I'd like to see him return as a hidden character, like in Mortal Kombat 4.
He was fun to play as, and I'd love to see how they'd make him out to be in the next game. So, I'll say yes, but only if he's a hidden character. Having him straight up would just be weird, like in Unchained.
He was fun to play as, and I'd love to see how they'd make him out to be in the next game. So, I'll say yes, but only if he's a hidden character. Having him straight up would just be weird, like in Unchained.
About Me
Goro seems to fit here given the time period; it's too late for Motaro and too soon for Moloch.
I for one HATED that Goro Kintaro and Shao Kahn weren't playable at all in MK9, not even as an unlockable reward for offline only (since i never play online anyway).
There has to be a 'big' (sub-)boss and i don't think anyone else will do. Goro is still around, after all, and Shinnok wants to take over both Earthrealm AND Outworld, so it's a tentative yes IF secret unlockable, otherwise it's just a big tease.
I for one HATED that Goro Kintaro and Shao Kahn weren't playable at all in MK9, not even as an unlockable reward for offline only (since i never play online anyway).
There has to be a 'big' (sub-)boss and i don't think anyone else will do. Goro is still around, after all, and Shinnok wants to take over both Earthrealm AND Outworld, so it's a tentative yes IF secret unlockable, otherwise it's just a big tease.

I'd like to say no to Goro 'cause I'm not the biggest fan of him and MK9 made him out to be a way less important character than he was in the old timeline, just kind of a bigger version of a Baraka/Reptile-style dumb henchman...
...but I don't think it would make sense to do the game without a Shokan, and he's the leader of his people so, y'know, makes more sense for him to be there when Shinnok attacks Outworld than Kintaro or Sheeva, so I'm gonna have to go with YES.
...but I don't think it would make sense to do the game without a Shokan, and he's the leader of his people so, y'know, makes more sense for him to be there when Shinnok attacks Outworld than Kintaro or Sheeva, so I'm gonna have to go with YES.
I'd have to say yes for Goro simply for the purpose of giving him a chance to have more to his character and story. This is especially considering that Shao Kahn is gone. He could be fun to play as an unlockable character.
Goro as a regular playable character, I don't see that day happening as long as Mortal Kombat seeks a place from EVO.
Imagine all the balancing issues in case he were playable online...
It's also an opportunity for Moloch or a new beast to be a sub-boss now, Goro just got that position. Other than that, it would be appropriate to see a new general for the Centaurs.

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Mortal Klaybat #1 - Shinnok, Shao Kahn, Sektor, Noob Saibot and Ermac!
Agreed with a ton of things you guys said, I think he should be a cameo in the story as a good guy (like the Alliance with the Edenian troops that lasted too short in the MK4-MKDA timeline), and should be a hidden kharacter. At least for offline mode, or a reward for another mode. Endurance mode comes to mind., that'd be awsome to have, and him as a reward, or a 'hidden' reward (like, beat it with 5 fighters or so.).
I feel like, for a sub-boss...they should try Motaro. Now hear me out >
He doesn't need to bee 'X-Ray'-able, of vulnerable to all those move mechanics that would be way too hard to program/animate. He could be immune to throws, X-Rays and some special moves, or even ALL special moves(projectiles and stuff. Dunno the technical terms.).
He used to in MK3/UMK/MKT, why not again. It'd be another nod to nostalgia and it'd give us fans a worthy battle (because come on, Goro and Kintaro were too easy.)
(Kinda off, but Shinnok then shouldn't need to follow this pattern. He can be an insane combo master with some 'Test your Luck' Powerups, like Shang Tsung kinda was. But no impersonations. I want my Elder God to shine.)
Back in, Yup for the Prince of Pain.
I feel like, for a sub-boss...they should try Motaro. Now hear me out >
He doesn't need to bee 'X-Ray'-able, of vulnerable to all those move mechanics that would be way too hard to program/animate. He could be immune to throws, X-Rays and some special moves, or even ALL special moves(projectiles and stuff. Dunno the technical terms.).
He used to in MK3/UMK/MKT, why not again. It'd be another nod to nostalgia and it'd give us fans a worthy battle (because come on, Goro and Kintaro were too easy.)
(Kinda off, but Shinnok then shouldn't need to follow this pattern. He can be an insane combo master with some 'Test your Luck' Powerups, like Shang Tsung kinda was. But no impersonations. I want my Elder God to shine.)
Back in, Yup for the Prince of Pain.
Goro's turn is up with 8-5 for a Yes. Do also note, we're not voting for playable characters only. It's if you want them to return for the next game, doesn't necessarily imply that they're playable. We CAN have NPCs, you know? Just a thought for you guys in case you think this is just for voting for playable characters only.
Next up is Havik:
I'm not really sure where I see Havik coming into the series again. To be honest, I wasn't a big fan of his character (even if it was originally supposed to be Noob), even story-wise I just don't see him fitting into the next story. Is Chaosrealm really that important that we need to see it come into play for the next story? I don't know, I just don't see it. It's a no for me.
Next on our list is Goro

Next up is Havik:

I'm not really sure where I see Havik coming into the series again. To be honest, I wasn't a big fan of his character (even if it was originally supposed to be Noob), even story-wise I just don't see him fitting into the next story. Is Chaosrealm really that important that we need to see it come into play for the next story? I don't know, I just don't see it. It's a no for me.
Next on our list is Goro

Yes for me!

About Me
Mortal Klaybat #1 - Shinnok, Shao Kahn, Sektor, Noob Saibot and Ermac!
The Cleric of Chaos is one of my favorite characters, design-wise and, he played a crucial role in Deception (leading the new Black Dragon to the battle with the Dragon King, that was overlooked by many).
Also, his character potential is limitless, since he's unpredictable by nature. He may be siding with Noob on one part of the story then be fighting alongside the Earthrealm heroes if you blink. And his move-set wil be very cringe-worthy, considering what we saw in the last game. I think that, simply by his ties with Noob being acknowledged in-story, he'll be in, but it may be pretty different than what the fans expect.
Yes for Havik.
Also, his character potential is limitless, since he's unpredictable by nature. He may be siding with Noob on one part of the story then be fighting alongside the Earthrealm heroes if you blink. And his move-set wil be very cringe-worthy, considering what we saw in the last game. I think that, simply by his ties with Noob being acknowledged in-story, he'll be in, but it may be pretty different than what the fans expect.
Yes for Havik.
Av it Havik
Havik has a fair bit of potential with his character as he is that agent of chaos that can stir up trouble in all sorts of places. He could be a minor character shown in some parts and be something of a wild card. So yeah, I say "yes" to Havik. He definitely needs some touch ups with his special moves. Being a cleric, he should have more magic-oriented specials.
Yes on Havik.

Yes to Havik. I'm a big fan. I agree with Sub 7th though that his moves could use a little work. I dig the breaking bones and bending joints the wrong way shtick conceptually, but the execution was a little bland in Deception. And yeah, as a Cleric, he could do with some spellcastin'.
Havik is an awesome character, I wish he had more likeable moves in Mortal Kombat: Deception though. Some revamp would do justice. Yes
Icebaby Wrote:
Do also note, we're not voting for playable characters only. It's if you want them to return for the next game, doesn't necessarily imply that they're playable. We CAN have NPCs, you know? Just a thought for you guys in case you think this is just for voting for playable characters only.
Do also note, we're not voting for playable characters only. It's if you want them to return for the next game, doesn't necessarily imply that they're playable. We CAN have NPCs, you know? Just a thought for you guys in case you think this is just for voting for playable characters only.
Okay, that's what one would probably assume too. It's an interesting subject because, come to think of it, does e.g. a cameo in a "What if?" ending count as an actual return? It's debatable for sure. But significance in either the story mode or gameplay should suffice to call it a return.
You don't 'return' to your old workplace if you only visit it to drink coffee.About Me
hankypanky1 Wrote:
Av it Havik
Av it Havik
Was that a 'yes'? The rest of us don't speak chav.
I honestly don't know or care how Havik fits into the story, I just want him in!!! Yes vote from me.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Havik has a fair bit of potential with his character as he is that agent of chaos that can stir up trouble in all sorts of places. He could be a minor character shown in some parts and be something of a wild card. So yeah, I say "yes" to Havik. He definitely needs some touch ups with his special moves. Being a cleric, he should have more magic-oriented specials.
Havik has a fair bit of potential with his character as he is that agent of chaos that can stir up trouble in all sorts of places. He could be a minor character shown in some parts and be something of a wild card. So yeah, I say "yes" to Havik. He definitely needs some touch ups with his special moves. Being a cleric, he should have more magic-oriented specials.
Hey, aren't you a sight for sore eyes!
As for Havik, yes, let's bring him back. Agent of Chaos, true neutral who wants the world to live in disarray, interesting moves... Let's let the zombie wannabe grow a little more.

About Me
Yes to Havik, as a playable.
Gameplay-wise the whole being able to break his own bones and contort his own body to attack fit him perfectly. It would definitely standout against the other characters.
Story-wise I can easily see the Chaosrealm getting involved in Shinnok's war against the realms. Havik and the other denizens of the Chaosrealm would be outraged at the thought of someone trying to seize control of the other realms. They could even use the idea from Noob's ending that they are there simply to eliminate Shinnok's control of the Netherrealm. Or something.
I'd actually be surprised if he wasn't playable in the next game.
Gameplay-wise the whole being able to break his own bones and contort his own body to attack fit him perfectly. It would definitely standout against the other characters.
Story-wise I can easily see the Chaosrealm getting involved in Shinnok's war against the realms. Havik and the other denizens of the Chaosrealm would be outraged at the thought of someone trying to seize control of the other realms. They could even use the idea from Noob's ending that they are there simply to eliminate Shinnok's control of the Netherrealm. Or something.
I'd actually be surprised if he wasn't playable in the next game.

About Me
Seeing how he debuted in the MK4-MKD era and is a decent character in my opinion, yes, Havik should return in the next game.

Ya know Havik's body is like unbreakable. Boneless.
He's almost like a contortionist.
And he can surely use some more powers.
I still say yes.
He's almost like a contortionist.
And he can surely use some more powers.
I still say yes.
Heh, sorry for the lateness. I was quite a busy bee the last few days. Anyways, the time is up for Havik with a 12 - 1 for a definite yes! Here's the characters you want to see for the next game:
Next up is Hotaru!!!
All right, Hotaru is one of my favorite characters from Deception. He had a cool concept, he had a great story, and I really liked his moves. However... As much as I would love to see this character return, I absolutely don't see any kind of purpose for Orderrealm to make a return with the way the story is heading. I could be wrong, Orderrealm may have a purpose, but I don't see one just yet. If there's a way to throw in these characters for the next game, I really hope it's not in a sloppy manner. He's really a cool character and I don't want him to be a fuck up. So for right now, it's a no for me.

Next up is Hotaru!!!

All right, Hotaru is one of my favorite characters from Deception. He had a cool concept, he had a great story, and I really liked his moves. However... As much as I would love to see this character return, I absolutely don't see any kind of purpose for Orderrealm to make a return with the way the story is heading. I could be wrong, Orderrealm may have a purpose, but I don't see one just yet. If there's a way to throw in these characters for the next game, I really hope it's not in a sloppy manner. He's really a cool character and I don't want him to be a fuck up. So for right now, it's a no for me.

I'd say yes.
He's got cool lava blasts.
He's got cool lava blasts.
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