posted11/28/2014 03:45 PM (UTC)by
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06/12/2014 04:28 AM (UTC)
Does anyone remember Sareena??
She was first introduced in MK Mythologies, and later showed up again in MK armageddon.

She is not my favorite character, However if you guys know/remember her story, her Village was attacked by Shinnok when she was a child and had to work for Quan Chi in Netherealm.

So that makes me think, assuming that Shinnok and Quan chi will be in MKX, and will have a significant importance at least in the beggining of history mode, she could be in, be more developed and have a bigger role.

Whats your opinion? Should she be in or out, and why ?
07/16/2014 04:23 AM (UTC)
Dellombie Wrote:
However if you guys know/remember her story, her Village was attacked by Shinnok when she was a child and had to work for Quan Chi in Netherealm.

I don't know where you got that from.

Her canon story is she was born a demon and she, Kia, and Jataaka work for Quan Chi because he uses his magic to make them look human and manipulates her into thinking that because she's a demon, she's inherently evil and belongs with them when what she really wants is to leave Hell and be a good person.
To answer your question though, she's my favorite female character and I do hope to see her in...but I'm being cautious about it because how much I'll enjoy her presence kinda depends on who the Sub-Zero in this game is and whether or not she has any interaction with or connection to him.
07/16/2014 04:41 AM (UTC)
Oh sorry, the site I checked before is wrong, I had forgotten her history. However, I still think she is a much better demon from Netherrealm than Ashrah or Drahmin though..
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/16/2014 04:42 AM (UTC)
I could see her finding a way to save Kuai Liang in the Netherrealm, and turning him back human. Thinking about it maybe NRS planned that for him for the future, CSZ seems like nothing but a one-time gig.

But yeah out of anyone, I think she deserves a chance to be brought back. She's only been playable in Armageddon and a Gameboy Advanced version of Deadly Alliance. It'd be cool to see variations of her demonic powers, maybe even a demonic form like Raven's from Injustice.
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07/16/2014 05:23 AM (UTC)
Sareena has a lot of fans here so yeah man, most of us are hoping she'll make the roster.
07/16/2014 05:29 AM (UTC)
My favorite MK's female.This goes way beyond the love affair with Sub Zero. Her story can be multi dimensional, her interest in Sub Zero, the desire to leave Netherrealm/Chi and the fact that she wants to retain her human form.

This sounds more interesting than the Edenian princess, her clone, her guard,her mother and the next street ambassador's doctor.
07/16/2014 05:30 AM (UTC)
If Sareena does make the cut i'd like to see some interaction between her and Ashrah in the story. Maybe even before Ashrah escaped the Brotherhood, that'd be interesting.
07/16/2014 05:50 AM (UTC)
I love Sareena. Her story goes deeper than the same old "Vendetta" storyline most characters have. Really hoping she makes it in. Even if they make her, Kia and Jataaka a single character where you get to pick a character instead of variation. It would only make sense for those 3 and I'd prefer that to not having her in the game at all. I just wanna get to know more about her.
07/16/2014 05:58 AM (UTC)
She was one of the few characters who were fleshed out in Mythologies. I like her but her chances of making the game are pretty slim.
07/16/2014 06:01 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
She was one of the few characters who were fleshed out in Mythologies. I like her but her chances of making the game are pretty slim.

I respectfully disagree. Her chances haven't been better than this. With the game at least maintaining some elements of MK4, I think we might see her. The only prob is the current Subby situation byt that might just be part of it.

Slim or huge, it's either now or NEVER.
07/16/2014 06:06 AM (UTC)
razz2d2 Wrote:
If Sareena does make the cut i'd like to see some interaction between her and Ashrah in the story. Maybe even before Ashrah escaped the Brotherhood, that'd be interesting.

Oh I actually had an idea for this at one time. I imagined Ashrah being one of Quan's more loyal followers before the criss came along. In the interaction I had Ashrah trying to stop Sareena from leaving the Netherealm with Sub-Zero. Sareena thoroughly kicks Ashrah's ass and this is what leads to Ashrah's ultimate redemption along with her finding the criss. Sareena basically lets Ashrah know (after kicking her ass) that she can follow Quan as long as she wants, but Sareena herself is choosing a different path (which sets Ashrah off to form her own path).

Ultimately, Sareena would be an amazing character. The only question is will they capitalize on that?
07/16/2014 08:04 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
razz2d2 Wrote:
If Sareena does make the cut i'd like to see some interaction between her and Ashrah in the story. Maybe even before Ashrah escaped the Brotherhood, that'd be interesting.

Oh I actually had an idea for this at one time. I imagined Ashrah being one of Quan's more loyal followers before the criss came along. In the interaction I had Ashrah trying to stop Sareena from leaving the Netherealm with Sub-Zero. Sareena thoroughly kicks Ashrah's ass and this is what leads to Ashrah's ultimate redemption along with her finding the criss. Sareena basically lets Ashrah know (after kicking her ass) that she can follow Quan as long as she wants, but Sareena herself is choosing a different path (which sets Ashrah off to form her own path).

Ultimately, Sareena would be an amazing character. The only question is will they capitalize on that?

That's a pretty cool idea actually. They both wanna escape Netherrealm after all. Might as well create an interesting story between those two. Nitara could also play a part into this since her and Ashrah had a rivalry in MKA.
07/16/2014 08:14 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
razz2d2 Wrote:
If Sareena does make the cut i'd like to see some interaction between her and Ashrah in the story. Maybe even before Ashrah escaped the Brotherhood, that'd be interesting.

Oh I actually had an idea for this at one time. I imagined Ashrah being one of Quan's more loyal followers before the criss came along. In the interaction I had Ashrah trying to stop Sareena from leaving the Netherealm with Sub-Zero. Sareena thoroughly kicks Ashrah's ass and this is what leads to Ashrah's ultimate redemption along with her finding the criss. Sareena basically lets Ashrah know (after kicking her ass) that she can follow Quan as long as she wants, but Sareena herself is choosing a different path (which sets Ashrah off to form her own path).

Ultimately, Sareena would be an amazing character. The only question is will they capitalize on that?

That's a pretty cool idea actually. They both wanna escape Netherrealm after all. Might as well create an interesting story between those two. Nitara could also play a part into this since her and Ashrah had a rivalry in MKA.

Nitara vs. Ashrah & Sareena? Nitara vs. Ashrah vs. Sareena??

After all the Kriss does possess Ashrah so maybe Sareena would have to end up fighting her even after they're 'free' from the Brotherhood.
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07/16/2014 08:46 AM (UTC)

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07/16/2014 08:47 AM (UTC)
stupid wireless connection of mine.
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07/16/2014 11:30 AM (UTC)
Yes, bring her back! We need some variety on the roster.. Other than the typical classic characters that we get all the time.
07/16/2014 11:58 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind her, but two netherrealm demons that want to redeem themselves is a bit much, so its her or Ashrah.
07/16/2014 01:19 PM (UTC)
I really don't think she'll be in. She was an afterthought in Armageddon, and for all we knew she was dead until she was a surprise addition to Tournament Edition of all games.
07/16/2014 02:34 PM (UTC)
I'd be happy to see her again, but I'd rather have Jataaka, as a playable character.

I think we should have all three of Quan Chi's assassins in one character slot, and the variants would instead be all three of them.
07/16/2014 03:06 PM (UTC)
Sareena also appeared on the GBA version of Deadly Alliance (that's why she was included on MKA as only playable characters on previous games were included and that's why Kia and Jatakaa aren't in that game).

She's my second favorite character on the MK universe, not just because of her relation with Kuai Liang (my fav character), but because her background, how she was manipulated and how she really wanted to change the way things worked for her. I also liked her character design a lot.

I've stated other times how I think Sareena could be crucial on helping Kuai Liang scape Netherealm and recover his mortal body. The theory includes Quan Chi giving him his body to try to gain his trust and corrupt him, like his brother, sending him to kill Scorpion because Scorpion is having doubts, and Sareena preventing the corruption before it's too late.

Sareena would be an amazing option too for the triple styles mechanic. Bringing her alternate form, never seen before, into gameplay, and switching it in the middle of combos with her human form would be great.
07/16/2014 04:03 PM (UTC)
I've stated other times how I think Sareena could be crucial on helping Kuai Liang scape Netherealm and recover his mortal body. The theory includes Quan Chi giving him his body to train to gain his trust and corrupt him, like his brother, sending him to kill Scorpion because Scorpion is having doubts, and Sareena preventing the corruption before it's too late.

Sareena would be an amazing option too for the triple styles mechanic. Bringing her alternate form, never seen before, into gameplay, and switching it in the middle of combos with her human form would be great.

Perfect Idea!.. I also agree with the guy that said her time to show up is now or never.
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07/16/2014 04:46 PM (UTC)
I'd love to see Sareena. She's become an intruiging character to me, full of potential, and one of many characters in need of more representation in the MK games. It'd be great to see the style of her character adapted for MK X.

Though I would be a bit cautious with her story and how NRS would update/retcon it.
07/16/2014 05:02 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I'd be happy to see her again, but I'd rather have Jataaka, as a playable character.

I think we should have all three of Quan Chi's assassins in one character slot, and the variants would instead be all three of them.

This^ would be nice.
07/16/2014 06:14 PM (UTC)
I can already see sub zero and sareena's intro scene.

Sareena: You are not Bi-Han.

Sub Zero: I know, I am better.

Sareena: Let us see about that.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/16/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
I'd be happy to see her again, but I'd rather have Jataaka, as a playable character.
I think we should have all three of Quan Chi's assassins in one character slot, and the variants would instead be all three of them.

This^ would be nice.

Disagree, the other two are nothing more than side-characters. Sareena should have her own 3 variations like everybody else.
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