12/12/2005 06:35 AM (UTC)
anyone read the lastest spider-man comic where the web-slinger gets his eye torn off and eaten?

boon will find someway to make it work, just like stan lee will find some way to restore spidey's left(?) eye.

of corse, both'll be half-assed, at best.
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12/12/2005 10:20 AM (UTC)
Just thought that I would mention that the storyline has been floundering ever since MK4. They still haves holes from MK 3 characters, and might I mention that DA did a terrible job of cleaning up the MK 4 storyline? We have no idea what happened to almost any of the characters.

I found deceptions storyline to be a nice continuation of DA's. It did the best job of closing a storyline since MKT closed all the ones before it. I didn't a few aspects of it, but overall i thought it was well done. I just wish that the games took a bit more time. Get a little more of a story going on inside the game. They are heading in that direction, and the storyline is one of the best fighter game storylines, but I still wish there was a bit more. Maybe something like... the characters you fight in Arcade mode are the ones that they interact with in the storyline, and between the fights a bit of story gets filled in? I dunno.. never seen that done very well, but if it was it would be a nice touch imo.
12/12/2005 04:28 PM (UTC)
ironsmoke Wrote:
boon will find someway to make it work, just like stan lee will find some way to restore spidey's left(?) eye.

Just to go off topic... Boon isn't in charge of the story and Stan has been all but retired from comic writing for quite awhile.
12/12/2005 05:23 PM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
Right, because a group of people that have been fighting together against invasions from other realms for a number of years certainly would have no connection or bond with eachother and thus, would NEVER be inclined to ever team up or band together or something.

Nope. That's just ridiculous.

its ridiculous that they r all in a team...its so corny n gay...this isnt team mortal kombat they need more outsiders on earth ppl like scorpion or kabel
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12/12/2005 08:10 PM (UTC)
if they would have ran arund all for theirselves they have been conquered ages ago. Everyone's a loner, now thats a sheer idiotic and unrealistic idea
for MK.

Free for all is OK in tournaments, but not in an all around war.
12/12/2005 08:41 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
if they would have ran arund all for theirselves they have been conquered ages ago. Everyone's a loner, now thats a sheer idiotic and unrealistic idea
for MK.

Free for all is OK in tournaments, but not in an all around war.

Yeah, I agree. Them being a team makes sense and isn't "corny and gay" as Digital_Assassin puts it. I think that Sub-Zero has a bit of a lonerish quality to him sort of like Batman, but is willing to help out his allies when need be.
12/12/2005 09:54 PM (UTC)
See, that's what I see them as. Essentially a super hero team. They all have their own agendas and stuff to worry about but at the same time, they'll put all that off to the side if they ever need to band together against a common (and large) threat. That comraderie between the heroes is one of the few good things left in the story.
12/12/2005 10:18 PM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
See, that's what I see them as. Essentially a super hero team. They all have their own agendas and stuff to worry about but at the same time, they'll put all that off to the side if they ever need to band together against a common (and large) threat. That comraderie between the heroes is one of the few good things left in the story.

I sort of like to think of them as similar to that of the Justice League.

Liu Kang = Superman
Sub-Zero = Batman
Kitana = Wonder Woman
Johnny Cage = Flash
Sonya = Hawkgirl
Jax = Green Lantern
Kung Lao = Aquaman (I guess)
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

12/12/2005 10:27 PM (UTC)
And they are not just allies,they are all family now.wink
12/12/2005 11:06 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang = Superman? I wouldve said Light Raiden
Sub-Zero = Batman
Kitana = Wonder Woman
Johnny Cage = Flash
Sonya = Hawkgirl
Jax = Green Lantern
Kung Lao = Aquaman (I guess)
12/12/2005 11:38 PM (UTC)
Vasculio Wrote:
Liu Kang = Superman? I wouldve said Light Raiden
Sub-Zero = Batman
Kitana = Wonder Woman
Johnny Cage = Flash
Sonya = Hawkgirl
Jax = Green Lantern
Kung Lao = Aquaman (I guess)

So you agree with most of what I said? As for Liu Kang, if you think about it, he's like Superman with the pure, noble thing going on and sort of like the leader.
12/13/2005 04:17 AM (UTC)
super friends??? hell noooooo times 2...this is a tournment!!
12/13/2005 04:21 AM (UTC)
it would so fuckin ill if there were sum bad guys on the earthrealm side...like ummm there could be a character whose motive is to kill one of the earthrealm warriors for revenge from sumthign dat happened in the past..and so he or she enters the tournment for dat reason.....u know sumthing like dat...just got to be creative
12/13/2005 04:30 AM (UTC)
Digital_Assassin Wrote:
super friends??? hell noooooo times 2...this is a tournment!!

Do you even know what the hell you're talking about? It seems to me like you don't know the MK storyline all too well. If you've noticed, MK's storyline hasn't been tournament based since MK2. It makes sense for the heroes to band together. I'm pretty sure Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, and Sonya teamed up in MK1 and that's a key to their survival in the tournament.

Digital_Assassin Wrote:
it would so fuckin ill if there were sum bad guys on the earthrealm side...like ummm there could be a character whose motive is to kill one of the earthrealm warriors for revenge from sumthign dat happened in the past..and so he or she enters the tournment for dat reason.....u know sumthing like dat...just got to be creative

Um, that doesn't sound too creative at all, imo. Sounds almost like Scorpion's story minus the bad guy part.
12/13/2005 04:33 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Digital_Assassin Wrote:
super friends??? hell noooooo times 2...this is a tournment!!

Do you even know what the hell you're talking about? It seems to me like you don't know the MK storyline all too well. If you've noticed, MK's storyline hasn't been tournament based since MK2. It makes sense for the heroes to band together. I'm pretty sure Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, and Sonya teamed up in MK1 and that's a key to their survival in the tournament.

Digital_Assassin Wrote:
it would so fuckin ill if there were sum bad guys on the earthrealm side...like ummm there could be a character whose motive is to kill one of the earthrealm warriors for revenge from sumthign dat happened in the past..and so he or she enters the tournment for dat reason.....u know sumthing like dat...just got to be creative

Um, that doesn't sound too creative at all, imo. Sounds almost like Scorpion's story minus the bad guy part.

dam hop off it was just an example...n it has been a tournment except for mk3...
12/13/2005 04:39 AM (UTC)
No. There was a tournament based storyline only in MK1 and MK2. In MK3, the Earthrealm warriors were trying to stop Shao Kahn from fully taking over Earthrealm. In MK4, the Earthrealm warriors were trying to stop Shinnok and his forces. In MKDA, the Earthrealm warriors were trying to stop the Deadly Alliance. In MKD, Shujinko is trying to find a way to unite the heroes and villains of the different realms so that together, they can put an end to Onaga's plan.
12/13/2005 04:44 AM (UTC)
"Mortal Kombat has always been, and always will be...
For millennia, the forces of good and evil have been locked in eternal battle over the control of Earthrealm.
Some seek to use the TOURNAMENT to destroy all that is good."

its always been a tournment ur thinkin about those dumb mk movies..
About Me

12/13/2005 04:46 AM (UTC)
there was a tournament in DA, but the only person involved was Li Mei.
12/13/2005 04:53 AM (UTC)
Digital_Assassin Wrote:
"Mortal Kombat has always been, and always will be...
For millennia, the forces of good and evil have been locked in eternal battle over the control of Earthrealm.
Some seek to use the TOURNAMENT to destroy all that is good."

its always been a tournment ur thinkin about those dumb mk movies..

....No, just no.... Look, if you're going to try to make a strong argument, get the facts straight. I'm not thinking about the MK movies. Those are not part of the official MK storyline. There were two tournaments mentioned in MKDA, but those aren't part of the main storyline. One of the tournaments mentioned was a tournament held by Sub-Zero sometime after becoming Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. He wanted to recruit good, worthy members so he held a tournament. The other tournament was a tournament Shang Tsung and Quan Chi held in Outworld for Li Mei to compete in. Li Mei hoped to free her people from the enslavement of the Deadly Alliance if she were to win the tournament. She won the tournament, but of course, they didn't hold up their end of the deal and instead, Shang Tsung tried to put her soul into the corpse of one of Onaga's soldiers, but Bo' Rai Cho came to the rescue and saved her.

It hasn't always been a tournament storyline for the main storylines in the MK games. After Shang Tsung's defeat by Liu Kang, Shao Kahn was really pissed off, but Shang suggested that Shao Kahn lure the Earthrealm warriors to their doom by hosting a tournament in Outworld. This broke the rules of the Elder Gods however since Liu Kang defeated Shang Tsung fair and square, and the next Mortal Kombat tournament is supposed to be held in the next generation. Shao Kahn of course got beaten by Liu Kang and he was even more enraged so he sent his extermination squads after him and his allies. Despite losing to Liu Kang, there was a backup plan, something Shao Kahn had been planning for thousands of years, and that was to have Sindel resurrected on Earthrealm so he can go through, claim her and thus be able to enter Earthrealm itself. And well, the rest is history.

So you see, I know what I'm talking about, unlike you.
12/13/2005 05:01 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Digital_Assassin Wrote:
"Mortal Kombat has always been, and always will be...
For millennia, the forces of good and evil have been locked in eternal battle over the control of Earthrealm.
Some seek to use the TOURNAMENT to destroy all that is good."

its always been a tournment ur thinkin about those dumb mk movies..

....No, just no.... Look, if you're going to try to make a strong argument, get the facts straight. I'm not thinking about the MK movies. Those are not part of the official MK storyline. There were two tournaments mentioned in MKDA, but those aren't part of the main storyline. One of the tournaments mentioned was a tournament held by Sub-Zero sometime after becoming Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. He wanted to recruit good, worthy members so he held a tournament. The other tournament was a tournament Shang Tsung and Quan Chi held in Outworld for Li Mei to compete in. Li Mei hoped to free her people from the enslavement of the Deadly Alliance if she were to win the tournament. She won the tournament, but of course, they didn't hold up their end of the deal and instead, Shang Tsung tried to put her soul into the corpse of one of Onaga's soldiers, but Bo' Rai Cho came to the rescue and saved her.

It hasn't always been a tournament storyline for the main storylines in the MK games. After Shang Tsung's defeat by Liu Kang, Shao Kahn was really pissed off, but Shang suggested that Shao Kahn lure the Earthrealm warriors to their doom by hosting a tournament in Outworld. This broke the rules of the Elder Gods however since Liu Kang defeated Shang Tsung fair and square, and the next Mortal Kombat tournament is supposed to be held in the next generation. Shao Kahn of course got beaten by Liu Kang and he was even more enraged so he sent his extermination squads after him and his allies. Despite losing to Liu Kang, there was a backup plan, something Shao Kahn had been planning for thousands of years, and that was to have Sindel resurrected on Earthrealm so he can go through, claim her and thus be able to enter Earthrealm itself. And well, the rest is history.

So you see, I know what I'm talking about, unlike you.

yea dat was all mk3 n dat wasnt a tournment but the rest was they just didnt organize it like a tournment...
12/13/2005 05:03 AM (UTC)
What the hell are you talking about? MK4 and MKDA's storylines didn't involve a tournament for the main heroes to compete in. Why would Shinnok bother trying to hold a tournament for them to compete in? It wouldn't make sense.
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PSN - ItMustBeBunnies7

12/13/2005 05:25 AM (UTC)
MK3 is not just a war. There are many references to it being Mortal Kombat and the third tournament. Look at the intro. Raiden says "you have been chosen to represent Earth in Mortal Kombat". Look at Kung Lao, Classic Sub-Zero and Ermac & Mileena's UMK3 endings where it refers to as "the third tournament". Liu Kang's tomb has 4 medals for his victories in Mortal Kombat.

"Mortal Kombat" exists beyond the Shaolin Tournament in MK1 or Kahn's tournament in MK II. Since Kahn broke the rules it has degenerated from the organized event like the shaolin's contest but it's still the same thing. Everyone has a narrow idea of what a tournament is. It doesn't have to be a formal event with a bracket and referees. Even though the movies are not canon they show what the post MK II games would be like, with Liu Kang just going to Shang Tsung and challenging him to Mortal Kombat or like in Shaolin Monks where the characters are just wander around from fight to fight trying to get tournament victories. Every game is Mortal Kombat, the format has just changed.
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12/13/2005 06:06 PM (UTC)
MK1 was hosted as the traditional shaolin tournament. MK2 was a tour-nament hosted in Outworld beside the original contest. Mk3 was an all around invasion. MK4 was an all around war. MKDA had a small insig-nificant tournament, MKD had no tournament or whatsoever.

Anyone can clearly see that. They can serve a purpose yes, but they are no tournaments. Any opposing opinion is flawed, inconsistant with base MK story.
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Save a life; Kill a necromorph

12/13/2005 09:41 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang's Tombs has 4 amulets. Each of them are the Mortal Kombat that he competed in. That was Starting in MK1.

so Mk1-Mk4 are "officially" Tournaments.

With each successive Tournaments, More and more rules were being broken.

MK3 the rules went to hell. but it was an "official" tournament.

Btw read the quotes. I am being very sarastic.

yes they are tournament but not in the traditional sense of the word
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12/14/2005 01:21 AM (UTC)
While I disagree with some of the posts here (I think some of these things HAVE been sufficiently explained in MK terms), I didn't like some of the story in Deception.

Not a slight to anyone, but I'd really like to see the MK team consider hiring an actual writer to handle the story. It'd be interesting.
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