Rain and meat confirmed for dlc pack?
posted06/13/2015 08:21 AM (UTC)by
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06/10/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
Here is the link http://masterherald.com/rain-and-meat-coming-to-mortal-kombat-x-on-next-character-dlc-pack/18708/

Rumor has it that rain and meat are coming in a kp2 dlc pack along with baraka, And sindel for 30 dollars. Should this be taken with a grain of salt? I really want fujin and rain and some other costumes and arenas..
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/10/2015 04:04 PM (UTC)
Dear god.

Meat? Over Fujin?

No dice. I'll just purchase Baraka and Rain separately over this travesty.
Nix Dolores
06/10/2015 04:15 PM (UTC)
Oh yes, the most popular character in MK9, Meat. The person who wrote that article probably doesn't know anything about MK and was getting pranked.
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06/10/2015 04:24 PM (UTC)
Yeah well MY DAD WORKS AT NINTENDO and HE said it's true.

Seriously though, how naive do you have to be to actually post this?
06/10/2015 04:24 PM (UTC)
Hahahahahaha. If Meat made it in over Fujin Id want Ed Boon and whomever else is maki,g decisions gone. Although there is zero chance of Meat being dlc.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/10/2015 04:26 PM (UTC)
I doubt this is true. Probably basing it off the boon tweet where he said "now I know Meat must be in the next Kombat Pack." I'm sincerely hoping he was just being a douschey troll.

Mark my words - if Meat makes it in as a "character", I will bring my copy of MKX to the nearest Gamestop and insist they take it from me free of charge.
06/10/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
lol yeah I can believe rain has a chance but meat??????????????????
Wonder what color they`ll make Meat`s skin... tongue

06/10/2015 04:40 PM (UTC)
Very naive lol it's just a rumor man will see if there a kp2 pack
06/10/2015 04:41 PM (UTC)
Yeah and his alternate color ????????????
06/10/2015 04:57 PM (UTC)
I couldn't read that article behind all the fucking popups. Don't bring that trash into my court, son.
06/10/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
Cheers! But will be Khameleon from MKX mobile? What do you guys think?
06/10/2015 05:51 PM (UTC)
I'd be shocked if we ever saw Meat again to be honest. If he was included, I do not even know what exciting things they could do with him...so that would intrigue me.

Rain hands down is my #1 want and I'd be thrilled with Sindel. But I'm really hoping for Fujin still. And I'd love for a surprise and see Ashrah!!!
06/10/2015 05:57 PM (UTC)
Does Boon just trolling on twitter actually even qualify this as a rumor? He just did something similar about Freddy Krueger, and it's obvious bs.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/10/2015 06:02 PM (UTC)
KoldKombat Wrote:
surprise and see Ashrah!!!

I'd die.
06/10/2015 06:03 PM (UTC)
Writer + article = fail
06/10/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
I am pretty sure Boon was joking, but even IF Meat made it in, I would play the shit out of him just because I know so many people hate him lol
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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

06/10/2015 07:20 PM (UTC)
Didn't Ed boon already confirmed that Rain would NOT be DLC 2 games in a row? So doesn't that, you know, settle it?
Can we STFU about Rain for awhile? I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but seriously every single topic somehow involves Rain being a DLC kharacter. Like I never had an issue with Rain until the last month or so. Its ridiculous. 1 character isn't going to make or break this game. If he ends up being in, fine. If not, ok. I understand he is some( a very small, but loud group) peoples favorite kharacter, but come on. Rain had his time in MK9. Lets hope someone more deserving get it now.

Anyways, They may be dicks, but they aren't stupid. Meat would not sell. That article is pure garbage.

I personally hope, if there is anymore DLC, that its all people who did not appear in MK9. All MK4-MKD people.

Fujin, Reiko and Havik are all great candidates. Add in another female and be done with it.
06/10/2015 07:24 PM (UTC)
Rain, Baraka, and Sindel? I'd totally believe that.

Meat? Complete rumor killer.
06/10/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
The worst apart about it is that multiple sites are reporting this lol you can tell they aren't aware of Boon's trolly nature
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2015 07:31 PM (UTC)
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
Didn't Ed boon already confirmed that Rain would NOT be DLC 2 games in a row? So doesn't that, you know, settle it?
Can we STFU about Rain for awhile? I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but seriously every single topic somehow involves Rain being a DLC kharacter. Like I never had an issue with Rain until the last month or so. Its ridiculous. 1 character isn't going to make or break this game. If he ends up being in, fine. If not, ok. I understand he is some( a very small, but loud group) peoples favorite kharacter, but come on. Rain had his time in MK9. Lets hope someone more deserving get it now.

Or you can like, quit telling people what to fucking talk about. I'm a huge Rain fan and even I find the constant chattering about him annoying, but simply skip over topics or posts that mention him. If people want to speculate about him being DLC, let them. Boon's constant references and tweets does nothing but fuels the fire and who the fuck made it illegal for Boon to change his mind? You wanna know how he'll explain making Rain DLC even though he stated he wouldn't be? Like this-

"Yeah, we weren't going to have Rain be DLC but we decided to go ahead and do it because the fan demand was high!"

Bam. Not that fucking difficult. That saying, yes, I would rather have Fujin and Li Mei over Rain, but I wouldn't cry if Rain made it as he actually has something to do with the plot- Milleena and Tanya- his two allies in the story are playable, why can't he be? Oh that's right, because someone else needs the lime light...yeah most of the returning characters in the roster should've been dropped if they were going by that fucking notion, why all of a sudden start drawing that line when it comes to Rain? Fucking Scorpion lover, you have a lot of nerve. You should be the LAST mother fucker talking about "lime light" and "attention hogging" when your character will never be in danger of missing a future game EVER. Spoiled brat.

06/10/2015 07:47 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
Didn't Ed boon already confirmed that Rain would NOT be DLC 2 games in a row? So doesn't that, you know, settle it?
Can we STFU about Rain for awhile? I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but seriously every single topic somehow involves Rain being a DLC kharacter. Like I never had an issue with Rain until the last month or so. Its ridiculous. 1 character isn't going to make or break this game. If he ends up being in, fine. If not, ok. I understand he is some( a very small, but loud group) peoples favorite kharacter, but come on. Rain had his time in MK9. Lets hope someone more deserving get it now.

Or you can like, quit telling people what to fucking talk about. I'm a huge Rain fan and even I find the constant chattering about him annoying, but simply skip over topics or posts that mention him. If people want to speculate about him being DLC, let them. Boon's constant references and tweets does nothing but fuels the fire and who the fuck made it illegal for Boon to change his mind? You wanna know how he'll explain making Rain DLC even though he stated he wouldn't be? Like this-

"Yeah, we weren't going to have Rain be DLC but we decided to go ahead and do it because the fan demand was high!"

Bam. Not that fucking difficult. That saying, yes, I would rather have Fujin and Li Mei over Rain, but I wouldn't cry if Rain made it as he actually has something to do with the plot- Milleena and Tanya- his two allies in the story are playable, why can't he be? Oh that's right, because someone else needs the lime light...yeah most of the returning characters in the roster should've been dropped if they were going by that fucking notion, why all of a sudden start drawing that line when it comes to Rain? Fucking Scorpion lover, you have a lot of nerve. You should be the LAST mother fucker talking about "lime light" and "attention hogging" when your character will never be in danger of missing a future game EVER. Spoiled brat.

I don't think he is against people talking about Rain, I think he just wishes that not every single thread was about him.

Sure boon can change his mind. No one is saying he cant, only that we shouldn't assume he already has.

You make some good points about who is getting the limelight. My personal opinion, however, is that inclusion in the game is different than being singled out for dlc. Rain is part of the group of characters who aren't popular enough to justify a guaranteed inclusion but come close. I just think that other characters of a similar popularity should be given a chance.

Additionally, I think we all would appreciate a peaceful discussion without attacking characters or users. Not meaning to be rude.
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:

Can we STFU about Rain for awhile? I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but seriously every single topic somehow involves Rain being a DLC kharacter. Like I never had an issue with Rain until the last month or so. Its ridiculous. 1 character isn't going to make or break this game. If he ends up being in, fine. If not, ok. I understand he is some( a very small, but loud group) peoples favorite kharacter, but come on.

Actually this is how I feel about Fujin.

Fujin this Fujin that blah blah blah blah blah.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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06/10/2015 08:54 PM (UTC)
Haha I can't ever believe they will bring back 'meat'.

But with that said, I wouldn't be mad about it. I used to adamentally against him back before Armageddon when people would petition for him, but after seeing just what they did with him in that game, I really liked him!

But there are a number of more deserving characters that should be thought of before him
06/10/2015 09:09 PM (UTC)

I want Rain and Baraka and Sindel

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