06/20/2014 07:00 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Bi-Han as Sub-Zero

/end thread

Great let's turn this thread into another Sub Zero discussion. Casual fans don't care that much about which brother Sub Zero is to overrate him. To 90% of the people that play MK, it is Sub Zero. They dgaf what his real name is and even if they did Bi-Han doesn't even have much of a story to be overrated. If you go by the name Noob, he is indeed.

You are the one (and now me) who are making this a discussion. If you had just stated the characters you find overrated and moved on, there would be no discussion.

That wasn't a discussion. Bi-Han isn't overrated so that's all there is to it.
06/20/2014 07:15 PM (UTC)
I'd like to say that I too find Bi-Han as Sub-Zero to be overrated as well, by the way.
06/20/2014 07:19 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:

That wasn't a discussion. Bi-Han isn't overrated so that's all there is to it.

While I do agree that Bi-Han isn't overrated, it's ultimately a matter of opinion, man.

It's totally not fact.
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Cage always wins, and in MK u will be Caged!

06/20/2014 07:53 PM (UTC)
Honestly even though I love subzero I hate the storyline now with the brothers both dead and now they have a endless pool of subzeros? C'mon now smh...

I still am fine with sindel regardless if they used her as a tool to kill everyone the only thing that confuses me is shouldn't motaro>sindel regardless if she was combined with Shang? *Shrugs I'm hoping the story for mkx will compel fighters from veterans to new so that way nobody isn't relying on ONE fighter!

Hence if Raiden is in this game I'm hoping he doesn't have to save the day or whoever has to making others look completely useless. Don't get me wrong there will be a hero to always beat the big bad unless this is something like deadly alliance where the bad guy wins. But everyone gets there will be a key player in focus
06/20/2014 08:06 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'd like to say that I too find Bi-Han as Sub-Zero to be overrated as well, by the way.

How? Show me 10 fans of Sub Zero that prefer Bi-Han to Kuai Liang.

Riyakou Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:

That wasn't a discussion. Bi-Han isn't overrated so that's all there is to it.

While I do agree that Bi-Han isn't overrated, it's ultimately a matter of opinion, man.

It's totally not fact.

Not really. The question wasn't "do you like this character" it was "is this character overrated". If I ask whether Sheeva is overrated isn't a matter of taste. She is not and that is fact. If I ask whether people like Sheeva is a matter of taste tho. Those are 2 totally different things.
06/20/2014 08:15 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:

Not really. The question wasn't "do you like this character" it was "is this character overrated". If I ask whether Sheeva is overrated isn't a matter of taste. She is not and that is fact. If I ask whether people like Sheeva is a matter of taste tho. Those are 2 totally different things.

Yes, very.

There is no proof that a character is or isn't overrated. What you may see as overrated another may see as excellent. I should know; Scorpion is my least favorite character.

I strongly believe Scorpion is the most overrated character of the series, and guess what? Many people disagree. They cannot prove he isn't and I cannot prove he is. It's all opinion.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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06/20/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
Sooo many.

Sub zero and scorpion rank first on the list followed by
Sonya, raiden, Lui kang, stryker then
Kitana, jade, ermac, noob

06/20/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
themasterab Wrote:
Honestly even though I love subzero I hate the storyline now with the brothers both dead and now they have a endless pool of subzeros? C'mon now smh...

That's not a new development though. The story, as early as 1998, has been that are a long line of "Sub-Zeros" going back generations.

projectzero00 Wrote:
How? Show me 10 fans of Sub Zero that prefer Bi-Han to Kuai Liang.

Meh, I'm a huge Sub-Zero fan, but I don't get too caught up with who is under the mask. As long as he's in the game I'm content. They're two sides of the same coin.
06/20/2014 08:37 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'd like to say that I too find Bi-Han as Sub-Zero to be overrated as well, by the way.

How? Show me 10 fans of Sub Zero that prefer Bi-Han to Kuai Liang.

Riyakou Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:

That wasn't a discussion. Bi-Han isn't overrated so that's all there is to it.

While I do agree that Bi-Han isn't overrated, it's ultimately a matter of opinion, man.

It's totally not fact.

Not really. The question wasn't "do you like this character" it was "is this character overrated". If I ask whether Sheeva is overrated isn't a matter of taste. She is not and that is fact. If I ask whether people like Sheeva is a matter of taste tho. Those are 2 totally different things.

Go to TRMK there's a cesspool of people who favor Bi-Han. In fact if you even try to argue Kuai Liang might be better you will get a huge group of people bashing you.

I even argued over there that Kuai beat Bi-Han in MK9. They all replied that it doesn't matter because Kuai was Cyber and Bi-Han was Noob so it doesn't count.lol

Anyway, I'm just saying he has clearly only been in one game, and nothing is amazing nor spectacular about him besides he's evil and the first. That's it. The appeal of him is crazy to me.

So, yes, he is overrated to ME.

06/20/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:

Not really. The question wasn't "do you like this character" it was "is this character overrated". If I ask whether Sheeva is overrated isn't a matter of taste. She is not and that is fact. If I ask whether people like Sheeva is a matter of taste tho. Those are 2 totally different things.

Yes, very.

There is no proof that a character is or isn't overrated. What you may see as overrated another may see as excellent. I should know; Scorpion is my least favorite character.

I strongly believe Scorpion is the most overrated character of the series, and guess what? Many people disagree. They cannot prove he isn't and I cannot prove he is. It's all opinion.

Sorry but what you just said doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. You are using 2 words, overrated and excellent, that have nothing to do with each other. They are neither synonyms nor antonyms. Being excellent/flawed/whatever as a character doesn't mean the character is/isn't overrated.
Taking from your example, I don't think many people would disagree that Scorpion is overrated. Many people would disagree on whether he is great as a character but the fact that he is the most popular character in the game remains. And there is a vocal portion of fans who dislike him and think he is overrated, which is essentially a fact. It's just numbers of people who state their opinions in forums/polls. That is a fact. And I'd say that it is enough proof. Being good or bad as a character is a matter of taste.
Can you see how different those 2 things are? If not...well let's just agree to disagree on this today ;)
06/20/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
Every male ninja, except for Rain.
06/20/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
Shinnok as a playable character.

Tanya. It's not that I hate her, she's an okay character, but way, way overrated.

And some of the classic "ninja" characters:
Noob Saibot, Ermac and Smoke - especially Noob.

i agree on tnaya. nothing wrong with her but all this hype about her and the female lovers begging for her to be in the game over everyone is starting to make me dislike tanya. i was fine with her before all this.
06/20/2014 10:27 PM (UTC)
Hey, hey! Back off my girl furious

Haha. It'll die down, I assure you. I think people are just excted to see forgotten characters. Hell, I thought I was the only Tanya fan for years. It's about damn time someone outside the original trilogy starts getting some hype around here!
06/20/2014 10:37 PM (UTC)
Tanya. Her horrible design and one characteristic of "betray everyone." Makes her extremely uninteresting. Her bland move-set doesn't help matters either.
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I will rock you.

06/20/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
Raiden is a bit overrated but you know it is because he is a god. People seem to love that about him. He is overused as well but he is fun to play with but not against.wow
06/20/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
I thought it needed to be a popular character to be overrated. Some of these mentioned characters aren't really considered popular...
06/20/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:

Sorry but what you just said doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. You are using 2 words, overrated and excellent, that have nothing to do with each other. They are neither synonyms nor antonyms. Being excellent/flawed/whatever as a character doesn't mean the character is/isn't overrated.
Taking from your example, I don't think many people would disagree that Scorpion is overrated. Many people would disagree on whether he is great as a character but the fact that he is the most popular character in the game remains. And there is a vocal portion of fans who dislike him and think he is overrated, which is essentially a fact. It's just numbers of people who state their opinions in forums/polls. That is a fact. And I'd say that it is enough proof. Being good or bad as a character is a matter of taste.
Can you see how different those 2 things are? If not...well let's just agree to disagree on this today ;)

You took it entirely the wrong way, and I'm not sure how.

My point is that people see things differently. What you may identify as overrated someone else may identify as something completely different, for example, excellent.

There is no proof. One person in this thread stated that Sindel is overrated. I completely disagree. Who's right? Who's to say either of us are right? If you were to state whether or not she is, who's to say you would be right?
06/20/2014 11:00 PM (UTC)
Mother fucking Mokap.
06/20/2014 11:08 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Scorpion + Sub-Zero + Johnny Cage + Kitana + Sonya + Raiden + Lui Kang

I hope they all die for good.
I don't like any of their storylines, they get old now (except for Kitana and Raiden) and I just want them to die. Raiden I like, but I like Nightwolf, Fujin and Rain more and I hope they end up with most of his abilities over electricity and lightning or his protectors role.
You're an idiot. Yeah let's kill them off because YOU don't like them. Get real.
06/20/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
I think the human characters are the most overrated, like Liu Kang, Sonya, Johhny Cage, Striker, Kung Lao, Kitana always being the main good guys and saving the day.

I don't get all the hate on Sub Zero and Scorpion. I think it's great that they are the main focus when introducing the game and I prefer Scorpion as more of a main character, compared to someone like Kung Lao and Liu Kang or Sonya and Cage who win all the time and beat all the bosses. It's a nice change of pace for someone like Scorpion and I would love to see his story get more involved than just be all about vengeance against Sub Zero and actually take on some of the bosses.

So I disagree that Scorpion or Sub Zero are overrated and seeing a non human demon badass ninja spectre taking on a bad boss or being the main character is more exciting than seeing the mr. chosen one human hero from Earth like Liu Kang win all the time.

In fact I would love to see a separate game that focuses on Sub Zero and Scorpion or just Scorpion alone and have him fight through Netherrealm with all kinds of demons, hell spawns, to Outworld against Shao Kahns armies, to the human good guys from Earthrealm, rather than see another Liu Kang/Kung Lao duo fighting for Earthrealm and the good of mankind. Why does Earthrealm always have to be the main good guys? Lets see other realms from other perspectives and how those realism effected them, especially against the human Earthrealm, it would be nice to for once see them more distant from the story from another ones perspective, for all we know they could be seen as the bad guys too.
06/20/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
SnakeEater15 Wrote:
I think the human characters are the most overrated, like Liu Kang, Sonya, Johhny Cage, Striker, Kung Lao, Kitana always being the main good guys and saving the day.

I don't get all the hate on Sub Zero and Scorpion. I think it's great that they are the main focus when introducing the game and I prefer Scorpion as more of a main character, compared to someone like Kung Lao and Liu Kang or Sonya and Cage who win all the time and beat all the bosses. It's a nice change of pace for someone like Scorpion and I would love to see his story get more involved than just be all about vengeance against Sub Zero and actually take on some of the bosses.

So I disagree that Scorpion or Sub Zero are overrated and seeing a non human demon badass ninja spectre taking on a bad boss or being the main character is more exciting than seeing the mr. chosen one human hero from Earth like Liu Kang win all the time.

In fact I would love to see a separate game that focuses on Sub Zero and Scorpion or just Scorpion alone and have him fight through Netherrealm with all kinds of demons, hell spawns, to Outworld against Shao Kahns armies, to the human good guys from Earthrealm, rather than see another Liu Kang/Kung Lao duo fighting for Earthrealm and the good of mankind.

Why does Earthrealm always have to be the main good guys? Lets see other realism from other perspectives and how those realism effected them, especially against the human Earthrealm, it would be nice to for once see them more distant from the story from another ones perspective, for all we know they could be seen as the bad guys too.

I like this post. Liking it a lot.
06/20/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
SnakeEater15 Wrote:

I think it's great that they are the main focus when introducing the game and I prefer Scorpion as more of a main character, compared to someone like Kung Lao and Liu Kang or Sonya and Cage who win all the time and beat all the bosses.

With all the prominence Scorpion already has, the last thing he needs is to become the protagonist of an entire game.

If Scorpion were real, he'd be stroking one big ass ego right now.
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06/20/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Mother fucking Mokap.

Damn, beat me to it. Good job.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/20/2014 11:59 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Mother fucking Mokap.

Damn, beat me to it. Good job.

But in all seriousness Meat needs to take a rest. He's just out of control.
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06/21/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
Centaur Motaro, Stuntman, Art Lean, Cyber Smoke, Havik, take your pick...
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