Old Kano
posted08/24/2014 04:18 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/12/2014 04:28 AM (UTC)
My first topic here..

Since Boon confirmed that we will see aged characters from MK9, I ve noticed that it will only make sense to the characters that survived MK9, including:
Mileena, Cage, Sonya, Baraka, Kano, Raiden, Reptile, Ermac, Scorpion, Sub Zero.

It thats so, I can ́t picture Johnny Cage and Sonya being on the Game, making fatalities in their own child.. Mileena, Baraka, Reptile and Ermac are not human, which means 25 years from them is nothing..

The only and the best option I can see as a returning old character would be Kano! He would be on his mid 50 ́s, which in my opinion would be really badass!

What do you guys think ?? If not who would be good in an older form ?
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07/14/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
Boon's already let slip that they didn't really consider the logistics of 'parents performing fatalities on their own kids', basically. So it's practically a given that Johnny or Sonya are in, if not both.

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07/14/2014 09:06 PM (UTC)
Aged Kano was one of the first characters we bounced around internally after the 25 years later gimmick was announced. Not just for a gnarled Kano, but maybe one who has patched himself up along the way with the odd new cybernetic replacement. Could be a lot of fun.
07/14/2014 09:07 PM (UTC)
It'd be pretty cool to see a Kano that updated himself more and more as his body aged, becoming more mechanical than human after a certain point.
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07/14/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
Kano is the only earthrealm character that would really look cool aged. So he has that in his favor if he returns. Otherwise I couldn't care less if he did or didn't make the cut.
07/14/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
As others said, Johnny and Sonya aren't out of the equation.

I REALLY want Johnny with a SEIDO training combat variant to fit with his MK9 ending... that was awesome and would be a great evolution for the character! I liked Seido, but I disliked most characters (and the cool one, Hotaru, was just as special as any standard Seido guard) so mixing Seido with a cool character like Johnny has a lot of potential. And it would make sense for Raiden to send his remaining champions to master their powers in all possible ways.

As for Kano, I think he could fit here too, maybe he could feature even more cybernetics (I really missed his laser eye on MK9, he used it just during a story mode scene to torture some soldiers). He could even feature the Black Dragon goons combat styles that I sugested for a possible Jarek revamp recently.
07/14/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
Dellombie Wrote:
My first topic here..

Since Boon confirmed that we will see aged characters from MK9, I ve noticed that it will only make sense to the characters that survived MK9, including:
Mileena, Cage, Sonya, Baraka, Kano, Raiden, Reptile, Ermac, Scorpion, Sub Zero.

It thats so, I can ́t picture Johnny Cage and Sonya being on the Game, making fatalities in their own child.. Mileena, Baraka, Reptile and Ermac are not human, which means 25 years from them is nothing..

The only and the best option I can see as a returning old character would be Kano! He would be on his mid 50 ́s, which in my opinion would be really badass!

What do you guys think ?? If not who would be good in an older form ?

I can see Johnny coming back with a whole new arsenal of specials and Fatalities. As for Sonya, it's doubtful we'll see her as a playable character because we have Cassie. Sonya could play a part in the story, as she would be killed by Kano. Cyrax (if he is in) could be aligned with Cassie, in which he is programmed to kill Kano.
I wouldn't mind seeing Johnny Cage as he looks in his MK9 ending, in MKX.
I agree that 25 years is nothing for Mileena (creation), Baraka (Tarkatan) and Ermac (made of souls). As for Reptile, his race or any (amphibian) has a certain life span. However, I'd like to see a new tarkatan be introduced and maybe a new saurian if Reptile isn't included, which I'm sure he will be.

*Scorpion can't age, he is not actually human*
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

07/14/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
Im with u brother. I fully suspect Kano to be in (with some grey in his beard). However, I hope only his eye will be upgraded. I wana see some Lasers! But I want Jax to be the one that gets the futuristic tech (in his arms).

Since Cassie doesn't have Johnnys energy ball or shadowkick, I think that's a good sign he will be in, or at least DLC. Not to mention Boon's snipit about familiyalities. LoL
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07/14/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
If Kano has an eye laser fatality it will make him an even more fun character to play as.smile
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07/14/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
I'd like an older Kano. Hell, I'd just like Kano. Hope he makes it in.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

07/14/2014 10:54 PM (UTC)
Dellombie Wrote:
....It thats so, I can ́t picture Johnny Cage and Sonya being on the Game, making fatalities in their own child.

0RI0N Wrote:
....Not to mention Boon's snipit about familiyalities. LoL

So we forgot that Sindel is Kitana's mother all these years? In which in-game were able to fatality each other. Then came official story plot of what Sindel did to her own daughter in Mortal Kombat (2011).

It's been done.
07/14/2014 11:23 PM (UTC)
An older, more gnarled lookin kano with maybe more cybernetic enhancements would be cool as fuck. Make him look like he's been to hell and back, scars and tattoo's and all. I feel like of the original cast of MK1 Kano gets the least amount of love. Time to bring him back with a bang. smile

EDIT: Also a cool twist on his story could be that the Earth Realm good guys have out bid outworld (since Kano seems the type to aid whoever favors him the most) and now a very disgruntled Kano fights for them. Something to change up his story some from just another henchmen. Might not work tho what with Cassie being in the game.
07/14/2014 11:23 PM (UTC)
Do cryomancer age slower than other humans? Because subby may be Kuai and may end up being old in the game (in the reveal trailer he did look old under his mask.) That being said I am still under the belief that it is a new subby but it still begs the question of what if.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

07/14/2014 11:26 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Dellombie Wrote:
....It thats so, I can ́t picture Johnny Cage and Sonya being on the Game, making fatalities in their own child.

0RI0N Wrote:
....Not to mention Boon's snipit about familiyalities. LoL

So we forgot that Sindel is Kitana's mother all these years? In which in-game were able to fatality each other. Then came official story plot of what Sindel did to her own daughter in Mortal Kombat (2011).

It's been done.

Cassie and Johnny are both Good Guys. Making the situation much different from the family-fighting of SindeL/Kitana/Mileena, SubZero/NoobSaibot, or Taven/Daegon/Rain
07/14/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
I really hope he and Cassie do not feud if he's in. I see no reason why he needs to go after Sonya's daughter for the sake of keeping the rivalry going.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/15/2014 12:57 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I really hope he and Cassie do not feud if he's in. I see no reason why he needs to go after Sonya's daughter for the sake of keeping the rivalry going.

I would think it'd be her pursuing him, no?

Under the right circumstances, I'd like to see this happen. A happy Sonya and Johnny have a child, Kano takes out Sonya. Cage becomes a broken man who's lost the will to fight, Cassie takes it upon herself to kill Kano. Kano (aiding whatever evil is out there) manages to capture Cassie, which forces Cage to rise up and save his daughter(and the realms?).

What I'm saying here is...Johnny Cage for hero of MKX.smile
07/15/2014 01:31 AM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
Im with u brother. I fully suspect Kano to be in (with some grey in his beard). However, I hope only his eye will be upgraded. I wana see some Lasers! But I want Jax to be the one that gets the futuristic tech (in his arms).

Since Cassie doesn't have Johnnys energy ball or shadowkick, I think that's a good sign he will be in, or at least DLC. Not to mention Boon's snipit about familiyalities. LoL

Jax died.. remember??
Maybe is just me, but I do think the characters who died in MK9 should be out.

I would really appreciate if Kano had been at prison in earthrealm for all this 20-25 years, got badass tattoos and scars, but managed to escape when Netherrealm attacked earthrealm (assuming that happens).
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-sig by MINION

07/15/2014 05:53 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Under the right circumstances, I'd like to see this happen. A happy Sonya and Johnny have a child, Kano takes out Sonya. Cage becomes a broken man who's lost the will to fight, Cassie takes it upon herself to kill Kano. Kano (aiding whatever evil is out there) manages to capture Cassie, which forces Cage to rise up and save his daughter(and the realms?).

What I'm saying here is...Johnny Cage for hero of MKX.smile
Eh they don't need Sonya to get fridged. And it'd be so much of a cliche to have the older woman be dead and replaced by a younger one while the men live on.
07/15/2014 06:46 AM (UTC)
A mostly cybernetic Kano would be boss, Why not shock the world and make them all say OMGWTFBBQ and make Kano a new cyborg not necessarily on the surface though similar to The Terminator in the sense that as he takes damage skin breaks apart and reveals a cyborg interior.
07/15/2014 07:03 AM (UTC)
Old Kano would be super nice. If he has Tech stuff implanted on him, I want it to be justified as being done only for him to survive. I like to think that he relies on his flesh/bone and will only get those to survive.
07/15/2014 07:04 AM (UTC)
ALRIGHT LOOK MAYBE I'm just crazy, but when I first saw how Scorpion and Sub Zero look in MKX I was reminded of Vincent Proce's unused designs ... and then when it was revealed that MKX would take place up to 25 years in the future, I thought that makes for a perfect opportunity to use something like Vincent Proce's design for an older looking Kano. Personally, I'm hoping that's exactly what they do.


07/15/2014 09:23 AM (UTC)
I never liked Kano. I hope he is out of MKX to make room for some more interesting characters.smile
07/15/2014 09:33 AM (UTC)
Kano has been and will always be my favorite MK character. To see him in MKX as an older man would be awesome. I def think his rivalry with Sonya should come to an end. I don't suspect Sonya being playable but i think she should have a role in the story. maybe her and Kano finally go at it and Kano kills her, but Cassie comes in (being trained by her father) and exact her revenge. Ending the rivalry once and for all. I think it is a fitting end to Kano. he has survived all MK games.

But as far a his appearance goes, i would love to see a BALD Kano with a nice wicked Face Plate/Eye laser (MK:Legacy), gray beard going on. but also still in good shape.

In Kano's MK9 Bio it was stated, "Kano was fitted with several high-tech enhancements, most notably his eye laser." I've never noticed other enhancements but his Face plate. but i do think it would be cool if he was enhanced alil more. Nothing too drastic. Maybe with Sub Zero Freezing his forearm was damaged and replace it with another cybernetic limb. smile
07/15/2014 09:40 AM (UTC)
I've always liked Kano. He feels different from the rest, almost as if he does'nt fit in the MK universe(mean this in a positive way).
If he does make a comeback, I hope NRS don't forget his MK3 clothes :) But if they would remember this, I hope they forget his hair.
+ his eyelaser would be nice to have back. Either as a Fatality or special move. Seems popular these days with all the superheroes from Injustice who uses it. And Fulgore.
07/15/2014 02:10 PM (UTC)
But as far a his appearance goes, i would love to see a BALD Kano with a nice wicked Face Plate/Eye laser (MK:Legacy), gray beard going on. but also still in good shape.

I would also rather have him bald.. how about a white/ grey mustache instead of a beard ??
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