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posted05/27/2010 04:56 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/16/2010 11:13 PM (UTC)
04/16/2010 11:33 PM (UTC)
when did raiden and reptile get confirmed??
04/17/2010 12:00 AM (UTC)
KoRnKombat, others on here might not believe you, unless you provide some kind of proof. Where are you getting your info by the way?

Anything else you can tell us?
04/17/2010 12:03 AM (UTC)
We don't know yet if it's a reboot or if it will be called just mortal kombat...but anything is possible...
04/17/2010 12:19 AM (UTC)
Ed Boon just posted a pic of a MK9 sticker or patch and a stick figure drawing with a guy using a sword for perhaps a fatality.


04/17/2010 12:30 AM (UTC)
Yeah, tell us what you know! I mean if you turn out to be right, what harm can come from it?....
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04/17/2010 02:06 AM (UTC)
KoRnKombat Wrote:
Lets start a thread for MK9 or shall I say "Mortal Kombat" Facts for the upcoming title.

Konfirmed Kharacters are:

That's not a fact. All we know is that actors are reprising those characters in the game, but there's no evidence that they're playable (though they probably are, but we're not in the realm of "fact" yet).

KoRnKombat Wrote:

Its going to be kalled simply "Mortal Kombat"

Its not going to be a remake but rather more of a reboot.

No solid evidence for the former; even less for the latter, if that's mathematically possible.

Truth be told, there hasn't even been a RUMOR about a reboot. The reboot is more of a community wishlist item for select individuals. No one has claimed to have inside information that supports this.
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/17/2010 05:54 AM (UTC)
The Reboot rumors started around the time the concept art from MKDC was released. Which was commented by the artist as pretty much being something HE wanted to do.

And then with the registered trademark or patent's for the name "Mortal Kombat" and all the merchandise planned, it would appear to much fo the people that a reboot is taking place.

Nothing solid yet. Il elave my opinion until we get a reveal. one thing is for sure tho. I garuntee you I will be right into the MK merchandise regardless.

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04/17/2010 07:00 PM (UTC)
KoRnKombat Wrote:
My sources come from all over, I have friends in not low but HIGH places.

Well, I get that you're collecting what seem to be consensus ideas (I wouldn't call them facts just yet until we actually see something that confirms it beyond a shadow of a doubt, like say, a picture of Sonya in the next MK game for example).

What I'm more interested in right now is that quote. You have friends in high places? I'm assuming you mean on the MK team? Does that mean you have some knowledge (beyond what's already been discussed on these boards and collected in this thread) that we don't?

Care to share?

Bear in mind, before you decide to make something up, people pay attention to what other people say on this board. So if you start saying stuff that turns out to be BS, you'll hear about it from a LOT of people.

I'm not calling you a liar before you've even said anything of course, I'm just saying that if you don't actually know anything, no one would blame you for saying so. If you do have some legit info or at least something someone on the MK team told you, hey... Throw it at us buddy!! grin
04/17/2010 08:44 PM (UTC)
I can support that it's just going to be called "Mortal Kombat."

_JRF_ I remember VERY vividly posted that MKvsDC was going to be a vs game quite some time before it came true. I remember his name clearly. Cyberdog didn't post this, _JRF_ did. It seems as though _JRF_ isn't posting to get attention rather, but posting because it's fact and only if it's fact.

Also, if you're following the latest information, albeit a bit off-topic, Marvel vs Capcom 3 is all but confirmed. Rumors have been circulating for quite some time. The man that leaked the SSFIV new 10 characters and complete roster on the shoryuken.com forums last AUGUST (yes, its true) was dead on. He recently confirmed Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 for a May reveal, as well as SSFIV PC release is coming down the pipeline.

The point is, these guys have a strong history of being truthful and never innacurate. And if they were somehow inaccurate, they aren't doing it to be jerks. It would be because something changed without their knowledge or their sources were wrong.

If you want more confirmation, check out www.vgreleases.com. I found this myself. Marvel VS Capcom 3 is on the list for PS3, Xbox360 and PC, as well as "Mortal Kombat" for PS3 and Xbox360.

Just like them, I wouldn't post to get attention. I've been browsing these forums back when deadly alliance rumors were circulating and when it was MK5.org (I believe, its been so long.)

Anything I've posted is what i've heard second and third hand, but from apparently very good sources.

If you want links to MvsC3 stuff, I can get them for you. Figured it'd be easy to google it though.
04/17/2010 09:09 PM (UTC)
Does ANYONE know who user Shinomune is? Im getting threats from this user, saying they are going to report me to WB_Games and try there best to cause my source to loose there job. This is why I dont post anymore than I think I can get away with. Im done trying to report stuff, Im only going off what I read on the internet already or hear say from what friends tell me. Thought it would be kool to share with you guys what ive heard, but all you do is pick me apart. None of its confirmed therfore it could change at any second and all you guys are going to do is call me a liar anyway. Signing off KK
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04/17/2010 09:50 PM (UTC)
Every time the forums are dead and a new game is just on the horizon. We get a batch of new users who claim they have sources. this isnt the first time weve seen this and it most deffinately will not be the last.

As much as id cuddle the idea that you guys have valuble information. theres been nothing presented that we havent found out for ourselves. We are a dedicated community and pretty much decipher everything possible.

Frig, Sektor101 (I believe with jago or jerrod?) pretty much discovered survival mode in MKSM with very little.

Back on topic. It runs in cycles. Weve seen MANY who claim to know much, and all together maybe 4 or 5 users were even a little bit correct. the most shocking being the DC universe prediction. NOBODY believed that guy.

Until you come straight out and say "_______ will be in the game" with evidence to support, im not buying a single word and I will oppose all the bs. Not because im an asshole. But because I know what its like to look forward to these games night and day and to have the whole community brought together in excitement here at MKO.

Give me something solid, then you will get attention. Because all ive seen so far, is the same old fakers. no offense.

04/17/2010 10:13 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I don't have inside sources, I don't know anybody, and I'm not claiming it. All I know, is that _JRF_ was the user who you speak of Casselman who was dead on about the vs crossover as well as some other minor tidbits here and there which were also dead on. All I know is what he's said (which has been few and far between, but always accurate), and that's all I'm pointing out, is that what he says I take 100% truthful, but from nobody else unless they prove themselves.

_JRF_ has stated that the game will simply be called "Mortal Kombat," that it will be playable not just shown at E3, and that we SHOULD get at least some kind of information before E3, maybe more, but probably just screenshots within the next month or earlier.

As far as the www.vgreleases.com listing of the game title, I found that myself. What I wrote above was what _JRF_ has said so far, that doesn't tie to him at all. The website might be crap for all I know. That's just me trying to do my part in support of the evidence to help all of us, that's all, and back him up because I know he's completely right and truthful. Just doing my part digging for info, you know how it is during these times.

All I was trying to say is that you can trust this guy, he's never lied before and predicting a vs crossover with dc months before it happens isn't coincidence or an accurately wild guess, its knowledge. That would be impossible to predict. A vs with DC and batman at that time seemed insane. I remember how I felt at the idea.

I really don't care about my reputation or if people believe me, I just want people to believe _JRF_ and take any information he chooses to post to heart and truthful. He's the accurate and truthful one. I've gathered this by following his posts closely over the past couple of years. He's always right. Just want everyone to listen to what he says, he isn't lying and he's saying it for our benefit. So everyone KNOWS that at least one user isn't BSing us.

I never post, or even login so I have no vists. But i've been here for a long, long, LONG time. I love MK just as much as you Casselman. I just don't get very involved in the community or forums because of all the flaming, bs, etc that happens. This website was really bad with that stuff not too long ago, much better now though. I read EVERYTHING though, and follow every twitter, news article, domain registration, etc. I even view source pages on noob.com for hints lol. But regardless, I love you all and can't wait for the next MK game, happy times :). Happy times for fighting game fans in general, I miss them so much. I marathoned SFIV for 27 hours straight yesterday getting amped for SSFIV launch. MvsC3 announced soon and talks of a new Darkstalkers game possibility, this is a dream come true.

It's now sweat off my balls whether or not you guys listen to _JRF_, I'm just saying it's in your best interest to do so. This will probably be my last post for years anyway :P. If I wasted my time, oh well it was worth a shot, but I'm not gonna spend my time continuing to defend him. Wanted to try once though. But I do understand why you'd be hesitant, there's just no reason to be with him.

Case in point summary: Listen to _JRF_. You can trust him. Can't vouch for ANYONE else, and I only know what _JRF_ knows which is very little. The dude HAS to have inside sources. Has to.

Oh, and it's very easy to tell which people are being truthful in their "rumors" and which one's arent or at least you can tell which ones are total BS and which could be true. All you have to do is pay attention to the way they type, the timing of it, and how they write it or title the thread. You can totally tell if you know how to read people when someone is doing it just for attention, is immature, or has nothing better to do. _JRF_ posts once in a great while, and he doesn't sit around trying to convince you he's telling the truth like I am right now which reduces my credibility as we speak lol. He drops the info and leaves whether you believe it or not because his life doesn't revolve around this like some people. :P
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04/17/2010 10:24 PM (UTC)
I dont post stuff on here for attention or to bullshit people and I do have genuine contacts in the videogame business.
Ive known Paul Hollywood for years hes lead director for evolution studios in runcorn england.
Worked on the motorstorm games for ps3 and psp good bloke really down to earth.
Ste used to write for opmuk he works for a technology magazine now.
Another mate of mine used to be a tester for psgnosis back in the ps1 days, he works for sega uk now doing the same job.
Last not least is carl whos a sound engineer hes recorded music for loads of games, goes by the name planet heaven.
A few of his tracks were played on pete tongs radio show.
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/17/2010 10:40 PM (UTC)
Well I do give you some credit for not being the noob kind of perosn on the forums. your concerns seem genuine and I shal at least give you the credit to pay my attention fully to what JRF sais with an open and unbiased mind.

MKO needs more dedicated fans concerned with the best of the series. Id like to think once in a while, some of the team reads our posts. I am sure they do. So innevitabily, we here at MKO actually have some form of influence on the future games. Maybe not in a big scale. But needless to say, we have been responsible for a few things. Khameleon in MKA on the wii was as a result of unhappy fans with her exclusion. And the team pays more attention to MKO (via we get fightnight) than any other site.

Lets keep the info coming guys. Yes we get excited, but ive never felt like this since MKD about a game. And it perfected the formula to the best of its ability. Now its this games turn to take that mkdc engine and blow us away.

Looking from now until E3
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04/17/2010 10:51 PM (UTC)
JFR is top when it comes to info.
Guys 100%
04/18/2010 02:13 AM (UTC)
BigHeadAl, I think the problem is that some people don't pay attention on forums. I too remember when JRF posted knowledge of MKvsDC, before it came out. I'm not even sure who he is but I know he's become credible. I just think that when people call him out, when he reveals said knowledge of a game in forum threads, that he should reply as to who he is and why he knows this info. Come to think of it, he shouldn't even do that. Just put some info up about himself in his "signature", or maybe even his profile. If he doesn't do this, people who don't pay attention or are new, will think he's lying.

My question though is, if he gets anything out of giving info to fans, before things are officially announced.
04/18/2010 03:08 AM (UTC)
If this JRF guy is right about a reboot than....damn. Some people here are bound to be pissed.
04/18/2010 04:33 AM (UTC)
That's the one thing, he hasn't said if its a reboot or remake... just that it's title is "Mortal Kombat." That title definitely means one of the two, but it doesn't necesarrily mean reboot... it could be remake, right? they're different...
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04/18/2010 04:36 AM (UTC)
Well JRF told me it is going to be a reboot and since then Ive had four more people tell me the exact same.
One of these people in paticular is very well connected in the industry. The one thing people havent mentioned is that development started under midway and has ended up with wb.
04/18/2010 09:14 AM (UTC)
So apparently this is a thread for people who claim to be sources, but can't or won't prove it? Or is it just a thread for liars? No one knows. However it also seems to be a thread for reliable sources who have been right before and continue posting. I am more inclined to believe these than some out-of-nowhere user who has friends in high places. No offense intended.
04/18/2010 09:53 AM (UTC)
Even if the title "Mortal Kombat" is correct, then that doesn't mean anything, really. All it really means is that they've run out of shitty subtitles and have lost track of which number they are on. tongue

Going back to just plain, old "Mortal Kombat" is a marketing strategy in and of itself. I do hope that they are not doing a remake or a reboot. I don't know if I will actually get the game if it not truthful to the original story. And I'm not sure if I will get it if it can't offer me anything new.
04/18/2010 11:13 AM (UTC)
Nobody should believe any info until it's backed up with either a confirmation from the MK team or WB, or unless they have solid visual proof backing their claims. There's very few people left on this board that have been on here since before MK:DA came out such as I, but let me fill you in incase you don't know how this works. As Casselman touched upon above, there's a lot of people on here, as well as any forum or site on the internet, that are just making stuff up to gain attention or for a good laugh.

People love the feeling of knowing things others don't, and if they don't have that power, they will just pretend to. It happens EVERY single time a new game is coming out later in the year, because that's when people are visiting here most, chomping at the bit for information, thus they follow blindly in hopes that it's correct. Don't get your hopes up, or take anything you read on here that hasn't been backed with proof, as solid information.

Of course there is the rare occasion(and I mean RARE) where someone is correct in what they predicted or passed off as factual info, but the odds are so terrible, that I would suggest to wait 'til it's confirmed. Because usually when that rare occasion occurs, they have no sort of proof that can seperate them from any of the constant liars and fakers trying to pull the whool over your eyes.

Now in the case of this _JRF_ guy, if he was right in what he said, that's great and cool beans for him not fibbing, but there's nothing saying he wasn't just throwing something against the wall and seeing if it sticked. The point is, everyone gets lucky and can predict something just by making some claim, with no actual knowldedge of the subject, and can end up being right. It happens. It's called luck. I am not saying that's what happened, but for the guy that suggested listening to this guy and believing whatever he states and trusting it as fact just because he was right once, that sounds like a very stupid idea.

Make your own call on that situation, but I wouldn't put all your eggs in any potential basket put in front of you on these forums, no matter how appealing the information may be or how dressed up as factual it comes across, because if it doesn't contain solid proof, it's not worth more than just some random person's opinion.

So to the creator of this thread, don't make claims of knowing anything, unless you actually are going to state what you know and have proof backing it. Don't waste anyone's time jerking us around with "I know this but can't say" etc. or false claims of knowledge. Even if you are telling the truth, nobody cares unless it benefits them. That's the truth.
04/18/2010 11:41 AM (UTC)
My big question is that if its a reboot of MK1, then they're about to mess up the story, because what would KITANA be doing in there????!!!! She wasn't introduced till Outworld got involved in MK2 (obviously enough)...If it's true, it's scary to think about....So I'm not buying it till I see official proof...
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04/18/2010 02:32 PM (UTC)
Just because they werent present in MK1, does not mean that they cannot be in the game. Think of the MKDC story. Multiple things happening in multiple places. If we have a similar story mode presentation where we jump from character to character, Its very possible to have a quick jump to outworld to play as Kitana, aware of the imposed deceptions coming, attacks Kahns palace or something minor to the story but not absent in effort.

They even found a way to introduce Kung Lao in MKSM saying he was disguised as a temple guard. He could very well be behind the scenes killing Shang Tsungs henchmen while tracking Goro or Shang Himself for a Covert and behind-the-scenes end to the threat for his own glory.

Although these two characters may not be in the tournament, under these circumstances, it is very possible for them to be implimented. They could even impliment Noob Saibot as an unlockable character as we know what happens to this subzero at the end of the tournament.

Bare with me, not that im begging for it or anything. But we could even see Reptile, Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke and many more implimented. Keep in mind this games story will be more than a tournament Obveously being on Next Gen. Or else it would just be an Arcade ladder.

Paying attention before the tournament to the Lin Kuei, There could easily be any of the cyborgs represented in HUMAN form (i beleive they were still human at this point) and possibly tie into the story more than we may expect. Take the most dedicated of the 3, Sektor, who volunteers for automation. He lives, breathes and sleeps the spirit of the Lin Kuei. Could actually attempt to get into the tournament to prove his clans dominance.

I know I am really straying, And My knowledge of Pre-MK1 Lin Kuei is kind of shady. But lets remember that IF this a remake, they could very well change anything they want and nothing could be as it was before. We may not even see a Character because they simply will not exist.

If this Reboot/Remake is right. I am actually starting to welcome the Idea. But ONLY under the right circumstances and care. I guess we will see.

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