02/12/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
yeah pc is getting better with the fighting genre. you guys are getting all of the new games (sf5,tekken7,mkx) day 1 and i heard killer instinct and a few japanese anime ones too. i dont have a pc to run mk or else i'd do it for the free mods alone.
02/12/2015 01:19 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
We have known about 2 guest characters since the Kollectors Edition Announcement why are people shocked?

people hold onto unrealistic expectations instead of accepting things that might disappoint them
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02/12/2015 01:19 AM (UTC)
yeah pc is getting better with the fighting genre. you guys are getting all of the new games (sf5,tekken7,mkx) day 1 and i heard killer instinct and a few japanese anime ones too. i dont have a pc to run mk or else i'd do it for the free mods alone.

It's been a weird string of announcements. For a long time PCs have been left out of the fighting game crowd with really only Capcom supporting them. But now we're getting most of them along with the consoles. No Guilty Gear Xrd yet, but we'll steal that too at some point. We did get Blaze Blu though.
02/12/2015 01:51 AM (UTC)
and to think these were the guys that pretty much invented unlockable fighters. O how the mighty have fallen. Waiting out for the "Komplete edition" probably never buying an NRS game at launch again if this is the road their heading down.
02/12/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
15 costumes

16 of them are for Scorpion

02/12/2015 02:00 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
red5iver Wrote:
I love how everyone is shitting on the DLC when none of you fuckers can name ONE SINGLE piece of its content. If you are truly turned off by guest characters then speak with your wallet and stop bitching. People act like entitled babies.

This is a discussion forum, and I can damn well criticize and praise at my leisure. If you have a problem with that, you can kiss my free speech-privileged ass.

The fact that we can't name ONE SINGLE piece of its content is also a huge problem. Not everyone is willing to blindly spend money on unknown content.

Okay tough guy. You may cry and whine at your leisure. Go nuts. My opinion on the matter is that you sound like a baby. You cry because you don't know the content, and I would bet you'll cry when you do. Do you purchase season passes on other games when content is unknown or not fully known? If you absolutely do not based on your stout moral beliefs, then this is likely not the deal for you. I happen to think there is value. I'm down for it. You know why? I trust what NRS is selling. If I didn't I wouldn't even buy the game. Are you buying the game?
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

02/12/2015 02:00 AM (UTC)
MK9 had two guest characters on the PS3. X360 would have had two as well if they had gotten an exclusive lined up like they were thinking. So seeing two guests in MKX isn't much of a surprise. For the people who don't like guests, you're actually getting a much better deal this time around.

For one, both guests are now completely optional. If you don't want guests, buy individual characters instead of the KP. If you really want your Scorpion figure from the Kollector's Edition but don't want guests, sell your KP code. Unlike the Kratos situation, they're not forcing anything on anybody.

Second, this time they're being upfront about guests being in the pack. People didn't like being surprised by Freddy in MK9 and Scorpion in Injustice instead of in-universe characters -- and now there's no surprise.

Personally, I don't mind the guests too much. I loved when they included Kratos last time around, because he just feels so Mortal Kombat to me. And I was okay with Freddy, or at least I didn't hate him. I wouldn't have chosen to include him myself, but he doesn't break the game for me and he's fun enough to play. This time around, though... I think I'm going to pick up my characters piecemeal and take my time letting the guests on board. I just can't think of any other potential guests that I care enough about to warrant buying everything up in a hurry.
02/12/2015 02:20 AM (UTC)
Welp. I already upgraded my Pre Order to LE so oh well.

I do play with Guest characters, but I just hope these don't suck.

Jason & Predator are acceptable for example.

02/12/2015 02:35 AM (UTC)
Yeah I was pumped for Kratos in MK9, but I didn't really like how he played for some reason. He seemed clunky or something, idk I guess he just didn't play the way I was expecting him too. I didn't mind Freddy either, I was a little disappointed it was not Englund Freddy it was cool seeing him in either way.

The two guests I have seen speculated the most (Mad Max & Sweet Tooth) would be a huge disappointment for me though. It wont make or break for me but im just not a fan of either of them.
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02/12/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
I've emailed them back asking for clarification of "Is it right that a customer from the UK and EU will definitely receive both Goro, and the Kombat Pack when ordering the Mortal Kombat X Europe Kollector's Edition from amazon.co.uk"; will let you know what they say when I hear back from them.

Great! Thanks!
02/12/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)
Im very disappointed in the lack of klassic kharacters for dlc. Alot of great fighters missing this great game n we only get 2 klassics for dlc. Dumb move on their part. Hopefully they release a 2nd kombat pack with all klassic n 3D kharacters.
-I'm in no hurry to preorder for Goro so overall: fuck him, don't care.

-We don't know who the other two MK characters will be but I'm not holding my breath for anybody really interesting.

-I don't buy Mortal Kombat for the terrible guest characters. To this day I still haven't bought Freddy Krueger and special treatment Kratos can suck the hardest and leakiest of Greek boners. A KI character and Sweet Tooth would have been decent picks despite my feelings on guests but now that we know no console exclusives will be happening it's clear we won't be seeing them.

And at the end of the day I'm shelling out money for a brand new PS4, A regular copy of MKX and the DLC just for the outfits. It had better be fucking worth it, if it's not damn right I'm going to be pissy about it.

If there's a season 2, awesome. But a lot of us were hoping for a season 2 during MK9 and never got one due to Injustice and the MK9 port on the Vita.
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02/12/2015 03:30 AM (UTC)
red5iver Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
red5iver Wrote:
I love how everyone is shitting on the DLC when none of you fuckers can name ONE SINGLE piece of its content. If you are truly turned off by guest characters then speak with your wallet and stop bitching. People act like entitled babies.

This is a discussion forum, and I can damn well criticize and praise at my leisure. If you have a problem with that, you can kiss my free speech-privileged ass.

The fact that we can't name ONE SINGLE piece of its content is also a huge problem. Not everyone is willing to blindly spend money on unknown content.

Okay tough guy. You may cry and whine at your leisure. Go nuts. My opinion on the matter is that you sound like a baby. You cry because you don't know the content, and I would bet you'll cry when you do. Do you purchase season passes on other games when content is unknown or not fully known? If you absolutely do not based on your stout moral beliefs, then this is likely not the deal for you. I happen to think there is value. I'm down for it. You know why? I trust what NRS is selling. If I didn't I wouldn't even buy the game. Are you buying the game?

Ok, so you're mad because people are deciding and discussing what buy on a discussion forum, there's always has to be that one guy who can't take other's opinions, lashing out insults and defending the game's feelings. You know as much as them about the DLC, so start by taking your own advice and be quiet.

That part about "trusting NRS" stuff was gold though.
02/12/2015 04:37 AM (UTC)
I had confirmation from Amazon that the Europe Kollector's Edition does indeed include the Kombat Pack and Goro for anyone ordering the edition on amazon.co.uk.

Now I'm glad I questioned them first, rather than just cancelling my pre-order like I thought of doing.
02/12/2015 04:47 AM (UTC)
I don't care for the guest characters. I never got Freddy for MK9. These classic characters are going to be very popular characters. I doubt any of my personal favorite characters will be in it. Other then Sub and Kitana who are already in the game. My other favorite characters are not likely to be in this pack.
02/12/2015 05:28 AM (UTC)
Ok, so you're mad because people are deciding and discussing what buy on a discussion forum, there's always has to be that one guy who can't take other's opinions, lashing out insults and defending the game's feelings. You know as much as them about the DLC, so start by taking your own advice and be quiet.

That part about "trusting NRS" stuff was gold though.

Nope, not mad at all. People can and do talk about all sorts of stuff on here, and I applaud all of it. I'm okay with others opinions. If I have something to say, I say it. That's what I did. I hardly lashed out...if that's what you consider lashing out or insulting, you need to toughen up my friend. Am I defending a game...not really. I'm just a fan, much like you. Man, we're disputing stuff on a freaking MK forum...I assume you must give a shit or two about the product to actually sign up for to this forum. I don't care what people buy, DLC or not. But when people are bitching and complaining about something that NONE of us have any real idea about, it's just bitching for the sake of bitching. But whatever, that's par for the course on MKO these days.
02/12/2015 05:42 AM (UTC)
Well my issue is 1) I don't care for or like guest characters mixed in with my MK. Bought the season pass last go around and hate seeing Freddy's face on my roster screen. That's great for you guys who enjoy them but I just don't like it. And 2) Not big on tons and tons of costumes either especially considering I bet it'll be for the majority of the ninjas so it's just a waste of money for me. Now if it were more characters, I'd definitely get it but at this.....

MEH. That said, I'll still happily buy the MK DLC characters and play the shit out of them like I did Skarlet, Kenshi and Rain. Or if these so-called guest characters and costumes WOW me beyond belief then I'll happily dish out the money once I see what I'm buying but I've been burnt by DLC too much in the past so I'm not playing the fool again no matter what company is behind it.
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02/12/2015 05:58 AM (UTC)
Good lord, $30? That's half of the price of the whole game for probably 5% of its total content. When did this sort of thing become a logical proposition to people?

Look, I love this series, I want to support the devs, but this is like getting $100 in groceries and then willfully paying $50 for that impulse candy bar you get while waiting in line.

At the end of the day, I'll buy it. Even if I'm not interested in some horror character that I didn't even like back when they were actually relevant or some awkwardly shoe-horned in game character or some overexposed comic character (please don't be any of these things), I'll still pony up the cash because I'm a completionist.

That's on me though, I fully admit that fact. As much as I don't like this, I have no one to blame but myself for supporting it. Is it still getting ripped off if you're if you're a willing participant? Nope. Not really.

To those that think this is a bargain, good for you. I'm glad you're happy, really. I still hold out hope that they'll have more to offer for that kind of money, but I'm also a realist with decreasing expectations when it comes to DLC and the industry's willingness to curtail their desire to abuse this system.

I can't be mad at them for wanting more money, but I'm a little disappointed in them as well as myself for a $90 price tag for a game plus a small amount of extra content.
02/12/2015 06:19 AM (UTC)
Why do so many people hate guest characters? From a gameplay perspective, they could add a lot of interesting things to a battle. By having guest characters we can fight people using iconic weapons or abilities that are accosted with them. If NRS made someone who had blades on their fingers or swords attached to chains they would be faced by a lot of people complaining they ripped off Freddy or Kratos. I think people are taking "canon" way too seriously.
02/12/2015 06:22 AM (UTC)
TWO!? guest kharacter? Ehm... why? Nah, i won't buy the pack. I only buy the two klassic MK kharacters and thats it. And maybe some Skins. Or i buy the complete Edition later. We'll see.
02/12/2015 06:25 AM (UTC)
They hate guest characters because the time and money that went into them could have gone towards an actual MK character instead, especially with such a set roster
02/12/2015 06:32 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Good lord, $30? That's half of the price of the whole game for probably 5% of its total content. When did this sort of thing become a logical proposition to people?

Look, I love this series, I want to support the devs, but this is like getting $100 in groceries and then willfully paying $50 for that impulse candy bar you get while waiting in line.

At the end of the day, I'll buy it. Even if I'm not interested in some horror character that I didn't even like back when they were actually relevant or some awkwardly shoe-horned in game character or some overexposed comic character (please don't be any of these things), I'll still pony up the cash because I'm a completionist.

That's on me though, I fully admit that fact. As much as I don't like this, I have no one to blame but myself for supporting it. Is it still getting ripped off if you're if you're a willing participant? Nope. Not really.

To those that think this is a bargain, good for you. I'm glad you're happy, really. I still hold out hope that they'll have more to offer for that kind of money, but I'm also a realist with decreasing expectations when it comes to DLC and the industry's willingness to curtail their desire to abuse this system.

I can't be mad at them for wanting more money, but I'm a little disappointed in them as well as myself for a $90 price tag for a game plus a small amount of extra content.

compared to what the rest of western developers are doing, I'd say $40 to play dress up with your characters is a bargain.
02/12/2015 07:08 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
They hate guest characters because the time and money that went into them could have gone towards an actual MK character instead, especially with such a set roster

You could say that about any character that made it in.

"Why would NRS put in stupid Nightwolf when we could have gotten Kenshi instead."

Guest characters help make the MK universe much bigger and allow for things that would otherwise be impossible. I get loving the wide variety of characters in MK and being disappointed when someone you wanted to see didn't make it, but guest are there for the fun and experience of seeing worlds collide. It would be like getting upset the next NBA game having the Toon Squad from Space Jam because the 1996 Bulls weren't in.
02/12/2015 07:11 AM (UTC)
I wish somebody would confirm 100% you can purchase this as a bundle or separate on XBL or PSN without a deluxe game purchase.
02/12/2015 07:20 AM (UTC)
That's just how I view the community's perception of guest characters in MK, I could care less if they're in or not
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