12/14/2005 01:29 AM (UTC)
Hell, if anything I'd say a few of us (Chrome, Sub, and myself atleast) could probably do a better job than what Vogel's doing right now. =\
12/14/2005 02:37 AM (UTC)
Acctually, concerning the story endings from D. I think that Raiden has the best potential to come true, it dosen't mean that the story will focus on him, but his is the most likely to come true. But so many other characters endings were crap, my fav. three were


Those are the best bet for a continuing story, the worst three were:


NOTHING HAPPENS in those endings...i hope Kobra dies a slow death.
12/14/2005 04:26 AM (UTC)
Anyanka Wrote:
MK3 is not just a war. There are many references to it being Mortal Kombat and the third tournament. Look at the intro. Raiden says "you have been chosen to represent Earth in Mortal Kombat". Look at Kung Lao, Classic Sub-Zero and Ermac & Mileena's UMK3 endings where it refers to as "the third tournament". Liu Kang's tomb has 4 medals for his victories in Mortal Kombat.

"Mortal Kombat" exists beyond the Shaolin Tournament in MK1 or Kahn's tournament in MK II. Since Kahn broke the rules it has degenerated from the organized event like the shaolin's contest but it's still the same thing. Everyone has a narrow idea of what a tournament is. It doesn't have to be a formal event with a bracket and referees. Even though the movies are not canon they show what the post MK II games would be like, with Liu Kang just going to Shang Tsung and challenging him to Mortal Kombat or like in Shaolin Monks where the characters are just wander around from fight to fight trying to get tournament victories. Every game is Mortal Kombat, the format has just changed.

100% rite...sum1 give him sum dragon points..
12/14/2005 04:30 AM (UTC)
elmon Wrote:
Acctually, concerning the story endings from D. I think that Raiden has the best potential to come true, it dosen't mean that the story will focus on him, but his is the most likely to come true. But so many other characters endings were crap, my fav. three were


Those are the best bet for a continuing story, the worst three were:


NOTHING HAPPENS in those endings...i hope Kobra dies a slow death.

Yeah, I know what you mean about Raiden's. As for Sub-Zero's ending, that was more of a backstory really. That happened sometime after getting his armor. I think Tanya's is one of the worst and shows that she's nothing more than a spoiled, power-hungry, backstabbing bitch.
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12/14/2005 04:41 AM (UTC)
Is Tanya being a spoiled murderous bitch a bad ending, or just reaffirmation of her character traits you don't like?

I've just been going through the endings, and the only ones that really ever annoy me are ones that directly contradict each other; ie. Havik and Kabal.

I really liked Deadly Alliance's because with the exception of one or two, they almost all formed a cohesive ending for the Deadly Alliance story.

That's the kind of direction I want to see it go in.

Sub-Zero's ending might not have been worthy of the character, but I wouldn't flat out say it was bad. It elaborated on the fairly dramatic deviation from his usual wardrobe, expanded his origins, and potentially leads him to be a more powerful character in future games/stories.

I probably would've preferred something more exciting (or an FMV for that matter...), but at least it was an ending that served a purpose. If you extrapolate beyond it, it also plays well to his status as the new Lin Kuei Grandmaster, since the armor makes him stronger.
He's being elevated from a regular 'kombatant,' to a higher status deserving of a clan leader.
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PSN - ItMustBeBunnies7

12/14/2005 05:06 AM (UTC)
Raiden says "you have been chosen to represent Earth in Mortal Kombat" in the words of Raiden introduction.

One of the intro screen calls MK3 "A new Mortal Kombat".

Kung Lao, Classic Sub-Zero, Mileena, Ermac and Human Smoke's endings have all said MK3 is "the third tournament".

the Kahn treasure to see the ending is "tournament outcome".

Liu Kang has his medals for 4 Mortal Kombat victories.

That is 8 different references to MK3 being Mortal Kombat or a tournament. I can't think of a single quote where it says anything about MK3 not being Mortal Kombat.

Kahn's invansion does not mean it isn't Mortal Kombat. Kahn invaded and attempted to take Earth without MK but the elder gods stepped in and spared the chosen ones so that they could take Kahn on in Mortal Kombat. Not just a war. Mortal Kombat. This is exactly what the intro says.

Upon breaching the portal into Earth, Shao Kahn slowly transforms
the planet into a part of the Outworld itself. Kahn strips the Earth of
all human life: claiming every soul as his own. But there are souls
which Kahn cannot take. These souls belong to the warriors chosen to
represent Earth in a new Mortal Kombat.
The remaining humans are
scattered throught the planet. Shao Khan sends an army of feirce Outworld
warriors to find and eliminate them.

MK3 is a makeshift MK tournament. It's not organized like the shaolin tournament but it's still one. That is what the story says and it says it multiple times. Everyone can go on and on insisting "OMG no its just a war! Its clear! ITS JUST A WAR!" but that is NOT what MK3 says.
12/14/2005 05:14 AM (UTC)
I know what you're trying to say, and it is still MK, but it's not a tournament despite what some endings say.

If I'm not mistaken, Raiden was the one who protected their souls, not the Elder Gods. Raiden asked them to aid against Shao Kahn, but they refused so Raiden had to take matters into his own hands.
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PSN - ItMustBeBunnies7

12/14/2005 05:30 AM (UTC)
"Despite what some endings say"? So then how do you know it isn't? It never says anything but calling it one. Did you just decide for yourself that you're going to ignore endings and make up the story for yourself?

The Elder Gods sparred the souls of the humans. You can read it in my last post where I quoted the introduction.

I have never understood why everyone is so obsessed with insisting MK3 is "just a war" when the game goes out of it's way to say it's Mortal Kombat over and over. How many times does it have to say it before you all stop ignoring it? Since when do we just pick and choose what part of the stories to accept?

Shaolin Monks shows us how these events can be a Mortal Kombat tournament without the organized shaolin tournament format.

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12/14/2005 03:33 PM (UTC)
3,4,5, and 6 are not prototypical tournaments (nor is 2 anymore if we count Shaolin Monks)

However, maybe I can relate this in a better, clearer way. Think about lazer tag, or paint ball. When you go into a tournament there, it is hardly ever a 1 on 1. Usually, it is just a giant melee (or in the case of paintball, more often teams). Now with more and more rules broken, it has become nothing more than said melee, like Lazer tag tournys. U go in with your friends and sometimes ally with them, and u just take out whomever you run into. Still a tournament, but it isn't set up the way we usually think of them.

What I want to know is, who gives Liu Kang those amulets? Cause if it is Raiden, I am not convinced that he is a very fair judge (what with being biased towards earth realm and all).
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PSN - ItMustBeBunnies7

12/15/2005 05:19 AM (UTC)
Iamnick Wrote:
3,4,5, and 6 are not prototypical tournaments (nor is 2 anymore if we count Shaolin Monks)

However, maybe I can relate this in a better, clearer way. Think about lazer tag, or paint ball. When you go into a tournament there, it is hardly ever a 1 on 1. Usually, it is just a giant melee (or in the case of paintball, more often teams). Now with more and more rules broken, it has become nothing more than said melee, like Lazer tag tournys. U go in with your friends and sometimes ally with them, and u just take out whomever you run into. Still a tournament, but it isn't set up the way we usually think of them.

What I want to know is, who gives Liu Kang those amulets? Cause if it is Raiden, I am not convinced that he is a very fair judge (what with being biased towards earth realm and all).

That is a GREAT example and exactly what I'm saying.

I doubt the medals are official or anything, they're probably just part of the celebration of beating the bad guys. Somehow I don't see Raiden giving one to Quan Chi & Shang Tsung for winning MKDA. Although that'd be pretty funny.
12/15/2005 11:34 PM (UTC)
Anyanka Wrote:
"Despite what some endings say"? So then how do you know it isn't? It never says anything but calling it one. Did you just decide for yourself that you're going to ignore endings and make up the story for yourself?

The Elder Gods sparred the souls of the humans. You can read it in my last post where I quoted the introduction.

I have never understood why everyone is so obsessed with insisting MK3 is "just a war" when the game goes out of it's way to say it's Mortal Kombat over and over. How many times does it have to say it before you all stop ignoring it? Since when do we just pick and choose what part of the stories to accept?

Shaolin Monks shows us how these events can be a Mortal Kombat tournament without the organized shaolin tournament format.

Your quote said nothing about the Elder Gods sparing the souls of those chosen ones. If they did, you'd think they'd do more than that, but they did nothing. They just sat back on their lazy asses and let Kahn take over Earthrealm.

Why would Shao Kahn hold a tournament in MK3 anyway? Even if it is a free for all, it doesn't make sense, especially when MK3's main story says that Kahn became frustrated with trying to take over Earth through tournament competition. You'd think that Kahn wouldn't have any kind of tournament whatsoever in MK3 after getting his ass kicked by Liu Kang in MK2 in a tournament that Kahn himself held in Outworld.

I think it's been sometime in which we picked and chose what parts of stories to accept, especially given MKSM's craptacular storyline that contradicts itself.
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PSN - ItMustBeBunnies7

12/16/2005 04:57 AM (UTC)
Yeah I forgot what I had quoted.

Kahn wouldn't want another tournament...but who said anything about him hosting it? It's not like it was his choice. Kahn was trying to take the Earth without winning Mortal Kombat and almost did but didn't plan on the chosen ones having their souls spared. That's the whole point of the extermination squads, go out and kill the humans before they ever made it to him.

Upon breaching the portal into Earth, Shao Kahn slowly transforms
the planet into a part of the Outworld itself. Kahn strips the Earth of
all human life: claiming every soul as his own. But there are souls
which Kahn cannot take. These souls belong to the warriors chosen to
represent Earth in a new Mortal Kombat. The remaining humans are
scattered throught the planet. Shao Khan sends an army of feirce Outworld
warriors to find and eliminate them.

12/16/2005 05:06 AM (UTC)
Anyanka Wrote:
Yeah I forgot what I had quoted.

Kahn wouldn't want another tournament...but who said anything about him hosting it? It's not like it was his choice. Kahn was trying to take the Earth without winning Mortal Kombat and almost did but didn't plan on the chosen ones having their souls spared. That's the whole point of the extermination squads, go out and kill the humans before they ever made it to him.

Upon breaching the portal into Earth, Shao Kahn slowly transforms
the planet into a part of the Outworld itself. Kahn strips the Earth of
all human life: claiming every soul as his own. But there are souls
which Kahn cannot take. These souls belong to the warriors chosen to
represent Earth in a new Mortal Kombat. The remaining humans are
scattered throught the planet. Shao Khan sends an army of feirce Outworld
warriors to find and eliminate them.

That doesn't mean he had to have hosted another tournament. He had reason to host one in MK2, but MK3 is a different story in which he's fed up with such things and finally has what's needed to actually get what he wants. With the chosen ones being spared, yes, that's when he sends the Extermination Squads to eliminate them. I just find it strange how only a small fraction of the characters' endings makes a mention of any sort of tournament. I guess it's Tobias' fault for making it confusing.
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PSN - ItMustBeBunnies7

12/16/2005 06:50 AM (UTC)
He didn't "host" it. You keep talking about this as if it were a formal tournament like the shaolin's. It's not like MK or MK II where they had brackets or a judge officiating it. The whole thing is just the good guys traveling to Kahn's evil lair to beat him. Nobody is host.

Endings don't mention it because it wasn't like the shaolin tournament where it was an actual championship to win and a bunch of characters have their own subplots as the focus of their story.

Kahn invaded because he was sick of the tournaments and tried to take the Earth without ever actually beating Liu Kang and the others. Raiden is all "I don't think so!" and the chosen warriors are spared. Kahn is worried and sends his forces to kill them. Being good guys they beat them back and make it to Kahn. The heroes face Kahn in battle and win. Yay! Earth is saved. That's it. In other words I am not saying anything differently from anyone else. The only difference is that I'm calling it Mortal Kombat instead of "just a war" which is exactly what the game says. It's an issue of semantics.
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12/16/2005 04:37 PM (UTC)

The couse is: MK2-3 endings and bios hos a lot of semantic errors. Particularly Sub-Zeros MK2 ending, quote: "perhaps a third tournament is in his future" (inaccurate but the point is on perhaps and third tournament).

Now, each sentence has a thing called presupposition and/or entailment.

Entailment: John bought a car. Entailments: John had money, John went to buy a car, John bought something. Something is bought and so on...

Now the presupposition here is that possibly there will be a third tourna-ment. No problem it later turns out it's a war. no error here. The problem is, that from this, we can entail that there was a first and a second tourna-ment. Now the problem is in Trilogy that theese errors occure mosre often.
Get my drift.


MK is a tournament, but when it is not hosted it is a wargame of some sorts that has consequences overwatched by either Elder gods or some other higher powers. So, yeah, MK is a wargame unknown to it's players.
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