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03/23/2015 12:50 AM (UTC)
It is a great initial roster in my opinion although the Kombat Pack is lacking. I will give it 90 out of 100. Smoke playable would make it perfect.
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03/23/2015 12:51 AM (UTC)


ShinF'Nnok!!! My boy looks so stellar! Erron Black. Tremor. Takeda. And last but not least Tanya and Jason. I mean it started out kinda fucked up, the roster I mean. I won't lie. But all these request from fans that have been filled (Not talking mk4 character wise) But more so the fan crys of Tremor pre-mkx and Jason after Freddy. I see a very well worth game. Not to mention how beautiful the visuals are. 60fps gameplay and arcade stix for past gen users? Not to mention factions. Kustom Kombat. It's so fucking good. I can't stress that enough. And the QTEs in story marvelous.

I knocked 1 point off cuz... well... they're still not Brutalities. Maybe Endalities. Sorry nrs.
03/23/2015 12:54 AM (UTC)
Since there's 25 or 26 characters I'd give each character you like 4 pts

Jax -4
Kung Jin -4
Takeda -2 (I like his gameplay but hate his design)
Jacqui -4

So 82.

Including DLC, I don't care about any of them.

82/116 brings it down to a 70.
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Props to MINION
03/23/2015 12:57 AM (UTC)
atm 27 MK characters(+2 guest)

5 3D era - Quan Chi, Shinnok, Tanya, Kenshi, Tremor

8 New- everyone but Ferra/torr and dvorah look like they will have lasting appeal

Mileena looks fantastic and has lips finally

Raiden is still douchey

Johnny looks awesome glasses

Overall, gameplay wise, good variety

As long as all these charcters contribute to the actual story and not just there, i'll be happy

92/100 would be 96 if Reiko is an unlockable sleep
03/23/2015 01:00 AM (UTC)
70/100 from what we know , but it could change

Where is Rain?
Where is Reiko?
Shit Where is anybody on Melina's side?
03/23/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)

It's missing Smoke, Noob Saibot, Rain, Havik, Baraka, Reiko, Cyrax, Sektor, and Fujin.
03/23/2015 01:17 AM (UTC)
I would Say 100 out of 100.

My favorite characters are In, but i really expected the return of another faces like Fujin.

Even then I hope the characters that NRS selected just tell us an amazing story, and this roster is actually filled with a lot of potentiality for every character.

Watching 3 varations and states of those characters, rises the roster potential.

With the DLC included. i am more than satisfied with this roster.
03/23/2015 01:30 AM (UTC)

-15 because no Noob

If Noob is DLC in the second season wave, this gets a straight up 100/100
03/23/2015 01:49 AM (UTC)

Still missing

03/23/2015 02:02 AM (UTC)
If Fujin,Bo Rai Cho & Sektor had been included in the roster it would have been perfect for me. With that said I don't think its a bad roster but it could be better imo.

03/23/2015 02:05 AM (UTC)
80. I only knock points off 'cause of the unnecessary dead characters brought back (in my opinion, I'll see what NRS has in store for them to change my mind). I'd have liked to see more 3D era characters, but what can you do, you know.

At least Tanya is DLC.

And Mileena bae has a roster spot ofc
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03/23/2015 02:08 AM (UTC)

These characters would increase my satisfaction with the roster

+ Fujin
+ Rain
+ Sareena
+ Havik
+ Ashrah

These MK9 characters would marginally increase my roster satisfaction if they were DLC

+ Smoke
+ Cyrax

These characters will keep the roster from scoring a perfect 100 in my book

- Tremor (UGH, complete roster waste.)
- Jax (Too many SF characters on the initial roster.)
- Sonya (Ditto.)

I'd be disappointed if these characters made it back into this game's roster

- Stryker (Nope. Erron's going to be better with guns than this guy.)
- Sindel (I like her, but she shouldn't be playable in this game.)
- Nightwolf (As above, he's in my top five but he needs to be an opponent at best.)
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03/23/2015 02:08 AM (UTC)
I can't give my final grade until I can play through story and get a solid idea if some of this roster is as irrelevant as they seem, but this is my most non-biased grade I can offer right now. I added an extra slot for overall dlc grading to even out the numbers. Each character will be rated 0-3 (for thirty slots grading purposes) as in no, probably not, neutral, and yes. I will average out the total at the end.

Props if you read all of this.

01 Liu Kang
2 pts. While I would like dead characters to stay dead if they serve no purpose of returning, I think we all have all suspected Liu of surviving or returning in some manner. He is one of the few who might be able to offer a justifiable reason for his return, or he might just be in it for the fuck of it. We will see.

02 Jacqui Briggs
2 pts. She gets a lot of flack as of now, but she might actually have potential as long as she isn't overshadowed by Cassie. Not enough info to like her or dislike her, so I will give her a neural 2.

03 Johnny Cage
3 pts. We knew Johnny would return. Not only that, but he has returned in a manner that has made me love him for the first time since the first movie was released. I am really liking what I am seeing from him, and his roster spot was since 2011. Deal with it.

04 Quan Chi
3pts. Everyone seems to hate this guy, which is understandable. He is a royal cunt. He has served his time. In the moment, I really am impressed by him in this game. Good design, great finishers, and his fighting styles seem fun to play with once mastered. If this is his last game, they seem to have given him a great sendout.

05 Scorpion
3pts. I am not just giving him this score as a poster boy of MK. I truly love how they are presenting him this time around. His story is finally refreshing, nd some of his intro actually give him a personality. Plus, I am really digging his more minimalized design this time around.

06 Kano
3 pts. I wont lie, I fucking hate Kano. I hate his stupid flying ball move. I hate how much of a douche he is. But they really have made him a badass this time around. I love his new design and am actually looking forward to playing as him. A great restart for Kano.

07 Kenshi
3pts. His design is fantastic. I enjoy how they are making him more relevant to the story. I am actually hoping he stays alive in this game, because this parent-child relationship seems to be the only one with any substance.

08 Raiden
3 pts. This was a hard one to score. He also fully earned his roster spot as a survivor of MK9, but he is also a super dingus. I almost gave him a 2, but I am trying to be non-biased. His movesets seem pretty generic for Raiden, but they do a great job designing his thunder. I don't have much to say as he doesn't offer much that is new, but I give him a three because he is, of course, supposed to be here this time around. Hopefully he takes a break later on.

09 Sub-Zero
1 pt. Yes, I am giving the other poster boy a 1. This is certainly subject to change after the plot is revealed, but for now he seems to be a clusterfuck of plot mix ups. I love this character. He will probably be my main. I just really need to learn what justifies his return besides him being popular.

10 Ermac
3 pts People bitch about his design, but I love it. It's fresh, without being tryhard. His finishers are debatably the most cringy along with Takeda's, and he still has that presence of being a bad mother fucker.

11 Jax
Look dad. You're dead. I like you and all, but unless you REALLY need to be in this game, you don't need to come back. Let your daughter do the hard work now. Move on to your great farm in the sky.

12 Sonya
3pts. Sonya seems especially no-nonsense this time around, and her fighting skills seem to have improved by a long shot. She is another who had a guaranteed roster spot from MK9. Some people insist she should have died, but some people are also butthurt that other dead characters are still dead. She is a survivor, and she earns at least one last game with her family.

13 Kung Jin
3pts. He was also had to rate, but he earns this three because he simply deserves to be here (unlike the other Shaolin). His fighting style is new to the MK universe (even if not in Injustice) and the white lotus needs a new representative. He earns a three for now, but I will touch base more on that further down the list.

14 Erron Black
3pts. I have to be a little biased here, because we know absolutely nothing about him. I am interested in his hand to hand combat, but I think this guy offers a sense of mystery and badassitude that makes him one of the more intriguing newbies to the series. Can't wait to see more.

15 Takeda
3 pts. I wish I could give him four. I liked him even when I only knew him via the comics. The son of one of the coolest 3d era characters, and the apprentice of arguably the most popular character in the franchise. I don't give a shit about his voice. Takeda is cool.

16 Kitana
0pts. I feel like she is only in here due to circumstance. Maybe she does have a significant role to play in this game, but for now, she really has no business being in here as far as I can see.

17 Cassie Cage
3 pts. Cassie has gotten some hate due to the overwhelming amount of Cages in this game, but she has proven herself to be a worthy successor. She is something new, yet familiar. I can see her growing as a character throughout the franchise. Plus, ifNRS really does want to go the route of offspring, Johnny and Sonya are going to be the first couple they look toward, as they are the only real couple besides Liu and Kitana. That obviously didn't work out.

18 Kotal Kahn
3 pts. One of the most outstanding new characters we have seen since Deception. He seems just,fair, and wise, yet passionate to a flaw. I no longer see him as an Ogre ripoff. In fact, Ogre can go eat dirt now.

19 Ferra/Torr
1pt. I know many people will disagree, but I am just pretty underwhelmed with these two. I have a strong feeling they will be the Reptile/Baraka of MKX, and the general idea behind them has been played out in gaming for years.

20 D'Vorah
3 pts. Finally, a bug character. Plus, she's got a nice moveset. Plus, she seems like a great female addition that isn't just in here for the sake of adding a female. I am sure some people will find her finishers a bit disturbing. Wasps don't fuck around. Well played, NRS.

21 Kung Lao
0 pt. This hurts me to rate, because I love Kung Lao. The sad fact is he isn't Havik, so having his head almost snapped off by Shao Kahn isn't something he should just be able to walk off. He died. Now I wont lie, I REALLY am liking his new design and gameplay. He just isn't needed this time around. His death was a waste of potential, but it was still present. Time to move on.

22 Reptile
A cautious 3 pts. Yes, he is a survivor or MK9. He has a nice new design, and a charming new persona. He was just so fucking boring in MK9. I hope he fills a bigger role this time around.

23 Mileena
3pts.This is the first time I have REALLY liked Mileena. Her design is logical, and all around cool. She is a massive improvement from her 2011 appearance.

24 Shinnok
3 pts. His spot was reserved in the last game, and holy shit does he seem intimidating this time around. His design is fantastic, nd everyone finally seems to understand that he shouldn't be taken lightly. I dig it.

25 Goro
Another score I must be biased about. In the comics, Goro finally showed his colors as a champion of Outworld. While it is puzzling how he regrew his arms, I am cautiously optimistic about his play stile this time around. I will say this should be his last huzzah, but in terms of plot they are making him impressive.

26 Tanya
3 pts. I don't like Tanya. I think she is stale. I don't like her design. But I will acknowledge that she was an important part of MK4, and she should have been part of the main roster to begin with. She needs to be in, and as much as I don't like her, I am glad she made it.

27 Tremor
3 pts. First off, I want solid evidence that a petition got him in. You people have been bitching about his inclusion for YEARS now, and when NRS finally caves, you start pointing fingers. In terms of subject matter, I love his design. He might give Jax a purpose for being alive. I don't know if he will make it past this game, but if so, welcome aboard Tremor. It has been a long wait for people to be so angsty about your inevitable inclusion.

28 Jason
1 pt. I love Jason. I am a huge horror buff. I mke detailed Halloween props every year. But I just cannot imagine how he is going to properly fit into MK. He is a badass, but a simple badass, and all I can picture him doing is flailing his machete around like a complete twat. I love you Jason. Pls don't kill me for this.

29 Predator
2 pts. I love the Yautja. I bet her will be amazingly fun to play as. I just think that he has been overdone in the media as of late. I will certainly be playing as him often, but I still feel like others deserved the spot more.

30 Overall DLC
1 pt. In terms of this first batch of DLC, I think their choices were dumb as shit. Tanya should have been part of the main game. Predator is awesome, but overdone. Jason does not strike me as a world class fighter by any means. Tremor is the only logical inclusion for DLC.

One last thing to note is the exclusion of characters that deserve to be in more than others. I am deducing five more points for this, bringing my final score to

This total rating feels about right. Note that this is all based on my personal opinion, so if you actually took the time to read all of this, feel free to counter my points, but don't expect me to agree with you either. I hope I counted this up correctly.
EDIT: For those who noticed the change, I took five more points off the score I gave it initially, because so far the roster seems to lack characters that logically should be in, while it includes characters that have no business returning. Again, we will likely find out why the likes of Havik, Reiko, and Fujin are missing, but for now, it seems like they just lost a popularity contest.

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03/23/2015 02:13 AM (UTC)
1 of 100 because no Noob Saibot and +1 for Tremor grin
03/23/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
90/100 so far. Still waiting to see if there is anymore DLC or if the Blood Demon is the boss. Everyone looks so good to me. Really like no Bo Rai Cho or Rain too.
03/23/2015 02:28 AM (UTC)
I have to admit the Roster has grown on me... Lots of great combinations of players and the 3 variations does a lot to mix up that base structure and add layers... Especially when it's against another variation, etc...

I give it a 90 out of 100....

Couple characters I would switch with a few others but not having a pony in the race has let me see the roster for what it is... Pretty Versatile wow
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03/23/2015 02:31 AM (UTC)
I'm one of the few fans of the franchise that never really cares deeply about who is in the roster or not. I love MK and it's characters. As long as they're presented well and the gameplay is solid, anyone could make the roster and I would be happy. Of course, there are characters that call out my attention more then others, but never to the point where I would 'hate' on a roster.

I don't have any favorites in the MK franchise, which is why I know I enjoy MK games more then a lot of people. I don't stress about this aspect of it. I just enjoy Mortal Kombat; what the series means to me, the memories it brings back, and enjoy the fact I can still play a childhood favorite to this day.

Every character in this game looks fantastic and I cant wait to play this game.

03/23/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
03/23/2015 02:34 AM (UTC)
If you were to ask me, I wouldn't quite rate it yet given that there will probably be more DLC characters post kombat pass.

But I will say I am SUPER excited for Mileena, Kitana, Shinnok, D'Vorah, Kung Jin, Tanya, Ermac, and Predator.

But truly the roster isn't done until the "Komplete Edition" has veen released.
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03/23/2015 02:45 AM (UTC)
03/23/2015 03:27 AM (UTC)
As far as the roster goes.. 65% from me. I think the game itself is 110%. I feel like Sonya and Jax didn't have to be in to free up spots for more new blood. I'd say Johnny too, but they did some sick things with him. Not feeling Kung-Jin so much. I wanted Noob Saibot in his spot, especially with the variations in. They needed more Brotherhood of Shadow members. I mean really? 600 Special Forces and one BOS member.. Little skewed. Also, I think Kenshi could've been retired for another returning MK character, IMO Sareena.
03/23/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
-5 for Kitana
-5 for Kung Lao
-5 for Ermac

+5 for no Rain
+5 for Tanya

I'll give it a 90/100, i'm pretty much satisfied.
03/23/2015 03:49 AM (UTC)
Only 60 maybe 65 with DLC but over all very disappointed with the roster in this game.

I would swap, Jax, Kung Lao, Sonya and Liu kang for Noob, smoke, reiko and fujin. That would make the roster much more diverse and raise it in my opinion.
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03/23/2015 04:06 AM (UTC)
Here's the good and the bad as far as I can see:

+Best roster of new characters since MK2.
+Great balance between old characters and new characters.
+Actually liking the generational roster.
+No characters originally introduced in MK3.

-Too skewed toward the Special Forces.
-Not enough 3D era characters.
-Not loving 2 guest DLC characters.
-They went s bit too safe. Could've taken more chances with the roster.

The number that originally popped in to my head when I saw the question remains after thinking it through:

I give it an 86.

A good, strong "B" so far. If there's a second wave of DLC that blows me away, I could easily see this going much higher.
03/23/2015 04:13 AM (UTC)
probably about a 65.
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