Since a lot of characters might die after Armageddon, lets think of some new ones.
posted09/28/2006 10:16 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/25/2006 08:45 AM (UTC)
Since a lot of characters might die after Armageddon, let's think of some new ones.grin
06/09/2006 04:20 AM (UTC)



Foes:Sub-Zero,Quan Chi

Bio:after the contruction of Sektor,T.E.C.H.N.O. has been locked up ever since.T.E.C.H.N.O. was a prototype of Sektor,except he is orange,not red.T.E.C.H.N.O. did not like the idea of bieng locked up by the Lin Kuie and decided to go on a rampage.He has been killing off Lin Kuie warriors and decided to go out on his own.He meets up later with Quan Chi and he is bieng forced to join him in world domination.T.E.C.H.N.O. did not know what to do so he went haywire on him and attacked!Quan Chi then sprung out of battle thinking this is not the time to fight.T.E.C.H.N.O. later comes up with Sektor and Cyrax.Sektor explained his mission on assasinating Sub-Zero.T.E.C.H.N.O. later joins forces with the two searching for Sub-Zero.

Battle Style:Robot

Battle Style:Monkey

Special Moves:

Black Uppercut:T.E.C.H.N.O.'s hand turns into a black ball and the forcefully uppercuts the opponents chin knocking them up in the air.

Fireball Frenzy:T.E.C.H.N.O. shoots tons of fireballs rapidly and randomly at the opponent,scorching them painfully

Hypnotizing Sting:T.E.C.H.N.O. hypnotizes there opponent making them dizzy,having T.E.C.H.N.O. free to attack them.

Fatalities,Hara Kiri :

Fatality 1 :Brain Wash:T.E.C.H.N.O. walks over to the dizzy opponent and grabs there head tightly.A vacuum like machine pops out of T.E.C.H.N.O.'s head and clamps onto the opponent's head making a sucking sound.after a few seconds the vacuum removes from the head only showing the opponent's skull.T.E.C.H.N.O. does his Battle Pose.

Fatality 2:Singe:T.E.C.H.N.O.'s legs vibrate a bit and out from the shins pop out two claws and they clamp onto the enemies legs,making them unable to move.T.E.C.H.N.O. then shoots basketball sized fireballs at the enemy,making him later burn into a skeleton.Battle Pose.

Hara Kiri: Fireball decapitation:T.E.C.H.N.O. takes a few steps back from the enemy and shoots a HUGE fireball into the air,a few seconds later the fireball comes crashing down onto T.E.C.H.N.O.'s head burning it until its gone.The body falls onto the floor lifeless

that was my first time making one of these,i hope you like my idea!

Baron Place of origin: Realm of Chaos Alignment: Good Status: Chaosrealm armies general Allies: Havik, Hotaru Enemies: Drahmin, Baraka Height: 6'4'' Weight: 245 Fighting Styles: Tang Soo Do,Capoeira Weapon: Yari Spear Appearence: Baron has a lighter skin tone than Havik, but he's not pale. He has long,red hair that hangs down to his waist tied in a ponytail. He has a long, red beard that is also tied. He wears armor on his chest,arms, and legs.
06/09/2006 05:06 AM (UTC)
MortalKombatRedemption Wrote:

Place of origin: Realm of Chaos
Alignment: Good
Status: Chaosrealm armies general
Allies: Havik, Hotaru
Enemies: Drahmin, Baraka
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 245
Fighting Styles: Capoeira, Cha Chuan
Weapon: Yari Spear

pretty good should make a bio for this character as well that would make a lot mor sense....other than that good!grin
About Me

Made by ThePredator151 :D

06/09/2006 08:38 PM (UTC)
hey love the ideas guys erm heres mine..


Name: crymell
Age: unknown
Sex: male
Race: cyborg/ demon
Allies: noob, smoke, sektor
Enemys: earthrelm warriors, shang sung, quan chi
weapon: strings of metal which come from inside his body.

special moves: tangle, the six lashes. tight rope, flying screw

fatality: /// 1 /// : open chest :--- string goes through mouth and saws downwards opening the chest !!

fatality: /// 2/// : body snatcher. :--- strings rap round arms, legs and head rippes them of and throws the body up in the air making it explod when it hits the ground.


He wears a dragon implated cloak which is.. red, black and white in different areas. / underneath the original ninja costume e.g reptiles in MK:T
but in orange and black undercoating. / a mask which covers the mouth, forhead, sides and carrys down to the sholders at the back. trousers normal but colour coded so his whole costume matches.


when noob saibot and smoke dicided they would create the ultimate army with smokes nano technoligy the both decided to make a general for this army to lead them into battle whilst noob, smoke where fighting the generals of the opposing armys. so they decided to make another cyborg. they set out to the netherealm and searched for a lonley soal with some sort of power. they came across a fight outside the citys walls and found a man, not human a demon, fighting two large monsters. he finished them off and noob, smoke approached him.

after many weeks of convincion crymell finally agreed to join them and become high chief in there army. they took him to there labs and began the operation on him. for some reason the operation could never be completed . they added his suit and programed him but they must have made an error some where in the prosedure. crymell was left in the labratory for many years till one day..

he is found by another cyborg who reboots his system. this cyborg became his tutor and explaind that there was a great war his creators where killed in this war and that he ( sektor ) and 6 others survived. he continued to explain and then they left. crymells goal in life was to find and kill the remaning survivors who killed noob and smoke.
06/09/2006 09:23 PM (UTC)
allies:shujinko and his allies
enemies:Shujinko's enemies
fighting styles:Mantis and shotokan
weapon:straight sword
fatality:organ remover
description:rips out every organ in enemy's body,then skull, thenblood explodes everywhere hara kiri:stabs hand into his chest and rips out his heart
special moves:laser beam palms,choke from distance, and Black ball explosion
appearance:much like shujinko,but instead of a white robe, a brown and black robe,and hair black with sreaks of gray and white,beard is much shorter than shujinko's, status:father of shujinko and light minor sorcerer
bio:Mordred is Shujinko's father.Mordred has never heard of him since so he decides to find shujinko.little does he know he is tricked in to entering the tournament and doesn't know the complete dangers.Although,he is also personally trained with Bo Rai Cho and a master of his own fighting styles and knows about the mortal kombat tournament..Mordred will then find out why his son left and save him from danger...
this took me a long time so let me know what you think
06/09/2006 11:23 PM (UTC)
A mercenary, who fights on his own. Has sorta the Riddick thing going, has no sides but his own. Takes nothing from anyone.

They do need some older ppl, older ppl are usually more experience and are the teachers.

Maybe more god characters?
A member of Onaga's army?
An evil presence that lives through soul-less corpses?
A new emperor to replace Shao Kahn?
An even more mutated tarkatan?tongue
06/10/2006 01:58 PM (UTC)
MortalKombatRedemption Wrote:
Maybe more god characters?
A member of Onaga's army?
An evil presence that lives through soul-less corpses?
A new emperor to replace Shao Kahn?
An even more mutated tarkatan?tongue

How about this

Captain Insano
Height: 6’5
Weight: 216 lbs
Weapon: Pirate Cutlass
Fighting Styles: Rogue and Drunken Fist (taught by Shao Kahn)

One day, in the deepest dark part of Outworld, I was roaming in the plains of Outworld. It was a regular day, and I was just a poor nomad, and had some worthy skills enough to be called a rouge. As always when I roamed in the forest, I was tormented by the Tarkata and their thirst for blood. While trying to escape the Tarkatan horde, I was cornered just outside Shao Kahn's palace and forced to fight for my life. I would always run from them and lose them until another day. This time there, I battled Baraka and his companions, and beat them down into a pool of blood. As I was settling a score with the Tarkata, Shao Kahn saw the feud, and was pleased. My roguish skills caught the eye of a immortal emperor, and it took to much of his delight. He gave me a chance to fight in the honor of his royalty or die from disobeying, and how could I refuse? After all, he was the emperor, and he had great wisdom. I said, "yes your highness." I decided to prove my loyalty to him (it was what he desired).

He gave me the order to invade Edenia and slaughter the people of that realm, I took Sindel and Kitana prisoners and had them under the torture of Mileena and Tanya. I killed all that lived in that realm, with the help of Shao Kahn’s chosen militia. The only who lived there now where the dying Queen and Princess. When I returned, Shao Kahn paid me a tribute by building me a ship, that was bigger and more evil than the Nethership. I then requested that his chosen militia were to be my crew. And then I named my self Captain in the loyalty of Shao Kahn. The ship could be teleported to any realm on a work of magic. Shao Kahn then called me and my crew, his pirate fleet of fear. Then it hit me, I was a pirate. My roguish skills finally paid off, and my nomad days were over. After being an immigrant to the realm, coming from the realm of Chaos and learning the way of Chaos from Havik himself, maybe that’s why Shao Kahn was so pleased with me, I was his entertainment, and I enjoyed being his servant to enlightenment. I then teleported to Earthrealm, and Shao Khan gave me orders to spread his name across the realms.

After we docked on the shores, we met a mercenary of the Black Dragon clan, a leader named Kano. He first threatened to kill me, until he realized he was ridiculously outnumbered. So then he gave me a proposition, to pay his life debt. He gave me 1200 Gold koins. It then came to my knowledge that the Red Dragon was near by, and they hired a spy named Noob Saibot, the information came from a Black Dragon member. The Red Dragon then became informed of the deal that Kano and I had made. My crew and I followed the trail that the spy left, and came to the leader of the Red Dragon. He offered to pay twice what Kano payed me if we launced a twin assault on the Black Dragon clan. He then paid by a shiny ruby koin to start off the raid. We raided back to Kano, taking the Red Dragon leader with us as well as the Red Dragon clan, killing anyone who got in the way. Finally we arrived and this time Kano was prepared for such a situation. A battle raged on, between my crew and the Black Dragon as well as the Red Dragon. My crew was able to fight off the Black Dragon members, and the blood bath was over, for there my crew lay dead with the deceased Black Dragon members and the Red Dragon clan had retreated (half of them). The only ones left standing were Kano and I and a wounded Red Dragon leader, who fled after the feud.

I fought Kano in Mortal Kombat and defeated him, wounding him with a cutlass stab to the leg. He fled through the portal and now resides somewhere in the realm of Outworld, trying to get Shang Tsung and Quan Chi as allies. I went back to Shao Kahn, and he was most pleased with my work. Raiden made an oath that Shao Kahn and I would pay for this treachery in Earthrealm (not caring for the two clans but for the innocent lives lost during the battle). Now the Red and Black Dragon clans along with Kano himself became my foes and Shao Kahn’s as well (especially the Red Dragon clan, because of the 2400 Gold koin debt that the leader promised I would get if I put together an assault on the Black Dragon). I was the emperor’s right hand man, and a servant to his call. Shao Kahn then taught me more advanced tactics in Mortal Kombat, and a little bit of the Black Arts. Shao Kahn then became my master. It was my purpose in life to serve Shao Kahn . . . I was born of piracy. This all took place during MK Deception, leading into Armageddon.

06/10/2006 07:11 PM (UTC)
this is making another onegrin




Foes:Smoke,Dragon King

Bio:Balrog is part of Baraka's Army,one of the big guns.He has been serving Baraka for years and has been destroying the monks.When Balrog heard about the Dragon King coming back to life he couldent resist but went with Baraka to find out if this is true,it Balrog was becoming hyper all over and wanted to be the Dragon King's assistant.The Dragon King neglected his offer and Banished him into the living forest where Balrog will rot.Balrog.........had other plans in store for the Dragon King..........

Battle Style:Hung Gar

Battle Style:Hapkido

Special Moves:

Blade Rush:Balrog's blades shoot out tons of spikes at the foe causing some serious damage.

Fear Me!!!:Balrog's face turns more gruesome and yells at the foe making them stand there in fear having Balrog free to attack.

Acid Spit:Balrog haucks a BIG! loogie at the foe burning them painfully.

Fatalities and Hara Kiri:

Fatality 1: Blade Suffering:Balrog walks over to the foe and stabs both his blades into the stomache of the foe and lifts him up,the foe is crying "no,no Balrog no!" but he splits the foe in half leaving the two halves in each blade.

Fatality 2: Slobber Puddle:Balrog spits out a lot of acid onto the ground making a huge puddle,he grabs the dizzy foe and lifts them into the air,he then throws the foe into the puddle making them sink deeper and deeper until the foe is gone......a few seconds later the puddle is going away and all you see is a bloody skull which was the foe's.

Hara Kiri:Melting Tarkata:Balrog fears of dying so he slobbers all over the place making the acid......he then rolls in it making his skin burn off and only leaving muscle and bone on the wet ground.

That guy is really cool!smile
06/10/2006 08:52 PM (UTC)
Here is mine
Allies:Black Dragon Clan
After the last Bloodiest brawl beteen good and evil in Mortal Kombat Armageddon only a few members of the Red and Balck Dragon clan remained ,the battle between the clans continued.Kinodo was one of the few Red Dragon Clan members.He swore to kill Sonya and Jax(if they survive)if Kano failed to.After Kano's death in the brutal fight Kinodo vowed to follow and continue in Kano's footsteps.He will take any chances to kill the Armed special forces.Most important he wants to kill Cyrax,Sektor,and Stryker for their betrayel.He will kill anyone who gets in his path.Even his own allies. Special moves: Heavy Fire Kombo:He would first do two punches with each hand with flaming fists and then do a strong flaming rounhouse Flaming Fury:A samll flaming explosion Black Dragon Smash:This would be his throw.He would punch his opponent and grab him by his legs and smash him on the floor. Flames of Fury:He would shoot three fire balls Cannonball:A cannonball just like Kano does His fighting styles would be Judo and/or Kickboxing.His weapon could be two Kori Blades. Hara-Kiri:It could be called Kano's Memory:He would make a flaming fist and put it in his chest until he rips out his own heart.While he is bleeding to death he would also rip out his eyes and then fall down until je makes a puddle of blood. Fatality 1 Black Dragon Honor:He would first rip out all o f his opponents guts and heart and then shove him until his opponent falls down and Kinodo would then take out both of his kori blades and impale his opponent on the floor then Kinodo would raise his hand and make it into a flaming fist. Fatality 2 Falming skull:He would first shoot out lots of fire to his opponents head until you can see the skull.Then he would throw a fireball at the head of the opponent until the skull lights on fire.And finally Kinodo would finish off his opponent with a roundhouse which breaks the skull and the opponent fall to the floor.Kinodo would then laugh and raise both of his hands. What do you think?grin
06/10/2006 10:08 PM (UTC)
how do you think of should give more people a reason why to like shujinko
06/10/2006 11:22 PM (UTC)
LOL Mordred is 50 and is Shujinko's old does Shujinko look......about 78!
06/11/2006 12:02 AM (UTC)
I was watching a video of Shujinko in MKD and it said Shujinko was about 60 years old you might want to increase his age.
What about an evil executioner? I would call him guillotine.
06/11/2006 04:44 AM (UTC)
MortalKombatRedemption Wrote:
What about an evil executioner? I would call him guillotine.

WOW that would be awsome! yeah he could have the black cap thing ver his head,no shirt very muscular......should he be a shokan?
About Me

Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
06/11/2006 06:53 AM (UTC)
These are my Twin characters, bios are basically the same so it is really only necessary to read one.

Name: Vandrix (LK-1X3)
Alignment: Evil
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'5"
Fighting Styles: Tekunin, Ninjitsu
Weapon: Tekunin Shock Staff
Allies: Kormack, Sektor, Shinnok
Foes: Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Cyrax
Growing up in the netherealm, Vandrix and his twin brother Kormak were taken from there parents at a young age. Originally decending from earthrealm, Vandrix did not recall much of the events that took place as they were only seven years old, he does however remember a name uttered while they were taken, "Shinnok", he was trained at a young age aside his brother untill they were 22. Thier leader planned to invade earthrealm and the two were eager to join the fight but as they were preparing to depart for their great quest to conquor earthrealm, a wraith approached them and offered them a deal, delay their much awaited kombat and depart with him and he would promise them much greater power and higher status amung their ranks.

So they departed with the dark warrior to a distant base kept secret even to the original master where they were trained in even more arts, hearing that their former master was indeed defeated by the hands of earthrealm, they decided to stop following such inferior warriors and depart to find a way of their choosing.

It was while going to the oh too farmiliar earthrealm that we had whitnessed a battle between a relatively small group of warriors and a group of warriors greater in number that seemed to have ice abilitys. Vandrix recodnized the warrior from storys he had heard while in the netherealm, Vandrix and his brother looked at them as weak, relying on such a cruch in battle and not fighting like a worrior. After the battle had ended, the small group had all been killed accept the warrior who faught the leading ice warrior, they approached him in aid as they saw the scared tactics used by the ice warrior.

He collapsed in front of the twins. Vandrix had taken him over his shoulder as sparks flew out of the clearly damaged warrior. They carried him to an abandoned factory of retired industrial use. Kormak scavanged the building for supplies as Vandrix examined the warrior for repair details. Eventually they had the parts they needed, and repaired the power generator within the being that apeared to be cybornetic.

He awakened and was a bit defensive but came too realize he was in no danger. He revealed himself as Sektor, LK-9T9 Lin Kuei Cybornetic warrior ver.1.0

He had explained the battle that had transpired and thanked the twins for there assistance and asked them if we wanted to join him. He claimed that they were superior warriors based on his sensors and offered to make modifications to them that would increase their power by 10 times. they did not pass the oppertunity up.

For the next year or so, we were genetically and physically modified in Sektors home base in Japan called the Tekunin HQ, we had both learned a fighting style based on computer analysis of every style created and taught the most effective attacks, blocks and counters needed to defeat 99% of anemies we would face, Including Sektors enemies such as Sub-Zero, Cyrax and Smoke.

It was at this time that they had heard of the laughable "threats" to earthrealm called Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. That threat was nothing of what was to come, they had planned on attacking earthrealm for some time now and were making final preparations to the Tekunin army that the twins were appointed top generals of recently. Another threat had surfaced, a mild power had been detected below the earths surface and had just exploded. Using long range DNA sensors, the new being resembled 2 DNA types already picked up on the sensors, a Great Reptilian DNA patturn on bones in a sealed sarcophagus, and a DNA patturn similar to the warrior Reptile.

Making the most logical decision, our newly upgraded and eager general had posponed the attack and instead, moved there army of over 10,000 cybornetic warriors into position in mountains located around the palace of Shang Tsung and the stolen army of the new life form resembling tales of a great warrior that Sektor was told of when he was present in the Lin Kuei.

After the destruction from the battle that raged inside, the dragon being emurged, over the next couple of days, there army held positions and scanned battles raging and waited.

Once they saw that the Dragon being had been defeated, They launched there assault with Sektor, Vandrix and Kormack leading the assualt, this will no doubt become earthrealm and the Lin Kuei's destruction, there is no doubt that this is there greatest battle. There is no doubt that this is ARMAGEDDON.


Name: Kormak (LK-6T7)
Alignment: Evil
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'5"
Fighting Styles: Tekunin, Pi Gua
Weapon: Tekunin duel pulse blades
Allies: Vandrix, Sektor, Shinnok
Foes: Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Cyrax
Growing up in the netherealm, Kormak and his twin brother Vandrix were taken from there parents at a young age. Originally decending from earthrealm, Kormak did not recall much of the events that took place as they were only seven years old, he was trained at a young age aside his brother untill they were 22. Thier leader planned to invade earthrealm and the two were eager to join the fight but as they were preparing to depart for their great quest to conquor earthrealm, a wraith approached them and offered them a deal, delay their much awaited kombat and depart with him and he would promise them much greater power and higher status amung their ranks.

So they departed with the dark warrior to a distant base kept secret even to the original master where they were trained in even more arts, hearing that their former master was indeed defeated by the hands of earthrealm, they decided to stop following such inferior warriors and depart to find a way of their choosing.

It was while going to the oh too farmiliar earthrealm that we had whitnessed a battle between a relatively small group of warriors and a group of warriors greater in number that seemed to have ice abilitys, Kormak and his brother looked at them as weak, relying on such a cruch in battle and not fighting like a worrior. After the battle had ended, the small group had all been killed accept the warrior who faught the leading ice warrior, they approached him in aid as they saw the scared tactics used by the ice warrior.

He collapsed in front of Kormak and Vandrix. Vandrix had taken him over his shoulder as sparks flew out of the clearly damaged warrior. They carried him to an abandoned factory of retired industrial use. Kormak scavanged the building for supplies as his brother examined the warrior. Eventually they had the parts they needed, and repaired the power generator within the being that apeared to be cybornetic.

He awakened and was a bit defensive but came too realize he was in no danger. He revealed himself as Sektor, LK-9T9 Lin Kuei Cybornetic warrior ver.1.0

He had explained the battle that had transpired and thanked the twins for there assistance and asked them if we wanted to join him. He claimed that they were superior warriors based on his sensors and offered to make modifications to them that would increase their power by 10 times. they did not pass the oppertunity up.

For the next year or so, we were genetically and physically modified in Sektors home base in Japan called the Tekunin HQ, we had both learned a fighting style based on computer analysis of every style created and taught the most effective attacks, blocks and counters needed to defeat 99% of anemies we would face, Including Sektors enemies such as Sub-Zero, Cyrax and Smoke.

It was at this time that they had heard of the laughable "threats" to earthrealm called Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. That threat was nothing of what was to come, they had planned on attacking earthrealm for some time now and were making final preparations to the Tekunin army that the twins were appointed top generals of recently. Another threat had surfaced, a mild power had been detected below the earths surface and had just exploded. Using long range DNA sensors, the new being resembled 2 DNA types already picked up on the sensors, a Great Reptilian DNA patturn on bones in a sealed sarcophagus, and a DNA patturn similar to the warrior Reptile.

Making the most logical decision, our newly upgraded and eager general had posponed the attack and instead, moved there army of over 10,000 cybornetic warriors into position in mountains located around the palace of Shang Tsung and the stolen army of the new life form resembling tales of a great warrior that Sektor was told of when he was present in the Lin Kuei.

After the destruction from the battle that raged inside, the dragon being emurged, over the next couple of days, there army held positions and scanned battles raging and waited.

Once they saw that the Dragon being had been defeated, They launched there assault with Sektor, Vandrix and Kormack leading the assualt, this will no doubt become earthrealm and the Lin Kuei's destruction, there is no doubt that this is there greatest battle. There is no doubt that this is ARMAGEDDON.

06/11/2006 07:41 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
These are my Twin characters, bios are basically the same so it is really only necessary to read one.

Name: Vandrix (LK-1X3)
Alignment: Evil
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'5"
Fighting Styles: Tekunin, Ninjitsu
Weapon: Tekunin Shock Staff
Allies: Kormack, Sektor, Shinnok
Foes: Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Cyrax
Growing up in the netherealm, Vandrix and his twin brother Kormak were taken from there parents at a young age. Originally decending from earthrealm, Vandrix did not recall much of the events that took place as they were only seven years old, he does however remember a name uttered while they were taken, "Shinnok", he was trained at a young age aside his brother untill they were 22. Thier leader planned to invade earthrealm and the two were eager to join the fight but as they were preparing to depart for their great quest to conquor earthrealm, a wraith approached them and offered them a deal, delay their much awaited kombat and depart with him and he would promise them much greater power and higher status amung their ranks.

So they departed with the dark warrior to a distant base kept secret even to the original master where they were trained in even more arts, hearing that their former master was indeed defeated by the hands of earthrealm, they decided to stop following such inferior warriors and depart to find a way of their choosing.

It was while going to the oh too farmiliar earthrealm that we had whitnessed a battle between a relatively small group of warriors and a group of warriors greater in number that seemed to have ice abilitys. Vandrix recodnized the warrior from storys he had heard while in the netherealm, Vandrix and his brother looked at them as weak, relying on such a cruch in battle and not fighting like a worrior. After the battle had ended, the small group had all been killed accept the warrior who faught the leading ice warrior, they approached him in aid as they saw the scared tactics used by the ice warrior.

He collapsed in front of the twins. Vandrix had taken him over his shoulder as sparks flew out of the clearly damaged warrior. They carried him to an abandoned factory of retired industrial use. Kormak scavanged the building for supplies as Vandrix examined the warrior for repair details. Eventually they had the parts they needed, and repaired the power generator within the being that apeared to be cybornetic.

He awakened and was a bit defensive but came too realize he was in no danger. He revealed himself as Sektor, LK-9T9 Lin Kuei Cybornetic warrior ver.1.0

He had explained the battle that had transpired and thanked the twins for there assistance and asked them if we wanted to join him. He claimed that they were superior warriors based on his sensors and offered to make modifications to them that would increase their power by 10 times. they did not pass the oppertunity up.

For the next year or so, we were genetically and physically modified in Sektors home base in Japan called the Tekunin HQ, we had both learned a fighting style based on computer analysis of every style created and taught the most effective attacks, blocks and counters needed to defeat 99% of anemies we would face, Including Sektors enemies such as Sub-Zero, Cyrax and Smoke.

It was at this time that they had heard of the laughable "threats" to earthrealm called Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. That threat was nothing of what was to come, they had planned on attacking earthrealm for some time now and were making final preparations to the Tekunin army that the twins were appointed top generals of recently. Another threat had surfaced, a mild power had been detected below the earths surface and had just exploded. Using long range DNA sensors, the new being resembled 2 DNA types already picked up on the sensors, a Great Reptilian DNA patturn on bones in a sealed sarcophagus, and a DNA patturn similar to the warrior Reptile.

Making the most logical decision, our newly upgraded and eager general had posponed the attack and instead, moved there army of over 10,000 cybornetic warriors into position in mountains located around the palace of Shang Tsung and the stolen army of the new life form resembling tales of a great warrior that Sektor was told of when he was present in the Lin Kuei.

After the destruction from the battle that raged inside, the dragon being emurged, over the next couple of days, there army held positions and scanned battles raging and waited.

Once they saw that the Dragon being had been defeated, They launched there assault with Sektor, Vandrix and Kormack leading the assualt, this will no doubt become earthrealm and the Lin Kuei's destruction, there is no doubt that this is there greatest battle. There is no doubt that this is ARMAGEDDON.


Name: Kormak (LK-6T7)
Alignment: Evil
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'5"
Fighting Styles: Tekunin, Pi Gua
Weapon: Tekunin duel pulse blades
Allies: Vandrix, Sektor, Shinnok
Foes: Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Cyrax
Growing up in the netherealm, Kormak and his twin brother Vandrix were taken from there parents at a young age. Originally decending from earthrealm, Kormak did not recall much of the events that took place as they were only seven years old, he was trained at a young age aside his brother untill they were 22. Thier leader planned to invade earthrealm and the two were eager to join the fight but as they were preparing to depart for their great quest to conquor earthrealm, a wraith approached them and offered them a deal, delay their much awaited kombat and depart with him and he would promise them much greater power and higher status amung their ranks.

So they departed with the dark warrior to a distant base kept secret even to the original master where they were trained in even more arts, hearing that their former master was indeed defeated by the hands of earthrealm, they decided to stop following such inferior warriors and depart to find a way of their choosing.

It was while going to the oh too farmiliar earthrealm that we had whitnessed a battle between a relatively small group of warriors and a group of warriors greater in number that seemed to have ice abilitys, Kormak and his brother looked at them as weak, relying on such a cruch in battle and not fighting like a worrior. After the battle had ended, the small group had all been killed accept the warrior who faught the leading ice warrior, they approached him in aid as they saw the scared tactics used by the ice warrior.

He collapsed in front of Kormak and Vandrix. Vandrix had taken him over his shoulder as sparks flew out of the clearly damaged warrior. They carried him to an abandoned factory of retired industrial use. Kormak scavanged the building for supplies as his brother examined the warrior. Eventually they had the parts they needed, and repaired the power generator within the being that apeared to be cybornetic.

He awakened and was a bit defensive but came too realize he was in no danger. He revealed himself as Sektor, LK-9T9 Lin Kuei Cybornetic warrior ver.1.0

He had explained the battle that had transpired and thanked the twins for there assistance and asked them if we wanted to join him. He claimed that they were superior warriors based on his sensors and offered to make modifications to them that would increase their power by 10 times. they did not pass the oppertunity up.

For the next year or so, we were genetically and physically modified in Sektors home base in Japan called the Tekunin HQ, we had both learned a fighting style based on computer analysis of every style created and taught the most effective attacks, blocks and counters needed to defeat 99% of anemies we would face, Including Sektors enemies such as Sub-Zero, Cyrax and Smoke.

It was at this time that they had heard of the laughable "threats" to earthrealm called Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. That threat was nothing of what was to come, they had planned on attacking earthrealm for some time now and were making final preparations to the Tekunin army that the twins were appointed top generals of recently. Another threat had surfaced, a mild power had been detected below the earths surface and had just exploded. Using long range DNA sensors, the new being resembled 2 DNA types already picked up on the sensors, a Great Reptilian DNA patturn on bones in a sealed sarcophagus, and a DNA patturn similar to the warrior Reptile.

Making the most logical decision, our newly upgraded and eager general had posponed the attack and instead, moved there army of over 10,000 cybornetic warriors into position in mountains located around the palace of Shang Tsung and the stolen army of the new life form resembling tales of a great warrior that Sektor was told of when he was present in the Lin Kuei.

After the destruction from the battle that raged inside, the dragon being emurged, over the next couple of days, there army held positions and scanned battles raging and waited.

Once they saw that the Dragon being had been defeated, They launched there assault with Sektor, Vandrix and Kormack leading the assualt, this will no doubt become earthrealm and the Lin Kuei's destruction, there is no doubt that this is there greatest battle. There is no doubt that this is ARMAGEDDON.

damn this is good!
06/11/2006 11:48 AM (UTC)
Name: Manu
What role would he be: witch doctor
Alignment: neutral
Allies: Raiden, Kung lao, Kabal, Scorpion
Foes: Bo rai cho, shujinko, Shao kahn, baraka
Weapon: Holy trident
black hair, solid built body, leather suit,
Bio: Manu is at his hut on a rainy day until bo rai cho and shujinko barge down his door and accuse him of performing magic that may effect earthrealm and after a messy fight manu retreats and goes to the nether realm

and thats all i can think of at the moment ill finsh it soon hopefully :)
06/11/2006 01:26 PM (UTC)
MortalKombatRedemption Wrote:
What about an evil executioner? I would call him guillotine.

Do it, that would be awesome, make a bio for him.

Here are some more.


Height: 9'0 ft
Weight: 596 lbs
Status: Six arm Shokan
Alignment: Evil

BIO: A six arm Shokan specie, that was made by Sheeva and Goro, now enters the MK universe hungry for flesh and blood. Having a rare Shokan birth defect, Juggernaut enters the next tournament, hoping to win supreme title of champion. Juggenaut has exteme power and a hard body, that where even if he is attacked he will continue to do his attack uninterrupted. Juggernaut heard tales of Liu Kang from his father, Goro, and wants to destroy Liu Kang, let alone weaken the barriers of Earthrealm. Juggernaut chooses the side of evil, because his father insists he does. Will Juggernaut become dangerous in the next tournament?

ENDING: Juggernaut entered the Mortal Kombat tournament and won grand title of champion. Although Juggernaut did not win champion from defeating Liu Kang, he won by defeating Kung Lao. He destroyed Kung Lao, killing him by ripping him shred by shred. Now Liu Kang hunts for Juggernaut, and wants to destroy him for what he did to his fellow companion and Shaolin Monk. It is only a matter of time before the next tournament comes around, and there . . . everyone will witness the blood bath of Liu Kang vs. Juggernaut. Now Liu must travel to Outworld, to train from a forgotten master, to receive skills on defeating Juggernaut.


Height: 6'0 ft
Weight: 295 lbs
Status: Greek Wrestler from Ancient Greece
Alignment: Neutral (innocent bystander)

BIO: After being imbedded in some unknown time warp and placed in the future, Xavier has entered the next Mortal Kombat tournament to win his way home. Onaga has agreed to set him free and back to his home, if he defeats every opponent that challenges him in the Mortal Kombat tournament. Xavier is a Greek Wrestler, that has powerful grappling moves that could kill a person in an instant. He has brute broad fighting skills stemming from the fists. He only uses the legs for low attacks. Now he must prove his skills to win his freedom!

ENDING: Xavier was the last one standing after defeating Quan-Chi. He was tired, and he finally made it to his last opponent: Onaga. Onaga won most of the fight, beating him senseless, but in the end, Xavier regained his strength, from the god Zeus. Zeus gave him the power to defeat the evil that was Onaga. Xavier ripped out Onaga's arms, and punched him in the face multiple times, until Onaga became stunned in shock. Onaga was defeated and a deal was in order to be made. Xavier said for Onaga to bring him home, but being the devious dragon king he is, Onaga refused and said that Xavier would become his servant. At that, Zeus came down in his giant immortal form. Zeus towered over Onaga, and Zeus picked up Onaga and slammed him on the ground, and then punched his head off. With the defeat of Onaga, Xavier was able to travel back to his homeworld only to come back to the future to defend his reign of champion against others. Xavier has now become the ultimate boss, and since Liu Kang is in search of Juggernaut, Xavier has no real worries.
06/11/2006 01:32 PM (UTC)
shujinko aged from the water though.also i gotta change his age to70.or 80
To raisncain: I think you should change the names of the 2 characters you made or people will think you're ripping names off X-Men. Just a suggestion. tongue
We do need more Chaosrealm characters. Someone besides Havik and the new Baron. More diverse orderrealm characters too.
06/11/2006 08:10 PM (UTC)
MortalKombatRedemption Wrote:
To raisncain: I think you should change the names of the 2 characters you made or people will think you're ripping names off X-Men. Just a suggestion.

Nah, Juggernaut is a universal game name used by many and so is Xavier so no, they will stand. Juggernaut was used by X-Men and Halo. Xavier was used by X-Men, OpenMortal, and Survival Arts. It is not like many other games have used the same names.
Oh okay. I guess a name isn't that big of a deal anyway. sorrywink
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