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02/26/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
How is pushing someone into a portal were they are juiced and decapitated while you bath in their blood not brutal? How is planting a bug in someone's chest so it can grow and explode out of it not brutal? If you don't think the chest-burster from Alien is brutal, then I don't know what you were expecting.

When fatalities are more brutal than brutalities, then you know you fucked up.

I can see your point about Fatalities being more brutal than the Brutalities, but they are going to put the most cinematic and complex finishers as Fatalities. So by that logic, Brutalities should never exist because Fatalities are always going to be more brutal. The new Brutalities are much more interesting, unique, and brutal than anything MK has added since the Fatalities, in my opinion.

I agree with you A LOT actually.

They are unique and fun, I could see it working in EVO.

Also I can see it catching people off guard for an awesome reaction.

But Brutalities should have involved X-Ray and more Punches.

Just smash the opponents face in with 20 hits. rip arms and hit them with their ripped arms.

I don't want it to be like the UMK3 days but I don't also want Brutalities to be short fatalities.

Remember the MK9 Trailer, where Scorpion got on top of Subby and just smashed his face in?

That's exactly what I thought would have happen with brutalities.

but with X-Ray moves and just make them well.. More Brutal.

Isn't that the point?

& If I recall correctly, Doesn't Cassie do that as well for her brutality finisher?

Anyways, this installment is reminding me more & more of Cosmic Carnage.

Exhibit A: Variations altering the appearance of characters(giving them new moves as well) just like CC's armor system.

& Now having special moves that mutilates opponent as a finishing move. Just like Cosmic Carnage.
02/26/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
The amount of whining and complaining some of you do...sheesh

I dig 'em. A lot.

No offense bro. Not everyone is gonna sugar coat shit. If we don't like it we don't. It's our right to bandwagon and or not be happy. Just because it's mk and we love it. Don't mean everything NRS shits out is gonna be amazing. I loved Brutalities because of the multiple slugfest you had before the finale. This shit is lackluster. I got nothing against you personally but I refuse to kiss nrs ass if what I see I don't like. It's mine and others opinions and if we don't like a product or something that's affiliated gimmick wise to sell the product by all means speak up!

Oh but your ranting won't help this or change that. Stop it now! Excuse me? I been almost nothing but supportive of this franchise. I been on mko 11 years now. Very seldom have I complained. But as I'm getting older I realize how much shit that this series had that I loved that has either been re-written or written off completely. It's bullshit and yes I am speaking logically right now. I just can't believe you think these are brutalities. I would of rather had the input combo to lead to it. What I seen looked like input fatalities. These are not brutalities not by a long shot. Argue as you will but it's not as amusing as the originals.

Another thing I will say. Is this is a mk dedicated forum where we share opinions, faqs, knowledge, passion, love and hate. Stop criticizing people here because we don't kiss ass. And follow the pact. If I love something about mk ill make it known, support it if I think it demands it. If I don't ill speak my mind. Deal with it.

The roster for MKX outside Goro, Ermac and Kano suck. I didn't want to see any of the ones who died in mk9s story back. Idc if you gave them CPR eff that.

MKX could of focused elsewhere and what we got was transfer paper characters with Variations. Oh yay. Cuz I haven't seen an op kung lao enough last game. Give me a break bro.

If you hate me after this post so be it. I'm speaking up as an 11 year veteran of this site and supporting Midway thru NRS I'm so far disappointed in the roster and these fake az Brutalities.


I REALLY WANT TO GIVE THIS GUY A DRAGON POINT! Well actually I want to give him points not just one point.

He made it clear in a very nice and respectful manner.

Isn't this why we are all here? to discuss and give our opinions?

So when you say stop complaining you are basically taking our right to talk and state our opinion.

If we are not here to give our opinion then what are we here for?

I hate the new "Brutalities"

They don't feel like Brutalities, they feel like Shitty fatalities.

P.S. No offence to Liu Kang, I love you, you Bruce lee rip-off <3
02/26/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I REALLY WANT TO GIVE THIS GUY A DRAGON POINT! Well actually I want to give him points not just one point.

For agreeing with you? Really?
02/26/2015 11:35 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I REALLY WANT TO GIVE THIS GUY A DRAGON POINT! Well actually I want to give him points not just one point.

For agreeing with you? Really?

For speaking the truth!

I don't care if he likes those new Brutalities or not.

What he said was true, it's with in our rights to like or hate those new Brutalities.

If someone says "Stop complaining about them they are good" then they are basically saying our opinions don't matter.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/26/2015 11:37 PM (UTC)
No offense bro. Not everyone is gonna sugar coat shit. If we don't like it we don't. It's our right to bandwagon and or not be happy. Just because it's mk and we love it. Don't mean everything NRS shits out is gonna be amazing. I loved Brutalities because of the multiple slugfest you had before the finale. This shit is lackluster. I got nothing against you personally but I refuse to kiss nrs ass if what I see I don't like. It's mine and others opinions and if we don't like a product or something that's affiliated gimmick wise to sell the product by all means speak up!

Oh but your ranting won't help this or change that. Stop it now! Excuse me? I been almost nothing but supportive of this franchise. I been on mko 11 years now. Very seldom have I complained. But as I'm getting older I realize how much shit that this series had that I loved that has either been re-written or written off completely. It's bullshit and yes I am speaking logically right now. I just can't believe you think these are brutalities. I would of rather had the input combo to lead to it. What I seen looked like input fatalities. These are not brutalities not by a long shot. Argue as you will but it's not as amusing as the originals.

Another thing I will say. Is this is a mk dedicated forum where we share opinions, faqs, knowledge, passion, love and hate. Stop criticizing people here because we don't kiss ass. And follow the pact. If I love something about mk ill make it known, support it if I think it demands it. If I don't ill speak my mind. Deal with it.

The roster for MKX outside Goro, Ermac and Kano suck. I didn't want to see any of the ones who died in mk9s story back. Idc if you gave them CPR eff that.

MKX could of focused elsewhere and what we got was transfer paper characters with Variations. Oh yay. Cuz I haven't seen an op kung lao enough last game. Give me a break bro.

If you hate me after this post so be it. I'm speaking up as an 11 year veteran of this site and supporting Midway thru NRS I'm so far disappointed in the roster and these fake az Brutalities.


About Me

02/26/2015 11:37 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I REALLY WANT TO GIVE THIS GUY A DRAGON POINT! Well actually I want to give him points not just one point.

For agreeing with you? Really?

For speaking the truth!

I don't care if he likes those new Brutalities or not.

What he said was true, it's with in our rights to like or hate those new Brutalities.

If someone says "Stop complaining about them they are good" then they are basically saying our opinions don't matter.

You're confusing 'truth' with 'your opinion'.
02/26/2015 11:38 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
No offense bro. Not everyone is gonna sugar coat shit. If we don't like it we don't. It's our right to bandwagon and or not be happy. Just because it's mk and we love it. Don't mean everything NRS shits out is gonna be amazing. I loved Brutalities because of the multiple slugfest you had before the finale. This shit is lackluster. I got nothing against you personally but I refuse to kiss nrs ass if what I see I don't like. It's mine and others opinions and if we don't like a product or something that's affiliated gimmick wise to sell the product by all means speak up!

Oh but your ranting won't help this or change that. Stop it now! Excuse me? I been almost nothing but supportive of this franchise. I been on mko 11 years now. Very seldom have I complained. But as I'm getting older I realize how much shit that this series had that I loved that has either been re-written or written off completely. It's bullshit and yes I am speaking logically right now. I just can't believe you think these are brutalities. I would of rather had the input combo to lead to it. What I seen looked like input fatalities. These are not brutalities not by a long shot. Argue as you will but it's not as amusing as the originals.

Another thing I will say. Is this is a mk dedicated forum where we share opinions, faqs, knowledge, passion, love and hate. Stop criticizing people here because we don't kiss ass. And follow the pact. If I love something about mk ill make it known, support it if I think it demands it. If I don't ill speak my mind. Deal with it.

The roster for MKX outside Goro, Ermac and Kano suck. I didn't want to see any of the ones who died in mk9s story back. Idc if you gave them CPR eff that.

MKX could of focused elsewhere and what we got was transfer paper characters with Variations. Oh yay. Cuz I haven't seen an op kung lao enough last game. Give me a break bro.

If you hate me after this post so be it. I'm speaking up as an 11 year veteran of this site and supporting Midway thru NRS I'm so far disappointed in the roster and these fake az Brutalities.


02/26/2015 11:39 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I REALLY WANT TO GIVE THIS GUY A DRAGON POINT! Well actually I want to give him points not just one point.

For agreeing with you? Really?

For actually being OBJECTIVE.
02/26/2015 11:42 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I REALLY WANT TO GIVE THIS GUY A DRAGON POINT! Well actually I want to give him points not just one point.

For agreeing with you? Really?

For speaking the truth!

I don't care if he likes those new Brutalities or not.

What he said was true, it's with in our rights to like or hate those new Brutalities.

If someone says "Stop complaining about them they are good" then they are basically saying our opinions don't matter.

You're confusing 'truth' with 'your opinion'.

I think it's you who is confusing 'truth' with 'My opinion'

You little collection of souls.

well I guess collection of souls is not little... are not little...
02/26/2015 11:42 PM (UTC)
I wasn't expecting an explosion with seven rib cages. Hell I always thought the demand for Brutalities to return was rather stupid because they were such pointless and lazy finishers.

But I thought if they were going to put them in they were going to remain faithful to the concept. That being having them be a none dismembering knuckle breaking brutal beat down finisher.

You know like doing a combo with Scorpion then the camera goes all cincematic on us and it shows Scorps hitting Kano in the face so hard that his cheek bone caves in, then he punches him again and the hinges of his jaw shatter and eventually Scorpion has pounded his face into gravel and mincemeat.

It just doesn't seem right calling these brutalities when there is nothing that separates them from the fatalities.

Eh whatevs.
02/26/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
Minion, I respect you but if liking something is "Kissing NRS' ass" then you couldn't be anymore wrong. Do I say negative things about you because you disagree? No. So what gives you the right to do that to others?

Not cool man.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/26/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
02/26/2015 11:45 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
This will get buried but...
All the..."brutalities" shown in the stream today

Cant wait to see the others!
02/26/2015 11:45 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Minion, I respect you but if liking something is "Kissing NRS' ass" then you couldn't be anymore wrong. Do I say negative things about you because you disagree? No. So what gives you the right to do that to others?

Not cool man.

No. When he said "kissingass" he meant how mk fans on this site ridicule people who say anything remotely objective about the game instead of just accepting peoples opinions.
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
02/26/2015 11:48 PM (UTC)
Liking them doesn't mean you're kissing ass, hating them doesn't mean you've got nostalgia goggles on.

Everyone step away from their keyboards and breathe, okay?
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

02/26/2015 11:50 PM (UTC)
Some of the brutalities seemed really cool like Kotal's and Cassie and some were just were lame. I really do not see how Sub-Zero's is good. It could have easily been just an extension of his throw. The worst one shown by far.

Good thing the characters have multiple brutalities. I really like this take on brutalities. Never was a fan of the old ones from Trilogy. They always came off as uninspired and boring to me.
02/26/2015 11:52 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
The amount of whining and complaining some of you do...sheesh

I dig 'em. A lot.

No offense bro. Not everyone is gonna sugar coat shit. If we don't like it we don't. It's our right to bandwagon and or not be happy. Just because it's mk and we love it. Don't mean everything NRS shits out is gonna be amazing. I loved Brutalities because of the multiple slugfest you had before the finale. This shit is lackluster. I got nothing against you personally but I refuse to kiss nrs ass if what I see I don't like. It's mine and others opinions and if we don't like a product or something that's affiliated gimmick wise to sell the product by all means speak up!

Oh but your ranting won't help this or change that. Stop it now! Excuse me? I been almost nothing but supportive of this franchise. I been on mko 11 years now. Very seldom have I complained. But as I'm getting older I realize how much shit that this series had that I loved that has either been re-written or written off completely. It's bullshit and yes I am speaking logically right now. I just can't believe you think these are brutalities. I would of rather had the input combo to lead to it. What I seen looked like input fatalities. These are not brutalities not by a long shot. Argue as you will but it's not as amusing as the originals.

Another thing I will say. Is this is a mk dedicated forum where we share opinions, faqs, knowledge, passion, love and hate. Stop criticizing people here because we don't kiss ass. And follow the pact. If I love something about mk ill make it known, support it if I think it demands it. If I don't ill speak my mind. Deal with it.

The roster for MKX outside Goro, Ermac and Kano suck. I didn't want to see any of the ones who died in mk9s story back. Idc if you gave them CPR eff that.

MKX could of focused elsewhere and what we got was transfer paper characters with Variations. Oh yay. Cuz I haven't seen an op kung lao enough last game. Give me a break bro.

If you hate me after this post so be it. I'm speaking up as an 11 year veteran of this site and supporting Midway thru NRS I'm so far disappointed in the roster and these fake az Brutalities.


You're entitled to your opinion. I never said you weren't. I don't recall ever saying "you must like this", "don't complain" or "you shouldn't express how you feel". But if that's all you seem to do, maybe it's time to re-evaluate if it's worth even giving it your time anymore. No need to get so worked up about it, these are all just trivial things in the bigger picture. If you feel it's necessary to put me on blast to prove a point, or to vent, by all means. Wouldn't be the first time, likely won't be the last.

Once upon a time, you were that positive "everything is awesome..." ball of excitement. So I'm not sure who pissed in your cheerios sir, but I hope one day you decide it's time to stop eating from it, and just get a new bowl. I miss the ol' happy MINION.

R.I.P. 2004-2013

Sorry you aren't digging Brutalities/MKX. I don't "hate you" for disliking things or for lashing out, because I'm not 12. I respect you, I just think you've become very jaded and cynical.
About Me
Groundbreaking Debut | You[Tube] | deviantART | Twitter
02/26/2015 11:58 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Minion, I respect you but if liking something is "Kissing NRS' ass" then you couldn't be anymore wrong. Do I say negative things about you because you disagree? No. So what gives you the right to do that to others?

Not cool man.

If you chose to debate over something you believe in do so. Protest, make your opinions known. A lot of the people here share their likes. You know why the one's who don't come out and speak up? Authority and Passive aggressive hostility towards their as some would claim 'fake' or non loyal fan base of this series.

The ones who don't agree with stuff are generally targeted and are asked or forced to leave. No one has opinions for long here if it don't follow suite or go by their belief's.

It's a community of fans die-hard's, casuals and veterans. Thus we all have our history with the series. I have never attacked a member head on here over his dislike over the games because that's his right to be passionate and speak up on something that might of been a fond memory.

We are all here and with that comes commitment to what we love about MK. If somethings different, changed, or left out that may be apart of anyone of us who feel compelled to see it as it was. That's not hate Amongst others that's personal preference and beliefs that bounds us. Period.
02/27/2015 12:01 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
How is pushing someone into a portal were they are juiced and decapitated while you bath in their blood not brutal? How is planting a bug in someone's chest so it can grow and explode out of it not brutal? If you don't think the chest-burster from Alien is brutal, then I don't know what you were expecting.

When fatalities are more brutal than brutalities, then you know you fucked up.

I can see your point about Fatalities being more brutal than the Brutalities, but they are going to put the most cinematic and complex finishers as Fatalities. So by that logic, Brutalities should never exist because Fatalities are always going to be more brutal. The new Brutalities are much more interesting, unique, and brutal than anything MK has added since the Fatalities, in my opinion.

I agree with you A LOT actually.

They are unique and fun, I could see it working in EVO.

Also I can see it catching people off guard for an awesome reaction.

But Brutalities should have involved X-Ray and more Punches.

Just smash the opponents face in with 20 hits. rip arms and hit them with their ripped arms.

I don't want it to be like the UMK3 days but I don't also want Brutalities to be short fatalities.

Remember the MK9 Trailer, where Scorpion got on top of Subby and just smashed his face in?

That's exactly what I thought would have happen with brutalities.

but with X-Ray moves and just make them well.. More Brutal.

Isn't that the point?

Ok, I think I understand what your saying. What these new Brutalities are is not what you associate with the word brutality. However, I feel as though what you described as a Brutality could just as well be what Fatalities are now. Adding the X-ray would be cool, but look at Scorpion's or Sub-Zero's new Fatalities; they have a lot of excess just to make them more brutal. I don't see much of a difference to call it a new -ality. NRS probably should have named them something else so this association wouldn't happen. Finality? Lethality?
02/27/2015 12:08 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
How is pushing someone into a portal were they are juiced and decapitated while you bath in their blood not brutal? How is planting a bug in someone's chest so it can grow and explode out of it not brutal? If you don't think the chest-burster from Alien is brutal, then I don't know what you were expecting.

When fatalities are more brutal than brutalities, then you know you fucked up.

I can see your point about Fatalities being more brutal than the Brutalities, but they are going to put the most cinematic and complex finishers as Fatalities. So by that logic, Brutalities should never exist because Fatalities are always going to be more brutal. The new Brutalities are much more interesting, unique, and brutal than anything MK has added since the Fatalities, in my opinion.

I agree with you A LOT actually.

They are unique and fun, I could see it working in EVO.

Also I can see it catching people off guard for an awesome reaction.

But Brutalities should have involved X-Ray and more Punches.

Just smash the opponents face in with 20 hits. rip arms and hit them with their ripped arms.

I don't want it to be like the UMK3 days but I don't also want Brutalities to be short fatalities.

Remember the MK9 Trailer, where Scorpion got on top of Subby and just smashed his face in?

That's exactly what I thought would have happen with brutalities.

but with X-Ray moves and just make them well.. More Brutal.

Isn't that the point?

Ok, I think I understand what your saying. What these new Brutalities are is not what you associate with the word brutality. However, I feel as though what you described as a Brutality could just as well be what Fatalities are now. Adding the X-ray would be cool, but look at Scorpion's or Sub-Zero's new Fatalities; they have a lot of excess just to make them more brutal. I don't see much of a difference to call it a new -ality. NRS probably should have named them something else so this association wouldn't happen. Finality? Lethality?

LMFAO! Lethality FTW!

Yeah I think we do have an understanding, It's a cool idea but certainly no brutality.

It's not just adding X-Rays to it, it's making it real brutal with punches and kicks, Skulls crashing,bones broken.

no need to dismember the enemy just show a broken body with bones popping from everywhere, like their eyes and chest and stuff like that.

Dismemberment would be nice as well for specific, the point is. just make them more Brutal with specific character combos.
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Groundbreaking Debut | You[Tube] | deviantART | Twitter
02/27/2015 12:12 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
The amount of whining and complaining some of you do...sheesh

I dig 'em. A lot.

No offense bro. Not everyone is gonna sugar coat shit. If we don't like it we don't. It's our right to bandwagon and or not be happy. Just because it's mk and we love it. Don't mean everything NRS shits out is gonna be amazing. I loved Brutalities because of the multiple slugfest you had before the finale. This shit is lackluster. I got nothing against you personally but I refuse to kiss nrs ass if what I see I don't like. It's mine and others opinions and if we don't like a product or something that's affiliated gimmick wise to sell the product by all means speak up!

Oh but your ranting won't help this or change that. Stop it now! Excuse me? I been almost nothing but supportive of this franchise. I been on mko 11 years now. Very seldom have I complained. But as I'm getting older I realize how much shit that this series had that I loved that has either been re-written or written off completely. It's bullshit and yes I am speaking logically right now. I just can't believe you think these are brutalities. I would of rather had the input combo to lead to it. What I seen looked like input fatalities. These are not brutalities not by a long shot. Argue as you will but it's not as amusing as the originals.

Another thing I will say. Is this is a mk dedicated forum where we share opinions, faqs, knowledge, passion, love and hate. Stop criticizing people here because we don't kiss ass. And follow the pact. If I love something about mk ill make it known, support it if I think it demands it. If I don't ill speak my mind. Deal with it.

The roster for MKX outside Goro, Ermac and Kano suck. I didn't want to see any of the ones who died in mk9s story back. Idc if you gave them CPR eff that.

MKX could of focused elsewhere and what we got was transfer paper characters with Variations. Oh yay. Cuz I haven't seen an op kung lao enough last game. Give me a break bro.

If you hate me after this post so be it. I'm speaking up as an 11 year veteran of this site and supporting Midway thru NRS I'm so far disappointed in the roster and these fake az Brutalities.


You're entitled to your opinion. I never said you weren't. I don't recall ever saying "you must like this", "don't complain" or "you shouldn't express how you feel". But if that's all you seem to do, maybe it's time to re-evaluate if it's worth even giving it your time anymore. No need to get so worked up about it, these are all just trivial things in the bigger picture. If you feel it's necessary to put me on blast to prove a point, or to vent, by all means. Wouldn't be the first time, likely won't be the last.

Once upon a time, you were that positive "everything is awesome..." ball of excitement. So I'm not sure who pissed in your cheerios sir, but I hope one day you decide it's time to stop eating from it, and just get a new bowl. I miss the ol' happy MINION.

R.I.P. 2004-2013

Sorry you aren't digging Brutalities/MKX. I don't "hate you" for disliking things or for lashing out, because I'm not 12. I respect you, I just think you've become very jaded and cynical.

It has nothing to do with my cherrio's. Good one tho.

It has to do with growing older not only as a human but with the things in life we love or dedicate our time to. That's it, nothing more nothing less. Just passionate people speaking their minds.

I didn't make that post to put you on blast or expose you. Has nothing to do with post wars. It's about knowing as a fan when and when not to have an opinion. Yea I was all for MK. Sorry that technology got better but character progression didn't. That's entirely how I feel with MKX as of now.

Brutalities in MKX seem like a joke. Yea I get it, people will like even love them. I don't not one bit. Classics are still better imho.

I don't come here for face or hype. I come here just like anyone else to see whats new or different in my favorite franchise of games. Thus being MK.

So know when I post. I post with heart and definition in my beliefs. It's not to zero you or anyone else out. It's real talk.
02/27/2015 12:13 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
What a fucking joke... LMAO! I was actually really nice when I said they are fatalities with X-Ray moves.

Because that would have been actually a lot better than the shit we got for Brutalities.

I don't care what anybody says, that shit sucks balls and should not be called a brutality.

I saw MK2 Fatalities that are more brutal than that shit.

It's a fun mechanic but calling it brutality just makes me Cringe.

More serious tone? LMAO! That shit made me burst laughing at how bad it was. I swear to god I laughed my ass off when they were talking on the stream acting serious about those so called brutalities.

MKA Kreate-a-fatality was 100x better than this shit. at least then you could do a 10 hit combo.

And that is saying a lot. when Kreate-a-fatality is better than your new re-imagined brutalities. that is saying A LOT!

I've grown to realize everything I disagree with almost everything you have to say. tongue
About Me

02/27/2015 12:15 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
The amount of whining and complaining some of you do...sheesh

I dig 'em. A lot.

No offense bro. Not everyone is gonna sugar coat shit. If we don't like it we don't. It's our right to bandwagon and or not be happy. Just because it's mk and we love it. Don't mean everything NRS shits out is gonna be amazing. I loved Brutalities because of the multiple slugfest you had before the finale. This shit is lackluster. I got nothing against you personally but I refuse to kiss nrs ass if what I see I don't like. It's mine and others opinions and if we don't like a product or something that's affiliated gimmick wise to sell the product by all means speak up!

Oh but your ranting won't help this or change that. Stop it now! Excuse me? I been almost nothing but supportive of this franchise. I been on mko 11 years now. Very seldom have I complained. But as I'm getting older I realize how much shit that this series had that I loved that has either been re-written or written off completely. It's bullshit and yes I am speaking logically right now. I just can't believe you think these are brutalities. I would of rather had the input combo to lead to it. What I seen looked like input fatalities. These are not brutalities not by a long shot. Argue as you will but it's not as amusing as the originals.

Another thing I will say. Is this is a mk dedicated forum where we share opinions, faqs, knowledge, passion, love and hate. Stop criticizing people here because we don't kiss ass. And follow the pact. If I love something about mk ill make it known, support it if I think it demands it. If I don't ill speak my mind. Deal with it.

The roster for MKX outside Goro, Ermac and Kano suck. I didn't want to see any of the ones who died in mk9s story back. Idc if you gave them CPR eff that.

MKX could of focused elsewhere and what we got was transfer paper characters with Variations. Oh yay. Cuz I haven't seen an op kung lao enough last game. Give me a break bro.

If you hate me after this post so be it. I'm speaking up as an 11 year veteran of this site and supporting Midway thru NRS I'm so far disappointed in the roster and these fake az Brutalities.


You're entitled to your opinion. I never said you weren't. I don't recall ever saying "you must like this", "don't complain" or "you shouldn't express how you feel". But if that's all you seem to do, maybe it's time to re-evaluate if it's worth even giving it your time anymore. No need to get so worked up about it, these are all just trivial things in the bigger picture. If you feel it's necessary to put me on blast to prove a point, or to vent, by all means. Wouldn't be the first time, likely won't be the last.

Once upon a time, you were that positive "everything is awesome..." ball of excitement. So I'm not sure who pissed in your cheerios sir, but I hope one day you decide it's time to stop eating from it, and just get a new bowl. I miss the ol' happy MINION.

R.I.P. 2004-2013

Sorry you aren't digging Brutalities/MKX. I don't "hate you" for disliking things or for lashing out, because I'm not 12. I respect you, I just think you've become very jaded and cynical.

Oh dear. So that's why the individual who is fixated on Reiko & Tanya added that adjective to his username.
02/27/2015 12:16 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Minion, I respect you but if liking something is "Kissing NRS' ass" then you couldn't be anymore wrong. Do I say negative things about you because you disagree? No. So what gives you the right to do that to others?

Not cool man.

If you chose to debate over something you believe in do so. Protest, make your opinions known. A lot of the people here share their likes. You know why the one's who don't come out and speak up? Authority and Passive aggressive hostility towards their as some would claim 'fake' or non loyal fan base of this series.

The ones who don't agree with stuff are generally targeted and are asked or forced to leave. No one has opinions for long here if it don't follow suite or go by their belief's.

It's a community of fans die-hard's, casuals and veterans. Thus we all have our history with the series. I have never attacked a member head on here over his dislike over the games because that's his right to be passionate and speak up on something that might of been a fond memory.

We are all here and with that comes commitment to what we love about MK. If somethings different, changed, or left out that may be apart of anyone of us who feel compelled to see it as it was. That's not hate Amongst others that's personal preference and beliefs that bounds us. Period.

If you don't like something, that's great. But we can do without the negative stuff like saying people kiss ass. That's all I'm saying. We can disagree in a way that isn't disrespectful.
02/27/2015 12:17 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
It's not brutalities of old, it's actually better! It's like old school fatalities that happen seamlesly, looks awesome.

Couldn't agree more. A seemless move from a combo that is character specific is absolutely fantastic in my opinion. The same people that bitch about things always being the same every game are the same that'll bitch about the revamped brutality model.
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