Now that we know the next MK is in the works......
posted02/07/2009 02:00 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/01/2006 05:29 PM (UTC)
What would you guys like to see?

Personally, I would like them to keep the same Kombat engine as MKvsDC with special moves and combos strung together. Also, the free fall and close kombat i think should stay. It makes things quite interesting. Test your might was implimented perfectly as far as with the crashing through walls. I would like to see a dark MK2 type feel, with an MK3 type Earthly setting.
I would also like to see a roster of the darkest, most deadly warriors in the MK Universe. Such as Scorpion n SubZero, Havik, Mileena, Kitana, Baraka, Raiden, Jax, Nightwolf, Noob, Smoke, Rain, and characters like that. not to mention, bring back a tournament mode or 2vs2 tag or turn based.

Id also love to see some blood special effects like the ones from Gears of War. Anyone that has played that game knows that it has INCREDIBLE effects like when the blood hits the sceen when you cut someone in half.

I'd love to see the bloody footprints and some extreme Fatalities. 2 per character that really shows the characters personality. Example: Jax uppercuts you in the air, camera switches above you, he then jumps, grabs you by the ankles and slams you to the ground so hard that you explode in a bloddy mess kinda like you do when you fall off the sky temple. Or what about Noob creating a body double and pulling you apart?
Heads hitting the screen, blood splattering the walls, and screams echoing throughout the arena. The fatality i wish they would keep tho is Haviks Leg rip from Deception as long as the scream is silenced by the head coming off, and Shaolin Soccer From MK shaolin Monks (the one where Liu Kang uppercuts your head off and flip kicks it into your body). Bring back death traps as well. Those two were the best in the series. Id also like to hear the Deception Fatality music again. Or that from MK2.

I want to hear what you guys think of my ideas but more so, what your own ideas are! Lets hear em!grin
01/27/2009 12:47 AM (UTC)
2.No Crossovers
3.No n00b characters(Flash,Flash, and of course Flash)
4.Better Online
01/27/2009 01:06 AM (UTC)
A better storyline and improved graphics are the two main things....of course, this is with the notion that this WILL be an MK only game.
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01/27/2009 04:09 AM (UTC)
This sounds simple, but I just want the next REAL Mortal Kombat game. We haven't had a true sequel since Deception came out in 2004. Even that game was, outside of the story, basically just MK:DA with the mood and characters that Midway thought the fans wanted.

I'd like to see a real, legit MK sequel that takes the storyline back to the tournament. A lot of new, well developed characters, alot of gray area in terms of morality, and just, I dunno, something fresh in this series again.

MK:DA was a breath of fresh air for MK, and every game since has been a series of backward steps, miscues and campy ideas/tack ons that add nothing but window dressing (oh look, we're fighting in mid air! Genius!) to cover up the fact that the fighting system itself (minus the special moves) simply isn't very good or fun when compared to other fighters out there.

This series needs the reboot that Ed Boon mentioned well before MK vs DC came out. I'm not saying that every character must die, but if any characters from previous games return, it should be because they're still relevant in the new story, not because fans just can't get enough *insert character name here* ya know?

Anyways, a more modern fighting system with throws, parrys, escapes, counters, intuitive combos etc would be fantastic. Same goes with having a cast of characters that are a heck of alot better than the recent scrubs the series has been turning out.

Sorry, that was bit harsh. Maybe I still have pent up RAGE (ugh, such a lame idea) from the last "MK" game lol.
01/27/2009 09:11 PM (UTC)
You're right dude. We have not had a real sequel since Deception. Which was by far my favorite MK. I loved its dark tone. I think that your points are very valid. I like the other ideas. Hahahaa and no flash. I thought alot about it how they should make it more extreme. Push the "M" rating like they did with the "T"

I like the fighting system as it is now. Just need some major tweaking to it and definetly a real MK. Even tho they confirmed there wil be lots of blood which tells me it is a straight up MK.
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01/27/2009 10:01 PM (UTC)
Keep free fall kombat no more klose kombat
at least keep the newer karactors
Kreate a Karactor
Fight styles but you dont need a bar that tells you what style your in
Keep the fight system I would love to see crazy ass shit that would come from Havik
blood but not too over the top
01/28/2009 02:55 AM (UTC)
HavokX Wrote:
Keep free fall kombat no more klose kombat
at least keep the newer karactors
Kreate a Karactor
Fight styles but you dont need a bar that tells you what style your in
Keep the fight system I would love to see crazy ass shit that would come from Havik
blood but not too over the top

A true MK fan would never say "Not too over the top," with the blood. That's what made Mortal Kombat so damn controversal in the 90s. And no creating shit either.

Mine are simple:

Better story line that won't get screwed up in the future

Characters that have one main enemy and one main ally, too many screws up the whole storyline for one specific character. Ex. Sub-Zero has Frost listed as an ally, yet she remains evil towards him and considers him to be an enemy. WTF?

Characters that have their own set of moves and not copied if two characters have the same kind of power within them. Such as Kenshi and Ermac if the two are going to make comebacks.

If a character dies in their ending, then they should remain dead. I could give a fuck who wants to argue with this, but it's stupid to resurrect the same character after they died somehow and get brought back to life for something completely different and pointless.

None of this 3 fighting stances shit. I would like to see the old MK4 weapon system where you perform combos to get your weapon out, and I'd like to see a gun in return as well. Fujin's weapon was by far the best weapon I'ce seen yet.

Ditch the death traps, stage fatalities are fine. Death traps makes the fight worthless and too short when performed. Yes, they're funny, but unfortunately it's the same shit we've seen in a different MK game that has traps.

A new batch of freshly made characters with only a few classics returning, such as Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung, and (Insert a worthy classic character in here.)

And if there's new characters, they should have more than just one appearance. It's not fair that you make someone who only gets in one game, then returns for a Trilogy game, such as Sheeva, Hotaru, Drahmin, and all the characters that most people dislike though were never given a chance. Even though I like Hotaru because of that flip thing he does.

And that's really what I have to say, I got more, but I want to write in something else right now.
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01/28/2009 03:50 AM (UTC)
I love blood as much as the next guy but that shit on MKA when you hit someone a gallons and gallons blood comes rolling down there legs from one punch was badly done, but what I want to see is when powerful move is done blood would land on the camra or something like that.
01/28/2009 04:01 AM (UTC)
1. Better storyline. No more of this big bad former ruler
threatening the world crap anymore. Get back to basics.

2. Make better use of Kitana, Jade, & SIndel ... PLEASE.

3. Better costumes. More elaborate, regal designs.

4. Better graphics. MK vs DC graphics, while an improvement
above the last 3 titles, was still very sub par compared to
other fighting games that boast beautiful, photo realistic stuff.

5. Get rid of stupid, useless joke characters like meat & mokap.

6. MORE CONTENT! and no I'm not talking stupid mini racing
games, chess combat, or MK Tetris. I'm talking about things
that will ad replay value for the offline and online gamer. Like
alternate costumes, unlockable arenas, unlockable characters,
and perhaps even a unlockable third fatality! woot.

7. More unique special moves for characters. No duplications!
(cough) Giving Kitana Mileena's floor roll, big no no.

8. Improved fighting stances that don't make female characters
look as if they are drying out their arm pits or about to wrestle in
a WWE Royal Rumble match.

9. No more buckets o blood flying blood. Blood should have
a system. Normal hits and kicks get a little blood, but uppercuts and
more powerful blows and special moves get the flowing stuff.
01/28/2009 06:09 AM (UTC)
I just hope it has lots of unlockable content, like MKDA's Krypt

Also, I hope they don't recycle EVERY single move and just put them on other characters...

I would also like to see more death traps

lots of blood gore!!! some fatalities should even have blood splattering all pver the screen, GearsofWar style

yeah this next MK game should reclaim it's former throne as the most disgustingly violent video game everrr!!!

or at least get pretty damn close grin
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01/28/2009 04:53 PM (UTC)
a konquest mode, unlockable characters, alt costumes, cool arenas, more combos and moves for characters, and no stupid new characters, and the ending in a video no slide show, and all the classic characters in.
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01/28/2009 05:45 PM (UTC)
Fantastic Fighting Engine and modes that make sense to support that attribute of the game. An overall theme would help.

Fantastic Story mode and Fantasy element. Should rival a good sitcom or trilogy of movies.

Refreshingly new, engaging, cleverly inventive, terrifying, and fanatically fun....Mortal Kombat.
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01/28/2009 06:26 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Fantastic Fighting Engine and modes that make sense to support that attribute of the game. An overall theme would help.

Fantastic Story mode and Fantasy element. Should rival a good sitcom or trilogy of movies.

Refreshingly new, engaging, cleverly inventive, terrifying, and fanatically fun....Mortal Kombat.

Well said....well said.
01/30/2009 06:54 AM (UTC)
1) I really want to see them stick to the classic and iconic MK Characters. Characters from MK1-MKTrilogy

2) I want to see if you're playing with Mileena and you do the button code, Baraka could run in and they can both perform a fatality on the opponent.

3) I want to have the interactive backgrounds return and stage fatalities

4) I want each character to have a more agressive fighting stance and the unique "get ups" after losing a fight.

5) I want to see classic victory poses and maybe some character intros

6) More interactive endings

7) If they add a new character, it should be a Shadow Priest..leave it at that. PLEASE don't add new characters, we got a GREAT bunch that you can choose from

8) I want to hear, "Choose Your Destiny" and "Superb!" and "Excellent!" more often

9) Please put Mileena in this game ^_^

10) Alternate Costumes!

11) PLEASE make the roster with the classics. Give me characters like Mileena, Ermac, Reptile, Kung Lao, Rain, Sonya, Kitana, Raiden, Shao Kahn, Goro, Baraka, Liu Kang, Cyrax, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Jax, Shang Tsung, Kabal etc. etc. etc. A few recent ones like Kenshi, Mavado, Quan Chi, Reiko and Li Mei.
01/30/2009 12:46 PM (UTC)
EdenianNinja, I really like the idea of being able to do sort of tag team
fatalities. I think should definitely add this feature to the next MK game.
01/30/2009 05:35 PM (UTC)
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
EdenianNinja, I really like the idea of being able to do sort of tag team
fatalities. I think should definitely add this feature to the next MK game.

Thank You ^_^

I think they'd be really fun to watch

I think it'd be really cool if the Fatalities were much more cinematic.


If you're playing with Sonya and you win the match, you do the button code and the fatality will begin obviously.

The opponent can start screaming and trying to runaway from Sonya when suddenly Jax pops up and grabs the opponent by the neck and slams him to the ground. Then Sonya finishes him off with maybe her kiss of death and they do a really cool pose in the end.

..I just thought of that example right now, but I'm sure that with time, we can really come up with some good ones
01/31/2009 07:54 PM (UTC)
more of the female characters, sonya, kitana, mileena, jade, khameleon, li mai, frost, Tanya

Real big improvement

Good fatalities

Good endings

Good bios

No new characters

02/01/2009 06:51 AM (UTC)
seanay Wrote:
more of the female characters, sonya, kitana, mileena, jade, khameleon, li mai, frost, Tanya

Real big improvement

Good fatalities

Good endings

Good bios

No new characters

I agree with you. We already have a good cast of female characters and we should just stick with those. I don't want them to introduce any new females..I like the ones we have.

I say these are the females that should make it:
1) Sonya: Iconic and she represents the females from Earth
2) Kitana: The female leader, damsel in distress type character
3) Mileena: Every series needs a kick ass villainess
4) Jade: The messenger type character that finds out a lot of behind the scenes info.
5) Li Mei: A fresh face for the good guys (if she's good)
6) Either Sareena or Sindel for the last slot

thats supposing that there would be six..cuz Deception had 6
02/01/2009 08:39 AM (UTC)
1. A bad ass, ruthless Kitana who doesn't need Liu Kang for shit!

2. A purified MIleena. This wanting to kill Kitana & rule Edenia
shtick is getting tiresome, and stale as bread crumbs.

3. Jade becoming a more influential figure in Edenia. Make her an
Ambassador, a general of the Edenian army, or royal adviser.

4. I would like to see Sindel kill Shao Kahn permanently for
the crimes against her family and realm and free Jerrod soul.

5. Tanya's day of reckoning needs to come. She has betrayed
everyone there is to betray, what more can be done with her?

6. Rain, please do not turn him into a permanent villain. I think
his potential has been wasted. He is basically the male Tanya
at this point, a traitor to Edenia and all around prick.
02/02/2009 04:30 AM (UTC)
I hope they put effort into the Fatalities for the next MK. Or something new.
02/02/2009 05:56 AM (UTC)
Gho$t Wrote:
I hope they put effort into the Fatalities for the next MK. Or something new.

Can't disagree with ya there. MK vs DC fatalities were horrible imo.
02/02/2009 06:09 AM (UTC)
EdenianNinja Wrote:
2) Kitana: The female leader, damsel in distress type character

A damsel in distress is not a leader. I would rather see Kitana dead.
02/02/2009 06:49 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
A damsel in distress is not a leader. I would rather see Kitana dead.

I agree with this. Kill her off if you're going to make her a pansy ass..

02/04/2009 11:41 AM (UTC)
WarriorPrincess Wrote:

6. Rain, please do not turn him into a permanent villain. I think
his potential has been wasted. He is basically the male Tanya
at this point, a traitor to Edenia and all around prick.

Just curious then. What would you like to happen to/for Rain? As far as potential is concerned.

02/06/2009 05:12 AM (UTC)
WarriorPrincess, I don't think that Jade is the ambassador type. I see her as a general but not an ambassador. She is Kitana's best friend and they probably trained together. I see her as the ultimate fighter Edenia has to offer since Kitana is the princess, Jade is her and Sindel's body guard. She would have to be the best warrior they have to offer. I feel she would be wasted in an ambassador role. Just my 2 cents.

You didn't like the fatalities in mk vs dc? They weren't that bad. They were better than mkda. They could have benefited from some blood. Not too much but some.

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