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06/15/2014 02:19 PM (UTC)
I'm enjoying when these little tidbits are leaking out, especially since they're basically saying "Expect some of the women to look different", and "The roster number will be AT LEAST what MK9 was, but with new MK characters." In thinking about it, 36 would be nice, but with 24 to start, 6 unlockable, and then 6 DLC (Similar to Injustice) with 2 being guest characters from other series and 4 being returning or new.

I'd love to see a COMPLETELY new select screen box selection when we see MKX next, @ EVO, or @Gamescom, just to continue messing with us.
06/15/2014 02:41 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:

As far as females go... I hope to god they're all not made into stick shaped prudes just to appease a few whiny feminists, so I vote "HELL NO" to seeing the Edenian babes flat chested and dressed like nuns.

If you want to see a horde of titties,subscribe to Playboy.

Only one character in Mortal Kombat should be scantily clad, and that's Mileena. The women shouldn't all be placed into a position of hypersexuality because you can't go two second without looking at boobs.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/15/2014 02:41 PM (UTC)
This article has been posted already in the appeal of women thread way earlier so I'm sad to see a lot of you here missed that.

My thoughts are still pretty whatever on the the whole thing regarding the clothing of the females because I don't care about that kind of shit. If the costumes are good then that's fine. They could be wearing a bikini and I wouldn't bitch.
06/15/2014 02:56 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
As far as females go... I hope to god they're all not made into stick shaped prudes just to appease a few whiny feminists, so I vote "HELL NO" to seeing the Edenian babes flat chested and dressed like nuns.

Are your hormones outta wack? You seriously get "hot" over pixel breasts?
06/15/2014 03:35 PM (UTC)
Nathan Wrote:
That, right there, is the textbook definition of overreaction.

"Oh no! NRS are actually designing some women normally, like they did before MK9. The end is nigh!"

Let's not forget that MK didn't build their foundation on being unique. Most their characters are rip-offs of other characters. And that's just fine. So a few people compare Cassie to Jill and Nina. So what? At least Cassie actually looks badass. Sonya in MK9, did not.

Hahaha overreaction is necessary coz it starts with something simple like this, then before you know it; one day no more female characters...coz u know beating up women is wrong in the first placewink.

lol I know Bruce Lee and Jean Claude Van Damme...To be honest I never thought of them when I played these characters... Cassie on the other hand looks badass but I hate that she looks like a generic spec ops agent. At least make her suit design more unique or something sad. But I think her personality rocks though smile
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06/15/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
They could be wearing a bikini and I wouldn't bitch.
That doesn't exactly give them a lot of area to design though. D'Vorah looks so great despite being naked because they could have some fun with her non human design.
06/15/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
I think it would be a shame if the only game that dares to go "Fuck it, we'll do something so badass they'll invent ESRB for it" really went for less revealing clothes.
I'm not sure about you guys but I'd be disappointed.
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06/15/2014 08:28 PM (UTC)
jooki Wrote:
I think it would be a shame if the only game that dares to go "Fuck it, we'll do something so badass they'll invent ESRB for it" really went for less revealing clothes.
I'm not sure about you guys but I'd be disappointed.

I'm not. And the issue isn't that some characters wear revealing cloth. The issue was that all women were dressed like that. If there are a few regular dressed women, right next to the almost naked once, there wouldn't even be an issue.

All we are asking for is balance. Sure, you can have your bikini clad slut assassin running around in the game, but also try to give us a woman that looks badass and dressed for the occasion. Why is it that only the men can have decent designed costumes?

But this discussion is irrelevant now. NRS actually listened, and we'll get some nice varied and balanced women designs.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/15/2014 08:46 PM (UTC)
Nathan Wrote:
jooki Wrote:
I think it would be a shame if the only game that dares to go "Fuck it, we'll do something so badass they'll invent ESRB for it" really went for less revealing clothes.
I'm not sure about you guys but I'd be disappointed.

Sure, you can have your bikini clad slut assassin running around in the game.

So anyone in a bikini is a slut?

That said I'm on your "side" I just found that extremely ignorant.
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06/15/2014 08:51 PM (UTC)

Yes, I think everyone wearing a bikini is a slut.

All those women tanning at the beach? Bunch of whores.
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06/15/2014 08:54 PM (UTC)
This is a funny conversation. Everyone seems to be fine with the excess amount of gore and violence in the game, but oh boy if there's too much cleavage shown. tongue
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/15/2014 08:57 PM (UTC)
Nathan Wrote:

Yes, I think everyone wearing a bikini is a slut.

All those women tanning at the beach? Bunch of whores.

The bad sarcasm you're desperately trying to toss out doesn't cover up that ignorant statement.
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06/15/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
Siroj Wrote:
This is a funny conversation. Everyone seems to be fine with the excess amount of gore and violence in the game, but oh boy if there's too much cleavage shown. tongue

Honestly, I'm personally not a fan of the excessive Fatalities either. I liked it when they were simple. Now we get essentially mini movies, of fighters mutilating corpses, after they long finished off their opponent.

Cassie's Fatality is actually already one of my favorites.
06/15/2014 09:00 PM (UTC)

Wow, that's nonsense and extremely ignorant. Sounds like we got a virgin here. Nothing wrong with that, but neither is an attractive female wearing a bikini at the beach.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/15/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)
RyanSeabass Wrote:

Wow, that's nonsense and extremely ignorant. Sounds like we got a virgin here. Nothing wrong with that, but neither is an attractive female wearing a bikini at the beach.

Exactly. That whole "bikini slut" comment really wasn't warranted and if anything it makes those of us on his side of the argument look like a bunch of ignorant Sunday morning closed minded ingrates.

Wearing a bikini does not make one a slut. My apologies to anyone who were offended by that comment.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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06/15/2014 09:07 PM (UTC)
I don't think Sonya's outfits were ridiculous or over the top. Also don't think they should make more modest costumes.

But the breast size could be toned down (except for mileena) which I think would help a lot.

But as for the past dress code in general, this is an alternate universe. Who says military women should be covered up all conservatively? I think it's ridiculous that people are upset over Sonya's outfits not fitting the traditional precedent. I really liked that her costume was military, yet sexy, not overly sexy tho, and was in the realm of the mk verse. It was my favorite look from her.

It will be interesting to see the costume changes.. Characters like Kitana and jade could benefit from it, but I hope they keep the evil ones true to their nature
06/15/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Wearing a bikini does not make one a slut.

Well, it depends...

Kitana wears bikini while walking in the forest and sitting on her throne next to Sindel and Jerrod (Ermac). It looks RIDICULOUS, because she's not tanning at the beach. One may say: it's part of Edenia's culture, but it's still RIDICULOUS.

Kitana is my all time favorite character, but II still don't get her slutty look. Frost's primary costume in MKDA is Kitana's correct outfit. I also like the costume Talisa Soto wears in the first MK movie. Hell, even Jade's costume is more regal than Kitana's MK9... treatment.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/15/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
I don't think Sonya's outfits were ridiculous or over the top. Also don't think they should make more modest costumes.

But the breast size could be toned down (except for mileena) which I think would help a lot.

But as for the past dress code in general, this is an alternate universe. Who says military women should be covered up all conservatively? I think it's ridiculous that people are upset over Sonya's outfits not fitting the traditional precedent. I really liked that her costume was military, yet sexy, not overly sexy tho, and was in the realm of the mk verse. It was my favorite look from her.

It will be interesting to see the costume changes.. Characters like Kitana and jade could benefit from it, but I hope they keep the evil ones true to their nature

I agree with Sonya, she was the one character I never understood why people freaked out over. I thought MK9 had her best outfit, the way people go on and on about it you would think she wore a vest and nothing but pink panties or something. All that ranting and bitching about her not wearing a t-shirt under the vest and the fact she was wearing heals is so minute and flat out nitpicky imo. Especially when the rest of her look was brilliant.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/15/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Wearing a bikini does not make one a slut.

Well, it depends...

Kitana wears bikini while walking in the forest and sitting on her throne next to Sindel and Jerrod (Ermac). It looks RIDICULOUS, because she's not tanning at the beach. One may say: it's part of Edenia's culture, but it's still RIDICULOUS.

Kitana is my all time favorite character, but II still don't get her slutty look. Frost's primary costume in MKDA is Kitana's correct outfit. I also like the costume Talisa Soto wears in the first MK movie. Hell, even Jade's costume is more regal than Kitana's MK9... treatment.

I agree that it is ridiculous. But that does not make Kitana a "slut". It's not fitting and is on the silly side, but calling her a "slut" is taking it way too far. That's as stupid as calling Cassie Cage a prude all because she's not showing her tits. Two wrongs don't make a right.

A slut is sleeping around with anyone at any given time. That has nothing to do with dress. It shouldn't be applied to video game characters.
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06/15/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
Alright, alright, we'll call them beach babes assassins then from now on.
06/15/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:I agree that it is ridiculous. But that does not make Kitana a "slut". It's not fitting and is on the silly side, but calling her a "slut" is taking it way too far.

What is a woman showing TOO MUCH skin for NO REASON what so ever? Kitana may not be a slut (although we don't know how she spends those long nights in Outworld), but she dresses like a slut and there's no question about it.
She needs to change her wardrobe. John Tobias is not a part of the MK team anymore, so it's time for NRS to scrap his perv legacy. Scrap it for good! It's time for Kitana to look like a princess, not a stripper.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/15/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:I agree that it is ridiculous. But that does not make Kitana a "slut". It's not fitting and is on the silly side, but calling her a "slut" is taking it way too far.

What is a woman showing TOO MUCH skin for NO REASON what so ever?

What is a woman that's not showing ENOUGH skin?

See? We can play it both ways. But both ways are extremely ignorant.

"She's showing too much skin! What a slut!"

"She's not showing enough! What a prude!"

These are video game characters at the end of the day. Go outside people.
06/15/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:What is a woman that's not showing ENOUGH skin?

A decent woman. A ten thousand years old Edenian princess.

And how much skin should a woman show to make you happy? In reality, all we need is a face. It's not like we expect Kitana to wear a burka, although her mask kinda resembles one. lol
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/15/2014 09:34 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:What is a woman that's not showing ENOUGH skin?

A decent woman. An Edenian princess.

And how much skin should a woman show to make you happy? In reality, all we need is a face. It's not like we expect Kitana to wear a burka, although her mask kinda resembles one. lol

I agree with you about Kitana needing to look like a princess, I HATED her MK9 outfit. I'm not disagreeing with you about that.

I just didn't like the ignorant comments I've been reading such as "bikini = slut" or "Modest = prude". And as far as how much skin a woman needs to show me to make me happy? Well I'm more into the male anatomy...
06/15/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
bikini IN context = okay.

bikini OUT of context = slutTY. A woman does not have to a be a slut to dress slutty.
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