Should Smoke return as cyborg, ninja or unmasked guy?
posted08/12/2007 09:03 AM (UTC)by
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01/03/2007 11:20 PM (UTC)

I'm not a huge fan of Smoke though I don't want to see him as cyborg. This appearance sucks a lot for several reasons: He shares his teleport punch with Sektor and he's Noob Saibot's dog since the dark ninja found him and reactivated him after finding him in Shao Kahn's dungeon. Plus both his costumes suck.

And we never had the chance to play as ninja Smoke with his own moves, just Scorpion in grey with differents finishers.
That's too bad. His background as ninja have never explained until now. It's just known he worked for the Lin Kuei with Sub-Zero to kill Shang Tsung in MK2 but they failed and Smoke was turned into a robot while Sub-Zero escaped. Was he good or evil when he was human?

The idea of seeing Smoke human again and unmasked seems the most interesting solution. This could be a new departure for this character's storyline but Cyarx's MKA ending should have to be canon or he must be captured.

I vote for Smoke unmasked.

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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

05/01/2007 09:19 PM (UTC)
Well that's ur opinion and I respect that, but I personally liked Smoke in his cyborg form. (MK3/U3/T) Yea Sektor and Cyrax also looked identical to Smoke, but I thought it was hot and it looked good in my eyes. I was pissed to see Smoke in his elemental form. Why? Because as I mentioned before in a different thread, he looked like a floating mask with gloves, pants and boots. And it didn't look like u could even touch him because he was basically all fumes. Also his robot form for MKD and MKA sucked, because they just didin't make it look as attractive as Sektor's and Cyrax's and Where did his braids go? Since when his helment was attached to some gas tank or what ever that was? Anyways to answer ur question I would rather see him in his Ninja form (masked or unmasked, dosen't matter.) or make his robot costume better.
05/01/2007 10:02 PM (UTC)
He should never return.
05/01/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
I vote for not at all.
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05/02/2007 08:02 PM (UTC)
He should take a break and quit his nicotine habit, then when hes not looking Shang Tsung kills him (sorta like DA).
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05/03/2007 01:10 AM (UTC)
i like the cyborg idea but i think he should still look like he did in armageddon. that was a perfect look for smoke. he had the cyborg but he was foggy like a cloud. they should leave smoke alone.
05/03/2007 01:27 AM (UTC)
IF smoke even returns, there should be somethin different of him. Maybe whats left of his more human appearence.
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05/03/2007 01:27 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
He should never return.
05/16/2007 11:49 AM (UTC)
I've never been a big fan of Smoke, and I don't think he should return. His character was never substantial enough for him to be one of the few selected to return.

If he was to come back, though, I'd bring him back as a cyborg. I'd have him serve under Noob Saibot or Sektor, and just play the lackey role. He probably wouldn't even make it into the second game of the new generation. So yeah, no sense bringing him back.

I think out of all the cybernetic ninjas, Cyrax has the best chance, followed by Sektor.
05/24/2007 01:11 PM (UTC)
05/24/2007 04:01 PM (UTC)
His MKSM look was clearly, hands-down his best look ever. His MKA non-cyborg look was the cheesiest, most terrible costume I've ever seen him in. If he does come back, he needs to look cool, I'm really tired of the MK team screwing over their best charcters with awful makeovers and cheap, half-assed storylines.
I like Smoke and I like both human ninja and cyber ninja forms. I always thought of Smoke as a regular ninja with cyber abilities from his past. He can pull aside the cloth on his chest to unleash the trident spear still etc.
05/25/2007 07:29 PM (UTC)
I prefer to have Smoke return as a ninja. To be honest, it's the way he started out. I hated the idea of him becoming cyborg. The nanobot Smoke idea was dumb as well. I'd love to see him make a return in an upgraded version of his Shaolin Monks appearance, because he looked just plain badass in there.
05/25/2007 07:47 PM (UTC)
I'am a big fan of Ninja smoke (I made him into a KAF and everything), I would like to see him return in a future Mk game. i have no idea why he didnt appear in MK Armageddon. he has more of a story than chameleon and he was a selectable character in MKT, you could only play as chameleon by holding buttons. and im not even going to speak about meat...
05/26/2007 07:36 PM (UTC)
legend_armlet Wrote:

I'm not a huge fan of Smoke though I don't want to see him as cyborg. This appearance sucks a lot for several reasons: He shares his teleport punch with Sektor and he's Noob Saibot's dog since the dark ninja found him and reactivated him after finding him in Shao Kahn's dungeon. Plus both his costumes suck.

And we never had the chance to play as ninja Smoke with his own moves, just Scorpion in grey with differents finishers.
That's too bad. His background as ninja have never explained until now. It's just known he worked for the Lin Kuei with Sub-Zero to kill Shang Tsung in MK2 but they failed and Smoke was turned into a robot while Sub-Zero escaped. Was he good or evil when he was human?

The idea of seeing Smoke human again and unmasked seems the most interesting solution. This could be a new departure for this character's storyline but Cyarx's MKA ending should have to be canon or he must be captured.

I vote for Smoke unmasked.

I totally vote for the ninja look in MKT.

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05/26/2007 09:24 PM (UTC)
They will not go back to humanize him anymore.

Problem is, that he is basically nothing more than a swarm of microsco-pic metal-machine particles, no flesh, no bone, no face, but an inconsis-tent cloud of nanomachines what occasionally turns into a human form in solid state.

Midway has only made his look in MKD so, because people were idiotic enough to demand the human failure in Trilogy. As now the process is irreversible as they said, nanomachine Smoke can take up a human form despite being a cybernetic organism (-on note, cybernetic organisms may
consist from different stuff than carbon-based felshy components).

High and definite probability that flesh-ninja Smoke is gone forever. Thank God that it is so, and that the MK storyline does not degrade anymore.

05/27/2007 11:14 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I cannot really think of a way for Smoke to go back to his human form. Unless he made a deal with some sorcerer to return him to that state, providing he serve them. That could actually make a somewhat intriguing storyline for Smoke. He sells his soul just so he can get one back.
05/28/2007 03:34 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
They will not go back to humanize him anymore.

Problem is, that he is basically nothing more than a swarm of microsco-pic metal-machine particles, no flesh, no bone, no face, but an inconsis-tent cloud of nanomachines what occasionally turns into a human form in solid state.

Midway has only made his look in MKD so, because people were idiotic enough to demand the human failure in Trilogy. As now the process is irreversible as they said, nanomachine Smoke can take up a human form despite being a cybernetic organism (-on note, cybernetic organisms may
consist from different stuff than carbon-based felshy components).

High and definite probability that flesh-ninja Smoke is gone forever. Thank God that it is so, and that the MK storyline does not degrade anymore.

ehh my brain hurts... tongue

i would rather have him not return, he lacked instrests imo. ever since the whole noobsmoke thing turned out... it really destroyed him to me... he was one of my favorites, but becuase of this situation, boon destoyed it... destroyed my likeness towards him (give me a break its late at night and i cant think what i'm trying to say) destroyed it in little pieces of paper, threw it back at me and spat at shredder confety (however you spell it) with his spit... you will never have anything nice in the world can you?
05/31/2007 02:28 AM (UTC)
Sub-Frost didn't you post that stop living in the past?
eh not important. I like the idea of smoke returning in human form. but there is no way ,that i see anyway, that him getting back to it. So at least give more of storyline on what he was like. Ya know
06/02/2007 05:59 PM (UTC)
cyborg but ninja for his alternate costume.
06/13/2007 07:43 PM (UTC)
I dont think ANYONE will return except possibly Scorpion, An ancestor to Sub-Zero, And MAYBE Liu Kang, if he's still a zombie. After all Ed Boon said "On the next game, we're going to start new, with a bunch of brand new characters, a whole new fighting system, a new presentation with the new graphics for the new consoles, as well as a new control scheme to take advantage of some of the new technology available. We thought it was a good time to close this chapter and open a new one with every single aspect of Mortal Kombat -- It's going to be brand new.", and he has repeatedly said that armageddon is the end of this generation of MK. And dont even try to say that he was talking about the current generation of consoles, cause you're wrong.
06/13/2007 08:27 PM (UTC)
smoke is gone now..let him go.
06/14/2007 01:03 AM (UTC)
wait wait wait, where do you get this Smoke was a ninja in MK2 but got turned into a cyborg by Shang-tsung stuff from? There are 2 thing wrong with your obvious self cuncocted theory Einstein.

1:Smoke wasnt in MK:2

2:The Cyborgs, were programed to serve the Lin-Keiu before Shang-tsung took them over; so if anything, he didnt turn Smoke into a Cyborg, he probably just took control of him.

But any way... I just want Smoke to come back as a ninja. In my opinion, he looked better that way.
I meen the new Smoke suit for Armaggedon looks totally bad ass, but eventualy you just get tired of looking at it. It was kind of like that for MK trilogy, but when you got the ninja smoke outfit it just made chills go up your spine.
So how about this: We make the Cyborg Smoke the normal kostume for the new game, but we make his sekret kostume, the ninja smoke outfit. Hows that for a bag o' potato chips?!grin
06/14/2007 01:29 AM (UTC)
Smoke should never return ever.
06/14/2007 02:04 AM (UTC)
RaisnCain Wrote:
Smoke should never return ever.

I'd rather have Cyrax and Sektor return. If he had to return, Ninja Form. I loved Cyrax's MKDA look. Smoke's MKD look sucked.
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