03/23/2015 10:57 PM (UTC)

Too many good guys who are related to each other. The only characters i like are Sonya, Kano, Mileena, Shinnok, and Tanya (who i have to pay extra for now)
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/23/2015 10:59 PM (UTC)

Overall I find the roster slightly above average.
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03/24/2015 01:18 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
I'd give it a 70. Pretty solid amount of characters that I like, and even the ones I don't care for look like they'll be fun to play as. Drawbacks would be too many dead characters returning and the cast being far too heavy on the Special Forces side.

I changed my mind. Dropping my rating to a 60.

-5 because they played things way too safe. NRS chose too many mainstays to return, and some of the new characters don't really feel new; their gameplay is too similar to things we've seen before from other fighters.

-5 more because their DLC choices are utter shit. At least they gave Tremor an awesome visual appearance.
03/24/2015 10:14 AM (UTC)
I'm gonna say 65/100.

+ Some great looking unique new characters (Kotal, D'Vorah)
+ Variation system makes me interested in characters I wasn't before
+ DLC adds more variety

- Lack of 3D characters that would fit the story setting (Fujin, Havik, Reiko, Li Mei, Sareena)
- Of all the returning characters all but one were playable in MK9
- Predictable that Kung Lao, Kitana and Jax where the ones to be revived and Liu Kang to (likely) go evil - give the others a chance to shine!
- Having parents AND their children playable makes me less excited for the new generation
- Having to pay out more for characters like Tanya, whom NRS were well aware was highly anticipated. Business decision I guess.
03/24/2015 12:01 PM (UTC)
Id give it about a 40/100 Loving the way the characters look but wish there were more 3d era fighters smile
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ain't nobody got time fo sigs

03/24/2015 01:53 PM (UTC)
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03/24/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
theJudicator Wrote:

I thought you'd left us! Don't do that again.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

03/24/2015 09:13 PM (UTC)
50/50. Expected a lot less MK9 characters and at least a handful of 3D-era ones. I like some of the new ones, but how many more cousin-brother-sisters are we going to see? And I honestly thought I'd see Liu and Kitana's kid before I saw Jax's.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

03/24/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)

It's missing Kabal and Noob Saibot. It's still a great roster. Can't argue with that. They put in characters I didn't even think would have made it. Add Jason and Predator to the mix, and things are looking rather interesting no less. I'm not mad.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

03/26/2015 08:53 PM (UTC)
Roster - I'll give it a 50.

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03/27/2015 12:42 AM (UTC)
I want this roster to be bigger then mk9. So far we are 3 short to equal that games 32. We have 29 counting dlc. We need more like reiko Havik Fujin Bo rai cho Li mei
03/27/2015 05:20 AM (UTC)
40/100. That's mainly for Ermac's inclusion and the surprising character development of Kotal Kahn.

Aside from that, NRS is playing it so damn safe with this roster that it's not even funny, but in all fairness the whiny fanboys who just can't let go of the Trilogy era share the blame. Most of the new characters are connected to the moldy oldies and making this game basically Special Forces 2.0, while the DLCs are a joke.

I miss the good old days when NRS/Midway took risks with the MK3 (omitting Scorpion!) and the Deadly Alliance and Deception rosters.
03/27/2015 12:13 PM (UTC)
65/100 Disapointed in the roster really. Dont care about Jason at all. Very sad they skipped the opportunity to let the 3-D era characters have a chance to shine. Agree with most users in the sense there are WAY too many special forces families. And the bad guy's side is really lacking. And I am a decepticon not autobot kinda guy lol. Like just about everyone else so pissed no Reiko, Kai or Havik. :(
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03/27/2015 12:26 PM (UTC)
The lack of 3D era characters pisses me off , too.There can be Reiko,Havik,Noob Saibot,Fujin,Li mei,Frost and Sareena ! furious
03/27/2015 12:36 PM (UTC)
55/100 before tanya with tanya it becomes 65/100

Most of the roster is the classic characters and there kids. I never really liked jax or Johnny so having another person share there personality makes me not want to play there kids. The roster could of been way more interesting I think and they could of made people more special if they got out of there comfort zone. The reason why it is such a big jump with tanya in the game is because she adds just the right amount of characters i would like to play. Basically it won't be like injustice with me only playing 2 characters.
I'll rate each character out of 5 stars, then I'll convert the final into a %.

- Kung Lao : 2
A classic character very unique to the serie, but is supposed to leave his place to someone new. (We don't have infinite spots...)
Ugliest face ever, he looks like more a Mexican doing advertisement for Old El Paso. The MK9 face was the best. (That subjective physical statement didn't influenced the notation ; )

- Jax : 2
A classic character very unique to the serie, but is supposed to leave his place to someone new. (We don't have infinite spots...)

- Sonya : 0
I thought Cassie Cage was here to preserve the essence of Sonya & Johnny while making us gain 1 spot ?!?
I hate this family reunion.
(Except that, she is one the best Mortal Kombat characters, 5 stars in any other game).

- Kenshi : 0
Never been a fan.
I prefer Ermac's psychic powers.
I prefer Noob Saibot's clones.
I prefer Baraka's blades.

- Kitana : 5
Awesome movelist, she keeping her old moves while gaining lot of great new stuff as well, + she brings us the memory of Jade.
(and Feminine face now)

- Scorpion : 5
I can't see a Mortal Kombat without him.

- Sub Zero : 5
I can't see a Mortal Kombat without him.

- Mileena : 5
100% pleased with her, very nice mixups.

- Takeda : 0
heu ... no thanks.
What did they smoke ?

- Cassie : 3
Well, I like the idea of having the daughter of 2 classics. Still don't understand with they added the parents.

- Jacquie : 0
Bland. Generic. Boring.

- Kung Jin : 0
Nothing new.

- Shinnok : 5
Boss ! Some homage to Shang Tsung, and his skeletal hands... That was needed.

- Kano : 5
Incredible evolution of an already solid character.

- Johnny Cage : 0
I thought Cassie Cage was here to preserve the essence of Sonya & Johnny while making us gain 1 spot ?!?
I hate this family reunion.
(Except that, he is one the best Mortal Kombat characters, 5 stars in any other game).
Oh, and ugly stupid face by the way, he looks like one of the hero of GTA V, or like a american tv show host.

- Erron Black : 0
Cowboys vs Indians ? Nice pair with uninspired Kung Jin...
He doesn't looks like a MK fighter, more like a Clint Eastwood fantasy X Red Dead Redemption.
He has a Tarkatan's blade ? Meaning no Baraka ? Ridiculous.

- Liu Kang : 2
A classic character very unique to the serie, but is supposed to leave his place to someone new. (We don't have infinite spots...)

- Ermac : 5
The psychic powers are back, better than ever.

- Kotal Kahn : 5
That's what we call a true MK Fighter. Brutal !

- Ferra/Torr : 5
Among the newcomers, they are my favorite.
They look so different, with very original variations. Beast !

- D'Vorah : 5
Superb newcomer.
One of the character that get me hyped for this game.

- Raiden : 5
A classic. New strategies as well, so it's perfect.

- Quan Chi : 5
One of my mains in MK9, can't wait to try his new moves.

- Goro : 5
The classic powerhouse of the game. Every fighting game needs it standard slow strong grappler.

- Tanya : 5
Will need to see her of course, but glad she is added.

- Tremor : 0
What's so special about him ? How did he manage to get there ? There is already Goro & Jax for earthquakes...
Why not Belokk ?

- Jason : 0
Not a MK Fighter. Waste of slot.

- Predator : 0
Not a MK Fighter. Waste of slot.
If they put guests, that mean they don't trust their own characters.

- No Baraka : 0
- No Sektor : 0
- No Cyrax : 0
- No Havik : 0

Total score : 84/165, = 50,91%

50,91 / 100 ...

So yeah, I'm very split lol, There is one part I simply love, the rest just despise...
Oh, it's perfect, I'll be happy to beat up one half with the other .......... If I can.
04/05/2015 10:21 PM (UTC)
5 out of 10

What i LOVE:

The inclusion kotal, d'vorah, ferra, erron, reptile, shinnok, tremor, tanya and predator.

What i HATE:

Too many humans (and to make it worse, military humans)

Inclusion of parents/relatives of the descendants, what a WASTE.

Too much focus on stupid special forces

Too many good characters

Too many cocky/snarky characters

Small number of stages

No stage fatalities

Copy/Paste fatalities.

Character held behind pre-order.
04/05/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
70/100 for me.

- Shinnok
- My boys Ermac and Reptile making it in, with badass new costumes at that.
- D'Vorah, Kotal Kahn, Erron Black, Ferra/Torr, Cassie and Takeda are all very cool, welcome new additions to the roster.
- Goro, Tremor, and Tanya as DLC.
- Predator

- Why the hell is Jax playable?
- Too many special forces characters.
- With Jacqui and Cassie as playable characters, there's absolutely no point for Jax and Sonya to be playable.
- Fujin being a giant tease.
- A ton of actual fightable characters with brand new looks being NPCs (Baraka, Rain, etc.)
- Wasted potential of comic storylines by not including Reiko and Havik.
- Not nearly enough 3D Era characters.
04/05/2015 10:53 PM (UTC)
- 50 / 100

Unnecessary chimps like Jax and his daughter Shaniqua were not needed. Could have added Kai if you wanted to be diverse NRS.
04/06/2015 12:55 AM (UTC)
04/06/2015 01:00 AM (UTC)
Initial Roster, 90%. Throw in Cyrax and Shang Tsung and you're golden. DLC choices, 50%. +25 for Tanya, +15 for Tremor, +5 for Predator, +5 for all the classic costumes
04/06/2015 04:03 AM (UTC)

+ Shinnok, Reptile, Ermac, Johnny, and Sonya I thought wouldn't return.

+ Everyone's costume is better than their MK9.

+ Goro is playable

+ Like all new characters under Kotal, only like Kung Jin on Cassie's team.

- Dead characters returning makes me not want to take any story death seriously from here on out. I know dead characters aren't permanent, but aside from Sub-Zero I was expecting them to at least sit out one game.

- Characters that didn't die in MK9 deserved a spot i.e. Baraka, Cyrax, Sektor.

- Too many gun wielders. (Guns shouldn't have a place in fighting games imo, but bombs and rockets are okay! grin)

- Lack of 3D era fan favorites aside from the obvious ones.

- Tremor....jk
04/06/2015 04:19 AM (UTC)


- They fixed the fucking insult of making Kuai Liang being Cyber, and finally put to rest the stupidity of " Bi han for Sub" he's Noob, leave it at that

- The youngsters are interesting, and honestly i love Cassie, and Taekeda

- Scorpion is done being a mindless grunt

- Shinnok is fucking awesome!

- Kotal Kahn is the best new face we have seen since Kenshi... and that fucking troll Quan chi


- Jax did not need to be in this game honestly, i kinda get Johnny and Sonya, but Jax could've just been story only imo

- Lack of 3d yes it is an issue they deserve love Reiko, Frost, Kai, Havik, Fujin, Sareena would have been amazing to have in this game

- Judging from what we have seen from stroy mode i dont get why Kitana, Kung lao, and Kang are in this game. I love kitana, but at least 1 or tw of the 3 named could have sat out, and be story only.

- Blundergod continues to Blunder

- Ferra/Torr looks interesting even tho i hate brute characters, NRS made feel they are a one and done character, why not just leave them story only.

I apologize if i named your fav on the con list, not like what i think matters to NRS, i just feel the Roster spots could have went to others, hell i would sacrifice not having goro if it meant a Havik, Reiko, Frost, Kai, Fujin, Sareena. Also REALLY wanted Animialties instead of those lame ass " Brutalities"
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

04/06/2015 04:56 AM (UTC)
eternal Wrote:
Unnecessary chimps like Jax and his daughter Shaniqua

There's no need for this shit. Don't do it again.
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Thanks for the sig MINION!

04/06/2015 05:34 AM (UTC)
80/100. Its a good, solid roster imo. My main concern initially was with the newcomers and I'm actually warming up to them a lot more than I thought I would (Kotal, Jaqui, and Erron are looking badass). My only gripes are the inclusion of some of the retunees, which could have been the spots for more post-MK3 characters like Reiko or Nitara to be reimagined.
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