07/22/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
Raven seems like a very interesting character...can't wait to see where she goes.

I also enjoyed Havik's Bio Alot.

Can't wait to read more. smile
07/24/2007 03:58 AM (UTC)
07/24/2007 01:01 PM (UTC)
Nice bios XiahouDun84. I like it all so far.

Oh, and everytime I think of Nyx, I picture him looking like Mumm-Ra from ThunderCats, lol.

07/25/2007 12:06 AM (UTC)
07/25/2007 09:20 PM (UTC)
I really love Jax's Bio, it really sounded like he would say that.

Khameleon'ssss wassss alssso niccce too. tongue
07/30/2007 03:06 AM (UTC)
07/31/2007 03:59 PM (UTC)
07/31/2007 04:57 PM (UTC)
Nice bios- I actually kinda like Dessein's bio. Morgana's is the best out of them imo.
07/31/2007 08:45 PM (UTC)
Morgana's and Jackal's Bios Rocked! grin

I'm liking Dessein as well...keep'em comming! smile
08/02/2007 03:46 PM (UTC)
08/08/2007 01:00 PM (UTC)
Sorry I haven't come here as much as I wanted to. Rest assured, I'll be commenting on the rest of the bios you've posted.

Jade: I think you did the best you could with a character who has no real exploration. Like I had said in the past, I like the concept of Jade and Li Mei allying with each other. Moreso, I like the dynamic of Jade being cautious of Li Mei.

Li Mei: I like how this bio takes Li Mei in a darker direction, having her right on the edge of joining Nyx.

Tanya: Yeah, there really isn't that much to say about this bio. Even if she were to get Mileena to betray Nyx, she'd still have a long way to go if she plans on ruling the realms herself.

Amaya Rin: Given the way the heroes learned of Raiden's fall from grace after the events of MKD, I guess you are going to have it so that Kung Lao made no mention to her of what happened to Raiden, right? Overall, it's a decent bio.

Hotaru: I really like the whole Sceptre of Ma'at thing as you give it a nice backstory, good inspiration, as well as signficance. It almost sounds to me as if Havik is the champion that Hotaru was talking about, especially since we know that it took Havik some time to give in to Chaos. Overall, this is one of the better bios so far, and I'm quite glad that you brought Hotaru into your next-gen stories.

On a side note, don't you mean "doo-hicky"? tongue

Killian: I still feel it's a bit of a strange direction to take with his character, as well as the Seidan Resistance. However, I understand why you did this.

Fujin: Like with Tanya's bio, I don't have much to say about Fujin's. It's pretty straight forward and kind of a sum up of his story.

Havik: Havik's bio is like Fujin's.

Kenshi: I like the direction you're taking with Kenshi. Funnily enough, when I think of directions that could be taken with Kenshi, I too come to a blank. I mean, I really like the character a lot, and I would like to see him move on.

Raven: Raven is an ok character concept. I'm currently not that fond of her. I don't know. Maybe you'll do something more with her, kind of like what you did with Synclaire.

Brutus: It's kind of different from other bios. I'm not exactly much into his character, but he's not exactly boring.

Katrina: I like that you have her being bitter and pessimistic about her whole situation, though I do wonder where you are going to go with her story from there.

Jax: I'm still impressed that you managed to take a sub-par character like Jax and turn him into a worthwhile antagonist.

Khameleon: Her bio is kind of a rehash of her MK: Korruption ending though there are some nice little tidbits, especially the last part of the bio, where she sees Shao Kahn in Raiden's eyes.

Jairus: I definitely like how Jairus was in on a huge scam like that. It's quite a nice twist. When you say that Nyx has restored his youth, does this mean he's younger than he was in the previous installment? If so, will we be getting a new drawing of him?

Morgana: It's good that this bio delves into Morgana's character and that she's trying to prove her worth to Nyx. One thing that was rather off about this bio is the revelation that Katrina is actually Nyx's daughter. I just kind of found it to be weird how you put that in her bio and also the concept itself.

Jackal: This is one of my more favorite bios so far. I like Jackal's character concept and the backstory of him being Shao Kahn's rejected son. Doing Shao Kahn's origins is kind of a tricky thing since we don't know what the fuck he is exactly. I think you kind of did the right thing by having him be a demi god of some sort, which would explain his strength and power rivaling that of a god's. His mother's identity is still very ambigious though I'm aware you're saving juicy bits like that for his ending, which I definitely look forward to.

Dessein: I'm quite surprised that you actually came up with a new Tarkatan character. Personally, I don't care for them due to their rather 1-dimensional nature, though I admit that you did well for a character like him. What is the inspiration of his name, btw?

Synclaire: There's not a whole lot to say here. Her name really sticks out, which is nice in its own way. Overall, she is kind of an interesting character concept. I could perhaps see her siding with Raiden.

Kira: This is an interesting direction to take. I still find it a bit odd for there to be a clan of anarchists, know what I mean? Anyway, it's a nice bio.

Well, that's all for now. I hope you'll come out with more bios soon.
08/10/2007 07:13 AM (UTC)
This is some good stuff, Xia, but you already know that. One bio that I don't think you have been given enough credit for, is Tanya's. Honestly, I'm tempted to call it a masterpiece. Why do I get the feeling that mere scheming bitch, Tanya, is going to somehow bring the downfall of Nyx by tweaking with Mileena?

You've motivated me to start my own fan fiction for the next saga. I'm a bit of a writer myself. My style is a little different, so it might not be as well received as your's, but you've really inspired me to get my gears churning.

Oh, I really love the direction you've taken Jax.
08/11/2007 03:40 AM (UTC)
08/11/2007 04:25 PM (UTC)
Um, I'm not going to comment on those two bios individually as I have this big "WTF?!" feeling. It's just very weird and seems very different for something Mortal Kombat related, almost as if it's not that related to Mortal Kombat. I don't know. I'm just going to shrug on this one and look forward to more of what you have in store for us.
08/12/2007 04:44 AM (UTC)
I'm liking the concepts for Livia Thorne and Sun Xin. I can just tell you have something juicy for Xin down the line, and Thorne seems like she has legs as a character. It will be interesting to see the sketch you do of her.
08/13/2007 04:05 AM (UTC)
If you decide to go further after MK: Legacy (which I would definitely read if you decided to write, if you ever found the time or the motivation), I definitely see Tanya, Amaya Rin, Kagato, Livia Thorne, Sun Xin, Li Mei/Sinclaire and maybe even Katrina (I think you are going to provide her character with some sort of survival instinct, even if she is not the chosen one) as a good core base for your next series. This is without seeing the endings, but you've certainly created and developed characters so they have some life to them.
08/23/2007 04:29 AM (UTC)
08/23/2007 04:36 PM (UTC)
Ah, some more bios!

Selene: It's nice to see the progression of her character and her determination to protect her parents from Jax. It'll be quite interesting. She probably would have a thing for such guys anyhow.

Kagato: He is an interesting character, I will say that. The incorporation of him getting Selene's name wrong is a bit amusing. lol @ the metal-armed jack-off namecall.

Well, I look forward to more of what you got, especially bios like Scarack's.
08/24/2007 04:32 PM (UTC)
08/24/2007 04:51 PM (UTC)
Yay, even more bios!

Azrael: Well, this bio delves into his sense of honor and how the Elder Gods fucked him over. The direction you're taking with him is interesting. He's one of my more favorite characters.

Smoke: It's an interesting direction you took with this character, making him into this kind of wraith-like guardian. It makes me wonder how someone that was brainwashed into becoming a lethal warrior assassin could have some fair amount of good in him. It's a nice little story. I'm kind of wondering how his story will end or even if he'll see Sub-Zero ever again. He's one of those characters that needs that kind of deep exploration to really get something out of him.

I can't wait to see what else you got.
08/26/2007 05:31 PM (UTC)
11/15/2007 07:10 AM (UTC)
11/16/2007 01:04 AM (UTC)
First off, I'm glad that you've gotten back into continuing your story. I do hope you get around to checking out MK: Resurrection.

I'm surprised at myself for not reviewing Ashrah's and Drahmin's bios, both of which I like. I do find Ashrah to be overzealous, and I like the touch with Drahmin's character, making him very sadistic and kind of lecherous too. Those and the last 4 ones you posted seem more or less like elaborated versions of their MK: Korruption endings, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

For Doremo's story, yeah, it was forseen, but it's good. I like it anyway. I really like how you've given backstory to items such as the Viduus Talisman. It's very badass. It's interesting that the beginning of Sareena's bio kind of gives a bit of a nod to her MKA bio. For Scorpion, I'm glad you are really exploring his potential. With our project, we're taking the move of actually developing his story from his crappy ass post-retcon self into something good.

As for the Kane, he sounds like a neat character, and I quickly thought of how they did Penguin in Batman Returns. I'm glad you added a nice little backstory to him and didn't make him a mere obstacle for Doremo.

I look forward to more of your stuff, and I hope the inspiration keeps coming to you. Keep up the good work.
11/19/2007 09:59 PM (UTC)
11/20/2007 04:07 AM (UTC)
I'm glad you're going to take a look at Resurrection. I understand that you have a lot to do. Take your time.

Regarding the MIA's, the only one that surprises me is Scarack's mention of being MIA. Although you said that his disappearance is necessary for the story you came up with, which I'm quite interested in, btw, I feel that if this is supposed to be closure for Scarack's story, it's a little bit weak. I mean it is kind of hard to think up of how to give such closure to the story of an immortal that seeks knowledgable about greatly thought-provoking things. I guess it's a matter of having to see what you do.

Anyway, there isn't much else to say. I look forward to the rest of what you have.
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