06/09/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
I don't really care to get more story. More characters/stages/skins though? Absolutely. Story stuff is a flash in the pan. I'd rather get content that contributes to what I'm actually doing in the game 95% of the time.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/09/2015 03:48 PM (UTC)
As happy as I am at the fact that a Kombat Pack 2 is coming, and also knowing that I will buy it regardless, I am not particularly happy about the fact that, at this point, it looks like (according to unverifiable rumor) the KP2 will consist entirely of story mode characters, namely - Rain, Baraka, Sindel, and ???

Now, the reason that pisses me off:

Tanya and Rain should've been on the roster from the beginning, period. They have enough of a presence in story mode to justify their inclusion, and you fight them multiple times. Goro should NOT have been there at all, as he has absolutely no bearing on the game. Goro could've been DLC, rather than stealing a spot on the main roster that you had to pay to unlock (if you didn't pre-order, that is) - he's not in the game, and it would be the first time he's legitimately playable since that awful Armageddon game...it would've been a nice bonus.

Rain - paying for him two games in a row? Why? Again, why was he not on the main roster?

Baraka? He's killed in story mode...pretty damn brutally, too. I accept that he's dead and gone, and don't need him in the game. He's the ultimate lackey character, and the moment that they ruined his individuality by making EVERY single Tarkatan look exactly like him, Baraka was never appealing again, at all. I was happy to see him go in MKX. He's iconic, debuting from the best MK game ever, but he's run his course. There's little that can be done with him.

Sindel? - Main roster in MK9, NPC that can be fought in MKX. They brought back every Revenant that you actually fight with in the game, EXCEPT Sindel...so why wasn't she put into the main roster then?

It feels like a slap in the face to pay extra for characters that should've been there in the first place. I hope the 4th character (Fujin, maybe?) is worth it.

06/09/2015 04:20 PM (UTC)
Assuming KP2 is real and Fujin is NOT part of it, then don't even bother releasing it. Skipping on the most requested character in favor of the likes of Sindel and Baraka is lame.
06/09/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Assuming KP2 is real and Fujin is NOT part of it, then don't even bother releasing it. Skipping on the most requested character in favor of the likes of Sindel and Baraka is lame.

Internet hype =/= actual popularity. Fujin would never sell as much as Baraka, take your fan glasses off, that's just the way it is.
06/09/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
I still can't believe Injustice didn't include Black Canary.
06/09/2015 05:46 PM (UTC)
The rumor/news seems a bit rushed. We aren't even through with Season One yet, and now all this talk about Season Two.
06/09/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Assuming KP2 is real and Fujin is NOT part of it, then don't even bother releasing it. Skipping on the most requested character in favor of the likes of Sindel and Baraka is lame.

Internet hype =/= actual popularity. Fujin would never sell as much as Baraka, take your fan glasses off, that's just the way it is.

Tremor being released = your argument invalid.
06/09/2015 05:56 PM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:
I still can't believe Injustice didn't include Black Canary.

Yeah! I know right! With her huge role in the comics I was pissed she wasnt DLC.
About Me

06/09/2015 06:02 PM (UTC)
Where's the multiple 5 DLC characters pacs for 10$ you said you read on Game Informer, Topic creator?


06/09/2015 06:18 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Where's the multiple 5 DLC characters pacs for 10$ you said you read on Game Informer, Topic creator?



About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/09/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
would really love to see rain and sindel (Solely based on her variation potential) but I hope li mei or sareena and fujin make it!
06/09/2015 10:08 PM (UTC)
I do not buy these unsourced rumors at all, but I'd love to see Rain and Sindel as full characters -- they look great in this game. Baraka can come too, why not.

Fujin and Li Mei are the others I'd like to see from the Story Mode.
About Me

-sig by MINION

06/09/2015 10:46 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I don't really care to get more story. More characters/stages/skins though? Absolutely. Story stuff is a flash in the pan. I'd rather get content that contributes to what I'm actually doing in the game 95% of the time.
06/09/2015 10:49 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Assuming KP2 is real and Fujin is NOT part of it, then don't even bother releasing it. Skipping on the most requested character in favor of the likes of Sindel and Baraka is lame.

Internet hype =/= actual popularity. Fujin would never sell as much as Baraka, take your fan glasses off, that's just the way it is.

Tremor being released = your argument invalid.

I didn't know Tremor was already released, and outsold the rest of the dlcs.
06/09/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Assuming KP2 is real and Fujin is NOT part of it, then don't even bother releasing it. Skipping on the most requested character in favor of the likes of Sindel and Baraka is lame.

Internet hype =/= actual popularity. Fujin would never sell as much as Baraka, take your fan glasses off, that's just the way it is.

Tremor being released = your argument invalid.

I didn't know Tremor was already released, and outsold the rest of the dlcs.

Not my point. My point is internet hype over actual popularity is enough to validate their inclusion for release in NRS's eyes. Already proven by Tremor's inclusion. I'd bet money if that stupid petition had never happened, it'd have been someone else over Tremor in Kombat Pack 1.

So, if we're going to argue sales figures and that being a worthy reason of being included then we might as well just count all the MK characters as a loss because they will be compared to how the guests sell in comparison thanks to the general audience. Those will always be on top.
06/09/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Assuming KP2 is real and Fujin is NOT part of it, then don't even bother releasing it. Skipping on the most requested character in favor of the likes of Sindel and Baraka is lame.

Internet hype =/= actual popularity. Fujin would never sell as much as Baraka, take your fan glasses off, that's just the way it is.
they put tremor and tanya in and they arent the most popular...you could argue internet hype vs actual popularity for those two also
As soon as u said story mode expansion,i knew this was bs. They already said it cost way too much money for story
About Me

As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

06/10/2015 12:30 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Gamespot and IGN have a list of games appearing at E3. Checked it out yesterday and if memory serves, a Lego game and Batman are the only listed WB games thus far.

I know for sure that Mad Max(the game) will be there. Its published by WB and comes out in Sept. It will have a HUGE presence for them.
06/10/2015 12:45 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Assuming KP2 is real and Fujin is NOT part of it, then don't even bother releasing it. Skipping on the most requested character in favor of the likes of Sindel and Baraka is lame.

Internet hype =/= actual popularity. Fujin would never sell as much as Baraka, take your fan glasses off, that's just the way it is.

Tremor being released = your argument invalid.

I didn't know Tremor was already released, and outsold the rest of the dlcs.

Not my point. My point is internet hype over actual popularity is enough to validate their inclusion for release in NRS's eyes. Already proven by Tremor's inclusion. I'd bet money if that stupid petition had never happened, it'd have been someone else over Tremor in Kombat Pack 1.

So, if we're going to argue sales figures and that being a worthy reason of being included then we might as well just count all the MK characters as a loss because they will be compared to how the guests sell in comparison thanks to the general audience. Those will always be on top.

Your reply didn't even make sense to what i was saying. I didn't say they wouldn't use Fujin, i said he would never sell as much as Baraka (a character that's actually popular to the masses) and that member slammed Baraka under the delusion that somehow Fujin would be the more viable option, so please read and understand my post next time before trying it honey,
06/10/2015 01:30 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Assuming KP2 is real and Fujin is NOT part of it, then don't even bother releasing it. Skipping on the most requested character in favor of the likes of Sindel and Baraka is lame.

Internet hype =/= actual popularity. Fujin would never sell as much as Baraka, take your fan glasses off, that's just the way it is.

Tremor being released = your argument invalid.

I didn't know Tremor was already released, and outsold the rest of the dlcs.

Not my point. My point is internet hype over actual popularity is enough to validate their inclusion for release in NRS's eyes. Already proven by Tremor's inclusion. I'd bet money if that stupid petition had never happened, it'd have been someone else over Tremor in Kombat Pack 1.

I'm pretty sure that petition had nothing to do with Tremor being in the game.
06/10/2015 01:55 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Assuming KP2 is real and Fujin is NOT part of it, then don't even bother releasing it. Skipping on the most requested character in favor of the likes of Sindel and Baraka is lame.

Internet hype =/= actual popularity. Fujin would never sell as much as Baraka, take your fan glasses off, that's just the way it is.

Tremor being released = your argument invalid.

I didn't know Tremor was already released, and outsold the rest of the dlcs.

Not my point. My point is internet hype over actual popularity is enough to validate their inclusion for release in NRS's eyes. Already proven by Tremor's inclusion. I'd bet money if that stupid petition had never happened, it'd have been someone else over Tremor in Kombat Pack 1.

So, if we're going to argue sales figures and that being a worthy reason of being included then we might as well just count all the MK characters as a loss because they will be compared to how the guests sell in comparison thanks to the general audience. Those will always be on top.

Your reply didn't even make sense to what i was saying. I didn't say they wouldn't use Fujin, i said he would never sell as much as Baraka (a character that's actually popular to the masses) and that member slammed Baraka under the delusion that somehow Fujin would be the more viable option, so please read and understand my post next time before trying it honey,

First off, don't call me honey.

Secondly, I wasn't blasting you or calling you out, just making a statement.

Thirdly, don't take things so personally.

You're missing MY point completely. My point IS it doesn't matter who they pick; Baraka, Noob, Fujin, even Meat, compared to the guests, they won't sell even close to them so it doesn't really matter WHO they pick from the MK lore, it just matters on fan demand. And that demand is clearly calling for the cameos and the ninjas. As of now, the loudest bunch were Fujin and Tremor with the ninjas and the revenants/cameos bringing up the rear.
About Me

06/10/2015 12:13 PM (UTC)
Internet hype =/= actual popularity. Fujin would never sell as much as Baraka, take your fan glasses off, that's just the way it is.

WHAAAAAAT???? Fujin wouldn't sell more than Baraka?
You really think that?
Get outta here.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/10/2015 12:35 PM (UTC)
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Gamespot and IGN have a list of games appearing at E3. Checked it out yesterday and if memory serves, a Lego game and Batman are the only listed WB games thus far.

I know for sure that Mad Max(the game) will be there. Its published by WB and comes out in Sept. It will have a HUGE presence for them.

Yeah just saw that on an updated list. There's also another Lego game scheduled so that makes 4 games appearing on behalf of WB.

Would trade 'em all for MKX to show up and for this to be true though. Sorry Lego fans. tongue
About Me

I will rock you.

06/10/2015 01:04 PM (UTC)
I would love to be surprised with 6 DLC characters. That would be a total of ten DLC characters for the tenth game altogether. Fujin would make me happy if he was one of them. The rest could be Sareena, Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Frost, Reiko or Havik because of the comic and it would be amazing. I would be ok with Rain though or even Sindel because I like her redesign. Anyway this will blow my mind if we get a second Kombat Pack. I currently do not own the game but I do play it at a friends house and we have a lot of fun playing it.wink
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