01/27/2014 01:55 AM (UTC)
A definite no for Hotaru.

He didn't need to be a playable character in Deception, and his moveset shows it. He is better off being a prominent story mode character.
01/27/2014 05:08 AM (UTC)
I thought Hotaru's moves were good. I mean, he only had two, but most of the cast only had two or three specials in Deadly Alliance, so it's hard to say if it's just that the devs ran out of ideas for him or if they were still not finished coming out of their stupid "let's be more like Tekken" phase.

At least he had a THEME to his moves, (his name means "firefly", so he shoots glowing lava stuff and kicks like a bug), as opposed to fuckin' Darrius and Dairou.

That said, I vote NO because I don't think Hotaru will have a place in MK10's story. Even if, say, Johnny Cage were to train in Seido, that doesn't necessarily mean Hotaru has to be involved, and I'm not entirely sure Seido is the best place for Johnny's story to take him anyway.
01/27/2014 06:45 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

That said, I vote NO because I don't think Hotaru will have a place in MK10's story. Even if, say, Johnny Cage were to train in Seido, that doesn't necessarily mean Hotaru has to be involved, and I'm not entirely sure Seido is the best place for Johnny's story to take him anyway.

I have to say I think otherwise.

The conditions and ultimately ending of MK2011 made the perfect opportunity for Johnny Cage to become a more serious character. I think having Cage start out in Seido in the next game would make a fine transition from movie star to humble hero.
01/27/2014 10:33 AM (UTC)
If hotaru could be a proper samurai then yes.
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01/27/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
You guys might know how I feel about Order/Chaosrealm but if you don't, I'm not keen on any of those characters at all really. Havik gets style points for his aesthetics however I missed that vote. So for Hotaru though...I'm neutral on him but leaning more towards a NO.
01/27/2014 05:13 PM (UTC)
I could see Hotaru being briefly shown in one or two cutscenes, but in terms of overall story involvement, he would probably work better in another game. Then again, with Shao Kahn gone, Hotaru and the other Seidans would probably want to get Outworld under their control. I like his character and the theme of his powers. I imagine that the focus of the next game's story would be that of Shinnok, Quan Chi, and the Netherrealm, but it would make sense to have the aftermath of Earth and Outworld be explored.

So yeah....I'm leaning towards yes.
01/28/2014 02:45 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
I think having Cage start out in Seido in the next game would make a fine transition from movie star to humble hero.

My argument would just be that I think there are better trainers for Johnny out there, like Bo' Rai Cho for example...who could be used to keep the roster from getting too bloated and keep the plot from getting too bogged down by sidequests in realms that have nothing to do with Shinnok. Best to keep things to just Earth-Outworld-Netherealm for now.

It's like...I wouldn't mind seeing Havik show up working with Noob to conquer Hell, but that doesn't mean I want to see Noob actually spending any length of time in Chaosrealm, unless it's an extremely brief flashback to explain "The exploding Soulnado sent him there and that's how he met Havik in the first place".
At the end of the day, it's like I said before way back during the Darrius vote. The game can only have around 30 characters. You can't say yes to everybody so you have to stick to people who actually have something to do with Shinnok.
01/28/2014 04:23 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
I think having Cage start out in Seido in the next game would make a fine transition from movie star to humble hero.

My argument would just be that I think there are better trainers for Johnny out there, like Bo' Rai Cho for example...who could be used to keep the roster from getting too bloated and keep the plot from getting too bogged down by sidequests in realms that have nothing to do with Shinnok. Best to keep things to just Earth-Outworld-Netherealm for now.

It's like...I wouldn't mind seeing Havik show up working with Noob to conquer Hell, but that doesn't mean I want to see Noob actually spending any length of time in Chaosrealm, unless it's an extremely brief flashback to explain "The exploding Soulnado sent him there and that's how he met Havik in the first place".

At the end of the day, it's like I said before way back during the Darrius vote. The game can only have around 30 characters. You can't say yes to everybody so you have to stick to people who actually have something to do with Shinnok.

I could care less about Hotaru or Seido.

My ideal opening for Johnny Cage is really him after his training and enlightenment is complete. That way, he can still become a new person, and we don't have to focus on Seido and Hotaru as much, if at all.
01/28/2014 04:42 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
At the end of the day, it's like I said before way back during the Darrius vote. The game can only have around 30 characters. You can't say yes to everybody so you have to stick to people who actually have something to do with Shinnok.

To be honest, a game can have as many characters as it wants. This thread isn't just to vote for characters YOU want back as playable, it can also go to characters who can have an appearance in this game, but isn't playable at all. And I did state that before that we're not just voting for playable characters only.

It's not like every single character needs to be playable in order to make an appearance. Kia and Jataaka were in Armageddon yet neither one of them were playable, only Sareena. And there can be NPCs in this game since we obviously are being treated to cutscenes in story mode.

And all honesty, once all of the first round of voting is over, I can go back and do the list of characters that everyone wants to return for the next game and see who wants them playable and who should only be a NPC. Whether or not people are up for it is their choice.
01/28/2014 05:22 AM (UTC)
I understand that we can vote for them as NPCs too, but as I said, I don't think the plot should have any cutscenes set in Seido because it's too much of a diversion from the main plot. And frankly, whoever trains Johnny, it should not be Hotaru, even if he does go to Seido to train, because Hotaru doesn't have the right personality to be a teacher/mentor figure. I'd rather they either use Bo or make up a new Seidan character who's a teacher like Bo is.

I just don't think there's any suitable role, either playable OR NPC, for Hotaru in the story that I'm imagining MK10 to have. I could absolutely see him being in MK11, whatever that will be, though...because there'll be room to branch out and tell a story about ALL the realms, not just "we already know that Netherealm wants to go after specifically Earth and Outworld."
01/28/2014 05:30 AM (UTC)
Ahh, I see.

Anyways, how would Cage even be introduced to the Seido? Let alone even know about Orderrealm? Would that mean having Cage, and possibly Sonya, travel with Raiden to the Nexus and be like, "Oh, these guys are a serious army, you should train with them because they'll help you out!"

I don't see that happening, especially not with how the story might become. Maybe if Shinnok wants to head out into taking control of the other realms but I really don't see that at all being possible to see for the next story.

If anything, Bo Rai' Cho would obviously make sense to be a trainer for the survivors and anyone who Raiden, or Sonya... Or Cage gathered to help fight against the forces of evil.

*I totally had a Captain Planet flashback right there*

I like Hotaru, I thought he was well thought up of and really creative looking, and with what he resembled, he made sense with moves an such. But being in the next game is something I don't see happening at all.
01/29/2014 05:35 AM (UTC)
Honestly, I think the only Deception-introdcued character that has any chance on being in the next game is Havik, as he is not tied to his realm or original story, and can be in any plot at any given moment, for the sake of causing chaos.

Ashrah has a very slight chance, being a denizen of the Netherrealm. However, I doubt she'll make the cut.
01/29/2014 04:05 PM (UTC)
How in the world does Ashrah not have a big chance??? She worked with Quan Chi with the Brotherhood of the Shadow, a group that worships Shinnok,

I think out of all these characters, she has literally a giant chance to return just based on her story alone.
01/29/2014 09:25 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
How in the world does Ashrah not have a big chance??? She worked with Quan Chi with the Brotherhood of the Shadow, a group that worships Shinnok,

I think out of all these characters, she has literally a giant chance to return just based on her story alone.

While very much agree, I'm going more off developer's discretion than anything.

Due to the respective reception of Havik and Ashrah, the developers may go with Havik for the sake of greater popularity. However, I would rather they both be in.
01/30/2014 03:33 AM (UTC)
Maybe its better for him to be saved for the Dragon King saga.
01/30/2014 05:48 PM (UTC)
I'm going to give Hotaru one more day to be talked about. So get your votes in!!!
01/31/2014 10:18 PM (UTC)
Hotaru is a no, so there's no need to update the ladder list, onto the next character which is Hsu Hao

... I really have no interest in seeing this character come back. It's a no for me mainly because I never liked him, never cared for him, don't see him have an important role to play in if neither dragon clans are to make an appearance for the next game. I wouldn't mind seeing this character not make a return. Yep, that's all I have to say.
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01/31/2014 10:25 PM (UTC)
Again it really depends on the timeline they plan to have in the next game; whether it ends at the end of MK4 MKDA or MKD.

Still, Havik could be involved for a number of reasons, therefore Hotaru's inclusion would be based on controlling and undoing Havik. So i say yes but maybe not as playable.
01/31/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
I'd say a maybe.

Who knows Jax might rip his heart out again or not.
01/31/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
I'm ultimately going to have to say "no" to Hsu Hao, but I do think he can be a bit relevant if they tie the Red Dragon into Shinnok's story in the next game. Story and character-wise, there isn't much going for him. I think he's much more interesting in terms of gameplay ideas. Like I said in another thread, he could be that menacing grappling type character combined with specials that I suppose are going to be connected to his heart implant (e.g . Krystal Lazer).
02/01/2014 12:35 AM (UTC)
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02/01/2014 12:45 AM (UTC)
Dammit you were posti ng while i was typing! Oh well.

Hsu Hao: Yes. I like him, he's my favourite underrated character and could be involved in Sonya & Kano's storylines. Even if he gets killed off forever after, technically he's alive at this moment in the reboot.
02/01/2014 05:11 AM (UTC)
Since Boon and Vogel hate his guts and basically gave his story to Kano now, the answer is No.
02/01/2014 12:57 PM (UTC)
No way. Hsu hao
02/01/2014 01:05 PM (UTC)
(No.) It doesn't matter what we think when Mr. Boon says "Gtfo, Hsu Hao!"
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