06/23/2014 05:20 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
At this point, I don't think people are stating who they feel are overrated.

I think people are just stating who they don't like.

Quoted for truth.

For me, this thread is useless. There's almost no analytical, unbiased conversation going on. Just a lot of "Everyone is talking about a character I don't like. OVERRATEDZZZ!!1"

That is not what "Overrated" means.
06/23/2014 06:17 AM (UTC)
Well "overrated" is always a misused buzzword that loses all meaning on the internet.

I mean, what DOES it really mean? "they're more popular than *I THINK* they should be", right?

Why don't you just SAY "I don't like them" instead? Is the extra layer of pretense necessary?
06/23/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
ERMAC- I liked him in mkT and whne he looked and acted like an actual ninja. ever since he's started this whole " we" soul thing ive hated him. If hes in mkX please bring back his MkT look and style. other wise i hate him and dont get what people like about him.

Milenna- Boring imo. why do people love her so much. she looks so retarded in mk9.

Tanya- too much hype. liked her before everyone all of sudden badly wanted her for mkx. shes cool but i liked it better when she wasnt so praised.

Li Mei- Completely BLAND AND BORING. Hated her more than kobra, kira, Hsu Hao, and Mokap. Just trash. dont know why people want her in either. hated the part in deception when you had to be her. gameplay sucks, look sucks, just the character in general sucks. id rather Sheeva come back than her.
06/23/2014 04:26 PM (UTC)
"dont get what people like about him."

That he isn't just another palette swap ninja anymore :)
06/23/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well "overrated" is always a misused buzzword that loses all meaning on the internet.

I mean, what DOES it really mean? "they're more popular than *I THINK* they should be", right?

Why don't you just SAY "I don't like them" instead? Is the extra layer of pretense necessary?

Because the two aren't the same.

I don't like Rain much at all, but I certainly don't find him to be overrated.

Mileena is of my favorite characters, but I do feel she is a bit overrated.

Overrated and disliked are two completely different notions.
06/23/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
"dont get what people like about him."

That he isn't just another palette swap ninja anymore :)

not being the palette swap ninja he used to be =/= him being good
Historical Favorite
06/23/2014 08:38 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Yes, but it's been going on for 22 freakin' years. He's not very good at it if it's taken him that long.

Fun fact. Scorpion has been super pissed off for longer than Justin Bieber has been alive.

06/23/2014 08:40 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Yes, but it's been going on for 22 freakin' years. He's not very good at it if it's taken him that long.

Fun fact. Scorpion has been super pissed off for longer than Justin Bieber has been alive.

Yet Justin Bieber is a more interesting person than Scorpion.
Historical Favorite
06/23/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Yet Justin Bieber is a more interesting person than Scorpion.

Bieber for MKX confirmed.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well "overrated" is always a misused buzzword that loses all meaning on the internet.

I mean, what DOES it really mean? "they're more popular than *I THINK* they should be", right?

Why don't you just SAY "I don't like them" instead? Is the extra layer of pretense necessary?

I completely agree. The word and term Overrated/Underrated should not exist.
06/23/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well "overrated" is always a misused buzzword that loses all meaning on the internet.

I mean, what DOES it really mean? "they're more popular than *I THINK* they should be", right?

Why don't you just SAY "I don't like them" instead? Is the extra layer of pretense necessary?

I completely agree. The word and term Overrated/Underrated should not exist.

Yes they should. People just need to learn them correctly. It's not the words' fault that people don't know how to use them.
06/23/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
But if you DO like a character, you'll never have a REASON to talk about how overrated they are because "overrated" is a DEROGATORY term and you've got no reason to talk about how the popularity of a character you like is a bad thing.

So why bother with it?
Unless you're a hipster and think it makes you cool to like something nobody else likes or something.
06/23/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
But if you DO like a character, you'll never have a REASON to talk about how overrated they are because "overrated" is a DEROGATORY term.

So why bother with it?

Because sensible people can see both the good things and the bad things about what they like. Seeing as what you like as perfect when others can see its flaws is just ignorance... right?

For example, Jade is my favourite character, but I can see why there are people who don't like her or think she's boring.

06/23/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
But if you DO like a character, you'll never have a REASON to talk about how overrated they are because "overrated" is a DEROGATORY term and you've got no reason to talk about how the popularity of a character you like is a bad thing.

So why bother with it?

That is such a biased statement.

You can like a character and be equally critical of them. In fact, it would make sense to criticize the characters you like, because you should want them at their best.

I love Quan Chi, but I don't want him getting away with everything he does. That's why I hope Shinnok catches him up this time around.

I love Mileena, but I don't think she's done just enough yet to receive great adulation. That's why I feel she's ultimately overrated.
06/23/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
This shit has got to stop guys/girls! Everyone place nice.
06/23/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
You can like a character and be equally critical of them. In fact, it would make sense to criticize the characters you like, because you should want them at their best.

But you're not describing popularity right there, you're describing quality.

Popularity is what "overrated" means. Too popular, more than they deserve. How much other people LIKE them.

You used it correctly in reference to Mileena, but not Quan Chi.

Which is another point worth mentioning, popularity is a statistic. And it's not like anybody has an accurate poll, so we pretty much just all go around guessing or assuming how much other people who aren't us like characters.

I'm PROBABLY not wrong if I go around saying "Scorpion has always been very popular" or "Mileena became very popular after MK9"...but only "probably", because I'm just looking at stuff like how much fan art there is of them and how much people talk about them, and who gets to be on the box art, and making an educated guess. But how popular is Quan Chi? Or Jax? Or Nightwolf or Jade or Sektor? Is there an answer for those questions? How do you know if you're right?

And if Quan Chi's not actually as popular as you may think he is, then you can't really call him overrated. He might be rated exactly where he deserves to be.
06/23/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
You can like a character and be equally critical of them. In fact, it would make sense to criticize the characters you like, because you should want them at their best.

But you're not describing popularity right there, you're describing quality.

Popularity is what "overrated" means. Too popular, more than they deserve. How much other people LIKE them.

You used it correctly in reference to Mileena, but not Quan Chi.

Which is another point worth mentioning, popularity is a statistic. And it's not like anybody has an accurate poll, so we pretty much just all go around guessing or assuming how much other people who aren't us like characters.

I'm PROBABLY not wrong if I go around saying "Scorpion is very popular" and "Mileena is very popular"...but how popular is Quan Chi? Or Jax? Or Nightwolf or Jade or Sektor? Is there an answer for those questions? How do you know if you're right?

And if Quan Chi's not actually as popular as you may think he is, then you can't really call him overrated. He might be rated exactly where he deserves to be.

I did not list Quan Chi on the point of the overrated, but to serve my point of being critical of a character you like, which relates to the point of the overrated.

That's when I mentioned Mileena, to bring it full circle.
06/24/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
Scorpion, Liu Kang, Kitana, Cyrax, Human Smoke and Shang Tsung.
About Me

Cage always wins, and in MK u will be Caged!

06/24/2014 12:32 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
You can like a character and be equally critical of them. In fact, it would make sense to criticize the characters you like, because you should want them at their best.

But you're not describing popularity right there, you're describing quality.

Popularity is what "overrated" means. Too popular, more than they deserve. How much other people LIKE them.

You used it correctly in reference to Mileena, but not Quan Chi.

Which is another point worth mentioning, popularity is a statistic. And it's not like anybody has an accurate poll, so we pretty much just all go around guessing or assuming how much other people who aren't us like characters.

I'm PROBABLY not wrong if I go around saying "Scorpion is very popular" and "Mileena is very popular"...but how popular is Quan Chi? Or Jax? Or Nightwolf or Jade or Sektor? Is there an answer for those questions? How do you know if you're right?

And if Quan Chi's not actually as popular as you may think he is, then you can't really call him overrated. He might be rated exactly where he deserves to be.

I did not list Quan Chi on the point of the overrated, but to serve my point of being critical of a character you like, which relates to the point of the overrated.

That's when I mentioned Mileena, to bring it full circle.

Overrated is anyone's opinion whether it be popularity, if they hate like it doesn't matter. Quan chi was overrated to me because of the fact they made him so powerful and behind the scenes making him smarter than literally everyone and apparently can beat just about everyone to me based on his story and everything. If he wasn't so over the top villain I'd be ok with him. I respect he plans everything for his own rise to power but not the fact that he made Raiden, Shao Kahn and possibly gonna make Shinnok too look foolish
06/24/2014 08:07 AM (UTC)


-Liu Kang



(I'm glad I remembered my login info it's been SO LONG profile reflected my age as 14...i'm now 23)
06/24/2014 09:21 AM (UTC)
Razor's right. The word "Overrated" is, again, useless here because of its inherent relativity.

Easily, Scorpion is getting the most votes, but the reason behind that isn't reason at all. It's taste. Objectively, Scorpion is rated perfectly. He has a baddass moveset and look. Baddass enough to make people more than willing to pay to play him. (See Injustice) Like him or not, he is a near-perfect fighting game character, which is exactly what he was designed for.

I dont care for Scorpion. But I can recognize that he has a great look and moveset. Thats all you need in a fighting game. Perhaps any videogame.
06/24/2014 09:32 AM (UTC)
Mokap, Blaze, Reiko & Meat should be the only playable characters in MKX just sayin....
06/24/2014 01:22 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Razor's right. The word "Overrated" is, again, useless here because of its inherent relativity.

Easily, Scorpion is getting the most votes, but the reason behind that isn't reason at all. It's taste. Objectively, Scorpion is rated perfectly. He has a baddass moveset and look. Baddass enough to make people more than willing to pay to play him. (See Injustice) Like him or not, he is a near-perfect fighting game character, which is exactly what he was designed for.

I dont care for Scorpion. But I can recognize that he has a great look and moveset. Thats all you need in a fighting game. Perhaps any videogame.

I haven't enjoyed playing with Scorpion since UMK3.

As I've stated before, it seems that the majority of people who favor Scorpion are those who aren't generally fans of MK. His popularity is based on familiarity. He is the most promoted character, therefore he is the most noticed. Non-MK fans know who he is because they see him the most. He's not the best character they know; he's virtually the only character they know.

This happened to me with Morrigan Aesland from Darkstalkers. She was the only character I knew of, so I kept her as a favorite. It wasn't until I started actively playing the games that I noticed other characters. Hsien-Ko has since become my favorite. To say, I don't know too many Pokémon fans who list Pikachu as their favorite, or even as a good pokemon.

From the outside looking in, they are the best. From the inside, there's so much more to consider.

Scorpion is popular by default, not by merit, at least that's how I see it. With that, I find him to be very overrated.
06/24/2014 01:50 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Razor's right. The word "Overrated" is, again, useless here because of its inherent relativity.

Easily, Scorpion is getting the most votes, but the reason behind that isn't reason at all. It's taste. Objectively, Scorpion is rated perfectly. He has a baddass moveset and look. Baddass enough to make people more than willing to pay to play him. (See Injustice) Like him or not, he is a near-perfect fighting game character, which is exactly what he was designed for.

I dont care for Scorpion. But I can recognize that he has a great look and moveset. Thats all you need in a fighting game. Perhaps any videogame.

I haven't enjoyed playing with Scorpion since UMK3.

As I've stated before, it seems that the majority of people who favor Scorpion are those who aren't generally fans of MK. His popularity is based on familiarity. He is the most promoted character, therefore he is the most noticed. Non-MK fans know who he is because they see him the most. He's not the best character they know; he's virtually the only character they know.

This happened to me with Morrigan Aesland from Darkstalkers. She was the only character I knew of, so I kept her as a favorite. It wasn't until I started actively playing the games that I noticed other characters. Hsien-Ko has since become my favorite. To say, I don't know too many Pokémon fans who list Pikachu as their favorite, or even as a good pokemon.

From the outside looking in, they are the best. From the inside, there's so much more to consider.

Scorpion is popular by default, not by merit, at least that's how I see it. With that, I find him to be very overrated.

I'm going to agree with her there, if anyone is an over rated character it is both Scorpion and Sub-Zero mainly because they are the poster boys of Mortal Kombat. I am not saying that I enjoy those characters because I really do love them, however every game featured in Mortal Kombat besides Mortal Kombat 3 has had them as the front and center. Even MKX.

I've been playing these games forever, and I used to remember on the arcade cabinets throughout the years featuring characters like Johnny Cage, Raiden, and Quan Chi.

Don't get me wrong, there HAS to be a Scorpion and a Sub-Zero in Mortal Kombat but where's the fun if they always have the spot light?
06/24/2014 02:28 PM (UTC)
The only way I could think a character would be overrated is through the ratio between what fans have speculated for a character's story vs. what's been officially shown through a bio, story, or potentially their ending scenarios.

If, more often than naught, you hear 'this character has potential' as opposed to 'this character has a good story', that character might be built up more on where people THINK the character can go instead of where it is NOW. Those are the characters i'd say are overrated, because their hype has little to do with their quality. I'm sure we all have faves that we've built up, but if that's mostly what they have going for them, they just might be overrated.

If a character has a limited story but the fans build it up to be something so grand I'd consider that character to be overrated because there wouldn't be much to base all of this extra stuff on aside from speculation and inference.

... Actually, 'this character has potential' is a little overrated here because people say it about the more mundane characters and it's like... are you sure we're talking about the same character?

Naturally others will have different definitions of what overrated characters are; this is just what comes to mind for me.
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