04/18/2010 03:52 PM (UTC)
I see your point, but to me MKvsDCU was a side-story that really had nothing to do with the MK1-7 storyline, thus it jerks me that it's being known as MK8. But "whatever" on that end...

The glory of MK1 comes when Shang Tsung invades Earthrealm and invites various warriors to participate in Mortal Kombat. If you think about it, the only "Other Realm" characters in MK1 were Reptile, Shang, and Goro, thus making it convincing for the mortals to appear as if they have a fighting chance. I feel if you reboot MK1 and turn it into and Armageddon-type of game where you have just a bunch of characters, it'll be a little messy and rushed...

Thats why I enjoy MK 2 so much. Because after fighting in a tournament that was filled with earth mortals, the story then "evolves" in the next game into another realm with new "otherly-world" characters making it a real treat and suprise. The point is, I absolutly love the main storyline starting with the original MK1. It's very powerful, and what started out as a simple tournament on Earth, evolved into all hell breaking loose within all of the realms over an 18 year span. I find it hard to believe that they're gonna take 18 years of a storyline and flush it all away to restart it all over again. That's a TON of blood, sweat, and tears (literally) poured into a video game's legacy!!! MAYBE if because of the end results in Armageddon leads to some kind of space-time continuum getting all messed up and they wind up doing some kind of funky time traveling, MAYBE I can understand that. Like a second chance to start over and put things right for the mortals of Earth and Outworld....I dunno...I understand that if a game or movie absolutly sucks, THEN they reboot it...but mostly all of MKs games (minus two or three) were a huge success...so why reboot success...

Boon said with making Armageddon that it would be the end of this generation of Mortal Kombat, starting anew with a brand new storyline and new characters and move forward...BUT, who knows, right?! With the seeming return of Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kitana, and Sonya, it doesn't appear that that's happening anymore...lolol...

As everyone stated, there's really not much proof floating around, unless someone personally knows the people working on the game. But that's far and few between because when you think about it, I don't think the game's creators would risk their jobs leaking info of such, especially working under sucha huge company like Warner Bros....but who knows...lololol

It's literally all a bunch of guessing, hoping, and praying until official information gets out from the source...

I certainly hope it's not a reboot...I personally don't want to think that I'm waiting in such great anticipation just for things to start all over again...lolol
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04/18/2010 04:02 PM (UTC)
With all do respect to the team. With a little help from Midways release Pressure. This could have been seen far back. MKDA was amazing in approach. Introduce new plot possabilities but not a legacy-ending event. It was after that when introducing the dragon king that things really got good.

I loved everything about MKD. one of the best ever minus the fighting engine. But MKA is where they really dropped it. Concept was amazing but the whole "THIS is the battle to rule them all" made it impossible to continue and have seemingly intense threats afterwords. Because either blaze would kill them all, or the one who defeated him would be unrivalled.

its a brick wall anyway you look at it and they should have seen it. Kinda like DBZ. every battle was The final battle happening on bigger and bigger stages until there was literally nowehre to go after they were done with the Buu Saga.

I love the story we had up until MKA. I feel, although it would be a bit sour to taste, a re-go from after MKD. have blaze's quest be soemthing not so global. Have taven and daegon on a minor quest so they can stay around for Red dragon's purposes aswell as a teven vs rain possability.

I would welcome that idea with arms WIDE WIDE open. If not. A reboot is the only way we can go without ruining the series completely.
04/18/2010 04:15 PM (UTC)
The big question that i have is this:
"Where in the world did Armegeddon take place?"

Did it take place:
1. On earth?
2. In all the realms?

It seemed like it was in some disclosed location according to the intro of Armageddon. If that's the case, then there may be plenty of other warriors in the untouched regions of the realms to carry out the storyline.

But as stated, where do you go from Armageddon? What bigger threat could possibly come to interfere with everything?

Well...the only logical thing would be that maybe the Elder Gods are getting pissed off that all of this Kombat has been dragged out for so long, and they possibly might want to kill off the survivors and end the madness. We haven't fought any powerful Elder Gods in MK yet, and I don't think Shinnok would count, as being an EX-Elder God probably not in posession of all of his godly-like powers. A war against the gods would be interesting!!!

Id be game for that...

But reboot or not, I'll wind up getting it anyways...hahaha
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04/18/2010 04:30 PM (UTC)
Oh my god why cant I remember. The battle of armageddon. If you look at the beginning CG you will see Taven on the mountain while that vulture is pecking the corpse. Im pretty sure it tells you where the portal leads from scorpions lair area. jesus.

I gotta go beat MKA again, i WILL find out.
04/18/2010 04:40 PM (UTC)
blissted78 Wrote:
Well...the only logical thing would be that maybe the Elder Gods are getting pissed off that all of this Kombat has been dragged out for so long, and they possibly might want to kill off the survivors and end the madness. We haven't fought any powerful Elder Gods in MK yet, and I don't think Shinnok would count, as being an EX-Elder God probably not in posession of all of his godly-like powers. A war against the gods would be interesting!!!

I still consider Shinnok being the only Elder God we fought in the series. He might be a fallen god, but he was still a big threat in MK4, since he did take over Edenia.
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04/18/2010 04:44 PM (UTC)
I just checked out a konquest FAQ instead of dealing with doing an 8-hour campeign over again.

I believe the final battle takes place in Edenia. Being as argus and Dahlia (or whatever her name is) resided there. and the last battle with scorpion and daegon take place in "The Edenian Ruins" and the pyramid is seen in the distance if I am not mistaken.

So its Edenia.

and towards Icebaby and her post. Im with you 100%. Shinnok was a great threat.
04/18/2010 05:44 PM (UTC)
04/18/2010 06:11 PM (UTC)
OK...so if it takes place in Edenia, then doesn't that mean that the mortals in the other realms are safe? Wasn't Armageddon restricted to only the combantants because they became greedy with their powers? If I'm not mistaken, Armageddon was not about and evil greedy power-hungry villain trying to take control of the realms. It's hard to figure this all out...hahahaaa...Mortal Kombat's a frickin mess...lololol...ICEBABY where are you?!...help me sort this out...WHO is "supposed" to be the victor of Armageddon? Was it Taven this time? OR did Blaze triumph and bring order to things? OR-OR did we not find this out yet and that's what we're all trying to decypher???? I mean it's really about who's storyline we're supposed to be following that will decide the outcome of what happens after Armageddon...Like MK1 was Liu Kang who defeated Shang Tsung, and so on....

Also, yes, I agree, we can count Shinnok as being a huge threat from Mythologies into MK4...BUT when he was banished by Raiden, wasn't he stripped of his "god" powers? Or was ALL of his god-powers in that damned amulet that he got back? OR-OR was just his basic powers in the amulet? I would assume that his "supreme" powers were stripped when he became "fallen"...or did they not explain this?...ICEBABY, you're on...lolol

I mean, if Blaze brought order to the realms, then fine...it's over...

BUT if everyone's still alive, and the realms are safe, then I guess they could continue in "some" direction, because if the war was on Edenia, that would be the only place left scarred from the battle...UNLESS the portals were all destroyed or something...hahaha...oh boy....a mess indeed...I see now why some would welcome a reboot...lolol
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04/18/2010 06:29 PM (UTC)
Regardless of who won armageddon. The fact that all the Kamidogu are in one place spell out the end anyways. Anybody selfish would combine and use it for domination. And any good would either:

-combine and use to destroy all the evil, bringing an end anyways.
-separate them in which only time would stand between them being reuinited once more and repeating the process.

thus even if we salvage MKA, the next game leads to disaster anyways. One thing as a fan. We cannot be afraid to point out the truth or bash that which we love. It makes us unbiased and much better fans being concerned for the better of the series instead of temporary fixations/obcessions on one particular character or game.

this storyline was on the path of amazing until MKA came. MKDA and MKD were plot-wise, Superb at bringing characters and common causes together in a new way. I will never forget the chills down my spine when I seen Raiden stand side-by-side with the deadly alliance out of desparation.

I dont expect it to happen, but going back to post-MKD is the only way to save this current Canon storyline. Otherwise we are getting a reboot, sorry to say. And at this point, id rather a remake/boot than try and continue with it. Unless they forgot MKA ever happened and dubbed it Trilogy2

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04/18/2010 06:29 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:

Of course there is the rare occasion(and I mean RARE) where someone is correct in what they predicted or passed off as factual info, but the odds are so terrible, that I would suggest to wait 'til it's confirmed. Because usually when that rare occasion occurs, they have no sort of proof that can seperate them from any of the constant liars and fakers trying to pull the whool over your eyes.

Now in the case of this _JRF_ guy, if he was right in what he said, that's great and cool beans for him not fibbing, but there's nothing saying he wasn't just throwing something against the wall and seeing if it sticked. The point is, everyone gets lucky and can predict something just by making some claim, with no actual knowldedge of the subject, and can end up being right. It happens. It's called luck. I am not saying that's what happened, but for the guy that suggested listening to this guy and believing whatever he states and trusting it as fact just because he was right once, that sounds like a very stupid idea.

Though I agree with the majority of your post, record of etiquette does factor in somewhere. If a user visits the forum regularly for more than a year and consistently provides thoughtful/mature posts, I would give the user some credence.

I've never spoken with JRF, but he has been visiting the site for a long time, and I know he's not one to dick around with the boards. Though newer, Cyberdog has been consistently mature even under heavy criticism. I'm not saying it's impossible that every one of these guy's posts were all part of a facade to make us think they're credible, but humans are habitual creatures; any user who is lying for attention would usually give himself away pretty quickly. I'm not saying these guys are right or wrong, only that they seem to believe what they're posting. Leaked information is a fact of the industry, so the probabilities of these guys being right isn't as ridiculous as it may seem.

Nonetheless, nothing should be taken as gospel without evidence, and if anyone says they have inside info without presenting proof, then they should be approached critically. Still, I don't want to mix the attention whores into the same category as the genuinely-mistaken.

shadowcat Wrote:

Well, that's a face I haven't seen in a while (your face, not the emoticons). smile

News frustration?
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/18/2010 06:57 PM (UTC)
Great post temp. It goes for all users and not just some claiming to have news. Remember Me in the early days? I was 15 and just a loser in almost every way when it came to effective posts on the boards here at MKO. Just a fanboy on a new website.

Well 6+ years later. Im 21 and I now actually feel bad that I was once like that. "Chrome" literally wanted to stab me. hahaha good times. I actually managed Shadow Priest Status at one point. But with a crashed computer, there was nothing I could do. But I wasnt insulted when It was given to another because I was concerned with the best for the MKO community as I was not active.

Id like to think that ive come along way and try to make every post of mine, that of unbiased opinion and looking towards the truthful direction of the series and whats best for it.

it took about 6 months for me to start to turn into a real user here on MKO and not a fanboy. And now this forum is a part of my everyday life. I work hard, now mroe of an adult. Long day of construciton. Come home and shower. Then its right onto MKO 80% of the time and to post and look for new news.

Temp is right. SO we will see if these new guys are here in 6 months. If so, then id be aan idiot to have judged them this early.

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04/18/2010 07:06 PM (UTC)
There was a pole on kotaku about reboots and mk was the number one game on the list followed by turok.
04/18/2010 08:08 PM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
There was a pole on kotaku about reboots and mk was the number one game on the list followed by turok.

Turok? That game needs to return to it's old roots. No more of this un-related bullshit that we got from the latest game. I want Joseph Fireseed, Adon, Tal'Set all them to return...

And with Shinnok, just read the biographies, watch the intro to MK4, that explains everything. Youtube has all the endings and the intros to the game.
04/19/2010 04:11 PM (UTC)
04/19/2010 05:34 PM (UTC)
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Wednesday, May. 27, 2009, 8:58 PM Pacific

Voice Over
Video Game for Midway...


[ FEMALE 3 ]
Allegiance: villain Age: 1,000s of years Actor/Voice: African-American or Middle Eastern, 20s or 30s; commanding but still feminine (think Hallie Berry as Storm in the X-Men but with no accent) She is one of many warriors forced to serve the Emperor. Best friend to Female 4, daughter of the emperor, her loyalties are tested when Female 4’s allegiance to begins to wane towards the Resistance.

[ MALE 5 ]
Race: Asian, becomes a Cyborg Country of origin: unknown Allegiance: neutral Voice: low, powerful, slight accent Age: 30s Male 5 is possibly the most ruthless of the secretive assassins. A technology enthusiast, he volunteered to be the first to undergo transformation to a cyborg. His enhanced skills and hard-hearted nature make him the perfect killing machine. He now searches for rogue clan members in order to bring them back to for cyber-conversion.

[ MALE 8 ]
Race: Native American (possibly Lakota Sioux) Allegiance: hero Age: 30s-40s Voice: Smooth, low, calm Male 8 is a great Native American shaman and thus is intimately connected to the spirit world. These powers, in combination wih his superior fighting skills, make him a most trusted ally, and one of the most formidable protectors of Earth.

[ MALE 9 ]
Race: African-American Allegiance: neutral, becomes a villain Age: 20s Male 9 is a member of the secretive ninja assassins’ guild. As such, he’s loyal to whoever pays him. Unlike his fellow members, however, there are certain lines he won’t cross. His interest in the guild seems to be waning, especially after learning of their plans to convert some of their members into cyborgs.

[ MALE 10 ]
Race: sorcerer Allegiance: villain Voice: slight indeterminably Asian accent in two versions: ancient and 40s An evil sorcerer, Male 10 hosts the Mortal Kombat tournament and is the final opponent of any Earth warrior skilled enough to survive to the championship round. His command of sorcery allows him to morph into other warriors, taking on their strengths and abilities. To sustain his life, he consumes the souls of those he defeats. He begins the story as a withered old man, but later is rejuvenated.

[ MALE 11 ]
Race: Chinese Allegiance: Shaolin monks (hero) Actor: Asian male, 20s, slight undeterminably Asian accent Male 11 is a Shaolin monk. He fought for the right to represent Earthrealm in the Mortal Kombat tournament but lost to his friend and rival. Younger and less experienced than his counterpart, his skill is unquestioned. He just needs to learn how to keep his emotions and impulsiveness in check.

[ MALE 13 ]
Race: African-American Allegiance: U.S. Special Forces (hero) Age: 30s Male 13 is the commander of a secret Special Forces unit. While pursuing a black-market arms dealer, he and his subordinate are forced to participate in the Mortal Kombat tournament. They try to complete their mission in the midst of otherworldly creatures wielding fearsome magical powers. He is built like a linebacker and is proficient in cutting-edge technology. Eventually his kombat skill is increased when his arms are replaced with super-powerful cybernetic prosthetics.
04/19/2010 09:11 PM (UTC)
Male #5 sounds an awful lot like Sektor to me...
04/19/2010 10:22 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
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Wednesday, May. 27, 2009, 8:58 PM Pacific

Voice Over
Video Game for Midway...


[ FEMALE 3 ]
Allegiance: villain Age: 1,000s of years Actor/Voice: African-American or Middle Eastern, 20s or 30s; commanding but still feminine (think Hallie Berry as Storm in the X-Men but with no accent) She is one of many warriors forced to serve the Emperor. Best friend to Female 4, daughter of the emperor, her loyalties are tested when Female 4’s allegiance to begins to wane towards the Resistance.

[ MALE 5 ]
Race: Asian, becomes a Cyborg Country of origin: unknown Allegiance: neutral Voice: low, powerful, slight accent Age: 30s Male 5 is possibly the most ruthless of the secretive assassins. A technology enthusiast, he volunteered to be the first to undergo transformation to a cyborg. His enhanced skills and hard-hearted nature make him the perfect killing machine. He now searches for rogue clan members in order to bring them back to for cyber-conversion.

[ MALE 8 ]
Race: Native American (possibly Lakota Sioux) Allegiance: hero Age: 30s-40s Voice: Smooth, low, calm Male 8 is a great Native American shaman and thus is intimately connected to the spirit world. These powers, in combination wih his superior fighting skills, make him a most trusted ally, and one of the most formidable protectors of Earth.

[ MALE 9 ]
Race: African-American Allegiance: neutral, becomes a villain Age: 20s Male 9 is a member of the secretive ninja assassins’ guild. As such, he’s loyal to whoever pays him. Unlike his fellow members, however, there are certain lines he won’t cross. His interest in the guild seems to be waning, especially after learning of their plans to convert some of their members into cyborgs.

[ MALE 10 ]
Race: sorcerer Allegiance: villain Voice: slight indeterminably Asian accent in two versions: ancient and 40s An evil sorcerer, Male 10 hosts the Mortal Kombat tournament and is the final opponent of any Earth warrior skilled enough to survive to the championship round. His command of sorcery allows him to morph into other warriors, taking on their strengths and abilities. To sustain his life, he consumes the souls of those he defeats. He begins the story as a withered old man, but later is rejuvenated.

[ MALE 11 ]
Race: Chinese Allegiance: Shaolin monks (hero) Actor: Asian male, 20s, slight undeterminably Asian accent Male 11 is a Shaolin monk. He fought for the right to represent Earthrealm in the Mortal Kombat tournament but lost to his friend and rival. Younger and less experienced than his counterpart, his skill is unquestioned. He just needs to learn how to keep his emotions and impulsiveness in check.

[ MALE 13 ]
Race: African-American Allegiance: U.S. Special Forces (hero) Age: 30s Male 13 is the commander of a secret Special Forces unit. While pursuing a black-market arms dealer, he and his subordinate are forced to participate in the Mortal Kombat tournament. They try to complete their mission in the midst of otherworldly creatures wielding fearsome magical powers. He is built like a linebacker and is proficient in cutting-edge technology. Eventually his kombat skill is increased when his arms are replaced with super-powerful cybernetic prosthetics.

Well ,from what I read, this seems to me like a mixing of MK1s and MK3's storylines in one.
04/19/2010 10:32 PM (UTC)

maybe it's the whole first trilogy in a one game reboot?
04/19/2010 10:56 PM (UTC)
female 3- jade(female 4- kitana)
male 5- sektor
male 8-nightwolf
male 9-cyborg
male 11-kung lao
male10-shang tsung
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/19/2010 11:14 PM (UTC)
We came across this a while ago. All these are known. Did we just bring this into here for compliation purposes?
ps. @ BIG_SYKE, Male 9 is cyrax. and to clarify the otehrs guess on Male 5, YES it is Sektor.
04/20/2010 12:27 AM (UTC)
I brought it back because others havent seen it
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04/20/2010 12:32 AM (UTC)
I expect it to play like a seriously upgraded version of mkvsdc, bigger moves lists and bettrr balance issues. Or maybe they will start from scratch the sidesteping didnt work that well.
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04/20/2010 12:51 AM (UTC)
_JRF_ Wrote:
I brought it back because others havent seen it

I see, good call.
04/20/2010 07:26 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
← previous next →

Wednesday, May. 27, 2009, 8:58 PM Pacific

Voice Over
Video Game for Midway...


[ FEMALE 3 ]
Allegiance: villain Age: 1,000s of years Actor/Voice: African-American or Middle Eastern, 20s or 30s; commanding but still feminine (think Hallie Berry as Storm in the X-Men but with no accent) She is one of many warriors forced to serve the Emperor. Best friend to Female 4, daughter of the emperor, her loyalties are tested when Female 4’s allegiance to begins to wane towards the Resistance.

[ MALE 5 ]
Race: Asian, becomes a Cyborg Country of origin: unknown Allegiance: neutral Voice: low, powerful, slight accent Age: 30s Male 5 is possibly the most ruthless of the secretive assassins. A technology enthusiast, he volunteered to be the first to undergo transformation to a cyborg. His enhanced skills and hard-hearted nature make him the perfect killing machine. He now searches for rogue clan members in order to bring them back to for cyber-conversion.

[ MALE 8 ]
Race: Native American (possibly Lakota Sioux) Allegiance: hero Age: 30s-40s Voice: Smooth, low, calm Male 8 is a great Native American shaman and thus is intimately connected to the spirit world. These powers, in combination wih his superior fighting skills, make him a most trusted ally, and one of the most formidable protectors of Earth.

[ MALE 9 ]
Race: African-American Allegiance: neutral, becomes a villain Age: 20s Male 9 is a member of the secretive ninja assassins’ guild. As such, he’s loyal to whoever pays him. Unlike his fellow members, however, there are certain lines he won’t cross. His interest in the guild seems to be waning, especially after learning of their plans to convert some of their members into cyborgs.

[ MALE 10 ]
Race: sorcerer Allegiance: villain Voice: slight indeterminably Asian accent in two versions: ancient and 40s An evil sorcerer, Male 10 hosts the Mortal Kombat tournament and is the final opponent of any Earth warrior skilled enough to survive to the championship round. His command of sorcery allows him to morph into other warriors, taking on their strengths and abilities. To sustain his life, he consumes the souls of those he defeats. He begins the story as a withered old man, but later is rejuvenated.

[ MALE 11 ]
Race: Chinese Allegiance: Shaolin monks (hero) Actor: Asian male, 20s, slight undeterminably Asian accent Male 11 is a Shaolin monk. He fought for the right to represent Earthrealm in the Mortal Kombat tournament but lost to his friend and rival. Younger and less experienced than his counterpart, his skill is unquestioned. He just needs to learn how to keep his emotions and impulsiveness in check.

[ MALE 13 ]
Race: African-American Allegiance: U.S. Special Forces (hero) Age: 30s Male 13 is the commander of a secret Special Forces unit. While pursuing a black-market arms dealer, he and his subordinate are forced to participate in the Mortal Kombat tournament. They try to complete their mission in the midst of otherworldly creatures wielding fearsome magical powers. He is built like a linebacker and is proficient in cutting-edge technology. Eventually his kombat skill is increased when his arms are replaced with super-powerful cybernetic prosthetics.

yeah that is last years news before MK vs DC was announced. this might turn out to be different since the game turned into a crossover instead but if not i dont mind any of them character returning at all...unless its a reboot that is.
04/20/2010 01:54 PM (UTC)
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