modified in Sektors home base in Japan called the Tekunin HQ, we had both learned a fighting style based on computer analysis of every style created and taught the most effective attacks, blocks and counters needed to defeat 99% of anemies we would face, Including Sektors enemies such as Sub-Zero, Cyrax and Smoke.

It was at this time that they had heard of the laughable "threats" to earthrealm called Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. That threat was nothing of what was to come, they had planned on attacking earthrealm for some time now and were making final preparations to the Tekunin army that the twins were appointed top generals of recently. Another threat had surfaced, a mild power had been detected below the earths surface and had just exploded. Using long range DNA sensors, the new being resembled 2 DNA types already picked up on the sensors, a Great Reptilian DNA patturn on bones in a sealed sarcophagus, and a DNA patturn similar to the warrior Reptile.

Making the most logical decision, our newly upgraded and eager general had posponed the attack and instead, moved there army of over 10,000 cybornetic warriors into position in mountains located around the palace of Shang Tsung and the stolen army of the new life form resembling tales of a great warrior that Sektor was told of when he was present in the Lin Kuei.

After the destruction from the battle that raged inside, the dragon being emurged, over the next couple of days, there army held positions and scanned battles raging and waited.

Once they saw that the Dragon being had been defeated, They launched there assault with Sektor, Vandrix and Kormack leading the assualt, this will no doubt become earthrealm and the Lin Kuei's destruction, there is no doubt that this is there greatest battle. There is no doubt that this is ARMAGEDDON.


Name: Kormak (LK-6T7)
Alignment: Evil
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'5"
Fighting Styles: Tekunin, Pi Gua
Weapon: Tekunin duel pulse blades
Allies: Vandrix, Sektor, Shinnok
Foes: Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Cyrax
Growing up in the netherealm, Kormak and his twin brother Vandrix were taken from there parents at a young age. Originally decending from earthrealm, Kormak did not recall much of the events that took place as they were only seven years old, he was trained at a young age aside his brother untill they were 22. Thier leader planned to invade earthrealm and the two were eager to join the fight but as they were preparing to depart for their great quest to conquor earthrealm, a wraith approached them and offered them a deal, delay their much awaited kombat and depart with him and he would promise them much greater power and higher status amung their ranks.

So they departed with the dark warrior to a distant base kept secret even to the original master where they were trained in even more arts, hearing that their former master was indeed defeated by the hands of earthrealm, they decided to stop following such inferior warriors and depart to find a way of their choosing.

It was while going to the oh too farmiliar earthrealm that we had whitnessed a battle between a relatively small group of warriors and a group of warriors greater in number that seemed to have ice abilitys, Kormak and his brother looked at them as weak, relying on such a cruch in battle and not fighting like a worrior. After the battle had ended, the small group had all been killed accept the warrior who faught the leading ice warrior, they approached him in aid as they saw the scared tactics used by the ice warrior.

He collapsed in front of Kormak and Vandrix. Vandrix had taken him over his shoulder as sparks flew out of the clearly damaged warrior. They carried him to an abandoned factory of retired industrial use. Kormak scavanged the building for supplies as his brother examined the warrior. Eventually they had the parts they needed, and repaired the power generator within the being that apeared to be cybornetic.

He awakened and was a bit defensive but came too realize he was in no danger. He revealed himself as Sektor, LK-9T9 Lin Kuei Cybornetic warrior ver.1.0

He had explained the battle that had transpired and thanked the twins for there assistance and asked them if we wanted to join him. He claimed that they were superior warriors based on his sensors and offered to make modifications to them that would increase their power by 10 times. they did not pass the oppertunity up.

For the next year or so, we were genetically and physically modified in Sektors home base in Japan called the Tekunin HQ, we had both learned a fighting style based on computer analysis of every style created and taught the most effective attacks, blocks and counters needed to defeat 99% of anemies we would face, Including Sektors enemies such as Sub-Zero, Cyrax and Smoke.

It was at this time that they had heard of the laughable "threats" to earthrealm called Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. That threat was nothing of what was to come, they had planned on attacking earthrealm for some time now and were making final preparations to the Tekunin army that the twins were appointed top generals of recently. Another threat had surfaced, a mild power had been detected below the earths surface and had just exploded. Using long range DNA sensors, the new being resembled 2 DNA types already picked up on the sensors, a Great Reptilian DNA patturn on bones in a sealed sarcophagus, and a DNA patturn similar to the warrior Reptile.

Making the most logical decision, our newly upgraded and eager general had posponed the attack and instead, moved there army of over 10,000 cybornetic warriors into position in mountains located around the palace of Shang Tsung and the stolen army of the new life form resembling tales of a great warrior that Sektor was told of when he was present in the Lin Kuei.

After the destruction from the battle that raged inside, the dragon being emurged, over the next couple of days, there army held positions and scanned battles raging and waited.

Once they saw that the Dragon being had been defeated, They launched there assault with Sektor, Vandrix and Kormack leading the assualt, this will no doubt become earthrealm and the Lin Kuei's destruction, there is no doubt that this is there greatest battle. There is no doubt that this is ARMAGEDDON.

this is good as hell we got a new character yall!!!gringringringrin
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