About Me

As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

06/11/2015 03:01 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
blanche-or-riot Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
Didn't Ed boon already confirmed that Rain would NOT be DLC 2 games in a row? So doesn't that, you know, settle it?
Can we STFU about Rain for awhile? I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but seriously every single topic somehow involves Rain being a DLC kharacter. Like I never had an issue with Rain until the last month or so. Its ridiculous. 1 character isn't going to make or break this game. If he ends up being in, fine. If not, ok. I understand he is some( a very small, but loud group) peoples favorite kharacter, but come on. Rain had his time in MK9. Lets hope someone more deserving get it now.

Or you can like, quit telling people what to fucking talk about. I'm a huge Rain fan and even I find the constant chattering about him annoying, but simply skip over topics or posts that mention him. If people want to speculate about him being DLC, let them. Boon's constant references and tweets does nothing but fuels the fire and who the fuck made it illegal for Boon to change his mind? You wanna know how he'll explain making Rain DLC even though he stated he wouldn't be? Like this-

"Yeah, we weren't going to have Rain be DLC but we decided to go ahead and do it because the fan demand was high!"

Bam. Not that fucking difficult. That saying, yes, I would rather have Fujin and Li Mei over Rain, but I wouldn't cry if Rain made it as he actually has something to do with the plot- Milleena and Tanya- his two allies in the story are playable, why can't he be? Oh that's right, because someone else needs the lime light...yeah most of the returning characters in the roster should've been dropped if they were going by that fucking notion, why all of a sudden start drawing that line when it comes to Rain? Fucking Scorpion lover, you have a lot of nerve. You should be the LAST mother fucker talking about "lime light" and "attention hogging" when your character will never be in danger of missing a future game EVER. Spoiled brat.

I don't think he is against people talking about Rain, I think he just wishes that not every single thread was about him.

Sure boon can change his mind. No one is saying he cant, only that we shouldn't assume he already has.

You make some good points about who is getting the limelight. My personal opinion, however, is that inclusion in the game is different than being singled out for dlc. Rain is part of the group of characters who aren't popular enough to justify a guaranteed inclusion but come close. I just think that other characters of a similar popularity should be given a chance.

Additionally, I think we all would appreciate a peaceful discussion without attacking characters or users. Not meaning to be rude.

Wow... did I strike a nerve? Can Ed Boon change his mind? Sure. Will he? Possible. Can every thread become a Rain DLC topic? Absolutely. Maybe we should just make a whole Forum Listing to just Rain? Change the name to Rainonline. Or better yet, for you specifically. Let's just make a game JUST about Rain. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Last time I checked, this is a forum about the WHOLE Mortal Kombat universe, not one shitty character.

"Spoiled Brat?" glasses Just because I have a user name that has Scorpion in it, doesn't mean I LOVE Scorpion. Jesus Christ I was like 14 when I made it.. like 10 years ago or something, I don't recall, but it doesn't matter.
The fact remains that,if I were to take your advice, I would just have to stay off the board. Entirely. Which was my entire point to begin with.

But as far as the 'Mother Fucker" with some nerve. Don't presume to know who I like and dislike, as far as I'm concerned, you don't know shit about me. MY TWO favorite characters in MK9, were Jade and Kabal.. Guess what, they are dead and they didn't come back. You don't see me posting in every DLC rumour thread bitching about it. Why? because it doesn't fucking matter, mate. I'm also not a self-entitled asshole like you so think me to be.

At the end of the day, its a videogame. Remember that.

I don't think he is against people talking about Rain, I think he just wishes that not every single thread was about him.


Cry me your privileged tears Scorpion lover. Don't like Rain threads? Avoid them or leave the site and shut it.

Stop acting like a victim.

I'm sorry you like shitty characters in a videogame and that makes you upset. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go play with characters that are actually in the game. grin
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/11/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
Considering the "Rain Petition" has only 2000 signatures that's a small fraction of the MILLIONS on MK fans world wide. He is NOT in high demand, if he was he would have made the main roster. He was NPC in story mode that's a best as you're gonna get and as much as he deserves.

As I've said before if you want rain so bad go play Mk9. Do all the Rain fans just want a new generation Ultimate MK3? If so that's pretty bland and not the direction NRS wants to see this franchise go.

No more DLC MK characters. If people want Fujin so bad, go play MK4.

If people want Li Mei so bad, go play deadly alliance.

If people want Noob Saibot so bad, go play MK9.

You're no longer allowed to ask for characters who have appeared in a MK game. Go play an old game they were released in. Merry Christmas bitches.
I hear a lot of people saying, Fujin blows... tongue

As a huge Rain fan, I can see him sit one out. He`s been in MKA, and MK9 with awesome updates, they don`t need to add every character, every game. That`s what Trilogy, and Armageddon are for.

I`m just happy he appeared at all. The updated outfit wasn`t as solid confirmation of inclusion as we thought.

No bones about it, Meat`s backstory needs to be fleshed out... tongue

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/11/2015 05:52 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:Merry Christmas bitches.

Bo' Rai Cho with Santa Clause skin.

Fucking sold.

Merry Christmas indeed.
06/11/2015 07:52 PM (UTC)
Meat was most likely a joke. Boon and Kojima both love trolling their fans and are in an arms race to see who can anger them more.

Most likely the Story Pack will be Rain, Baraka, Li Mei and Fujin. I really don't want Sindel returning after she killed off Sub-Zero, Kabal, Smoke and Jade in the last game. I went from indifferent towards her to complete and utter hatred. She's now at the point where she's Kira/Hsu Hao tier for me.
06/11/2015 07:57 PM (UTC)
While it doesn't mean anything because Nightwolf, Sektor, Cyrax, Reiko, Shao Kahn, Noob Saibot and Bo' Rai Cho all have one, it's interesting to note that Meat also got a kard background that looks like the playable character's kards.

About Me

...And Justice For All

06/11/2015 08:32 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Considering the "Rain Petition" has only 2000 signatures that's a small fraction of the MILLIONS on MK fans world wide. He is NOT in high demand, if he was he would have made the main roster. He was NPC in story mode that's a best as you're gonna get and as much as he deserves.

As I've said before if you want rain so bad go play Mk9. Do all the Rain fans just want a new generation Ultimate MK3? If so that's pretty bland and not the direction NRS wants to see this franchise go.

No more DLC MK characters. If people want Fujin so bad, go play MK4.

If people want Li Mei so bad, go play deadly alliance.

If people want Noob Saibot so bad, go play MK9.

You're no longer allowed to ask for characters who have appeared in a MK game. Go play an old game they were released in. Merry Christmas bitches.

Lol I love how people are so closed minded and blow it out of proportion with older Mk fighters and games. Completely missing the point that Rain was already DLC in Mk 9 and his update would be minimal (and pointless) at best. It's not that hard of a concept to think about IF you actually take the time and think about it.
06/11/2015 09:11 PM (UTC)
So now that Tremor made the roster, Rain is the ninja to demonize?

I'd like to see Rain as DLC just because he was significant to the story of MKX, much more so than several characters on the roster. Also he looks great in the game and he's fun to play against story mode. It feels like they've got half of him built already, just give him variations, an x ray, etc, and he's good to go.

Personally, I think he should have taken the slot of that dumb random select icon from the very beginning. But to not make him DLC at all is just a case of two wrongs not making a right.
me too,but I want them to be free because you can already fight against them in story.I know they were supposed to be in the game.but still if they were supposed to be in the game you should give them for free because we already bought the game they were supposed to be in.smile
06/11/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
It's a tough call, further developing characters costs money. As much as I want someone like Rain to be free DLC, I understand why they'd charge for it. I definitely think they'd make a profit off him, they really have nothing to lose.
06/11/2015 10:40 PM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Considering the "Rain Petition" has only 2000 signatures that's a small fraction of the MILLIONS on MK fans world wide. He is NOT in high demand, if he was he would have made the main roster. He was NPC in story mode that's a best as you're gonna get and as much as he deserves.

As I've said before if you want rain so bad go play Mk9. Do all the Rain fans just want a new generation Ultimate MK3? If so that's pretty bland and not the direction NRS wants to see this franchise go.
Doesn't matter because like Tanya, Rain was almost done at launch. Rain is quarenteed.

You are embarrassing. Rain, just like Sindel and Baraka, had his moveset (normals + specials + all of his animations) copy and pasted from MK9. In fact Tanya's moveset was completely redone and retains nothing from her Story mode version, so no, they weren't "almost done", only their models were done.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/11/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Considering the "Rain Petition" has only 2000 signatures that's a small fraction of the MILLIONS on MK fans world wide. He is NOT in high demand, if he was he would have made the main roster. He was NPC in story mode that's a best as you're gonna get and as much as he deserves.

As I've said before if you want rain so bad go play Mk9. Do all the Rain fans just want a new generation Ultimate MK3? If so that's pretty bland and not the direction NRS wants to see this franchise go.

No more DLC MK characters. If people want Fujin so bad, go play MK4.

If people want Li Mei so bad, go play deadly alliance.

If people want Noob Saibot so bad, go play MK9.

You're no longer allowed to ask for characters who have appeared in a MK game. Go play an old game they were released in. Merry Christmas bitches.

Lol I love how people are so closed minded and blow it out of proportion with older Mk fighters and games. Completely missing the point that Rain was already DLC in Mk 9 and his update would be minimal (and pointless) at best. It's not that hard of a concept to think about IF you actually take the time and think about it.

You're an idiot. You can use that fucking bullshit assumption for ANY returning MK9 character.

"Oh, he was in MK9 so him being in MKX wouldn't be any different".

*Looks at 90% of the roster which is filled with MK9 returnees* Were they're reappearance "minimal updates?

Idiot. Someone find...me...a.church...NOW!
About Me

...And Justice For All

06/11/2015 11:23 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Considering the "Rain Petition" has only 2000 signatures that's a small fraction of the MILLIONS on MK fans world wide. He is NOT in high demand, if he was he would have made the main roster. He was NPC in story mode that's a best as you're gonna get and as much as he deserves.

As I've said before if you want rain so bad go play Mk9. Do all the Rain fans just want a new generation Ultimate MK3? If so that's pretty bland and not the direction NRS wants to see this franchise go.

No more DLC MK characters. If people want Fujin so bad, go play MK4.

If people want Li Mei so bad, go play deadly alliance.

If people want Noob Saibot so bad, go play MK9.

You're no longer allowed to ask for characters who have appeared in a MK game. Go play an old game they were released in. Merry Christmas bitches.

Lol I love how people are so closed minded and blow it out of proportion with older Mk fighters and games. Completely missing the point that Rain was already DLC in Mk 9 and his update would be minimal (and pointless) at best. It's not that hard of a concept to think about IF you actually take the time and think about it.

You're an idiot. You can use that fucking bullshit assumption for ANY returning MK9 character.

"Oh, he was in MK9 so him being in MKX wouldn't be any different".

*Looks at 90% of the roster which is filled with MK9 returnees* Were they're reappearance "minimal updates?

Idiot. Someone find...me...a.church...NOW!

Lol missing that crucial point of him being a repeat DLC which is boring, again think about it harder, might help.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/12/2015 12:41 AM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Considering the "Rain Petition" has only 2000 signatures that's a small fraction of the MILLIONS on MK fans world wide. He is NOT in high demand, if he was he would have made the main roster. He was NPC in story mode that's a best as you're gonna get and as much as he deserves.

As I've said before if you want rain so bad go play Mk9. Do all the Rain fans just want a new generation Ultimate MK3? If so that's pretty bland and not the direction NRS wants to see this franchise go.

No more DLC MK characters. If people want Fujin so bad, go play MK4.

If people want Li Mei so bad, go play deadly alliance.

If people want Noob Saibot so bad, go play MK9.

You're no longer allowed to ask for characters who have appeared in a MK game. Go play an old game they were released in. Merry Christmas bitches.

Lol I love how people are so closed minded and blow it out of proportion with older Mk fighters and games. Completely missing the point that Rain was already DLC in Mk 9 and his update would be minimal (and pointless) at best. It's not that hard of a concept to think about IF you actually take the time and think about it.

You're an idiot. You can use that fucking bullshit assumption for ANY returning MK9 character.

"Oh, he was in MK9 so him being in MKX wouldn't be any different".

*Looks at 90% of the roster which is filled with MK9 returnees* Were they're reappearance "minimal updates?

Idiot. Someone find...me...a.church...NOW!

Lol missing that crucial point of him being a repeat DLC which is boring, again think about it harder, might help.

Then dont buy him and stfu.

Seriously you have nothing to stand on. Done conversing with you.
About Me

...And Justice For All

06/12/2015 12:54 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Considering the "Rain Petition" has only 2000 signatures that's a small fraction of the MILLIONS on MK fans world wide. He is NOT in high demand, if he was he would have made the main roster. He was NPC in story mode that's a best as you're gonna get and as much as he deserves.

As I've said before if you want rain so bad go play Mk9. Do all the Rain fans just want a new generation Ultimate MK3? If so that's pretty bland and not the direction NRS wants to see this franchise go.

No more DLC MK characters. If people want Fujin so bad, go play MK4.

If people want Li Mei so bad, go play deadly alliance.

If people want Noob Saibot so bad, go play MK9.

You're no longer allowed to ask for characters who have appeared in a MK game. Go play an old game they were released in. Merry Christmas bitches.

Lol I love how people are so closed minded and blow it out of proportion with older Mk fighters and games. Completely missing the point that Rain was already DLC in Mk 9 and his update would be minimal (and pointless) at best. It's not that hard of a concept to think about IF you actually take the time and think about it.

You're an idiot. You can use that fucking bullshit assumption for ANY returning MK9 character.

"Oh, he was in MK9 so him being in MKX wouldn't be any different".

*Looks at 90% of the roster which is filled with MK9 returnees* Were they're reappearance "minimal updates?

Idiot. Someone find...me...a.church...NOW!

Lol missing that crucial point of him being a repeat DLC which is boring, again think about it harder, might help.

Then dont buy him and stfu.

Seriously you have nothing to stand on. Done conversing with you.

Lol got 2 legs I think that counts. Plus a whole wack of ppl who are tired of the whole Rain debate. He was DLC in MK9 and repeat DLC is yawn. I'll keep my DLC purchase options to myself thank you though your input is noted :)
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

06/12/2015 12:58 AM (UTC)
I'm sorry you like shitty characters in a videogame and that makes you upset. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go play with characters that are actually in the game. grin

but he just said he didn't like scorpion...

Man, trust me, these topics about Rain always turn up. The character is more popular than people give it credit.

He's going to be dlc. I know this to be true. So are Fujin and Baraka.

I don't know who the fourth one is. Those 3 I do.
06/12/2015 01:04 AM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
I'm sorry you like shitty characters in a videogame and that makes you upset. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go play with characters that are actually in the game. grin

but he just said he didn't like scorpion...

Man, trust me, these topics about Rain always turn up. The character is more popular than people give it credit.

He's going to be dlc. I know this to be true. So are Fujin and Baraka.

I don't know who the fourth one is. Those 3 I do.

Sure lol.
About Me

As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

06/12/2015 02:29 AM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Considering the "Rain Petition" has only 2000 signatures that's a small fraction of the MILLIONS on MK fans world wide. He is NOT in high demand, if he was he would have made the main roster. He was NPC in story mode that's a best as you're gonna get and as much as he deserves.

As I've said before if you want rain so bad go play Mk9. Do all the Rain fans just want a new generation Ultimate MK3? If so that's pretty bland and not the direction NRS wants to see this franchise go.

No more DLC MK characters. If people want Fujin so bad, go play MK4.

If people want Li Mei so bad, go play deadly alliance.

If people want Noob Saibot so bad, go play MK9.

You're no longer allowed to ask for characters who have appeared in a MK game. Go play an old game they were released in. Merry Christmas bitches.

Lol I love how people are so closed minded and blow it out of proportion with older Mk fighters and games. Completely missing the point that Rain was already DLC in Mk 9 and his update would be minimal (and pointless) at best. It's not that hard of a concept to think about IF you actually take the time and think about it.

You're an idiot. You can use that fucking bullshit assumption for ANY returning MK9 character.

"Oh, he was in MK9 so him being in MKX wouldn't be any different".

*Looks at 90% of the roster which is filled with MK9 returnees* Were they're reappearance "minimal updates?

Idiot. Someone find...me...a.church...NOW!

Lol missing that crucial point of him being a repeat DLC which is boring, again think about it harder, might help.

Then dont buy him and stfu.

Seriously you have nothing to stand on. Done conversing with you.

Lol got 2 legs I think that counts. Plus a whole wack of ppl who are tired of the whole Rain debate. He was DLC in MK9 and repeat DLC is yawn. I'll keep my DLC purchase options to myself thank you though your input is noted :)

Don't take it personally man, he's just super butt hurt that everyone doesn't feel the same as him, so he thinks that's wrong.
About Me

As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

06/12/2015 02:37 AM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
I'm sorry you like shitty characters in a videogame and that makes you upset. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go play with characters that are actually in the game. grin

but he just said he didn't like scorpion...

Man, trust me, these topics about Rain always turn up. The character is more popular than people give it credit.

He's going to be dlc. I know this to be true. So are Fujin and Baraka.

I don't know who the fourth one is. Those 3 I do.

Maybe so, times have changed. I understand he is super popular. That's fine. I'm honestly indifferent about him. I'm just over the "Rain for DLC" post in EVERY.SINGLE.THREAD. Especially ones that literally have nothing to do with him. At all. Like I said previously.

I'm not trying to attack anyone personally. I'm glad he has a big fanbase. And for those fans, hopefully he gets in, though I personally would like to see 4 or 5 other characters instead. That's just my opinion.

Some people, well one CaptainAsshat in particular, got so upset that I said something negative about Rain, that he/she took as a threat to his/her family.

Also, find it interesting that Rain sky-rocketed in popularity somewhere between Armageddon and MK9, because between 4 and Deception, I barely heard a peep about him.
Well between 4 and Deception he was just a purple MK3 Ninja
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Groundbreaking Debut | You[Tube] | deviantART | Twitter
06/12/2015 09:28 AM (UTC)
Welp, if he's DLC. Guess I'm a have to beat my meat.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/12/2015 09:57 AM (UTC)
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Considering the "Rain Petition" has only 2000 signatures that's a small fraction of the MILLIONS on MK fans world wide. He is NOT in high demand, if he was he would have made the main roster. He was NPC in story mode that's a best as you're gonna get and as much as he deserves.

As I've said before if you want rain so bad go play Mk9. Do all the Rain fans just want a new generation Ultimate MK3? If so that's pretty bland and not the direction NRS wants to see this franchise go.

No more DLC MK characters. If people want Fujin so bad, go play MK4.

If people want Li Mei so bad, go play deadly alliance.

If people want Noob Saibot so bad, go play MK9.

You're no longer allowed to ask for characters who have appeared in a MK game. Go play an old game they were released in. Merry Christmas bitches.

Lol I love how people are so closed minded and blow it out of proportion with older Mk fighters and games. Completely missing the point that Rain was already DLC in Mk 9 and his update would be minimal (and pointless) at best. It's not that hard of a concept to think about IF you actually take the time and think about it.

You're an idiot. You can use that fucking bullshit assumption for ANY returning MK9 character.

"Oh, he was in MK9 so him being in MKX wouldn't be any different".

*Looks at 90% of the roster which is filled with MK9 returnees* Were they're reappearance "minimal updates?

Idiot. Someone find...me...a.church...NOW!

Lol missing that crucial point of him being a repeat DLC which is boring, again think about it harder, might help.

Then dont buy him and stfu.

Seriously you have nothing to stand on. Done conversing with you.

Lol got 2 legs I think that counts. Plus a whole wack of ppl who are tired of the whole Rain debate. He was DLC in MK9 and repeat DLC is yawn. I'll keep my DLC purchase options to myself thank you though your input is noted :)

Don't take it personally man, he's just super butt hurt that everyone doesn't feel the same as him, so he thinks that's wrong.

Ditto. You two are the ones trying to control people and what they talk about. I said from jumpstreet I would want other characters before Rain- but there's no reason to beat up those who want him. People want different things, telling someone they're wrong for wanting him as DLC again is pretty stupid. We're all grown adults here- nobody needs to be told what they should want.

Speak for yourself. You don't want Rain as DLC, you think he's a shitty character, and that MK9 was his time to shine. Ok got it. But don't demonize and attack everyone else who feels differently. I personally feel the same way about characters like Noob and Cyrax and Smoke in this game, but I'm not attacking those who want them in.

Main reason why I wouldn't mind Rain is because he's on the same level as Tanya storywise in this game- and I felt from the start Mileena needed more playable allies.
06/12/2015 10:33 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
wants to see this franchise go.


Seriously you have nothing to stand on. Done conversing with you.

But don't demonize and attack everyone else who feels differently.

HAHAHAHAH coming from you, this is hilarious.
About Me

Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

06/12/2015 12:29 PM (UTC)
I don't want any of the NPC's to be part of Kombat Pack 2 except for Fujin and Sareena. Sindel, Nightwolf, Smoke, Kabal, all in their MK9 designs? No thanks. Rain and Baraka don't look that spectacular either. Frost's design is MKX Sub-Zero in female form, and Li Mei: a character I haven't found interesting in the slightest, ever.

Reiko, Shang Tsung, Fujin, and Sareena would be a very impressive pack. Put Shao Kahn in there and I'll pay 60 bucks, I kid you not.
06/12/2015 12:40 PM (UTC)
All I want myself is Sindel with a proper float like Ermac. I'd have my top four in one game for the first time since Armageddon. Any extra characters would be gravy.
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