New Mortal Kombat details *RUMORS*
posted03/18/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
So I know this sounds stupid but I'm one of those guys who "knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy" that works in the game department at WB, who apparently knows some inside details about the next MK game.

Now that Kiefer Sutherland let the cat out of the bag, my friend's friends informed him of a few details, and he blabbed to me. Personally I kinda hate it because I love surprises when the new MK games come out. I didn't believe him about his friend’s friend until he told me a rumor about Deathstroke being playable in the new Arkham game and it turned out to be true, so I give him the benefit of the doubt. Honestly, I didn't even know they were working on a new MK until the Sutherland leak.

So here’s the info:

-The game was supposed to coincide with the new film (we already knew about that).

-Scorpion and Sub-Zero are the only officially confirmed characters (obviously)

-It’s somewhat of a reboot for the next gen systems.

-Sutherland is the narrator for story mode and the arcade endings but is strongly hinted towards being the voice of Raiden.

-Unlike MK9, which had every character from MK1-3, the new MK is going to have the most iconic characters from each game but with slightly altered appearances/backgrounds. Not everyone is going to make the cut; they just want the most iconic characters of the franchise. Obviously everyone has their favourites and people are going to be disappointed but they want to limit the number of characters so it fits the atmosphere and storyline.

-He said they want to focus on the “darker and grittier” characters from the series so no Johnny Cage or Stryker-types.

-Apparently they don’t want ‘palette swaps’ of characters with similar powers so it’s unlikely we will see both Ermac and Kenshi in the game or multiple cyborgs.

-A “quarter” of the roster will be NEW characters.

-Apparently the game is going to be darker/grittier/realistic, inspired a little by Legacy (but only in atmosphere, not character or story-wise)

This is an “idea” of the roster my friend gave me but is in no way official...

Scorpion (confirmed)
Sub-Zero (confirmed)
Sonya Blade
Kung Lao
Noob Saibot
Shang Tsung

Raiden (possibly only a narrator role)

If this is the roster then a “quarter” of that that means we will probably get 4-6 new characters
02/26/2014 08:21 PM (UTC)
Well it would be silly to switch Smoke into a cyborg at this point, though I liked Cyber Smoke's gameplay too. I'll take this with a grain of... SALT.
02/26/2014 08:25 PM (UTC)
I'm from Montreal, Canada but go to school in Chicago for game design
02/26/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I'm from Montreal, Canada but go to school in Chicago for game design

02/26/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
I saw that you had asked where I was from but then you edited it is all
02/26/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)
02/26/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
No Johnny Cage? They kept him alive so they could leave him out of the next game. Ok.

Ermac and Kenshi won't be in at the same time? They don't play similarly at all. Cyrax and Sektor aren't palette swaps either. They all play differently.

I get that it's supposed to be taken with a grain of salt, but these 2 things make the whole thing unbelievable to me.
02/26/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
No Tanya?
02/26/2014 10:26 PM (UTC)
No Tanya? 2 ._.

I even did this fanart for the comeback of that damn traitor in the alternate Netherrealm invasion, no Tanya and Reiko would suck ._.

And this roster is not original looking, neither good looking, the first thing I would do would be bringing all the Brotherhood of Shadow into the game, including Ashrah before Datusha. Sareena in her human form once again, Kia and Jataaka opposing her maybe (keeping in mind it would be a redesign for a diverse looking trio, different and original special moves and weapon for each would be apreciated).
Also, after the canon thing about Cyber Sub Zero and Human Smoke, it doesn't seem rational for me, to just bring Sub Zero human again... (and I trully hope it doesn't happen out of pure fan service, if they were REALLY worried about fan service, they should've made Hydro and leave Sub Zero as he was, now the thing is done, deal with it Netherrealm xDD)
I'll just keep in mind it's a rumor so I won't be worried, the game is not even half appealing with this roster. It just doesn't represent Netherrealm invasion/MK4 for me (even though the characters are good, the combination is not good, too much of the same we had in 2011). Strange cause MKD had such awful characters, but still, it's the best MK game I ever played. I guess it's all about the whole experience and atmosphere...

Anyway, it'll end up being a day 1 purchase (obviously), no matter what they do to MKII (2015) or whatever it's called xDD
02/26/2014 10:55 PM (UTC)
NO Frost or Tanya. Both were most voted female to return. Sareena gets in over them. Hmmm ok. I like the new MK is going for diversity. And the roster seems to be good;Around 30, which is what most people voted for on my poll.
02/26/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Now that Kiefer Sutherland let the cat out of the bag, my friend's friends informed him of a few details, and he blabbed to me. Personally I kinda hate it because I love surprises when the new MK games come out. I didn't believe him about his friend’s friend until he told me a rumor about Deathstroke being playable in the new Arkham game and it turned out to be true, so I give him the benefit of the doubt. Honestly, I didn't even know they were working on a new MK until the Sutherland leak.

I too saw Deathstroke playable in the next game...

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
The game was supposed to coincide with the new film (we already knew about that).

This is a truthful statement because I remember seeing something like this as well.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
-Scorpion and Sub-Zero are the only officially confirmed characters (obviously)

Well, for all we know they could be in the game but not playable. You can have characters make appearances without them being playable, so I wouldn't get your hopes up that these guys are gonna be playable characters.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
-It’s somewhat of a reboot for the next gen systems.

Reboot of what though? Of the next game? Reboot of Mortal Kombat 4? Or am I just not getting something with this one?

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
-Sutherland is the narrator for story mode and the arcade endings but is strongly hinted towards being the voice of Raiden.


MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
-Unlike MK9, which had every character from MK1-3, the new MK is going to have the most iconic characters from each game but with slightly altered appearances/backgrounds. Not everyone is going to make the cut; they just want the most iconic characters of the franchise. Obviously everyone has their favourites and people are going to be disappointed but they want to limit the number of characters so it fits the atmosphere and storyline.

Who was the most iconic in Deadly Alliance and Deception? (With the exception of Kenshi) All of those who debuted in those games didn't get the favoritism attention as much as those who are regulars. I'd like to see where this is going.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
-He said they want to focus on the “darker and grittier” characters from the series so no Johnny Cage or Stryker-types.

I strongly doubt they're kicking Cage out of the game when he clearly has THE perfect chance to become the next hero. And last time I checked, Stryker was amongst the dead at the end. I hardly doubt this will be true.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
-Apparently they don’t want ‘palette swaps’ of characters with similar powers so it’s unlikely we will see both Ermac and Kenshi in the game or multiple cyborgs.

I doubt that too. You can have characters who share similar abilities and perform different ways to use their moves. It's fairly simple to do that and I really wouldn't think they'd not do this for once in the series. They've ALWAYS had at least two characters that shared something similar between them, move-wise.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
-A “quarter” of the roster will be NEW characters.

With the way the last game ended, this is plausible to happen.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
-Apparently the game is going to be darker/grittier/realistic, inspired a little by Legacy (but only in atmosphere, not character or story-wise)

Realistic as in Sonya's split fatality will finally be scratched? Because that fatality made no fucking sense at all and was horribly unrealistic. Great.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
This is an “idea” of the roster my friend gave me but is in no way official...

Let's see what they had to say:

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Scorpion (confirmed)

Probably having to be Quan Chi's puppet again, would like to see him turn on him though.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Sub-Zero (confirmed)

Now I'd like to know if he would be returning as his cyborg self and obtaining his human self, or if he's going to remain as a cyborg throughout the entire game and only have his human form be a bonus costume.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Sonya Blade

Plausible since she survives at the end of the story, but to not have Cage return as her partner is not plausible to believe.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

Probably just to make an appearance and not be playable.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

If he would be returning, I'd like to know what kind of purpose he would have in the game, story-wise.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Kung Lao

See Jax.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

He's a 50/50. His fate was left undetermined, but he's not dead. We don't know if he'll become unfrozen or if he'll remain frozen.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

See Jax

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

See Jax

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

Edenia might have a big role in the next game, and if so, I hope her character has it where she becomes their queen. Finally to see something great with this character besides what she was like during Deception.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

Probably either helps Shinnok and Quan Chi or he helps Mileena take over Edenia if it's possible.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

I would like to see him return as a neutral character and lose this interest in working with people who make broken promises with him in returning his race to him.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Noob Saibot

I don't know with this character since we see him "die" in the Soulnado, where he ended up, we don't know. If he's back in the Netherrealm somewhere, okay I can kinda understand but... we don't see him again.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

How would this happen when he's dead? I would guess that he, along with probably the other heroes, get resurrected and he somehow gets automated if he tries to go after Sektor who's busy taking over the Lin Kuei?

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

Well, she's Kahn's little puppet who goes after Quan Chi and kills him in her ending... I don't see what purpose she has after knowing a bit about her like that.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

Plausible, I'm going to also assume that these "new" characters could also be the other two assassins?

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:


MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Shang Tsung

Then Sindel should also be amongst this list since he was last seen having his soul be thrown into her.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Raiden (possibly only a narrator role)

This I would definitely love to happen. Curse this god for what happened in the last game, and narrates probably the story of the next game up to where he dies as well. I could see him be a sub-boss possibly if he is to be in the game as a character to fight against.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
If this is the roster then a “quarter” of that that means we will probably get 4-6 new characters

I want to see more new characters.

02/27/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
NRS goes to ALL the trouble of killing most of the heroes and leaving Johnny Cage alive, only to NOT use him in the next game at ALL? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
02/27/2014 04:02 AM (UTC)
It's not FAIR! I want Liu Kang back!
02/27/2014 04:19 AM (UTC)
And also, a reboot? Retconning history in MK9 wasn't enough, NOW they're gonna start all over again? Ninja, please.
02/27/2014 04:38 AM (UTC)
Sorry, I don't buy it dear fellow.
I have my own access to insiders (won't report as they misled me a few times) but what the say goes totally against your friend's friend :)

*It’s somewhat of a reboot for the next gen systems. *

Doesn't sound comforting, Like Reboot what? Movesets are all drastically different now? Or better animations? I hope the latter and not the former..having to pick up a character all over again is irritating.

*Sutherland is the narrator for story mode and the arcade endings but is strongly hinted towards being the voice of Raiden. *

That sounds neat..When I hear that I think of Raiden in the MK: Deadly Alliance Intro which was kind of gravelly as well. I'd be glad that's it not Shinnok as well since I quite like the MK9 voice.

*Unlike MK9, which had every character from MK1-3, the new MK is going to have the most iconic characters from each game but with slightly altered appearances/backgrounds. Not everyone is going to make the cut; they just want the most iconic characters of the franchise. Obviously everyone has their favourites and people are going to be disappointed but they want to limit the number of characters so it fits the atmosphere and storyline. *

Uhhh? So retcons everywhere? MiIeena's fine Reptile's fine maybe Baraka but I bet this means I have to hope for Sheeva the underdog to come back again. On top of the newer characters I hoped they'd bring back.

*He said they want to focus on the “darker and grittier” characters from the series so no Johnny Cage or Stryker-types*

Stryker's pretty fuckin dead and no Johnny Cage sounds really odd unless he straight up quits the Hero business after 9. Unless you mean nobody that was just as cheesy as Stryker/Cage back in the day like say...Mokap/Kobra?

*they don’t want ‘palette swaps’ of characters with similar powers so it’s unlikely we will see both Ermac and Kenshi in the game or multiple cyborgs.*

Doesn't sound good for a character like say Frost but each Cyborg played differently from each other. And of course the same can be said about Ermac and Kenshi. Interesting..

*A “quarter” of the roster will be NEW characters.*

That's not enough in my opinion.

*Apparently the game is going to be darker/grittier/realistic, inspired a little by Legacy (but only in atmosphere, not character or story-wise)*

Ehhh...darker is fine I mean check out MKD and MK2..but realism in an MK game that's being made AFTER your Reboot sounds super dumb at this point.

*This is an “idea” of the roster my friend gave me but is in no way official...*

Okay..sounds good so far.

*Kano (going by the clones thing said earlier that would mean no Jarek)
*Sonya Blade (Less Boobage and more MK4 looking I hope)

*Jax/ Kung Lao/Kabal/Kitana/Shang Tsung/
They're dead though. Kung Lao Kabal and Kitana I can see but Jax and Shang?

*Noob Saibot
Not really a surprise. Scorpion died every tuesday in the old canon and came back fine. Noob shouldn't be any different.

Why. That' How about Demon or no Smoke and Just fix Cyber-Zero?


*Raiden (possibly only a narrator role)
Oh I could only hope, I've gotten real sick of Raiden and his blockhead moments in story mode. Also gameplay wise he's always been a major pain in my ass.

*If this is the roster then a “quarter” of that that means we will probably get 4-6 new characters*

Again not nearly enough in my opinion.

I'm skeptical about some of it but the fact you're from Montreal makes me think you could be telling the truth either way Thanks for sharing!

E3 is starting to look pretty interesting now..I just hope it's not a big messy Reboot where every fighters moveset is wildly different now, no more 2D and the entire plot with Shinnok goes out the window.

About Me

02/27/2014 11:06 AM (UTC)
I like pretty much everything that is rumored at this point, but I really hope that this game will just end up being a continuation of MK9. They retold MK1-3 so now this game should be a retelling of, at least, MK4. MK9 was the reboot that we needed. I'd find it ridiculous if MK10 is a reboot as well.

As far as being darker and more realistic goes, I don't understand why they would change the atmosphere of MK9. The game was critically acclaimed and felt like a true MK game, more so than MK4-Armageddon.

And more realistic? I hope this doesn't turn out to be true. We don't need more realism in this game. This game deals with magic and sorcery and killing people in inhuman and completely impossible ways. I don't want to see that go away.
02/27/2014 01:36 PM (UTC)
Most of it sounds fishy to say the least.
Reboot of the series, right after reboot? Unexplained return of the killed characters? Cyber Smoke all of a sudden?
All this information goes against logic and in my opinion is not trustworthy.
02/27/2014 01:49 PM (UTC)
I call this absolute bullshit... Nothing makes sense
02/27/2014 06:34 PM (UTC)
Nah. Just nah.

MK9 was very popular, A lot of people loved the story mode. A lot of people have seen the story. A lot of people saw Shinnok at the end.

MK10 is going to continue that storyline.

The rumours posted sound too similar to the old MK8 rumours.
02/27/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
@ErmaSco I (and I think everyone here) would love to know what your sources say on the matter then...

Also, when I said "reboot", I think it means they are going to skip the whole MK9 storyline and just try something similar but new. Kinda like the new Twisted Metal that came out.

They killed WAY too many characters in MK9 so I can see why it might be true they're just starting over from scratch.
02/27/2014 07:55 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
@ErmaSco I (and I think everyone here) would love to know what your sources say on the matter then...

Also, when I said "reboot", I think it means they are going to skip the whole MK9 storyline and just try something similar but new. Kinda like the new Twisted Metal that came out.

They killed WAY too many characters in MK9 so I can see why it might be true they're just starting over from scratch.

That would be incredibly stupid.

I could see it if another company decided to take over, but it's the same damn team. They wouldn't just reboot the series and then reboot it again because the ending killed characters off. No, that is stupid.
02/27/2014 08:01 PM (UTC)
I never considered MK9 to be a reboot. A reboot in gameplay style, yes, but it still followed the Armageddon storyline. It used time travel as a plot device.
02/27/2014 08:28 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
@ErmaSco I (and I think everyone here) would love to know what your sources say on the matter then...

Also, when I said "reboot", I think it means they are going to skip the whole MK9 storyline and just try something similar but new. Kinda like the new Twisted Metal that came out.

They killed WAY too many characters in MK9 so I can see why it might be true they're just starting over from scratch.

Now THAT sounds like complete and utter improbable bullshit. Rebooting storyline right after succesful reboot? What for?
Besides, ressurecting killed characters was never a big problem for Midway / NRS. If they indeed do that my opinion on the NRS will go down very significantly. At least I hope that all of this is just rumors.
02/27/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
The only characters they killed were Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung. And even then Shang Tsung could be Shinnok's trump card against Quan Chi's betrayal.

Everyone else either works for Shinnok or are alive.

And guys. I have sauces.

And they are better than yours.
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