06/25/2014 03:30 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:because when he dies, Scorpion fades away with him.

Um, not really.

Scorpion is a Spectre, spectres in myths and legends are ghosts born by vengeance, when the source of the vengeance dies, the spectre finds peace of heart and descents into the afterlife.

That doesn't mean he has to fade into obscurity...and to believe otherwise is laughable. Scorpion, gone from MK? NRS is going to toss away perhaps the most recognizable character of the game (right or wrong)? Just because he FINALLY concluded his worn-out story arc and couldn't possibly begin another?


Well you see, some people don't really grasp that concept of a character's old story ending, and getting a new one after that. To some, it seems a character is just supposed to remain exactly the same, forever, and ever, and ever. If the MK series is still around in a thousand years, expect countless generations of fans saying Scorpion's story should remain exactly the same.

And I love when people are sticking for made-up rules for made-up concepts. "Spectres cease to be when they get revenge!", unless, of course, a writer decides to surprise us. That is what we call a twist.
06/25/2014 03:33 PM (UTC)
Well, if he dies in this game, how should he die? People are just saying they don't want just some random character killing him, well... how do you want him to get killed?

Sword to throat? Decapitation? Kicked in the balls so hard? Burnt to a crisp? Heart ripped out? Beaten to death by his own leg? Neck stretched out like a giraffe? Forced to listen to "It's a Small World"? Drowned in his own blood? Zapped? Shot at? Slammed into a wall? Explode? Get kissed and explode? Get chopped in half? Get chopped up? Get crushed? Being poisoned, shot in the head, shot three more times, bludgeoned, castrated, and then thrown into a river only for the cause of death to be drowning?
06/25/2014 03:40 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Well, if he dies in this game, how should he die? People are just saying they don't want just some random character killing him, well... how do you want him to get killed?

Sword to throat? Decapitation? Kicked in the balls so hard? Burnt to a crisp? Heart ripped out? Beaten to death by his own leg? Neck stretched out like a giraffe? Forced to listen to "It's a Small World"? Drowned in his own blood? Zapped? Shot at? Slammed into a wall? Explode? Get kissed and explode? Get chopped in half? Get chopped up? Get crushed? Being poisoned, shot in the head, shot three more times, bludgeoned, castrated, and then thrown into a river only for the cause of death to be drowning?

Maybe his neck should be stretched. Or he should get a look at Kabal's face. Or get his head inflated. Or have an arcade land on him. Or stepped on by a giant foot.
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06/25/2014 04:03 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:because when he dies, Scorpion fades away with him.

Um, not really.

Scorpion is a Spectre, spectres in myths and legends are ghosts born by vengeance, when the source of the vengeance dies, the spectre finds peace of heart and descents into the afterlife.

yeah no. it is just a synonym for a ghost, or an apparition. Stop making shit up. And pay attention in English class next time.

Why on Earth are you being so mean, man?

Because I am stating the observable fact. He needs to pay better attention to grammar. And I know his flag suggests his/her native language is not English, but tough luck, neither is mine. A few slip-ups are acceptable, i am reminding him/her of this deficiency.

DVorah Wrote:
has forfilled his only goal
He will stop to excist.

Also, unless he//she shows me some concrete evidence of knowledge about folklore, I call bullshit. And no, DnD and video game knowledge accounts to precisely zero.

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06/25/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:because when he dies, Scorpion fades away with him.

Um, not really.

Scorpion is a Spectre, spectres in myths and legends are ghosts born by vengeance, when the source of the vengeance dies, the spectre finds peace of heart and descents into the afterlife.

That doesn't mean he has to fade into obscurity...and to believe otherwise is laughable. Scorpion, gone from MK? NRS is going to toss away perhaps the most recognizable character of the game (right or wrong)? Just because he FINALLY concluded his worn-out story arc and couldn't possibly begin another?


Well you see, some people don't really grasp that concept of a character's old story ending, and getting a new one after that. To some, it seems a character is just supposed to remain exactly the same, forever, and ever, and ever. If the MK series is still around in a thousand years, expect countless generations of fans saying Scorpion's story should remain exactly the same.

And I love when people are sticking for made-up rules for made-up concepts. "Spectres cease to be when they get revenge!", unless, of course, a writer decides to surprise us. That is what we call a twist.

This is the prime problem.

Not to mention, people often have dilluted ideas. not that ideas can change, but a spectre ceasing to be is basically reeks of ass-pulled bullshit.

It is not bad to be wrong. You are not in a debate-race where you have to be right all the time.

06/25/2014 04:07 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:because when he dies, Scorpion fades away with him.

Um, not really.

Scorpion is a Spectre, spectres in myths and legends are ghosts born by vengeance, when the source of the vengeance dies, the spectre finds peace of heart and descents into the afterlife.

yeah no. it is just a synonym for a ghost, or an apparition. Stop making shit up. And pay attention in English class next time.

Why on Earth are you being so mean, man?

Don't mind Chrome. He is just as forgettable as the character with the same name from X-men.

Well, you shouldn't be mean, either.

Let's all try to be more civil, okay?
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06/25/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
That is a good notion, but I fail to see how I was rude.

On an aside, you people get offended waaaaayyyyy too easily.
06/25/2014 04:12 PM (UTC)
I think change is a good thing if its done good. Could make the character or story more interesting. Changing a character doesnt mean it has to die tho.
06/25/2014 05:21 PM (UTC)

It's always the non-native English speakers that have a problem with other non-native English speakers grammar mistakes...

I'm just happy I understand almost EVERYTHING, i'm watching Mortal Kombat Conquest without subtitles for example and I hear everything they say like its my own language.

Most of my grammar mistakes come from laziness and fast speed typing anyway, I don't have the time to go through my grammar, I just want to type extremely fast and go on to the next post.

Anyway reading and hearing English is something i'm great at, i'm not a very good writer because my brain functions as it's on a constant haste spell, speed over quality. Can't help it, sorry.

Anyway, there are many forms of Spectres, many of them being vengeance based horrors that dispatch into nothingness after they fulfill their vengeance and kill the person responsible for their death or suffering... in other uses they are just ghosts or another name for Wraith even... So we're both kinda right. I just stood up for Quan Chi, instead of for Scorpion.

I'm a person who knows about the Abaia, Aatxe, Lorelei, Delgeth, Harionago, Bauk, Jidra, Huldra, Vodyanoi, Ratatoskr and the Yehwe Zogbanu for example, so I can call myself a person who knows his folklore/mythology. Sarkany the dragon for example comes from your own country's myths.
06/25/2014 05:36 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

It's always the non-native English speakers that have a problem with other non-native English speakers grammar mistakes...

I'm just happy I understand almost EVERYTHING, i'm watching Mortal Kombat Conquest without subtitles for example and I hear everything they say like its my own language.

Most of my grammar mistakes come from laziness and fast speed typing anyway, I don't have the time to go through my grammar, I just want to type extremely fast and go on to the next post.

Anyway reading and hearing English is something i'm great at, i'm not a very good writer because my brain functions as it's on a constant haste spell, speed over quality. Can't help it, sorry.

Anyway, there are many forms of Spectres, many of them being vengeance based horrors that dispatch into nothingness after they forfill their vengeance and kill the person responsible for their death or suffering... in other uses they are just ghosts or another name for Wraith even... So we're both kinda right. I just stood up for Quan Chi, instead of for Scorpion.

I'm a person who knows about the Abaia, Aatxe, Lorelei, Delgeth, Harionago, Bauk, Jidra, Huldra, Vodyanoi, Ratatoskr and the Yehwe Zogbanu for example, so I can call myself a person who knows his folklore/mythology. Sarkany the dragon for example comes from your own country's myths.

Why are you explaining yourself to them? clearly they're coming for your grammar when they cannot refute what you're stating.
Historical Favorite
06/25/2014 07:29 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Yeah, please stop referring him as Wesker.

This is exactly how I feel about conformists constantly referring to Scorpion & Sub-Zero as the "Ryu & Ken" of the series. TO HELL WITH RYU & KEN!!

For sake of accuracy (and annoying people who like Street Fighter): Those people keep getting it backwards. Ryu and Ken are the Scorpion and Sub-Zero of Street Fighter.


-Ryu/Ken came out before Scorpion/SubZero
-Ryu/Ken are more popular
-Ryu/Ken are known all around the globe (japan/asia barely gives a shit about MK)
-Ryu/Ken were the mascots of SF at an early stage tan Scorpion/Subby became MK icons/mascots

So basically sarcasm is lost on you.
06/25/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Well, if he dies in this game, how should he die? People are just saying they don't want just some random character killing him, well... how do you want him to get killed?

Sword to throat? Decapitation? Kicked in the balls so hard? Burnt to a crisp? Heart ripped out? Beaten to death by his own leg? Neck stretched out like a giraffe? Forced to listen to "It's a Small World"? Drowned in his own blood? Zapped? Shot at? Slammed into a wall? Explode? Get kissed and explode? Get chopped in half? Get chopped up? Get crushed? Being poisoned, shot in the head, shot three more times, bludgeoned, castrated, and then thrown into a river only for the cause of death to be drowning?

All of the above :D

In all honesty, I think it should be Scorpion, but I wouldn't mind Sub-Zero was involved as well. Say we see something similar to Scorpion's MK4 ending, where he ends up back in the Netherrealm having to deal with Scorpion. In the original timeline he had the amulet and ended up escaping and becoming eve more powerful, so it all worked out good for them.

This time I'd like to see him without the amulet, left to face Scorpion alone, and he ends up failing and getting killed. I'd really like to see a death that just completely embraces the idea of everything turning on him. For example, they could fight in the presence of a mob of demons where Scorpion mortally wounds Quan Chi. I'd kind of like to see his spear go through his neck and maybe wrap around, then have him fall and end up getting torn apart by the demons he used to control. Like his entire world turns against him. A point of view shot as he gets swarmed and torn apart limb from limb while Scorpion hovers over him watching.
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06/25/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
Why would you want the guy who shouts Kool-Aid in battle to die?

Troll Chi should keep ripping people's legs off and beating them to death with it and having people serve him Kool-Aid in the Nether Realm.

Although, he needs a new outfit.
06/25/2014 11:21 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi should be in MK X, he deserves it after being so horrible in MK9... STupid last-minute fatalities should this time be avoided.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

06/25/2014 11:49 PM (UTC)
No. He's cool; I like him.
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06/26/2014 03:10 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

It's always the non-native English speakers that have a problem with other non-native English speakers grammar mistakes...

I'm just happy I understand almost EVERYTHING, i'm watching Mortal Kombat Conquest without subtitles for example and I hear everything they say like its my own language.

Most of my grammar mistakes come from laziness and fast speed typing anyway, I don't have the time to go through my grammar, I just want to type extremely fast and go on to the next post.

Anyway reading and hearing English is something i'm great at, i'm not a very good writer because my brain functions as it's on a constant haste spell, speed over quality. Can't help it, sorry.

Anyway, there are many forms of Spectres, many of them being vengeance based horrors that dispatch into nothingness after they fulfill their vengeance and kill the person responsible for their death or suffering... in other uses they are just ghosts or another name for Wraith even... So we're both kinda right. I just stood up for Quan Chi, instead of for Scorpion.

I'm a person who knows about the Abaia, Aatxe, Lorelei, Delgeth, Harionago, Bauk, Jidra, Huldra, Vodyanoi, Ratatoskr and the Yehwe Zogbanu for example, so I can call myself a person who knows his folklore/mythology. Sarkany the dragon for example comes from your own country's myths.

Basic information that can be found anywhere with a simple google search. But not precisely enough. Sárkány isn't THE dragon, it is A dragon. A fair warning: listing encyclopediaic knowledge does nothing to prove any kind of understanding about the subject.

Not sure if you meant those as examples of otherworldy ghosts, because most of them are not exactly spectres as you describe them.

Though it's kinda cool you looked those up.
06/26/2014 03:31 PM (UTC)

Tsemaus. Look that one up on Wiki, sure you ain't gonna find that one there.
Same with the African troll/giant with spikes on its body from African myths tho, but that didn't impress you at all it seems. And of course i wouldn't use a giant eel monster, red bull spirit of vengeance and horned, carnivorous troll as examples for spectres or ghosts... I would have used Duppy or Banshee...

And in some versions Sarkany is a demon, not a dragon at all.

I have no greater love than mythology/folklore and fantasy monsters. So keep your filthy maws of that knowledge please.

Anyway I ignore you from now on, you made my hate meter explode, few mortal fools have done so before.
06/26/2014 04:10 PM (UTC)
It's great that you have so much knowledge on mythology, but getting back on topic here, NRS doesn''t have to follow every element of the myths that they borrow from; the Mortal Kombat mythos is very much its own thing, and it really falls down to what the writers want to do.

So, if they felt like having Scorpion taking his revenge and killing Quan Chi, they aren't gonna be forced to have Scorpion cease to exist, even if that's what specters do in other myths.
Quan Chi really needs to die, Scorpion needs to do terrible things to him. With the help of Sub-Zero of course.
06/26/2014 07:43 PM (UTC)
As much as I keep hoping that Raiden is the final boss of this game, I'm suddenly getting that gut feeling that it might be Quan Chi. I mean, if Boon loves to have fun trolling us, and every once and a while I see that Troll Chi face being thrown into the mix, what happens if the final boss really does become this guy?

That would mean that anyone could just destroy him. O.O

I mean, he's fun right? Quan Chi can be fun, yes?
It's Daegon. I know this.
06/27/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Sub-Zero freezes him from feet to waist and then scorpion puts a spear through his head.

Scorpion burns him to the bones and Sub-Zero freezes him whole. Leaving his skeleton encased in ice for everyone to see.

Basically I think it would be poetic justice for these two to share his death. He's affected a lot of characters, but I think he's hurt these two more than anyone.

Been wanting this to happen since mk4.
06/27/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi is AWESOME and I'd hate to see him punished for the mistakes are those retard story writers in MK2011...
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/27/2014 01:42 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Sub-Zero freezes him from feet to waist and then scorpion puts a spear through his head.

Scorpion burns him to the bones and Sub-Zero freezes him whole. Leaving his skeleton encased in ice for everyone to see.

Basically I think it would be poetic justice for these two to share his death. He's affected a lot of characters, but I think he's hurt these two more than anyone.

Been wanting this to happen since mk4.

I support this as well. But let Scorpion kick him in the shins before he decapitates him. Nothing more painful than getting kicked in the shin.
06/27/2014 01:51 AM (UTC)
Let Scorpion kill him. After finally finding justice, Scorpion ascends up to the Heavens where he meets his family and clan. Here, he's blessed by the Elder Gods as their champion for killing Quan Chi. That way, Scorpion finds peace, but finds new reasons to fight after his soul is absolved.

It's about time that irritating baldy bitch got his just deserts!
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