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02/06/2009 08:33 PM (UTC)
I would like to see Nitara return.
02/07/2009 02:00 PM (UTC)
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
1. Better storyline. No more of this big bad former ruler
threatening the world crap anymore. Get back to basics.

2. Make better use of Kitana, Jade, & SIndel ... PLEASE.

3. Better costumes. More elaborate, regal designs.

4. Better graphics. MK vs DC graphics, while an improvement
above the last 3 titles, was still very sub par compared to
other fighting games that boast beautiful, photo realistic stuff.

5. Get rid of stupid, useless joke characters like meat & mokap.

6. MORE CONTENT! and no I'm not talking stupid mini racing
games, chess combat, or MK Tetris. I'm talking about things
that will ad replay value for the offline and online gamer. Like
alternate costumes, unlockable arenas, unlockable characters,
and perhaps even a unlockable third fatality! woot.

7. More unique special moves for characters. No duplications!
(cough) Giving Kitana Mileena's floor roll, big no no.

8. Improved fighting stances that don't make female characters
look as if they are drying out their arm pits or about to wrestle in
a WWE Royal Rumble match.

9. No more buckets o blood flying blood. Blood should have
a system. Normal hits and kicks get a little blood, but uppercuts and
more powerful blows and special moves get the flowing stuff.

1- I like MK:D storyline which I think was the best .

2- I want to see these three dead ....really they suck .

3-Agree for some characters ..they need better customs such as Cage ,Kung Lao and Repile .

4-MK vs DCU graphics are better than many of VGs that were released last year including SC4 .

5-Agree ......totally .

6-Chess Kombat was great, MK:D Konquest was epic and MK:A Konquest was good .

7- Agree ..

8-Agree ...

9-Agree ...
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