03/23/2010 01:10 AM (UTC)
I certainly say stay. I love her design, and I hope that they stick with that look (leather, black and red, she just looks like a dangerous, filthy street thug with an affinity for knives). I also like her story, and I think it should be explored further. She has an air of mystery to her that a lot of the new characters kind of lacked. As far as Black Dragon, I am on the fence on that one. Kabal is on to something dangerous here. The old Black Dragon had the appearance of a typical organized crime syndicate run by thugs. This thing that Kabal wants to run is much more dangerous: he wants to see the world collapse into anarchy just because. No personal or monetary gain in mind. He wants to see it all come down. Kira, I am not sure she has the same goals as Kabal in mind. So it may be interesting to see her sever ties for one reason or another.
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03/23/2010 02:01 AM (UTC)
A Kira feud with Sonya sounds about as interesting as a Kano feud with Sonya or a Jarek feud with Sonya. Sorry, but I see no reason to go down that road again. I don't really want to see Kira at all, but if we do, let's do something different. And anyway, Mortal Kombat isn't great about feuds. Let's look at the track record:

Scorpion/Quan Chi: Kind of like watching a dog chase it's tail, then forget it has a tail, then remembers suddenly and starts chasing again. Did I mention that said dog sucks at chasing tails?

Sonya/Kano: Turtles pace going nowhere.

Sonya/Jarek: Like the above turtle, only unpopular and dead.

Sonya/Frost: lol

Kabal/Mavado: Finished before even launching.

Subzero/Sektor: Stillborn.

Ashrah/Ermac: Oh, those silly misunderstandings.

Subzero/Noob: The cold war of the MK series. Can't wait for these two to do... something.

Scorpion/The Subzero's: Good, but followed through with and finished, and with retcons in the wake.

Granted, some feuds have endless potential and don't warrant a final conclusion. Sub/Noob is a good example, but clearly this feud isn't producing enough fruit. Feuds aren't a bad thing, but they ought be a little more eventful and satisfying.
03/23/2010 10:23 AM (UTC)
Should they stay or should they go? Kira

Next! grin
03/23/2010 05:53 PM (UTC)
I like Kira. Not entirely sure why. She's got attitude and stuff.
03/23/2010 06:15 PM (UTC)
Has anyone been keeping track of what response each character got? It'd be interesting at the end to see a proposed MKO roster for the future of Mortal Kombat. You'd have an interesting range of characters, as some people voting here vote on storyline potential, and others on mere design. You'd get a wide range of appeal.

Kira seems like she would make MKO's MK9, which is still really interesting to me.
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03/23/2010 06:37 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Has anyone been keeping track of what response each character got? It'd be interesting at the end to see a proposed MKO roster for the future of Mortal Kombat. You'd have an interesting range of characters, as some people voting here vote on storyline potential, and others on mere design. You'd get a wide range of appeal.

Kira seems like she would make MKO's MK9, which is still really interesting to me.

I think that it would be great to see who would get in and who wouldn't. I think we'd see a fairly odd looking list and I seriously doubt that anyone would be happy lol.

Poor MK team. If MK fans can't even like their OWN rosters, how are they supposed to like what the MK team puts out? lol grin
03/23/2010 09:11 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Has anyone been keeping track of what response each character got? It'd be interesting at the end to see a proposed MKO roster for the future of Mortal Kombat. You'd have an interesting range of characters, as some people voting here vote on storyline potential, and others on mere design. You'd get a wide range of appeal.

Kira seems like she would make MKO's MK9, which is still really interesting to me.

I've been counting how many people say stay and leave throughout each character.

It would be nice, however, if those who missed a character to debate to NOT re-bring them back up after they've been debated. Despite that they're votes don't count, still, it gets mixed up with the current characters and losing track comes very easy.
03/25/2010 02:00 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Has anyone been keeping track of what response each character got? It'd be interesting at the end to see a proposed MKO roster for the future of Mortal Kombat. You'd have an interesting range of characters, as some people voting here vote on storyline potential, and others on mere design. You'd get a wide range of appeal.

Kira seems like she would make MKO's MK9, which is still really interesting to me.

I've been counting how many people say stay and leave throughout each character.

It would be nice, however, if those who missed a character to debate to NOT re-bring them back up after they've been debated. Despite that they're votes don't count, still, it gets mixed up with the current characters and losing track comes very easy.

Well, you can just ignore those posts and not count them -- or you can create a document on Word or something which keeps track of the tally. Or after each character wraps up, you can post the score on here. Not trying to sound pushy, sorry, just giving you some ideas which could eventually lead to post-individual character discussion.

It'll be fun to look at the similarities and differences between characters that fans want to return. It'd also be interesting to see how they would fit together in a story. Thank you making this thread, Icebaby. It's certainly the most interesting active one going today, in my opinion.
03/26/2010 04:33 PM (UTC)
New character:


Well, since there’s been something going around saying that she’s confirmed, let’s pretend that didn’t existed right now. Let’s still debate about this character whether or not that information is true.

She was a personal assassin in the second Mortal Kombat game, talking to an Earthrealm warrior. Her motives came under suspicion by Mileena, but only Kitana knows her own intentions.

Kitana learned more about her past as she was working as an assassin. Her sister Mileena is a clone created by Shang Tsung and that her parents were the former rulers of Outworld who were overthrown by Kahn. She defeated Kahn after entering the tournament and retakes what was her parents’. She restores Outworld back into nobility.

After being accused of treason by the high courts of Outworld by murdering Mileena, Kahn appoints a group of warriors to catch her and bring her back alive. Kitana must find a way to reach Queen Sindel and warn her about the past.

She evades the evil and escapes into Earth. Surviving an assassination attempt by Reptile and allies with Jade. Together with the Earthrealm warriors she reaches Sindel and turns her against Kahn. Earth changed back to what it was and she will be forever in debt to her friends as she rules Edenia by Sindel’s side.

Quan Chi’s forces leave Edenia to battle Raiden and his allies. Kitana manages to escape the remaining guards easily, she thinks little of her escape and moves quickly to battle Shinnok and Quan Chi. Edenia’s future depends on her success.

In the end she kills Mileena, blah!

She allies herself with the Shokan armies who were led by Goro to go after Kahn, together they were on the brink of victory. Goro gets killed in battle but things get better after hearing that Kahn is killed. Despite victory here, there’s a terrible cost towards the Shokan. Everyone retreated, and there was peace. But a small number of hideous undead soldirs began to appear under the banner of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. Returning to Edenia has to wait, so she and her army clashed with the soldiers. They were easily defeated by the undead.

With the help of Earthrealm warriors, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi were defeated. She held a ceremony for the fallen heroes. While watching Goro’s body be lowered into the lava, she also held a silence for Liu Kang, in wishing that he had joined her in Edenia many years ago. (Aww)

The Dragon King was more powerful than she imagined. He resurrected her and enslave her soul. While under his control, she shared his thoughts. Six objects in his possession is what’s causing him to be powerful. Using this knowledge to defeat him is for the safety of Edenia and all the other realms.

Onaga is killed, and she is making her way home to Edenia. She was greeted by Blaze, who informed her premonition of a looming conflict was correct and that she must unite with her allies for a battle to preserve the realms. She cried as she wanted to know when it will end. “Every victory leads to more conflict and greater adversaries. If all goes as planned, your enemies will be destroyed.”

It seems that she cannot defeat things on her own apparently, as she needs help with her allies to defeat everything that she goes up against. She acts not like a princess apparently. She feels more of a leader-ish character, and I’d be surprised if she’s turning out to be a queen soon. I have a feeling she will be queen as Sindel is either dead or gave up her role as queen. But, how is there anything to do with this character? Edenia is always under grave danger, that’s a given fact, but she’s never in Edenia when it’s under attack, she’s always somewhere else. Blah!

I wish they’d give her more of a princess look, but not to where she’s looking like Princess Toadstool (Peach). No, she still needs to look somewhat like a warrior, but still give her a touch of a princess look.

She’s got a good set of moves, especially with the fans. I wouldn’t really change anything with her moves at all.

I just can’t really say that much about this character due to the fact that there’s just nothing else to do with her. I don’t want to see her be under a spell again, I don’t want her to be looked like an evil character suddenly because I just don’t see the point. I don’t really know how there’s anything left to do with this character. Since she’s already confirmed I’m saying with Stay, but all honesty, I think she should leave.

So, let’s debate. Should Kitana stay or leave?
03/26/2010 04:42 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It seems that she cannot defeat things on her own apparently, as she needs help with her allies to defeat everything that she goes up against.

...um, what?
She defeated Mileena. She escaped Outworld. She got Sindel to turn against Shao Kahn. She freed Edenia. She escaped Shinnok's dungeons. All stuff stuff she did on her own.

She's needed no more help accomplishing her goals than any other character.

I'll post my thoughts on Kitana later....'cause I have a lot to unload...but I wanted to get this out of the way.
About Me

03/26/2010 05:09 PM (UTC)
It seems Kitana is definitely back, but I wish that they would let her sit out a game or two, but overall I won't be mad if she indeed back.
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

03/26/2010 06:27 PM (UTC)
Seems like she's back, and to be honest, that's okay. Kitana, to me, is one of the few female characters that actually has the "OOMPH" factor to her. No offense to people who like other female characters, or even to the people on the Mortal Kombat team that created them, but just about all of the other ones seem weak to me. Kitana is a princess, but can fight and is not made to be all wimpy. I kind of want her to do something different from the Edenia story line this time around. Overall, she's a fair character, so I say stay.
03/26/2010 06:27 PM (UTC)
Okay, here we go...

I do believe she is one of Mortal Kombat's best characters...she has a dynamic and memorable look & trademark and she's also one of the series most developed characters with one of the best storylines. She's a character who's grown and progressed over the years and I do believe that is something that may be worth holding onto. So, as far as sacred cows coming back for the sake of longevity and iconography, they could do worse than keeping Kitana around.

Having said that, if they bring Kitana back, they need to do some serious damage control...because they've been fucking her up since around Deception. Her little "I must defend Edenia" schtick has gotten old and boring. She's become just another "good guy," drowning in a sea of redundant Edenians and bland Earth heroes. And perhaps most damaging of all....Shaolin Monks and MK vs. DC.
Meanwhile, her design and moves have become stagnent. All she's ever worn is a variation of the same blue/black bathing suit and she's been running with the same ol' moves with only the addition of a worthless teleport she got off of Jade and, worse, ripping off Mileena's Ground Roll.

So if Kitana comes back, she's in desperate need of an overhaul.
First, in terms of design and gameplay. I mean, I love the blue bathing suit as much as the next guy, but I think we've officially seen the extent of what can be done with that template. I know the popular thing to say is she should look more "princess-like" but if the princess sitgma is one of the things that's slowly killing her (which it is)....kind of seems counter-productive to emphasize it in her design, no?
And special moves & Fatalities....the fans are one of the most unique and bad ass weapons in the game. There has to be more that can be done with them than just a fan throw and a fan lift. Kitana really should not be reduced to ripping off Mileena's moves. That's just sad. And Fatalities....all she's ever done is the Kiss of Death and a Decapitation. I'm no good at thinking up special moves or Fatalities...but I can't believe this is all that can be done with her.

Now story-wise, regardless of what exactly they do with her, I believe she needs three things:

Whether it's trying to defend/restore Edenia, feuding with Mileena, worrying about Shao Kahn, or simply assisting the Superfriends in a very broad & generic way, I think we can all agree Kitana needs something new to do. Becoming Queen...not the answer. Switching her face with Mileena....not the answer. She needs a real NEW direction. Not just a continuation of what's she's been doing.

One thing that made Kitana bad ass in the early games was the sense that she was on her own and relying mainly on herself. She had just turned on Shao Kahn openly, Jade was trying to decide what she was going to do, and Kitana herself hadn't yet affiliated herself with the Superfriends. And this was cool. She was a lone warrior with all the world against her, relying on her skills and wits to survive.

NOW though...she's got her own personal army, backed up by Jade & Sindel and when she's not with them, she's being associated primarilly with the Earth zeroes. This is what's turning her into "just another good guy" among a bunch of other generic "good guys." And when you go down that road, Kitana becomes defined as the "princess" of the group...or worse, "Liu Kang's girlfriend." These were never Kitana's defining attributes and they shouldn't be now. And when you do define Kitana by those labels...the depth, identity, and pretty much everything that made Kitana a great character story-wise disappears.
Not to mention...frankly...she winds up looking pretty fucking dumb.

Which brings me to the third thing she needs....

Figuratively speaking, of course.

Even though Shaolin Monks & MK vs. DC were non-canon and out-of-continuity games....Kitana's portrayal in both of them was just abysmal. For fuck's sake, this woman is supposed a former cold blooded killer who went on to free her realm almost single-handed. You certainly wouldn't know that from the spaced-out clown wandering aimlessly around MK vs. DC's story-mode.
Canon or not, I consider MK vs. DC a major wake-up call. If that's really how the MK team sees her and how they think she should be portrayed....there's something very wrong. Now I'm not saying they should regress the story and pretend Kitana's years as Princess didn't happen....but she needs to go back to her roots and basically, she needs to be a bad ass again.

Now, how best to accomplish this? In my humble opinion...

Burn it to the fucking ground. The realm has become redendant and holds down every character involved. It's the other, prettier, Earth and I think we're fine with one Earth as it is. Not to mention the game of musical chairs with the throne has become painfully boring. One of the reasons the characters involved in this sub-plot are getting so repetative is because they're being defined by how they relate to who's sitting in the God damn throne.

Remove Edenia from the equation and Kitana is free to find a new direction. One that doesn't involve babysitting her home realm.
If Edenia falls down and goes boom, imagine how this will effect her. After spending so much time & effort freeing & restoring the realm and getting her hopes up only for....fucked. Would she really be willing to start all over again? Especially is there's a massive number of casualties, reducing the Edenian race to an endangered species.

Maybe she won't.

Consider first, Kitana spent a large majority of her long life under the belief that she was Shao Kahn's daughter and her place was to serve him. That life went down the shitter when she discovered he was not her real father, he had killed her parents, conquered her realm, and Mileena was actually a clone originally intended to replace her in spite of years of loyal service. Finding out you're adopted is one thing...Kitana's situation is a little more twisted.
That's, at the very least, a very rude awakening.

But somehow, she recovers from these shattering revelations and manages to pick up the pieces of her life and rebuild a new one for herself. She rebels against Kahn and against all odds, frees her realm from him, gets her mother back, and builds herself into Edenia's heroic Princess.

BUT...no matter how hard she tries, she just can't seem to keep Edenia safe. After Kahn, Shinnok invades. After Shinnok is taken care of, she learns Kahn is still alive and she leads her armies to take him out before he regains his power. And at first things seem to be going very well, but then Goro "died." And her boyfriend died. SHE died. Then she was brought back as Onaga's slave & attacked her mother & best friend. Meanwhile, Goro isn't dead and has betrayed her, Kahn is regaining his power, Mileena is usurping her identity, and on top of everything else, fucking Armageddon is happening right in her backyard.

She's already gone though enough shit restoring and defending Edenia and it's been established in the past few games she's getting sick of it. Suppose Edenia goes down the shitter and Kitana simply says "Fuck it. I'm done." and turns her back on the realm and whatever's left of her people. That's immediately opens up new possibilities as well as allowing her to take on a darker disposition. She's left bitter and becomes more pessimistic and cynical about the world.
And that's where we pick on Kitana in MK9. Stewing in the shadows, wanting nothing to do with anything. And naturally this would create the excitement of seeing her forced to fight once again. The next tournament or threat emerges and Kitana finds herself drawn into the battle even though she doesn't really want to or care.

Thematically...yeah, I'm getting deep now...this makes sense in creating a "trilogy" of sorts with Kitana's overall storyline. Her first story arc, MK2 to MK4, was "Kitana the rebel," and this depicted her rise to Princess of Edenia...escaping Shao Kahn's control and freeing the realm from him. Her second arc, MK:DA to MK:A, was been "Kitana the Princess," defending the realm from evil and trying to ensure peace though the realms...and this culminating in her fall from grace as she abandons the realm and renounces her title.

Thus, the stage is set for her third arc, where everything would come full circle. We pick on Kitana in MK9, hiding herself away from the rest of the world...stewing in her bitterness. Maybe the other heroes now resent her now for abandoning her realm. But she doesn't care and just wants to be left alone. And this of course is when she's forced to fight again. But what exactly is drawing Kitana out of her self-imposed exile?

Even if they're not considering the depth and thematics of this sort of thing....which I'm sure they're not....this can work even on a simplistic video game level:
Edenia almost restored = Kitana happy; Edenia go boom = Kitana angry.

Now there are other ways to force Kitana to renounce her title and abandon Edenia, but in my opinion, just torching the place works best. As for what could force her out of her exile..? I could offer plenty of ideas, but I think I've gone on enough as it is.

Anyway....stay or go...I guess it's kind of pointless since she apparently is going to come back. I'd vote for her to stay...provided only they fix her. She is one of the series strongest creations, so I believe she's worth hanging onto.

But she seriously needs some heavy fine-tuning. I think it comes down to the MK team to stop treating her like a character to just throw in merely because she's popular, and put some actual effort into her. Hopefully....however unlikely....they've realized how much they've been dropping the ball with her and MK9 will restore Kitana to her rightful place as one of Mortal Kombat's top characters.
03/26/2010 06:53 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
It seems that she cannot defeat things on her own apparently, as she needs help with her allies to defeat everything that she goes up against.

...um, what?
She defeated Mileena. She escaped Outworld. She got Sindel to turn against Shao Kahn. She freed Edenia. She escaped Shinnok's dungeons. All stuff stuff she did on her own.

She's needed no more help accomplishing her goals than any other character.

I'll post my thoughts on Kitana later....'cause I have a lot to unload...but I wanted to get this out of the way.

Perhaps I was a bit vague on this part. In her bios, she's always looking for Earthrealm warriors to help her. If she can defeat these people on her own, which she did, then why does she need help from others? Especially from Earthrealm? Her realm is in more peril than Earths, and Earth does have a lot of warriors coming from it to help save their realm. I just kinda don't get that. Yeah she's friends with Earthrealm, but... I just don't get that.

If she can defeat them on her own, there's no need to have her having Earthrealm warriors with her.

I'm probably being stupid here as I did write this in a rush, and sometimes I do write things that either don't make sense, or isn't truthful. Just like how I got confused with that whole "Shang Tsung died by Onaga in Kenshi's story." But, we're not all perfect.
03/26/2010 07:09 PM (UTC)
She seeks out Earth's fighters because, while she can handle her own opponents, she can't fight entire armies by herself. Like in MK3, she could handle Sindel and freeing her from Kahn....the trick was GETTING to Sindel, who I imagine was in Kahn's fortress surrounded by an army. For that, she would need the help of Earth fighters.

Also remember, aside from Jade...at that time...Kitana was on her own. She had no Edenian army. No other allies. The Earth fighters were her only option.
03/26/2010 07:17 PM (UTC)
I like Kitana a lot, she is by far my favorite female character in MK, so this is an easy one for me, I want her to stay. I'd really like MK games to have 5-10 regular characters, ones that would be playable in each installment, and on my list, Kitana would be one of those regulars.

Why do I like her?

In the early days, 2D era that is, she was just brilliant. She was mysterious, intriguing, brave and simply "cooltastic". That was the era where she easily could have been, and maybe even should have been made into the main protagonist considering how much more involvement she had with the main villain back then (Shao Kahn) then any other character.

I think if Shao Kahn is to die, he should die at the hands of Kitana. It just seems so natural. I think it'd be wonderful to see a spin-off game, like MKM:SZ, one that goes back in time, with Kitana in the main role. She definitely deserves one regarding how rich her story is.

The opening cutscene could be showing Kahn's invasion of Edenia, then the game fast forwards many years and you start as young Kitana completing various missions for Kahn as his assassin. During that time it'd be great to see Kahn sort of playing a mentor to Kitana (it'd be great to see an evil character as a mentor, once for a change) and explore the relationship between the two. This is the chapter where we could see Jade as well and see how deep the friendship between her and Kitana is.

As the game progresses things change and Kitana becomes aware of her past, she confronts Kahn but is no match for the emperor, so she escapes. During this chapter Mileena could be introduced.

Then comes the resurrection of Sindel (showed via a breathtaking cutscene) and all the characters who had anything to do with it could be shown (Quan Chi, Shang Tsung and Shinnok, if I'm not wrong). This chapter ends with Kitana successfully confronting Sindel. I think Reptile could be introduced in the early parts of this chapter too. And I think the game could actually end here, since there was so much that already happened, and the confrontation with Kahn (post-MKA) and all the stuff in between (MK4-MKA) could be left for a sequel, maybe even two.

I know it's probably a bit messy, but I didn't prepare all that stuff in advance, it sort of just came to me. Anyway, sorry for that, I got a bit carried away. I guess my point is just how rich Kitana's story is and with how many characters she's got interactions with (I didn't even mention her Earthrealm allies). There could be room for Rain in there as well, maybe they were lovers once or something like that...
I did have an idea for the future story of Kitana, but I won't go into that now.

If there were games where she was bad, it would be MKSM and MKvsDC. But fortunately, both were spin-offs with major story issues, so major that many fans don't even bother considering them (I mean, come on, Raiden and Kahn are brothers in MKvsDC, that says enough). But even in those games, if she lacked in character portrayal (and she did, big time) they made up for it in gameplay.

So... My point is, Kitana's got it all- the story, the looks and the moves (always a fun character to play), so I think she should stay.

She's feminine, she's graceful and she kicks ass. Those steel fans are unmatched on my list of best weapons in MK, just fit her so good.

After all the blah blah stuff from me, all I have to say is my verdict, and my verdict is...


... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 15

GONE: 14
About Me
03/26/2010 07:26 PM (UTC)
Kitana is a great character I just think she needs to be made over.
Since MKDA her look has been stale. I think MK3 was her best look.
Like some people cant imagine MK without Scorp or Subby, I cant imagine an MK without Kitana.
As long as she doesn't steal any more of Mileena's moves like she did in MK Vs DC I'll say STAY.
03/26/2010 09:31 PM (UTC)
Kitana: I've always liked her, and she is an icon.
Verdict. Stay
03/26/2010 11:16 PM (UTC)
i liked playing as katana. she does need some new moves though and maybe a new look. she is by far my favorite female character and will most likely return.
03/27/2010 12:21 AM (UTC)
Kitana: stay.

Don't really have much to add, except that she definitely needs a new wardrobe and her story really needs an injection of life. I think her change in direction can be accomplished without burning Edenia to the ground and turning her into a brooding loner. I'd prefer to let her greatest accomplishment stand.

Sindel remains queen and watches over Edenia along with Taven, allowing Kitana to go off and do what she likes for a while.

If MKvsDC is non-canon, then Liu Kang should still be dead. I've never felt as though Kitana had a strong connection with any of the Earth realm fighters except possibly Kung Lao, and even then... not so much. So really, she should have no reason to hang around with the "superfriends" (hehe, I like that).

I'm not sure what she could do, but there has to be something.
About Me

America is home for the heroes.

03/27/2010 12:29 AM (UTC)
The MK team really needs to look at this site and see what's MK's problem. Now as for Kitana, it's been a while for me to post anything on here because I thought it was a bit hectic, but about Kitana, she's a hottie, but she needs a change.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
03/27/2010 01:37 AM (UTC)
I love Kitana. She's one of the best characters in the series and is rightfully a firm favourite of many. However, her portrayal in the most recent games has left me falling out of love with her, so to speak and I find myself less interested in her and sadly, a little bored of her. She needs fixing. Urgently. If not she'll become another lost cause in the series and she's far too good a character for that to be allowed to happen. Xiahoudun84 has said everything that needs to be said in regards to her story and I agree fully and have nothing further to add.
I would like a new outfit for Kitana and whilst I agree in her moving away from the princess like portrayal, an outfit that semi embodies this aspect of her would be nice. It should be both royally regal and assassin like. This outfit could represent a transition phase for Kitana as we see her struggling to choose where he destiny lies. She cannot simply forget her past outright, at least not right away. I've also alway wanted a proper ninja asassin type outfit for her as well. Taki in Soul Calibur would provide good inspiration for such a concept, imo.
Kitana's fans (no not we mere mortals but those amazing weapons she carries around) are amazing and a stroke of uniqueness in the MKverse. It would be nice to see them put to more use both in special moves and Fatalities. I believe her specials need to feature more assassin like techniques along with her overall fighting style. Here's a Brutality/Fatality I designed for her some time ago and it showcases some of what I I'd like to see from her.
Kitana slashes with the fans cutting her opponent open and blood gushes out naturally. She dances around the opponent swiping at their back and sides and comes back around to the front. She jumps into the Pretty Kick special move which sends the opponent backwards, but she then uses her Fan Lift (MKDA version) to bring them back in before delivering an uppercut knocking the opponent skywards. She does the Fan Lift again (MKT version with reverse effect) and pulls them down out of the air and uses the Pretty kick again. She launches a fan after the opponents body with a perfect aim that swipes the head clean off. She proceeds to pose.
A simple Fatality where she just slashes the opponent open leaving them bleeding to death with their entrails hanging out would be nice too.
In all, I vote that Kitana should stay. However if she isn't fixed and restored to her former glory then I hope they don't bother.
03/27/2010 04:21 AM (UTC)
Kitana is one of the most obvious choices for "STAY" I can think of. She is not only iconic, marketable and popular; but her story is one of the most developed in Mortal Kombat's history. To discard this character, in my opinion, would only be for the sake of discarding it, and is missing a lot of opportunity to really explore the next generation of Mortal Kombat.

I feel that a big problem with Kitana stemmed from the adapted media Mortal Kombat spawned, specifically the movies. Let's face it, the MK movies were not "high art." The first one was good fun, but followed film structure to a point. The second one was a mess, and poured the cliches onto the characters. Kitana displayed her current weaker attributes in those films. To streamline the story, she tied more critically into the Earthrealm warriors' story, and to allow the main hero gravity, she was made to be a damsel-in-distress. Yuck.

The MK Team needs to remember that Kitana is the protagonist of her own story. Not only that, but she is the central character in the Edenia plotline. No matter what you do with Edenia; Kitana needs to regain her own personal focus. If Kitana is an interesting character, she could be fighting because she is bored and we would care about it. It's that her character has become such a parody of what it originally was that we're looking for outside influences to make her interesting. It is sad.

Let's lose this Hitchcockian fear of women in Mortal Kombat, and stop reducing them to mere T&A, plot devices and supporting characters. Let's give Kitana the respect she deserves as a central figure of the series' plot, and take her forward with some fire behind her. A new look would be fantastic.

Kitana is the "blue female ninja with the fans." I don't think we're in an age where colouring costumes is the best way to differenciate between characters. I think Kitana could lose the blue, and even dress completely in black if she is going to be more assassin-like. A simple black costume, perhaps with blue fans would be very, very simple; but sometimes that is better.

As for nuking Edenia? I actually don't think it needs to happen. As long as Kitana gets that inward development. Sindel is a character that I think would better serve the story by being written off. That alone is huge development for Kitana right there. Perhaps Sindel had an assassin sent after her? Perhaps this starts the mental ball of wool in Kitana's head unraveling? Paranoia could set in. As Queen, Kitana may feel bored, restricted and out of her element (as Princess she seems to have a more active role). Perhaps Kitana leaves Edenia to someone else, and that causes her to be seen by many as a traitor? Maybe Jade has disappeared, and that is just another stressor in Kitana's life that pushes her towards darker waters?

Eventually, Edenia could be destroyed. Completely. That is not going to sit well with her, regardless of her position with the realm. It represents her hard work going to waste. It represents grand failure for her, and would be a massive straw on the camel's back.

Lastly, I find it funny that in the two stories where Kitana was perhaps most critical (MK3 and MK4) -- she wasn't even a playable character originally. That's just odd. Arguably Deception could be considered on that list, as well. There are so many ways they can take Kitana. She should definitely come back. Some adjustment would be fantastic, of course, but such is life.
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03/27/2010 10:37 AM (UTC)
I have a lot to say about Kitana, but there's just no time.

I short: stay. She debuted in the most nostalgic MK, so she'll always have a secure spot in the series. I'm a little worn on her, and I'm starting to prefer her clone with every passing game, but that's just a symptom of over-exposure.

Honestly, I feel the exact same way about Kung Lao, Cage, and Sonya. I'll always LIKE these characters, but I could never get excited about them. It sucks that none of my favorite characters are high-profile, but trust me, I didn't plan it that way.
03/27/2010 03:52 PM (UTC)
Just for the hell of it, I've been trying to think of alternatives to blowing up Edenia.
Because really, I think the fundamental problem is that...aside from the realm being boring as shit...as a royal, Kitana is pretty much anchored to the realm and its defense. So the trick is finding something...one final "bad thing"...that makes Kitana renounce or give up her title.

- Sindel's death
Obviously the death of her mother would be a crushing blow...all the more so because she had "just" gotten her back after MK3. This could also tie into the Shao Kahn soul pledge. As someone mentioned, Kitana could finally destroy Shao Kahn....which I agree with, I think she should be the one to do it....only to find out Sindel had pledged her soul to him while she was brainwashed during MK3.
Kind of cruel irony...what should've been Kitana's greatest triumph comes with terrible cost.

- Jade's death
Kind of the same deal with Sindel, I imagine....only less so. While Jade means a great to Kitana, I think the death of her mother would be a greater blow to her than her best friend.

But I don't know, neither or these strike me as enough of a "bad thing" to justify Kitana leaving Edenia. Even if both were to die...while the death of her mother & best friend would be desvastating, I think the "bad thing" we need should be moreso.

- Liu Kang's zombie
Or suppose during Armageddon it comes down to Kitana to deal with Liu Kang's zombified corpse and she ends up being the one to put it down; effectively ending any chance he has of being resurrecting and essentially killing her boyfriend.

Meh....I'm not feeling this one, to be frank. I'm not a fan of anything that emphasizes the Liu/Kitana romance and in order for this to come anywhere near working, we'd have to REALLY buy into their relationship.
Maybe this could happen IN ADDITION to the deaths of Sindel & Jade....but now I can't help but think, if we're going to this length to torment Kitana, wouldn't it just be easier to trash Edenia?

- Mileena sabotage
How about this...as we know, Mileena's running around posing as Kitana. Now suppose Mileena, as Kitana, does something really bad....I don't know what, ideally something that involves mass casualties and maybe a crippling blow to Edenia....and gets away with it. So, in the aftermath, everyone thinks Kitana must have snapped or maybe they even question whether she really had Edenia's best interest in mind when she turned against Kahn and they force her into exile.

Now this could work and I could even imagine Kitana have a "After everything I've done for you people..." resentment. Combine this with the death of Sindel or Jade and I think we got something.

- Shao Kahn loss
Now this is something I just thought of....suppose, playing along with the idea that Kitana faces Shao Kahn in the big final Armageddon battle. Now suppose, she loses. Not even just loses, loses badly. And afterward, Kitana feels devastated because destroying Kahn meant so much to her, etc....that coupled with her loss to Quan Chi, being enslaved by Onaga, and the various other set-backs and defeats she's suffered...Kitana decides she's no longer fit to be ruler of Edenia. Then maybe she goes on some sort of pilgrimage to regain whatever edge she lost or become a better fighter or something.

This could work.
But speaking for myself, though, I prefer the slash & burn, Kitana gets pissed scenarios better.

One thing I do think worth pointing out....although I encourage there to be one final "bad thing" that ultimately pushes Kitana "over the edge," I would rather not see her become a villain again or an antagonist. I want to see her return to a darker or more ruthless state and so on...but she should still lean towards the heroics; even it's grudging and reluctant.

Not to say it wouldn't work....it would depend on how it was done....but I'd rather not see the result of any "bad thing" be Kitana becomes evil again.
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