11/23/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
I mean no offense, I'm an attention-to-the-little-details kind of guy when talking about the characters and lore, I'm sure it does come off as "nitpicking" to others...but I don't always even notice the usernames of the people I'm responding to when I criticize their ideas, so it's not like I'm targetting you personally.
For the record, the only REAL difference in their moves in Mythologies was that Kia fought barehanded, Jataaka had a katana (which could shoot a laser projectile), and Sareena had a pair of sickles she could swipe with, throw, or do a Kung Lao/Baraka-style spin attack.
But Armageddon did away with the sickles and gave Sareena a completely new moveset consisting mostly of Shadow Kick-style sliding-slam attacks and a Kano knife throw.
None of which, IMO, is really fitting for her. She needs to be redesigned from the ground up with a moveset that actually fits the character-concept her storyline illustrates (almost all of the characters introduced in the DA/Deception era have the problem of their moves not matching their design which is why they seem so poorly made, I can go into more detail on that thought if you like...), which is a person who can transform back and forth between an ugly demon and a normal human depending on her emotional state (kinda like the Hulk, losing control of her rage = losing control of her appearance and becoming a berserk monster).
I might keep the "Five Star Kick" from Armageddon though, because I like to imagine a demon who draws a pentagram with their foot as they kick you multiple times would look awesome.
11/23/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
I do think a variation with the sickles could be really neat.
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11/23/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
I was (again) referencing MKA conquest mode for the fighting styles. I've never played MKMSZ and have only watched a video of it once.

As for the other stuff, (how you think 3-in-1 wouldn't work) well there have been some rather large incongruities in the past - but thinking about it i expect they'll want to weed out as many of those as they can in the ideas/ design phase.
11/23/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
When I was speaking of "3 in 1", I was mostly referring to the idea that they would tag in and out like Noob-Smoke. A tag mechanic would suggest, even require teamwork-behavior storywise.

But Sareena sharing variations with Kia and Jataaka would mean less room for Sareena to be her own character and have multiple variations that belong specifically to her alone and develop her as an individual, and I think she desperately needs to BE her own character and not be associated with those two since storywise, she is an individual with conflicting motives and no longer has any association with those two bland, loyal hench-wenches with no personality of their own. The very thing that defines her is she's no longer one of them and desires to be free.
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11/23/2014 09:52 PM (UTC)
I like Sareena, but mostly in Mythologies. Her designs and movesets have been really uninspired/bad in both TE and Armageddon and I think that's why she hasn't really grown in popularity.

For someone who's actually a demon, they could do so much more with her gameplay. Her demon form should definitely be part of it in some form...

As for her designs, I like the darker and more serious look in mythologies. The goth thing sets her apart from the other girls. It's like they tried to make her look prettier in recent games with the pink and the blue eyes and such, It didn't fit her.
11/23/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
I relentlessly tweet Ed Boon about Sareenas involvement in MKX and like most of his Twitter stalkers, he does not respond to me.

Sareena is honestly one of my favorite MK characters right behind Mileena.

She's one of 12 MK characters I have tattooed on me.

Check it out:


11/23/2014 10:19 PM (UTC)
theimmortal20 Wrote:
I relentlessly tweet Ed Boon about Sareenas involvement in MKX and like most of his Twitter stalkers, he does not respond to me.

Maybe because you relentlessly tweet him about a forgotten Sub Zero Mythologies character
11/23/2014 10:38 PM (UTC)
yes, because everyone tweets him about Sareena. Thank you for that response. It truly furthered the conversation. Lol
11/23/2014 10:57 PM (UTC)
theimmortal20 Wrote:
I relentlessly tweet Ed Boon about Sareenas involvement in MKX and like most of his Twitter stalkers, he does not respond to me.

Sareena is honestly one of my favorite MK characters right behind Mileena.

She's one of 12 MK characters I have tattooed on me.

Check it out:


Nice dude, who are the other 11?
11/23/2014 11:05 PM (UTC)
I also have Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Reptile, Noob Saibot, Shao Kahn, Sonya, Mileena, and Kitana. Check that, it's only 10. I forgot how many I had.
11/24/2014 12:52 AM (UTC)
I would hardly consider Sareena being a forgotten character.

If she is to come into this game, her variations should not include tag teaming up with the other characters.

It would be nice to see her demon form, but I know it's most likely not gonna happen.

She's a character I'm particularly ify on. Is she worth a spot in the roster? Because you have to take into account about the whole twenty-five year span. Are we going to have characters in that has a role in a particular time, or are they going to be around for the full twenty-five years? Sareena is a character, unless she plays a very important role with other characters and not just one, yeah maybe. But if she's not important enough to where she has more people to interact with and doesn't have a purpose more meaningful than being a traitor to Quan Chi or whatever, then no.

But it's a character I wouldn't get irked if she made it to the roster. I just don't want to be disappointed that she's got nothing for her if she makes it in.
11/24/2014 12:56 AM (UTC)
I too think it's a bad idea to combine her with the other 2 SB girls. Kia and Jataaka should stay as background characters and considering that the comic will probably add a lot of named background characters that won't be playable and will be there to either add more to some character's story (I'm looking at you Scorpion's buddy :P) or to be fatality victims at some points (the writter promised a lot of them so we will need lots of secondary guys), I think they will be good enough to provide some extra story for Kia and Jataaka (maybe even kill them?) without needing to ocupy more roster spots with characters with that aren't more than goons that were given a name, unlike Sareena that has her own motivations.

About her styles, if she makes the roster I'd like, as many others, to see her alternate form featured at least in one of her variations (and probably a fatality). If it's featured just in one of them, I guess the other 2 could focus on the sickles from Mythologies and the shadow/energy moves from Armageddon. She has a lot of potential, specially the way NRS is revamping some characters.
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Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

11/27/2014 12:44 PM (UTC)
It just dawned on me that Ashrah should never of been and Sareena should of had her place in deception and her story with the Kriss.....

Anyways Sareena in mka was fun to play with, but kind of a bland design looks and moves wise plus no story that i can recall..... If they bring her back she should kill Ashrah and take the Kriss from her and basically rob Ashrahs story in that way. But honestly no i dont want her back really.... She needs moves totally revamped to be more her own character imo.
11/27/2014 01:08 PM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
It just dawned on me that Ashrah should never of been and Sareena should of had her place in deception and her story with the Kriss.....

Anyways Sareena in mka was fun to play with, but kind of a bland design looks and moves wise plus no story that i can recall..... If they bring her back she should kill Ashrah and take the Kriss from her and basically rob Ashrahs story in that way. But honestly no i dont want her back really.... She needs moves totally revamped to be more her own character imo.

Sareena story come mostly from the GBA game and the official Bio for Armageddon (they released only some of them and at some point stopped, it was a pitty because they were looking good).

Her story after Mythologies is more or less like this:


- She uses the portal used by Quan Chi and Scorpion to scape Netherealm and lands in Outworld where she discovers a way to get her human form back by absoring the ambient energy of the realm.

- She meets the youn Sub-Zero, who gives her refuge with the Lin Kuei for helping his brother in the past and she pledges loyalty to the clan.


- Sareena follows Sub-Zero to the Netherealm and saves him from a fate similar to Noob-Smoke's ending, but she loses control of her human form and Sub-Zero confused attacks her thinking that she's a threat, forcing her to run away as she didn't want to harm him.


- She is later attacked again by Noob-Smoke and Quan Chi, who tried to force her to give them the way to access the Lin Kuei temple. She refuses, loyal to Sub-Zero. Quan Chi then gives her human form back and convinces her that she's not more than a demon and that she can't be good, ultimately breaking her will and putting her under his command again.

- After the fight against Taven, she manages to scape again and ends up joining the forces of good in the battle of armageddon.

While I see the point on giving her the Kriss, really it would've changed things too much (for example Sareena was already out of Netherealm and followed Sub-Zero there to help him instead of trying to use the Kriss to scape the realm). I guess in a reboot it could be retconned (I never cared too much about Ashrah so I wouldn't be mad if she is removed from the game canon).
11/28/2014 03:45 PM (UTC)
It would be cool to have Sareena in MKX, unlikely as it is.

Meanwhile, on Russian MK forum, where I hold contest "the best character in MK?" (modeled after MKO poll, but all pairs of kombatants are assigned at random) Sareena has sensationally defeated Scorpion in a second round of the voting.

Scorpion 41% [ 17 ]
Sareena 58% [ 24 ]

Butthurt of Scorpion fans was / is delicious.

With Scorpion departure, our poll lost one of its favorites. Sub-Zero has been defeated in first Round by Noob Saibot.
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