Should it return or leave? Mini-Games/Features - Hara-Kiri
posted03/07/2010 12:40 AM (UTC)by
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05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I swear this will be the last debate thread.

Anyways, since this will be the last debate thread, let's debate on the mini-games and the features that Mortal Kombat has brought to us over the past few years, starting with: Test Your Might.

Test Your Might was the first ever MK mini-game that came in the first MK game. Smashing buttons repeatedly in order to get the yellow bar pass the red before time ran out. Each time you came across this mini-game, something new was placed down for you to smash, such as wood, stone and diamond. And each different material you needed to smash, the harder the game got.

This mini-game was not seen for the next few MK games, up until Deadly Alliance. Deadly Alliance brought back this mini-game, without changing what you needed to do for it. (Despite that it got a new look as where your character is trying to break whatever they're breaking in front of a large crowd and depending if you succeeded or not the crowd cheered or booed.)

Then, it was gone and well, the fate of this mini-game depends on the creators.

I personally would want this to make a come back because I really liked this mini-game. It was fun and I think that it deserves to be brought back into the game just like it was during MK1, just randomly popped up after fighting a certain amount of fighters.

So, let's debate. Should Test Your Might stay or leave?
02/12/2010 12:18 AM (UTC)
I say yes to the original mode, and I say yes to the MKvsDC mode. So yes in any previous form.
02/12/2010 12:37 AM (UTC)
i say yes but some things could be redesigned. if i get any ideas i'll post later.
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02/12/2010 04:09 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I'm also in favor of seeing this return. I don't know how or why, but for some reason I've never been able to break diamond. Maybe if they bring it back?
02/12/2010 06:13 AM (UTC)
i too loved this mini game and say return. i think it could be implemented into loading screens to make them on dragonball z games. i think it would be neat and you could even have trophies for it you have to break each block type before the load screen is gone. otherwise i still like it in the original format as well...either way i would like it back.
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02/12/2010 01:43 PM (UTC)
I'd like Motor Kombat to return
02/12/2010 04:44 PM (UTC)
Just a heads up, I will be away from the computer up until Monday because of Valentines Day. I'll be active all throughout the weekend so, please bear with the latest update for a few days. Thank you.

The next thing up for debate: Konquest Mode

Okay, let's get one thing straight, Mortal Kombat has been a game about fighting, it's nice that they featured this new little feature in Deadly Alliance, but I just find this too much of a distraction of the original game.

Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed Konquest as much as the next guy, I just think that this is too much of a distraction.

Deadly Alliance was the first to feature this, and it was basically like a training mode to get used to the characters and their fighting styles, with a bit of a story behind it. Complete each character's story and you unlock two new guys.

In Deception, we get to play as Shujinko as a boy, as a teen, a young adult and finally an old man. We get to see how Deception's story first began. It was a lot different than DA's as we just played as one character, it was an actual adventure game.

In Armageddon, it felt like a whole different game. Like I was playing SM again. Konquest was better in this game, in fact, I think this was the only thing that was actually good about Armageddon, but I just felt that Konquest alone should have made into a different game.

I don't know, I want to say return, but I just find this feature to be too much of a distraction and should be turned into some other game, or a two-disc or something... Screw two-disc, I say don't return.

So, let's debate. Should Konquest mode stay or leave?
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02/12/2010 05:52 PM (UTC)
Ugh, Konquest, the absolute WORST part of Mortal Kombat. If EVER there was a mode that should NOT return...

Look, I get it... Ed wanted MK to be an overall experience. You know, a little something for everyone. You know what's wrong with that idea? People aren't going to buy a FIGHTING GAME so they can get an all around gaming experience. If they want an adventure game, they can buy Prince of Persia, if they want a kart game, they can buy Mario Kart...

It would be such a bad thing if these hack add-ons weren't so poorly concieved from the drawing board to overall execution. In MK:D's version of this mode, I wanted to tear my hair out. It was one of the most boring experiences and yet I was FORCED to play though it by the creators so that I could get all of the characters.

Awful, just awful.

Oh, and as far as MK:A's version being close to Shaolin Monks... We HAVE Shaolin Monks!! Why do we need a mini game in a different game that's like Shaolin Monks only not as good? The whole idea is so backwards and stupid, it's ridiculous!

I don't pretend to know how the MK team divides up their labor, but I have to imagine that the time, effort and manpower that goes in to making this awful mode could EASILY be spent implenting a good survival mode (and other modes as well), adding more characters, adding more arenas, adding to and tightening up the gameplay and a lot more.

I think that's what bothers me the most about this mode. You can just tell that in spite of how terrible it is, alot of work most likely went in to making it and you just know that all that hard work could've and should've gone to other parts of the actual FIGHTING game.

I'm not trying to bag on any of the game's designers, programmers etc, but, and this is just my humble opinion, I've never liked the idea or execution of this mode in any form. Let the story mode tell the story and let the fighting be the main focus in terms of the function of the game.

VERDICT: GONE and hopefully never ever to come back!!
02/12/2010 06:01 PM (UTC)
If it is like Deceptions Konquest mode then it should stay. It was fun to explore through the world, and collect secrets. However, the story and main character need to be cooler. I say it stays, but please no Shijinko.
02/12/2010 08:03 PM (UTC)
Konquest: Should stay and be more adventurous like the Grand Theft Auto series.

Test Your Might: I don't mind if it should stay or not. It should be also during kombat though like when characters are moving a lever so the environment can attack the opponent. However, the opponent has a chance to strike at them while doing that.

02/12/2010 08:33 PM (UTC)
umm i dont know about konquest staying. they should just keep making shaolin monks. konquest always feels rushed... but the idea sounds good on paper but is not brought to life well, the mk's team main problem. so no, i want all the attention on the fighting game. make the adventure game seperate.
02/13/2010 04:31 AM (UTC)
Konquest def. needs to be its own separate game. i don't hate it...i actually liked each version for different reasons but take all the versions and role them into a new Konquest and put it on its own disc and blam! awesome action/adventure game like shoalin monks.

Konquest= no return for me.
02/13/2010 08:22 AM (UTC)
That's hard to say for me. I actually enjoyed Shunjinko's Konquest a lot. A whole lot. Mortal Kombat used to have a great story, and it was a great treat to be able to experience all my favorite events in a RPGesk adventure game.

I'll have to say pass on this, because Shunjinko's story can't be done twice, and I'd rather not have a conquest that simply has to do with the events of the current game.

I would however like it made as a separate game.
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02/13/2010 03:55 PM (UTC)
Test Your Might -
I think Test Your Might should defo Return, it's classic MK and a bit of comic relief between matches.

Konquest -
MKDAs konquest was extremely boring,
MKDs konquest I loved.
I've replayed it many times and I loved the secrets where you would have to wait till a certain time and day for a chest to appear. And they would have been secret for a much longer time if it wasnt for online guides.

MKAs Konquest even tho it was a better made game I didn't enjoy it as much, maybe cos the main character was plain and boring, looked like ben affleck and had an annoying voice.

MK Vs DCs Konquest was back to the boringness of MKDA's Konquest.
It was just video, fight, video, fight, video, fight.

If the new konquest was a kind of mixture between MKD and MKAs konquests then I'd love to see it again.
02/13/2010 05:12 PM (UTC)
test your might should return. it was fun watching my friend lose about every time. konquest i'd rather not return. i'm hoping the mk team will focus on the gameplay more then any other feature.
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02/13/2010 10:34 PM (UTC)
MK is made up of fighting and story stuff so, MKDA styled konquest mode should stay. Just make it a hell of a lot better than what we've seen thus far. Not terribly different, just alot better. I still feel pretty strongly about that. My opinion about alot of the rest of the mini's has changed quite a bit over time.
02/15/2010 03:23 AM (UTC)
So, next topic.

Puzzle Mode

This was the only decent mini-game I actually liked. The puzzle mode, if those who do not remember:

It's like Tetris is a way. The goal is to collect as many of the same matching colors to have you blast them away at your opponent when you see the same colored Dragon symbol. Each character as a special move:

Sub-Zero gets to freeze the enemies' blocks, causing them to forget what color went where.

Scorpion gets to jumble your blocks up. (A very cheap move)

Nightwolf has a combo breaker, causing all the dragon symbols you have saved on your screen to suddenly go away (basically a useless special when up against the computer)

Ermac levitates the blocks off of his screen.

Sindel gets to arrange the blocks by color (by far the most useful special though because of her large hair, she's somewhat hard to play as most would say)

Bo' Rai Cho collapses some of the blocks out of the way

Kenshi turns the opposing side's blocks invisible for five turns

Mileena has a drill that causes the middle blocks to go away

Raiden and Jade have somewhat the same move as they add extra blocks to the opposing side, although Jade's special leaves the top blocks untouched.

And Kabal drops two bombs.

The levels are:
Ying Yang Island where the loser gets eaten by the snake

Kang's Tomb where the loser gets hosed down in flames

Sky Temple where the loser gets zapped by lightning

Beetle Lair where the loser gets crushed by a ton (Makes sense?)

Slaughterhouse where the lose gets grinded by the gears (That really grinds my gears)

Hell's Foundry where they get crushed

So, here's the thing, if they were to have some other mini-game other than Test Your Might, I would want this one out of all the other mini-games that they brought to the MK universe. I would not change the amount of characters, and some of the levels are actually fun to play, but hey, if the level is called Beetle Lair, at least have some sense to make it where the loser gets eaten by beetles instead of having them crush by a ton.

So I say stay.

So, let's debate. Should the Puzzle Mode stay or leave?
02/15/2010 03:26 AM (UTC)
Puzzle mode was pretty fun, but if I wanted to play that I would just play dr, mario. I think they should add a different mode instead, because it just seems too gimicky and unoriginal. So I say GO.
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02/15/2010 03:44 AM (UTC)
Didn't hate it, but didn't love it. I wasn't very good at it, so I'm good either way.
02/15/2010 05:14 AM (UTC)
i didn't really care for it but i did like chess kombat.
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02/15/2010 05:50 AM (UTC)
Honestly? I just don't see the point of it. I mean, I obviously know how to play it, but I just don't understand why it would be in a fighting game. But to get to your question, if there HAD to be another superflous mode beyond just Test Your Might, this is probably the most well executed of the recent modes that made me scream to the heavens that there minigames everywhere and the fighting is still just so-so.

VERDICT: STAY, I guess. If I had to choose between this and Motor Kombat or any of the in fight minigames from MKvsDC.
My opinion is that in this day and age, Fighting games need to be more than...well.. fighting games. Yes focusing on the fighting gameplay is the most important part but if im paying $60 for one of these games, I want more than just (Arcade, Tag Team, Time Attack) etc....

Id say that out of the MK mini games (Konquest, Test your Might, Test your Sight, Puzzle Combat, Chess Kombat, Motor Kombat) that all of them should return EXCEPT Motor Kombat, holy crap was that bad. Chess Kombat IMO was an amazing concept and worked very well.

My point is that with this new MK game I really hope they add in a lot more than just 1 on 1 fighting and online play like MK vs. DC
02/15/2010 10:58 AM (UTC)
clearly this was aimed to rival street fighter as always and it was actually better but i think the mini games like this should be maybe premium dlc through the game or maybe make a special edition with all of the mini games on it with some new ones. if i had to say stay or go without any reasoning or thought it would have to be gone. lets see more actual fighting modes. test your senses games on the other hand i like.
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02/15/2010 08:05 PM (UTC)
I loooooved Puzzle Kombat, I still play it every now and again.
Just addictive fun with a great selection of characters and powers.
The little fighters and kongratulations screen/music were cute and funny.
I would love this to RETURN.
02/18/2010 10:11 PM (UTC)
The next feature; The Krypt/Vault

I'm going to say this right now... I want this feature to leave. I'm sorry, it's nice that we're able to get unlockable content in the game, but here's the thing, I don't want to have to play over and over again to get more coins so I can unlock some costume that's not really that eye-catching for my character. No.

The Krypt has you unlocking a certain tomb with the right amount of coins. Without actually knowing what's inside the tomb, it's a lot fun to see what you got. But, if you're one of those people, such as myself, who wants to know what they're unlocking first before attempting to waste the coins for something stupid, you'll cheat to find out what you'll get.

With Deadly Alliance, I didn't mind this feature so much because this game in general was brand spanking new. In Deadly Alliance, you get to unlock alternate costumes, video clips of levels that was supposed to make it in the game, concept art, hidden arenas, and for some reason, pictures of the MK team.

Deception had a different appearance with it. Several MK characters roam throughout the place while you search for the right grave and unlock what's in it.

The vault had something new to it. It got you to input some little code for you to get certain items such as unlocking Blaze and what not.

To me, I didn't enjoy this too much. But, then there will be some of you that will argue, "Well then what more is there to do in MK if there's nothing to unlock?" Well, up to Deadly Alliance, the only thing we had to unlock was secret characters by inputting a code at the game over screen... So we've lived with that for quite a while.

Anyways, let's not bring this concept back. It had a nice run, but I don't want it to return.

So, let's debate. Should the Krypt/Vault stay or leave?
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