03/20/2010 03:38 PM (UTC)
Time for the next character:


She’s one of Kabal’s recruits. She was selling weapons to terrorists as a disguised man. When they realized who she was, she had to fight her way out of the cave. Kabal offered her to join the Black Dragon after she reached the end of the cave. He claims that they will rise from the ashes, more ruthless than before.

In the end, both Kobra and Kira had to fight to decide which one of them was worthy enough to be in the clan. Kobra had lacked discipline, so she was able to control the battle. She won and proved her worth to Kabal.

I never liked this character. She was a plain ripoff of Kano and Sonya because neither one of them was in Deception... So how do we make these two characters make a return without including them in the game? Simple, give one brand new character their signature moves. Yeah, that should do it.

All these clan members are starting to irritate me because nothing good has come out of it. Kabal and Kano, to me, are like the only two characters that has potential of being great characters in their little clans without having more people in the game being with them. They just haven’t done anything cool. Jerek stole characters moves, Kira, Movado sucked as well as Kobra. Kira, to me, has to be the worst out of all of them.

Her appearance... I liked her primary, her secondary is just plain stupid. This is what you get when you have nothing but men designing the women’s clothing. (Except I know for all the guys who play this game, what’s the issue with that?) Anyways, does she have to look like a hooker?

Her moves, no... just no, get rid of them all completely and give her some of her OWN moves instead of stealing other character’s moves if they’re not going to appear in the game. We all knew that she was a ripoff from the start when she has Sonya’s kissing move and Kano’s rolling thunder move. Give her her own moves and maybe, just maybe I’ll give this character a second chance.

I’m not going to let another character come back in the game because they’re a plain rip off of two characters combined. I don’t want her to come back because I’ve never liked this character anyways. I’m not liking that this game was being flooded by Dragon clan members and yeah... just go.

So, let’s debate. Should Kira stay or leave?
03/20/2010 03:49 PM (UTC)
if she gets more moves that are unique to her then i say stay but if she just takes moves from kano and sonya then i say gone. also i did like her mkd fatality with the knifes. she does have the potential to be a powerfull player if she could be similar to taki from sc, just not a ninja. also maybe get rid of the ponytail and give her a skirt and pair of gloves. just few ideas for this one.
03/20/2010 08:45 PM (UTC)
Kira was a somewhat interesting character. . . when she was dealing arms with terrorists on her own and making her own way. The moment she hooked up with the black dragon clan she stopped being interesting. Now she has to prove herself? Why? She was doing pretty damn fine on her own. The Black Dragon Clan is like a black hole that sucks anything interesting about a character right out of them. If she does come back, she needs to have her own moves set and she needs to strike out on her own again. The further away she gets from that clan of losers, the better.

On a side note- did anyone ever notice:


The KKK?!?!
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03/20/2010 10:22 PM (UTC)
reppy Wrote:


The KKK?!?!

Interesting insight. Don't think it was intentional, but still pretty funny.

As for Kira... meh. She has a nice design, but she's the quintessential example of unnecessary sex appeal. I know breast size is (mostly) arbitrary when creating characters, but she could rival the divas from DOA. People may say the same thing with Ktiana or Li Mei, but Li Mei was a slave, and Kitana has the Edenian cultural element.

I guess I'm nitpicking here, so if you disagree, think nothing of it. I still think they over-sexualized her, but at the end of the day, it's a decent design.

Her story had a comparably nice setup but was contaminated by the Black Dragon plot thread. That topic has been beaten to death, so let's just say Kira needs to adopt a purer villain role. Self-serving villains work in small quantities, so in order to justify her occupying a character slot, she needs to be relevant in the greater scheme of things. If Kira is going just use the story events as a means to XYZ, then just fucking drop her. We have too much of that shit already.

She has redeemable qualities, but all things considered, I say gone.
03/20/2010 10:44 PM (UTC)
I say bring her back. In fact, I said it a couple times already, when we went over Kano and Kabal.

Kira's got the most interesting look and the best storyline potential of any Black Dragon. Kano has always been a smalltime thug with a history of losing and no real future, Kabal is an inconsistently written mess who no longer makes an impact, and Kobra is, of course, a joke. But Kira's got promise. She's got clarity of purpose and a rock-solid foundation of a personality. There's no real way you can misunderstand or fuck up the concept of a hardass, ultra-disciplined terrorist who wants to tear down the establishment and profit from the ensuing chaos.

The ONLY thing that ever held her back is her copycat moves. Easily remedied. Give her a new moveset, bring her back as leader of the syndicate or as the last survivor who's now on her own, and you've got a solid longterm addition to the Mortal Kombat mythos.
03/21/2010 12:36 AM (UTC)
Kira: Yet again another MKD character who sucks. I thought her design was really plain. I don't know what it is, but I only like the original females design wise. Ashrah had a cool story, but her cosume was too Raiden esque, and just plain ugly. However, Kira looks bland, and so is her story to boot. Just another black dragon member with ripped off special moves. I don't hear about too many fans liking the black dragon members, and there are so many other females who are cooler.

Verdict: Plain, dumb, ripoff. Gone.
03/21/2010 03:31 AM (UTC)
reppy Wrote:

The KKK?!?!

Kano too. It seems to be a main Black Dragon your name must begin with the letter K.

Anyway, Kira.

I like her a lot, I think she should stay. However, I agree that she should at least ditch the kiss and the Kano rolling move. However, I think she should keep her projectile, but throw it a different way. Hey, if:

Shang Tsung
Liu Kang

I'm probably forgetting someone, but if all of them can have a fireball attack and do it in some different way, then Kira and Sonya can both have a pink energy attack.

She needs to stay away from Kobra. I want to say her Deception ending is canon and leave Kobra dead. Kira needs to do something....I don't know what, but she needs something to do.

I vote stay
03/21/2010 03:36 AM (UTC)
Kira does NOT need to have another character's moves, even if it comes from a character she already stole a move from.

The fact that Sonya is more iconic than Kira, she should not steal moves from her whatsoever. Kira has more involvement with knives. If they give her moves that has her dealing with knives more than giving her an alternate energy blast that is simply being taken from Sonya, that will be ten times better than making her even more hated that she has another move stolen.
03/21/2010 03:51 AM (UTC)
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
reppy Wrote:

The KKK?!?!

Kano too. It seems to be a main Black Dragon your name must begin with the letter K.

Hehe, Kano too! Of course he was missing for MKD, so we just had the 3. *L* Poor Jarek. I bet everyone makes fun of his name for starting with a "J". Maybe if he just spelled it backwards...


There we go.

and introducing... KERAJ!
03/21/2010 09:02 AM (UTC)
Kira is, for some reason, growing on me as time goes by. There are elements to her that I like. She comes from a "real" place, and is a bit more damaged, gritty and human than most characters in Mortal Kombat. She has a good design, but they made the mistake of giving her an "homage" moveset. I can just see the MK Team sitting around and talking about how awesome it would be if they got a new character who had both Sonya's and Kano's -- the bitter enemies -- special moves. Wrong, MK Team. Just wrong. They did the same thing with Kitana in MK vs. DC, in giving her some of Mileena's moves thinking it would be cool.

Kira could get her own specials, and all that jazz, but in the end, her real potential is that she is yet to be ruined. I don't know if there is neccessarily magic in the character, or if it is more just a blank slate they have yet to do much with. I won't cry myself to sleep if Kira does return, because of that potential, but I don't think she's a "must." If Mavado can be discontinued, then Kira can definitely have the same fate.
03/21/2010 11:04 AM (UTC)
i think kira needs to go...she was just a quick fill in character to me. i actually like kobra more than kira...whats that say....anyways yeah...gone.
03/21/2010 01:04 PM (UTC)
reppy Wrote:
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
reppy Wrote:

The KKK?!?!

Kano too. It seems to be a main Black Dragon your name must begin with the letter K.

Hehe, Kano too! Of course he was missing for MKD, so we just had the 3. *L* Poor Jarek. I bet everyone makes fun of his name for starting with a "J". Maybe if he just spelled it backwards...


There we go.

and introducing... KERAJ!

LOL!!! I actually like Keraj more than Jarek!

Anyway, back to Kira.

If we were discussing about her right after I got to know her, so to say, I would have said "don't ever bring her back" easily. Why? Because of the moves rip off.


After I read what 2 of the members from here did with her in their MK:Resurrection project, I realized she could be quite awesome.

I think her primary MKD design is one of the best in MK and in her MKD promotional render her breasts were actually normal sized, in the game however, they went way too wild. I totally liked that terrorist stuff in her story, I thought that was quite awesome. So I say, get rid of the Black Dragon, bring Kira back with her own moves and her primary MKD design as one of her costumes and do some more terrorist or similar stuff with her and she could be cool.
I even wouldn't mind her keeping Kano's rolling attack (since I'd kill of Kano) and that pink projectile (since Sonya got her rings projectile back in MKvsDC), maybe color it to some other color. Or maybe instead of that projectile, give her some rifle to shoot from, maybe some plasma stuff (to make it different from the rifle Jax and Stryker used in MKA) if she's going to have interactions with the terrorists. Keep her knives too.

So yeah, I say bring Kira back. She could be a really cool evil Earthrealm's character.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 14
GONE: 14
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/21/2010 06:04 PM (UTC)
I actually like Kira. Her primary look is great and her backstory and everything works really well in my opinion. Her ending in Armageddon actually hinted that there is actually a lot more to her than a lot of people, including myself, would have expected. She makes a very good bad girl and she makes a good counterbalance to Sonya honestly. What might be a more interesting idea may be rather than utilizing the MK cliche of good guys turning bad for one character they could try having Kira be a candidate for a bad character turning good.

Expand her horizons. Why was she selling weapons to terrorists in Afghanistan? Why was she so willing to embrace the Black Dragon only to be so willing to again throw it all away in that Armageddon ending?

I think that grey area could be explored. Perhaps there's an underlying story behind it all. Maybe she never really wanted to become what she is (at least not on a subconscious level) but it just sort of happened. Maybe it could all be a circumstance of never being given a chance - never having the opportunity to make right with herself.

Who knows?

With every character there are obvious good paths to go with them but the MK team always seem to go down the safe/stupid/obvious path. I'd say stay.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/21/2010 06:19 PM (UTC)
Kira should die unless it turns out that she is the love child of Kano and Sonya then I say give her another shot
03/21/2010 07:01 PM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
Kira should die unless it turns out that she is the love child of Kano and Sonya then I say give her another shot

That doesn't make any sense.
03/21/2010 09:19 PM (UTC)
I like kira but please, give her a new face, she is horrible looking!
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03/21/2010 09:53 PM (UTC)
lordbilly Wrote:
I like kira but please, give her a new face, she is horrible looking!

Really? She looks like a hot Kirsty Alley to me.

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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/21/2010 10:58 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
lordbilly Wrote:
I like kira but please, give her a new face, she is horrible looking!

Really? She looks like a hot Kirsty Alley to me.

LOL like in Star Trek II or Cheers?
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03/22/2010 02:09 AM (UTC)
Kira to STAY.

I thought she was a decent character in MKD and I liked her fatalities & story.
03/22/2010 06:02 AM (UTC)
I'm surprised Kira is getting so many votes to stay. Reading up on her Armageddon ending, I am actually surprised to see that she restored Kobra to life. It seems to me that Kira "needs" people. Whether she admits it or not, the girl has issues where she needs to feel protected by a male force. It's an interesting little detail to say the least.

I do see her as being sort of the "anti-Sonya" of the series. Sonya's daddy issues led to her joining the military herself, and rising up the ranks possibly to get his attention. Kira, on the other hand, went the other way; and has both a contempt for males, as well as a need to submit to them.
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03/22/2010 07:11 PM (UTC)
Eeh, I don't know about Kira. I think that a lot of people are seeing more potential in her than what the MK team is willing or capable of bringing out of her. I'd love to see her as a bad girl character that works with the good guys. I'd love to see her as the sort of "Anti-Sonya." I'd love to see her get as far away from the Black Dragon story as possible.

But will the MK team do any of that or would they just bring her back as a Black Dragon thug who's back story is basically "she survived because that's what she does... Now she wants..."

It's hard too because while I like that she has this sort of survivalist mentality and possibly a soft spot underneath what appears to be a hard surface, I also think that some of her depth is extrapolated upon by fans.

As for her moves, I hate them, of course. To have a character in MK that ONLY has moves from other characters is downright wrong and lazy on the part of the developers. Give her new moves and possibly even a new weapon as well (since knives are kind of Kano's thing).

As for her look, I could take it or leave it. I like that she has red hair, even if it looks like it was dyed with a bottle of ketchup. Her MK:D original outfit is the best, as her alt outfit looks like a cross between Lara Croft and a stripper. Heck, I wouldn't even be shocked if that's the look the MK team were going for, but yeah, I didn't like it.

It's strange though, like others... I'm somewhat drawn to her in the sense that I'm curious whether the MK team could make something out of her. She's still somewhat of a blank slate. Her last story was completely disposable in terms of actions taken, so she can pretty much go anywhere from here.

VERDICT: STAY, but I get the distinct feeling that another crack at her by the MK team will almost assuredly put her in the GONE column. I just don't think they can do right by this character. Her move list alone shows that she was half assed from the start. If they didn't invest much in her character, then why should I care about her?
03/22/2010 07:34 PM (UTC)
I have mixed feelings on Kira.

She seems like an interesting character and she has a good look. Obviously, she needs her own moves. My issue is, although I might like her, I'm not sure about her future prospects. The Black Dragon should be done away with. Developing her as Sonya's antithesis could work...unfortunately, I don't give a rat fuck about Sonya Blade or the Special Forces; so by extension, what do I care about Kira being in a feud there?

I'll say stay. Even though I've no use for the Special Forces sub-plot, if Kira can bring something to it, may as well utilize her. Unfortunately I don't foresee myself caring too much.
03/22/2010 09:16 PM (UTC)
I keep seeing the same sentiment expressed over and over- nobody has much faith in the MK team's ability to write decent characters. Seems like most people are just waiting for that next game to come out to ruin the cast. It's just sad that this is the kind of anticipation we have- we look forward to the next game to see if the characters were spared the wrath of the MK team's crap writing.
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03/22/2010 10:54 PM (UTC)
I like Kira. If he returns I want her firtly to have her own moveset. Having a mix of Sonya' and Kano's moves isn't a good thing even if they did work for her. She needs a touch of originality in that area. I'm glad they gave her Frost's Yuang Yang style in MKA. This style alone made her much better than he was in MKD. It eems she got the hort straw in that game and ended up being the worst character to use, solely because she wasn't as heavily broken as the rest.
Story wise I'd want her as far away from the Black Dragon as possible and doing her own thing. Whether it be her making some sort of clan or crime syndicate of her own or seeking power for herself elsewhere. As long as it didn't involve the Black Dragon I'd be happy with it. Again she got the short straw here. She's a new character starting off and she along with Kobra got dragged into the rubbish Black Dragon clan! I'm interested in seeing how she's developed in the future. I feel there can be alot done with her. It's just a case of whether or not she's given the chance to shine.
Kira should stay!
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03/23/2010 12:45 AM (UTC)
bo rai cho
li mei
hsu hao

They need to all go away. They are all stupid, uninteresing characters. I do not see why anyone would want to play as any of these characters. The only thing fun you can do with these charcers is to do fatalitys on them. They suck.
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