03/12/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
IGN said there's "a bunch more slots on the select screen". Hopefully tomorrow during the stream we'd finally be able to see exactly what spots are available.

Where? I thought I was caught up on the news released today.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/12/2015 09:00 PM (UTC)
JohnnyCage5 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
IGN said there's "a bunch more slots on the select screen". Hopefully tomorrow during the stream we'd finally be able to see exactly what spots are available.

Where? I thought I was caught up on the news released today.

Sorry I can't make it clickable!


03/12/2015 09:08 PM (UTC)
Calling and hoping for

Leaked list plus


With 2 of the 6 being dlc

About Me


03/12/2015 09:13 PM (UTC)
It seems that we are getting more characters than pressumed which is pretty coolfurious
03/12/2015 09:16 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
There were 11 left:
- Shinnok
- Sonya
- Kenshi
- Mileena
- Johnny
- Jax
- Kung Jin
- Takeda
- Jacqui

That leaves the 2 of the leaked roster very probably to be confirmed: Erron Black & Liu Kang.

That begs the question, is that select screen and the leaked roster really it? I doubt it, because NRS would be stupid only to have 2 characters left unrevealed. Even for MK9 they had 4 right?

I really hope we get to see the final select screen tomorrow and we see at least 2 more (28 slots, one question mark where the boss probably goes).
There's still the option that Shinnok is the boss and there is one more alongside Liu & Erron Black to join if the number stays the same.


Weren't you so sure yesterday Sonya wasnt playableehen it was more than obvious she was? Lol how that crow taste?
03/12/2015 09:19 PM (UTC)
I think that "bunch more roster spots" could be because the build they are playing in, is still lacking several characters we know will be in the game. That build definitely didn't have Takeda, Jaqui, Kung Jin, Erron, Mileena, Shinnok, Jax, Kenshi, Goro, or Liu playable. I think that's where they are coming from. They aren't putting 2 and 2 together, and just see 10 roster spots unfilled, and a bunch of characters in story mode that could possibly fill them, without taking what we already know into account.

Just my take on the matter. As far as I have seen, only Johnny and Sonya were added on to the previous build we've seen.
03/12/2015 09:21 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
I think that "bunch more roster spots" could be because the build they are playing in, is still lacking several characters we know will be in the game. That build definitely didn't have Takeda, Jaqui, Kung Jin, Erron, Shinnok, Jax, Kenshi, Goro, or Liu playable. I think that's where they are coming from. They aren't putting 2 and 2 together, and just see 9 roster spots unfilled, and a bunch of characters in story mode that could possibly fill them, without taking what we already know into account.

Just my take on the matter. As far as I have seen, only Johnny and Sonya were added on to the previous build we've seen.

The build did have Takeda, Jacqui and Kung Jin playable though. One of the previews mentioned getting to see their walk up animations.
03/12/2015 09:22 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
I think that "bunch more roster spots" could be because the build they are playing in, is still lacking several characters we know will be in the game. That build definitely didn't have Takeda, Jaqui, Kung Jin, Erron, Shinnok, Jax, Kenshi, Goro, or Liu playable. I think that's where they are coming from. They aren't putting 2 and 2 together, and just see 9 roster spots unfilled, and a bunch of characters in story mode that could possibly fill them, without taking what we already know into account.

Just my take on the matter. As far as I have seen, only Johnny and Sonya were added on to the previous build we've seen.

The build did have Takeda, Jacqui and Kung Jin playable though. One of the previews mentioned getting to see their walk up animations.

Thats still 7 slots unplayable
03/12/2015 09:25 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
I think that "bunch more roster spots" could be because the build they are playing in, is still lacking several characters we know will be in the game. That build definitely didn't have Takeda, Jaqui, Kung Jin, Erron, Mileena, Shinnok, Jax, Kenshi, Goro, or Liu playable. I think that's where they are coming from. They aren't putting 2 and 2 together, and just see 10 roster spots unfilled, and a bunch of characters in story mode that could possibly fill them, without taking what we already know into account.

Just my take on the matter. As far as I have seen, only Johnny and Sonya were added on to the previous build we've seen.

This is depressingly, as accurate a theory available. I liked the initial "leak" because it had Johnny in it, and as all do, I wanted my main. Now that I'm spoiled with that, I want all the other old school characters I like. Time will tell, might has well have hope while hope is around.
03/12/2015 09:26 PM (UTC)
Shaolin_Monks Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
I think that "bunch more roster spots" could be because the build they are playing in, is still lacking several characters we know will be in the game. That build definitely didn't have Takeda, Jaqui, Kung Jin, Erron, Shinnok, Jax, Kenshi, Goro, or Liu playable. I think that's where they are coming from. They aren't putting 2 and 2 together, and just see 9 roster spots unfilled, and a bunch of characters in story mode that could possibly fill them, without taking what we already know into account.

Just my take on the matter. As far as I have seen, only Johnny and Sonya were added on to the previous build we've seen.

The build did have Takeda, Jacqui and Kung Jin playable though. One of the previews mentioned getting to see their walk up animations.

Thats still 7 slots unplayable

That begs the questions though;

- How many total spots on the roster were there that they were shown, i.e. different than the updated one with Goro we saw?
- If Jason is indeed shown, will he then have his own spot on the roster or will he share it with Goro?
- If the 3 descendants were also shown, was Mileena as well since she's been revealed now?
- The current select screen still doesn't answer how they will handle DLC spots.

They were pretty vague about it.
03/12/2015 09:49 PM (UTC)
I can now confirm Sonya, Takeda, Jacqui, Kung Jin, Mileena, Jax, Shinnok, Kenshi, Goro, Erron, and Liu etc. were not on the select screen. That's confirmed by someone who was there to play it. The walk in animations were shown for Takeda and his buds, but that's it. They were not on the select screen, which means there were 11-12 blank spots of characters we all know will be playable.

That's why IGN made that comment, because they didn't connect the dots like we all can. Not trying to ruin anyone's hope, but that's the reality of it.
03/12/2015 09:54 PM (UTC)
Just wanna leave this here......look at the length of the arm gauntlets, the shoulders.....they look to be the same. Fujin's also wearing something around his head that presumably goes to his forehead.... Not sayin', just sayin'. Maybe that wasn't our first look at Liu Kang after all. Sure, I could be delusional, but then if that is Kang, his outfit seems eerily similar.

03/13/2015 12:46 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
I think that "bunch more roster spots" could be because the build they are playing in, is still lacking several characters we know will be in the game. That build definitely didn't have Takeda, Jaqui, Kung Jin, Erron, Mileena, Shinnok, Jax, Kenshi, Goro, or Liu playable. I think that's where they are coming from. They aren't putting 2 and 2 together, and just see 10 roster spots unfilled, and a bunch of characters in story mode that could possibly fill them, without taking what we already know into account.

Just my take on the matter. As far as I have seen, only Johnny and Sonya were added on to the previous build we've seen.

You have to keep in mind that there are still press embargos preventing them from talking about things NRS wants quiet. For whatever reason, they were allowed to mention Erron Black, but they also mention a completely unrevealed character anonymously. If the character was in attract mode, that character was in the build they played. No reason for them to be there unless we're going to see them before launch.
03/13/2015 12:48 AM (UTC)
Shinnok has variations? lawl link pls

While Reptile will always be my main, I NEED to see Shinnok more! I want to see his variations in a video soon!
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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

03/13/2015 01:01 AM (UTC)
Wait Shinnok has variations???
03/13/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Just wanna leave this here......look at the length of the arm gauntlets, the shoulders.....they look to be the same. Fujin's also wearing something around his head that presumably goes to his forehead.... Not sayin', just sayin'. Maybe that wasn't our first look at Liu Kang after all. Sure, I could be delusional, but then if that is Kang, his outfit seems eerily similar.

here a better look at it
03/13/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
That begs the questions though;

- How many total spots on the roster were there that they were shown, i.e. different than the updated one with Goro we saw?
- If Jason is indeed shown, will he then have his own spot on the roster or will he share it with Goro?
- If the 3 descendants were also shown, was Mileena as well since she's been revealed now?
- The current select screen still doesn't answer how they will handle DLC spots.

They were pretty vague about it.

You guys are forgetting the fact that he was playing as Johnny Cage. Johnny was just confirmed today, and the whole other roster of characters (Kenshi, Mileena, Kung Jin, Takeda, Jacqui) were show a couple weeks ago. I have a feeling the roster they saw had all those characters including Johnny, and still saw available spots.. Possibly another row.
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Props to MINION
03/13/2015 01:13 AM (UTC)
Erron black was in the "attract mode " at the demo event, and we've seen liu in one of the trailers in the towers.

Now after saying that, that would leave zero unknown spots left of that "leaked" roster

I just can't see NRS, as secretive as they are, having the whole roster known a month before the game is out.

even with out the "leak" we have proof of everyone on the leak so far, so wouldnt matter if that ever came out or not, we'd be at the same spot we are now.

There's gotta be more playable characters than this imo
About Me

I will rock you.

03/13/2015 01:14 AM (UTC)
I am crossing my fingers that we have been all fooled about the amount of characters and we have at least 32 characters for the main roster. Then 8 DLC for a total of 40. I am ready to be shocked and amazed.grin
03/13/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
gosoxtim Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Just wanna leave this here......look at the length of the arm gauntlets, the shoulders.....they look to be the same. Fujin's also wearing something around his head that presumably goes to his forehead.... Not sayin', just sayin'. Maybe that wasn't our first look at Liu Kang after all. Sure, I could be delusional, but then if that is Kang, his outfit seems eerily similar.

here a better look at it

That was the image i was looking for. At the beginning i was loosing my hopes for Liu, But Fujin ́s headband has some rings and is slimer than the one in the tower. Nevertheless there are still prety similar. I guess we will fond out that tomorrow at the next Stream, Fujin for sure will be there, and also we will be able to see his boots. If their match to the third one in the Boot Tease. Liu Kang chances are now less :(
03/13/2015 01:29 AM (UTC)
Pretty much we can all agree that in order for the leak to be true, the last set of boots absolutely has to be Liu Kang. Anybody want to side-by-side that Liu with Fujin from the trailer? Not that I don't think we're looking at Liu here, but now I'm intrigued. Another thing I just realized was that when the story trailer released, we killed the sacred cow that if a character appeared in a new costume, it meant they were playable. That made sense then, because we saw way more than five redesigned characters in that trailer. Surely at least a few of them were NPCs. Popular opinion was that Shinnok got dealt with in a cutscene and he was just exposition scenery. People said the same for the mysterious warriors in the background. If they were Johnny and Sonya, and they were playable, that meant no Shinnok, no Mileena, no Rain, no Erron Black. That would be too many confirmed characters, given that the descendants were obvious. but here we are and now Johnny, Sonya, and Mileena, as well as pretty much Shinnok and Erron Black are all confirmed. Suddenly it seems like we may have killed that secret cow too soon. Now consider this backwards for a second. The first fight of story mode is Scorpion... in his MK9 attire. Probably wasn't hard to port, but it does beg the question, why redesign Rain for a cameo. Why show off a redesigned Rain in a story mode trailer. He was totally unnecessary in that video. They could have shown anything else involving characters in the game, so why that? Rain is now the only character we have seen in game with a new outfit and no canon reason to have it that ISN'T more or less confirmed. If Scorpion showed up in his MK9 gear to show the passage of time, why wouldn't they cut corners on NPC Rain if he was never even in the story mode for MK9. He hasn't even worn those clothes in a game yet. Just some food for thought.
03/13/2015 01:32 AM (UTC)
Meh im torn because i want them both ????
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

03/13/2015 01:35 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Just wanna leave this here......look at the length of the arm gauntlets, the shoulders.....they look to be the same. Fujin's also wearing something around his head that presumably goes to his forehead.... Not sayin', just sayin'. Maybe that wasn't our first look at Liu Kang after all. Sure, I could be delusional, but then if that is Kang, his outfit seems eerily similar.

Thats Liu Kangs win pose from MK1. No one is seeing that though.
03/13/2015 01:44 AM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Just wanna leave this here......look at the length of the arm gauntlets, the shoulders.....they look to be the same. Fujin's also wearing something around his head that presumably goes to his forehead.... Not sayin', just sayin'. Maybe that wasn't our first look at Liu Kang after all. Sure, I could be delusional, but then if that is Kang, his outfit seems eerily similar.

Thats Liu Kangs win pose from MK1. No one is seeing that though.

Yeah, it definitely is. I can't remember, is he actually on the tower, or is he scenery in the background. I haven't seen the uncropped pic in a while
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

03/13/2015 01:49 AM (UTC)
Thats the tower my man.
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