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02/16/2015 03:28 AM (UTC)
No, you must remember more carefully. You said that MKD Mileena is on Kotal Kahn's level and I said she is not. Kotal is stronger than Mileena and from what we have seen so insofar more intelligent as well. What you said has no merit..

No, I never said MKD Mileena is on Kotal's level.Please, quote me if you find the exact sentences where I said MKD Mileena is on Kotal's level.

I said Kotal Kahn is not on Mileena's MKD level. And I'm not talking about power, I never said power. Mileena's MKD level is not over power, is about character development, strategies, and efficiency. Mileena in MKD barely fight, and that is the clue of her success. In this point, Mileena during MKD-MKA is more efficient than Kotal Kahn. She surrender, with a plan, to Goro, Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung. In this point, yeah, MKD-MKA Mileena is way more efficient than Kotal Kahn. But no, no: I never talk about power.

I think you are confused, I did not say Mileena's gonna rip off Kotal's head, that was another user. In fact, I said we couldn'd say much about this situation because we don't know what to expect from the comic, as a few other users point out.
02/16/2015 03:28 AM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
I think I'd be cool if Reiko and Mileena grew on eachother and formed a really tight bond as lovers. It seemed to me that Mileena really likes him in the comic so far.

This will likely never happen. It is clear that Reiko is the mastermind behind K' etz's death and the strategist on Mileena's side. His level of intellect surpasses that of most combatants from what I read in the latest chapter, never mind Mileena's. Oh, and lets not forget that Mileena is ONE UGLY CREATURE with a claim on Outworld that is very questionable. Not exactly what you'd call attractive attributes.

You do make great points. Reiko most likely wants the power that comes with being with Mileena, but I think Mileena probably has a thing for Reiko and because of that she won't care if he's using her for power.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/16/2015 03:30 AM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
Demon_0 Wrote:
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
I think I'd be cool if Reiko and Mileena grew on eachother and formed a really tight bond as lovers. It seemed to me that Mileena really likes him in the comic so far.

This will likely never happen. It is clear that Reiko is the mastermind behind K' etz's death and the strategist on Mileena's side. His level of intellect surpasses that of most combatants from what I read in the latest chapter, never mind Mileena's. Oh, and lets not forget that Mileena is ONE UGLY CREATURE with a claim on Outworld that is very questionable. Not exactly what you'd call attractive attributes.

You do make great points. Reiko most likely wants the power that comes with being with Mileena, but I think Mileena probably has a thing for Reiko and because of that she won't care if he's using her for power.

Or if she ever finds out, she's savage enough to uh.. eat him. She's definitely suffering from daddy complex at the moment tho.
02/16/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
Benetnasch Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
moll211 Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
(re: Mileena fans)

I want her in the comic just as much as Kotal is, since they are the two "leaders" opposing each other, even if Reiko is (in this issue) pulling the strings).

Not an unreasonable complaint considering her role in the story.

She isn't on kotal's level. Hes far more intellectual and savy. Thats an insult to kotal to think she could really be on his level.

Than MK2011 Mileena? Of course
Than MKD Mileena? Not at all
Than MKX Mileena? We don't know

Yes the MKD Mileena would have already ripped Kotal Kahns head off and there would have been no debate

Hope MK X Mileena is playing them all and come out on top of outworld

I disagree. Lol ripped his head off? Kotal kahn is a god. His head wont be ripped of just fairly easily especially by mileena. Mileena couldnt even rip retard reptiles head off. Even with kahn dead mileena still couldnt conquer outworld yet. I think even trash D'Vorah could kill her.

Is pointless to make certain axioms like "x is more powerfun than y", because this is Mortal Kombat (?), not Dragon Ball. Anyway, the summary of MKX no.2 states "Finally, after a great battle, Mileena was overthrown". That great battle has been or a battle between uprisers vs. defender of legitimacy, or literally Mileena vs Kotal Kahn. If turns out the second option is what the right choice, Mileena was defeated after a difficult battle and not easily. We don't know the power por Kotal Kahn, we don't know the skills of MKX Mileena.
Even, MKD MIleena is pretty badass but not for her power level

pd: Fujin is a god and is defeated by Sub-Zero. Rain is a semi-god and is a faithful servant of Mileena. IDK

Subzero is a grandmaster with ice powers and trainer of the lin kuie sorry for misspelling. He isnt a mindless follower like mileena so its not hard to believe he beat fujin.
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02/16/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
moll211 Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
(re: Mileena fans)

I want her in the comic just as much as Kotal is, since they are the two "leaders" opposing each other, even if Reiko is (in this issue) pulling the strings).

Not an unreasonable complaint considering her role in the story.

She isn't on kotal's level. Hes far more intellectual and savy. Thats an insult to kotal to think she could really be on his level.

Than MK2011 Mileena? Of course
Than MKD Mileena? Not at all
Than MKX Mileena? We don't know

Yes the MKD Mileena would have already ripped Kotal Kahns head off and there would have been no debate

Hope MK X Mileena is playing them all and come out on top of outworld

Rip Kotal's head off? The same Mileena is Deception that was following Onaga's orders and the same Mileena who died by Baraka? Not a chance. Mileena has always been a lackey. She has been killed twice in the original timeline and has always followed some one elses orders.

Kotal Kahn has already overthrew her and already is in a position of power. All we have seen of Mileena is that she is even periphiral with what looks like the sycophant Reiko in charge for the most part. In fact Kotal recognises Reiko more of a threat than Mileena. That speaks volumes.

Yea i wasn't really that serious about that i was saying like "rip his head off" referring to her fatality in that game where she like eats throughout there neck haha and i honestly don't think any character comparison is valid because it's personal preference so anyone can say kotal can beat mileena and mileena can beat kotal but until they go one on one in canon and someone wins we will never really know!!!
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Join the Mileena army on FB!

02/16/2015 04:06 AM (UTC)
Subzero is a grandmaster with ice powers

Who defeat Fujin is the original SZ during MKM, Bi-Han, when he was just another ninja in the clan. It's kinda funny, when Bi-Han is resurrected as Noob-Saibot, he loses a fight against Kabal -and before he defeat a god!. The GrandMaster is the new SZ, not the old.

About Me

02/16/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
Benetnasch Wrote:
Subzero is a grandmaster with ice powers

Who defeat Fujin is the original SZ during MKM, Bi-Han, when he was just another ninja in the clan. It's kinda funny, when Bi-Han is resurrected as Noob-Saibot, he loses a fight against Kabal -and before he defeat a god!. The GrandMaster is the new SZ, not the old.

Yep!! Classic Sub-Zero > Noob

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
even though Noob whooped Goro's washed up ass. (albeit fake or not)
02/16/2015 04:38 AM (UTC)
I like what they did with reiko. I was always indifferent on him because all I knew was that he was a general and dressed like kahn. We didn't see the battlefield in the invasions. He was given justice in this comic though. That's what a dude who managed to become a general of outworld and netherrealm should be like. He is a badass too, he was out slaying monsters and saving kotal's ass. Who knew? I thought he was a kahn thong sniffer.

Goro looked good and kicked some ass. It was cool he betrayed kotal, that's more pride than honor. He's like fuck you peasants I'm a prince. And then gets his shit smashed in.

Gods before the gods sounds cool, I don't think its the elders. Maybe it's their "Titans". Raiden said some weird shit too about the kamidogu blood magic. A new God would be sweet.
02/16/2015 05:30 AM (UTC)
Lol @ Comic Discussion turning into a Mileena hate thread..was that really necessary guys? I mean really.

Oh talk about this last great installment in the comics? Nah let's talk nonsense about everyone's favorite characters and fling shit at each other like monkeys.

This is why MKO can't have nice things like civilized discussions. Stay classy guys stay classy...

On Topic

This issue was fantastic really digging the Reiko development and the reemergence of Goro as a threat takes me back to the days of MK1

Reiko never interested me in the slightest but the comics have managed to make me take a step and go "woah...this dude got the skills to kill!" Bravo NRS Bravo! Then again they managed to make Kano look interesting as fuck. Keep it up Kittelsen & NRS!
02/16/2015 05:54 AM (UTC)
Benetnasch Wrote:
Subzero is a grandmaster with ice powers

Who defeat Fujin is the original SZ during MKM, Bi-Han, when he was just another ninja in the clan. It's kinda funny, when Bi-Han is resurrected as Noob-Saibot, he loses a fight against Kabal -and before he defeat a god!. The GrandMaster is the new SZ, not the old.

Before his transformation, Bi-Han (as Sub-Zero) possessed incredible control over the element of ice. He could easily deep freeze opponents to the point of them becoming brittle enough to shatter into pieces. By a single touch he was even able to flash-freeze opponents and had the ability to freeze the entire air itself by concentrating all of his ice power into one destructive blast. Pretty powerful he actually was. Someone with these abilities would have the capability of beating fujin. Mileena is no where any of this.
I'm pretty sure everone know this by now... chapter 7 is out.
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02/16/2015 09:19 AM (UTC)
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
I'm pretty sure everone know this by now... chapter 7 is out.

I sure do miss your censor bar over Cyber Sub-Zero signature. Epic lulz.
02/16/2015 09:19 AM (UTC)
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
I'm pretty sure everone know this by now... chapter 7 is out.

I thought the 6 pages of discussion on Chapter 7 might have given that away already tongue
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/16/2015 09:54 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:
Subzero is a grandmaster with ice powers

Who defeat Fujin is the original SZ during MKM, Bi-Han, when he was just another ninja in the clan. It's kinda funny, when Bi-Han is resurrected as Noob-Saibot, he loses a fight against Kabal -and before he defeat a god!. The GrandMaster is the new SZ, not the old.

Before his transformation, Bi-Han (as Sub-Zero) possessed incredible control over the element of ice. He could easily deep freeze opponents to the point of them becoming brittle enough to shatter into pieces. By a single touch he was even able to flash-freeze opponents and had the ability to freeze the entire air itself by concentrating all of his ice power into one destructive blast. Pretty powerful he actually was. Someone with these abilities would have the capability of beating fujin. Mileena is no where any of this.

This is a discussion about characters/events actually relevant to the comic. If you want to discuss 'sub zero''s two page spread I'd suggest going back to chapter 1 where he was hot for like a minute when he did nothing but get tricked by Kano

FROID Wrote:
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
I'm pretty sure everone know this by now... chapter 7 is out.

I sure do miss your censor bar over Cyber Sub-Zero signature. Epic lulz.

I still have it

NickScryer Wrote:
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
I'm pretty sure everone know this by now... chapter 7 is out.

I thought the 6 pages of discussion on Chapter 7 might have given that away already tongue

The digital book didn't appear to me until last night :\
02/16/2015 10:42 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:
Subzero is a grandmaster with ice powers

Who defeat Fujin is the original SZ during MKM, Bi-Han, when he was just another ninja in the clan. It's kinda funny, when Bi-Han is resurrected as Noob-Saibot, he loses a fight against Kabal -and before he defeat a god!. The GrandMaster is the new SZ, not the old.

Before his transformation, Bi-Han (as Sub-Zero) possessed incredible control over the element of ice. He could easily deep freeze opponents to the point of them becoming brittle enough to shatter into pieces. By a single touch he was even able to flash-freeze opponents and had the ability to freeze the entire air itself by concentrating all of his ice power into one destructive blast. Pretty powerful he actually was. Someone with these abilities would have the capability of beating fujin. Mileena is no where any of this.

This is a discussion about characters/events actually relevant to the comic. If you want to discuss 'sub zero''s two page spread I'd suggest going back to chapter 1 where he was hot for like a minute when he did nothing but get tricked by Kano

So...let me get this straight you're quick to point out the "immaturity" of Kitana fans but you run to the defense of your precious Mileena

yet you're just as quick to insult SZ fans? this is why no one likes the fucking condescending hypocritical Mileena fans you're literally all the same I can paint you all with the same brush and I will. Might I suggest you stop flinging shit and others might stop flinging it in the general direction of your precious slutty kindergartner that has never been anything more than second fiddle.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/16/2015 02:35 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:
Subzero is a grandmaster with ice powers

Who defeat Fujin is the original SZ during MKM, Bi-Han, when he was just another ninja in the clan. It's kinda funny, when Bi-Han is resurrected as Noob-Saibot, he loses a fight against Kabal -and before he defeat a god!. The GrandMaster is the new SZ, not the old.

Before his transformation, Bi-Han (as Sub-Zero) possessed incredible control over the element of ice. He could easily deep freeze opponents to the point of them becoming brittle enough to shatter into pieces. By a single touch he was even able to flash-freeze opponents and had the ability to freeze the entire air itself by concentrating all of his ice power into one destructive blast. Pretty powerful he actually was. Someone with these abilities would have the capability of beating fujin. Mileena is no where any of this.

This is a discussion about characters/events actually relevant to the comic. If you want to discuss 'sub zero''s two page spread I'd suggest going back to chapter 1 where he was hot for like a minute when he did nothing but get tricked by Kano

So...let me get this straight you're quick to point out the "immaturity" of Kitana fans but you run to the defense of your precious Mileena

yet you're just as quick to insult SZ fans? this is why no one likes the fucking condescending hypocritical Mileena fans you're literally all the same I can paint you all with the same brush and I will. Might I suggest you stop flinging shit and others might stop flinging it in the general direction of your precious slutty kindergartner that has never been anything more than second fiddle.

I was quick to insult subzero after the user constantly used his biased opinions to attack her five posts in a row, only to prove that his over zealous subzero praise serves MKX comic sub zero nothing, because in the comic, which we are discussing, he hasn't done shit.

And just for your awareness, this all starts from someone attacking and provoking said MIleena fans by insulting the character,, usually with bullshit reasons. If you want to go back in this thread you can see where this occurs

squirt007nc Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
(re: Mileena fans)

I want her in the comic just as much as Kotal is, since they are the two "leaders" opposing each other, even if Reiko is (in this issue) pulling the strings).

Not an unreasonable complaint considering her role in the story.

She isn't on kotal's level. Hes far more intellectual and savy. Thats an insult to kotal to think she could really be on his level.

This is from three pages ago and there have been multiple iterations of this post sense.

Basically, don't direct quote me insulting Mileena out of no where and we won't have a problem, which is what you just did, not me, so please let me suggest to you that if you have such a problem with Mileena fans, just keep it in your pants for reptile, or whoever floats your boat. Simple.
02/21/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
Is there no comic this week? I can usually preorder by now.
02/21/2015 11:50 PM (UTC)
Surprised nobody else noticed Goro using Shao Khan's infamous "Is that your best?" line before using the Wrath Hammer to kill him. That was a brilliant refference! ;)
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