02/18/2010 11:05 PM (UTC)
Unless there is a better way of unlocking characters, I think it should stay.
02/19/2010 12:38 AM (UTC)
The Krypt: I think it should stay, but my biggest problem was that there wasn't enough character content. There was just unlockable characters, and alternate costumes that's it character wise. I would like it if there where more character items, weapons, and maybe fatalities. I liked the krypt, because it added a lot of replay value. My second problem with it though is all of the bonus crap that didn't mean anything. With the exception of koffin FU all of the junk just pissed me off. No shitty videos, or pictures I want stuff that actually matters in the game!

So yeah I say it stays, just give us the good kontent this time. Thanks.
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02/19/2010 02:37 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
The next feature; The Krypt/Vault

I'm going to say this right now... I want this feature to leave. I'm sorry, it's nice that we're able to get unlockable content in the game, but here's the thing, I don't want to have to play over and over again to get more coins so I can unlock some costume that's not really that eye-catching for my character. No.

The Krypt has you unlocking a certain tomb with the right amount of coins. Without actually knowing what's inside the tomb, it's a lot fun to see what you got. But, if you're one of those people, such as myself, who wants to know what they're unlocking first before attempting to waste the coins for something stupid, you'll cheat to find out what you'll get.

With Deadly Alliance, I didn't mind this feature so much because this game in general was brand spanking new. In Deadly Alliance, you get to unlock alternate costumes, video clips of levels that was supposed to make it in the game, concept art, hidden arenas, and for some reason, pictures of the MK team.

Deception had a different appearance with it. Several MK characters roam throughout the place while you search for the right grave and unlock what's in it.

The vault had something new to it. It got you to input some little code for you to get certain items such as unlocking Blaze and what not.

To me, I didn't enjoy this too much. But, then there will be some of you that will argue, "Well then what more is there to do in MK if there's nothing to unlock?" Well, up to Deadly Alliance, the only thing we had to unlock was secret characters by inputting a code at the game over screen... So we've lived with that for quite a while.

Anyways, let's not bring this concept back. It had a nice run, but I don't want it to return.

So, let's debate. Should the Krypt/Vault stay or leave?

You make a lot of good points. There are certainly a lot of things that I don't like about the concept of the krypt as a whole.

For one thing, I hate the idea of having one place to go to unlock EVERYTHING. I actually spent a little time playing Ultimate MK3 last night on the Saturn (yeah, it's been a while!) and while I HATED the kombat kodes or the idea of spelling out CRAZYCYRAX to get to a cheat menu (really? who would actually figure that out??), I did like the idea of unlocking Mileena, Ermac and Classic Sub in one place, then being able to change Smoke to Human Smoke in another.

It's just little additions like that for me that make it a little more special, so you don't have the "Secret Center" or whatever. To me, having a location for all of the secrets makes that area inherently less special.

Now I will say this... I like the idea of having a place to buy things. But I think that it should be separate places and what you buy in these places should make sense. Maybe you get a map, where you can "go to the places via the map instantly, or you can travel around this sort of dark "Forbidden City" type of place and you can go and buy new clothes, unlock new special moves for kreated kharacters, etc.

But then you also have a broken down old fashioned theater for showing "movies" like koncept videos etc. You go to a small museum and there you can view the "art" from the game. None of these places have to be overly detailed or big or whatever. They more just provide a place to unlock and view these things.

I agree though that you HAVE to know what you're unlocking beforehand. I agree, MK:DA had a certain novelty when it came to unlocking stuff because it was a new idea. To me, that idea has run its' course.

Secret characters should be unlocked through playing the game and doing things, accomplishing things that make sense like beating the game with someone unlocks a character relevant to that storyline or beating the game with all characters unlocks another character or getting 100 wins in Survival... But also the game should provide clues on finding these characters ala "Look to La Luna" from back in the day.

VERDICT: GONE. No more krypt/vault in the traditional sense. I like getting a lot of kontent, of course, but I REALLY don't like the way it's currently delivered. There are better ways to deliver this stuff and people should really know what they're getting beforehand.
02/20/2010 09:16 AM (UTC)
all things aside...the krypt should return but not as the only way to unlock things. in this case i think that there should be tons of unlockables and the krypt should be just one way to unlock certain things. so yes it should stay but with all other unlockable options available aswell. besides blood and fatalities Mk was all about secrets...lets go back to that eh?
02/22/2010 06:08 AM (UTC)
Next up for debate: Hara-Kiri

I'm sorry, this needs to leave. I appreciated the new way to die feature as much as the next guy, but when I want to finish the online opponent off, I'd except myself to perform a fatality instead of being disappointed.

Majority of them did not make sense, others did. Some were hurmorous, some weren't. I'm not going to make such a big deal out of this feature because I didn't like it, and there's specifically another thread about the same topic, but, I could care less.

This feature should go.

So, let's debate. Should the hara-kiri stay or leave?
02/22/2010 06:47 AM (UTC)
the idea of suicides should remain a one time deal...like icey said it was something different at first but it wore out its welcome. i say bring back Mercy if anything but not Hara-Kiri. gone.
02/22/2010 06:31 PM (UTC)
I thought it was cool at first, but now I think thery're pretty dumb. There just not as entertaining as the fatalities, and some of them are disturbing even for MK. So next time Boon, save time and effort for and extra fatality or something.
So I say go.
03/06/2010 08:11 PM (UTC)
the krypt/vault should go. have better ways to unlock etc.

the hari kari should be brought back but be tweaked up a bit.
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03/06/2010 08:25 PM (UTC)
Def. Hara Kiri must be back, but upgraded.So stfu or support :P
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03/07/2010 12:40 AM (UTC)
The problem with Hara-Kiris is that they're a huge time investment from a developer's standpoint. I would rather that energy be concentrated elsewhere. Maybe place it into making cinematic endings, creating additonal characters, or even implementing a third fatality.

And as said previously, they're not that entertaining or beneficial. Hara-Kiris would work better if they were performed prior to the end of the match. I'd go as far as to let characters perform them at any given time. It would make it more interesting because it changes the off-scale matches into a gamble.

I could:

A) Perform a Hara-Kiri and save myself the humiliation of watching my opponent perform a fatality, or...

B) Disregard the opportunity and try to make a massive comeback, which occasionally can happen.

And although better, we're still not miles ahead of where we were before. It's not a bad idea, but so the fuck what? Stage fatalities aren't a bad idea, but if I'm playing competitively, I turn that shit off.

I would much rather seeing the finisher option "Mercy" make a comeback, but instead of the craptastic animalities, the character could do an Ultra fatality (damn, I'm really in Street Fighter mode these days).
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