I would enjoy seeing King Jerrod take over the physical body. Now that Kahn's out of the way. Its time for Jerrod to make some good purpose.
I would enjoy seeing King Jerrod take over the physical body. Now that Kahn's out of the way. Its time for Jerrod to make some good purpose.

Yes to Ermac.
That said, I would hope that they can acknowledge the Jerrod thing withOUT making it Ermac's only personality and having Sindel and Kitana start treating him like daddy has come back to life.
Ermac still has a thousand other people inside him. Jerrod is not all he is, he better still say "we" and act like multiple people make him up and stuff like that.
That said, I would hope that they can acknowledge the Jerrod thing withOUT making it Ermac's only personality and having Sindel and Kitana start treating him like daddy has come back to life.
Ermac still has a thousand other people inside him. Jerrod is not all he is, he better still say "we" and act like multiple people make him up and stuff like that.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Ermac still has a thousand other people inside him. Jerrod is not all he is, he better still say "we" and act like multiple people make him up and stuff like that.
Ermac still has a thousand other people inside him. Jerrod is not all he is, he better still say "we" and act like multiple people make him up and stuff like that.
I agree to this.
As much as I like the Jerrod idea, I don't want him to make that character the sole individual character Ermac uses it identify itself... himself...
Hell fucking yes to Ermac. Make him free from Kahn's control now that he's super dead and help take down Shinnok, because COME ON, Earthrealm and Outworld seriously need a powerful ally with herp a derp Raiden effectively fucking Earthrealm over.
Yes to Ermac. Only his costume colour combination should change, I don't like black and red, it should be red and white like the england and denmark flag. more ninjas should have white as their costume colour. I think the same for reptile too.
Nah, red and black fits Ermac fine.

Yes to Ermac.
There's no reason for him not to return.
There's no reason for him not to return.
Yes, I feel Ermac should return for the next game. With Shao Kahn destroyed, I think Ermac should be free from his control, and he could be something of a wild card.
Reptile or Rain should be in white not black
I do have a question about Ermac and that is... Have they ever said how many souls are inside of him? I'm also having a difficult time allowing myself to call Ermac a "he." Ermac is a creation of dozens of souls, constantly referring it as a "we" (Oh, Anthem haha funny reference in a way). Could Ermac kinda be genderless in a way even though he's got a body of a male figure?
Icebaby Wrote:
I do have a question about Ermac and that is... Have they ever said how many souls are inside of him? I'm also having a difficult time allowing myself to call Ermac a "he." Ermac is a creation of dozens of souls, constantly referring it as a "we" (Oh, Anthem haha funny reference in a way). Could Ermac kinda be genderless in a way even though he's got a body of a male figure?
I do have a question about Ermac and that is... Have they ever said how many souls are inside of him? I'm also having a difficult time allowing myself to call Ermac a "he." Ermac is a creation of dozens of souls, constantly referring it as a "we" (Oh, Anthem haha funny reference in a way). Could Ermac kinda be genderless in a way even though he's got a body of a male figure?
I believe it was stated that the amount of souls within Ermac is in the thousands.
Nevertheless, Ermac is still one person. He was simply constructed with many souls. It's not as if Ermac is a shell that the souls take control of.
Riyakou Wrote:
I believe it was stated that the amount of souls within Ermac is in the thousands.
Nevertheless, Ermac is still one person. He was simply constructed with many souls. It's not as if Ermac is a shell that the souls take control of.
I believe it was stated that the amount of souls within Ermac is in the thousands.
Nevertheless, Ermac is still one person. He was simply constructed with many souls. It's not as if Ermac is a shell that the souls take control of.
His character makes no sense to me in this game and that's why I had to ask those questions.
According to his 2011's ending, when Kahn dies, all of the souls inside of Ermac are "fighting" to gain control. Jerrod's soul is the one that comes out in dominance. So, because of Kahn's magic, all of those thousands of souls were being controlled by Kahn.
I see him as a shell basically because of why those souls were fused together to create Ermac. And they can't get out of him once Kahn died. So in a way, I can see him be this shell character even if it's not really stated there. Because once Kahn is dead, shouldn't those souls kinda be eh... freed from the fusion of whatever kind of magic bound them to him?
I'm just throwing stuff out there.

Well obviously, since he doesn't die in his ending, we can say for sure that Ermac isn't held together by some kind of spell, his creation was permanent.
However, Ermac is under mind control, and that WILL end with Kahn's death.
That was always true, though. Kenshi broke the mind control on him in Deadly Alliance, using his psychic powers.
The problem is, a thousand or more people are naturally going to disagree with each other a lot, and Ermac needs to focus on a single task, or at least go by majority vote, every time he ever acts. Imagine his body is like a car with a whole crowd of people fighting over the wheel, pedal, and brakes.
Kahn's mind control made all of the souls inside him do what they're told, it made them act with a single will.
Now that the control is broken and the souls all have free will, they need help in order to learn to get along and act as a unit. In the old timeline, Kenshi helped him focus and get the souls inside of himself to agree and work together. In the new timeline, apparently one of his souls, Jerrod, forces the others to work together with his leadership skills.
As far as the gender question...Ermac would indeed be made up of all different kinds of people, young, old, black, white, male, female, Outworlder, Edenian, etc. So mentally, he's either genderless or just goes with whatever the majority of the souls are...and since the souls were taken from warriors, they're probably mostly male.
But physically, Ermac has a male body. And he's not a shapeshifter, he's stuck with the form Kahn gave him. So there's that.
However, Ermac is under mind control, and that WILL end with Kahn's death.
That was always true, though. Kenshi broke the mind control on him in Deadly Alliance, using his psychic powers.
The problem is, a thousand or more people are naturally going to disagree with each other a lot, and Ermac needs to focus on a single task, or at least go by majority vote, every time he ever acts. Imagine his body is like a car with a whole crowd of people fighting over the wheel, pedal, and brakes.
Kahn's mind control made all of the souls inside him do what they're told, it made them act with a single will.
Now that the control is broken and the souls all have free will, they need help in order to learn to get along and act as a unit. In the old timeline, Kenshi helped him focus and get the souls inside of himself to agree and work together. In the new timeline, apparently one of his souls, Jerrod, forces the others to work together with his leadership skills.
As far as the gender question...Ermac would indeed be made up of all different kinds of people, young, old, black, white, male, female, Outworlder, Edenian, etc. So mentally, he's either genderless or just goes with whatever the majority of the souls are...and since the souls were taken from warriors, they're probably mostly male.
But physically, Ermac has a male body. And he's not a shapeshifter, he's stuck with the form Kahn gave him. So there's that.
About Me
I'm unsure. As much as i like Ermac and want to see him/them rid himself/themselves of the mind-control with Kenshi's help and go on the quest to find his/their own destiny (pronouns here are hard), I wouldn't want to see too many 'popular' characters return too often. That's when things can get stagnant in the storytelling e.g. Scorpion & Sub-Z in ALL the games.
I say no, but only if he/they'd be in the one after to choose his/their destiny thing. It depends too, on what time period is focused on in the next game whether it's MK4/MKG soley, or MKDA-MKD period as well.
I say no, but only if he/they'd be in the one after to choose his/their destiny thing. It depends too, on what time period is focused on in the next game whether it's MK4/MKG soley, or MKDA-MKD period as well.
Time's up for Ermac with a definite yes that you want him to return to the next game. As of right now, this is what the current roster will look like if these characters are to make an appearance:

Now, onto Frost.
Well... as one of my favorite characters, I'm going to say yes. I can see some of her original story change to make sense for her character to come into play. I get that she wasn't apart of the Lin Kuei, she was apart of Sub-Zero's newly created. However, things can be different. I can see this character be Sub-Zero's replacement if Sub-Zero is not to make an appearance in the next game. I can think of other ways to plant her into the next game, however, I feel that I should keep this short. Yes for me.

Now, onto Frost.
Well... as one of my favorite characters, I'm going to say yes. I can see some of her original story change to make sense for her character to come into play. I get that she wasn't apart of the Lin Kuei, she was apart of Sub-Zero's newly created. However, things can be different. I can see this character be Sub-Zero's replacement if Sub-Zero is not to make an appearance in the next game. I can think of other ways to plant her into the next game, however, I feel that I should keep this short. Yes for me.

No to Frost.
Besides no way she'll replace Sub-Zero. It won't be the same.
Besides no way she'll replace Sub-Zero. It won't be the same.
Frost is, to me at least, one of the most horribly made characters in the entirely MK series.
I would love for her to receive a proper revamp, but I am far too hesitant to even consider the possibility. If NRS can succeed in doing so, then I am all for it. Until then, I am going to have to say no.
I would love for her to receive a proper revamp, but I am far too hesitant to even consider the possibility. If NRS can succeed in doing so, then I am all for it. Until then, I am going to have to say no.
I would like to see Frost return and have more given to her, but I'm not sure how well she would fit in the next game's likely story. Her past and source of motivation should be explored to get a better idea of her character.

I'm going to say yes for Frost.
There's no way she'll replace Sub-Zero, because we all know Sub-Zero is coming back. But I'm curious to see how they would fit her into MK10, and hopefully they can make her very diverse from Sub-Zero in terms of gameplay.
There's no way she'll replace Sub-Zero, because we all know Sub-Zero is coming back. But I'm curious to see how they would fit her into MK10, and hopefully they can make her very diverse from Sub-Zero in terms of gameplay.

In my opinion, the only purpose Frost really serves is to address a part of Sub-Zero's character: his sense of legacy.
Kuai Liang's all about the fact that his name and powers are a family heirloom. It took a lot for him to be different from his brother and father and grandfather and so on by stepping away from the assassin life and the Lin Kuei in MK3. And even after he did that, he wanted to go back and honor them in his own way and make the family legacy something to be proud of, which is why he wears Bi-Han's Mythologies costume in MK4, and takes over the Lin Kuei in MKDA.
The only thing that was left for him at that point, in the old timeline, was to secure the FUTURE of the Sub-Zero line. He didn't have a kid, or a love interest to have a kid with, so finding a student who had the same powers he had was the next best thing.
Of course, happy endings and characters getting what they want and everything working out for the best? That's boring. And it's not MK's style. Frost existed to give Sub-Zero's life a new conflict, because conflict is the core of all proper storytelling.
That's the only thing that makes Frost interesting - the fact that she's NOT the perfect student for Kuai Liang, that she is, in fact, an evil traitor. She will NEVER be the right person to inherit the Sub-Zero name and legacy like he wanted because she's not like him, she's not interested in being a hero or protecting Earthrealm or running the Lin Kuei the same way he does.
Theirs was, in a lot of ways, a copy of the relationship between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. She was too powerful at too young an age and it went to her head, so despite his best efforts, he couldn't teach her to be humble and control the ego her power gave her, which resulted in her thinking she could beat her own master and take what was his.
Now...we have a timeline where Sub-Zero is NOT in any kind of position to repair his family name or reform the Lin Kuei. He's nowhere near in an appropriate place in his life to train a successor. In fact, he's going to be an undead, mind-controlled soldier of the bad guys in the next game. And also he might still be a robot. Which means, he's got a lot of priorities that gotta come first before he can think about stuff like "Who's gonna carry on being the next Sub-Zero for me when I'm gone?"
So what good is Frost, a character whose only purpose is to put Sub-Zero through hardship and subvert his desires, when he's ALREADY pretty busy being put through a much worse hardship? And one has to wonder how would she be introduced? She didn't join the Lin Kuei until between MK4 and MKDA. And the current Lin Kuei is a bunch of robots run by Sektor. So...not the kind of thing a normal person would wanna sign up for. I suppose Raiden needs to recruit some new dudes to replace the ones who died...and that could theoretically be Frost's way in...but I just think there are better picks for those spots. One has to be concerned with roster size. Most of the characters who were in MK9 are going to come back, so there's only so much room to squeeze in newbies.
Perhaps there'll be a place for her in MK11, I do want to see her return eventually, to me she's not a character who should be erased or anything. But for 10, I say NO.
Kuai Liang's all about the fact that his name and powers are a family heirloom. It took a lot for him to be different from his brother and father and grandfather and so on by stepping away from the assassin life and the Lin Kuei in MK3. And even after he did that, he wanted to go back and honor them in his own way and make the family legacy something to be proud of, which is why he wears Bi-Han's Mythologies costume in MK4, and takes over the Lin Kuei in MKDA.
The only thing that was left for him at that point, in the old timeline, was to secure the FUTURE of the Sub-Zero line. He didn't have a kid, or a love interest to have a kid with, so finding a student who had the same powers he had was the next best thing.
Of course, happy endings and characters getting what they want and everything working out for the best? That's boring. And it's not MK's style. Frost existed to give Sub-Zero's life a new conflict, because conflict is the core of all proper storytelling.
That's the only thing that makes Frost interesting - the fact that she's NOT the perfect student for Kuai Liang, that she is, in fact, an evil traitor. She will NEVER be the right person to inherit the Sub-Zero name and legacy like he wanted because she's not like him, she's not interested in being a hero or protecting Earthrealm or running the Lin Kuei the same way he does.
Theirs was, in a lot of ways, a copy of the relationship between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. She was too powerful at too young an age and it went to her head, so despite his best efforts, he couldn't teach her to be humble and control the ego her power gave her, which resulted in her thinking she could beat her own master and take what was his.
Now...we have a timeline where Sub-Zero is NOT in any kind of position to repair his family name or reform the Lin Kuei. He's nowhere near in an appropriate place in his life to train a successor. In fact, he's going to be an undead, mind-controlled soldier of the bad guys in the next game. And also he might still be a robot. Which means, he's got a lot of priorities that gotta come first before he can think about stuff like "Who's gonna carry on being the next Sub-Zero for me when I'm gone?"
So what good is Frost, a character whose only purpose is to put Sub-Zero through hardship and subvert his desires, when he's ALREADY pretty busy being put through a much worse hardship? And one has to wonder how would she be introduced? She didn't join the Lin Kuei until between MK4 and MKDA. And the current Lin Kuei is a bunch of robots run by Sektor. So...not the kind of thing a normal person would wanna sign up for. I suppose Raiden needs to recruit some new dudes to replace the ones who died...and that could theoretically be Frost's way in...but I just think there are better picks for those spots. One has to be concerned with roster size. Most of the characters who were in MK9 are going to come back, so there's only so much room to squeeze in newbies.
Perhaps there'll be a place for her in MK11, I do want to see her return eventually, to me she's not a character who should be erased or anything. But for 10, I say NO.
Yeah Frost has it rough since so much of her story hinges on Sub-Zero. I will say this though, I think it's possible from a gameplay perspective to have both
Frost and Subz in the same game without one or the other feeling redundant. Just look at how different MK9 Sub-Zero and Injustice's Killer Frost are.
That being said, we'll see what happens with the whole Cryomancer plot and if they try and introduce it earlier this time.
Frost and Subz in the same game without one or the other feeling redundant. Just look at how different MK9 Sub-Zero and Injustice's Killer Frost are.
That being said, we'll see what happens with the whole Cryomancer plot and if they try and introduce it earlier this time.
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