06/09/2010 02:30 AM (UTC)
Malocchio21 Wrote:
The negativity on this board is absurd. I thought this was a Mortal Kombat fansite? I find it amazing that we can go 2 years with hardly anything new AT ALL pertaining to MK, when in fact, all we got was the news that Midway was bought out, which in turn made many people think that MK was over, and dead. Now we get this glimmer of hope...an obvious attempt to do SOMETHING with the series, an attempt to bring it back into the limelight, and so many of you are destroying it for not being "your perfect world interpretation of what MK should be." Not everyone will love it, I understand, but the bile that is being spewed from some of you should just cause anyone with power and or money to do something with the franchise to say..."oops forget everything, we should just leave MK to rot." COME ON PEOPLE, WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE NOTHING BUT YOUR FANTASIES OF WHAT YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE??" Christ.

I've been a fan of the series since the beginning...and to be honest I like what I saw in the 8 minute teaser. I know a lot of you like it as well, but those who dislike it are what caused me to post this. Here's to hoping MK will continue in this fashion, because the way I see it...why the hell not?

This is what happens when people are anxiously waiting for something... Despite the news will be released on Friday. Three days from now. You get people who are nervously biting their finger nails hoping to hear something.

And with what I'm saying, it's not like I'm making fun of any one who's whining, I just think that it's somewhat stupid how you're all making a big deal about the change when you've all asked for it after MKDC. This is the change you want, well then accept it.
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06/09/2010 02:34 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Even if the next game, gritty as it is, turns out to be the best thing to happen to the series since the first game and acts as its "Batman Begins"?

But it won't be it's Batman Begins. Batman Begins, while very different from Burton's and Shumacher's films, was still very much the Batman of yore. It was Denny O'Neil Batman. The changes were relatively minor and they were mostly to peripheral details rather than the heart and soul of the property. People can view Batman Begins and immediately identify with it as Batman. Nothing like Dr. Baraka. If we dub in different character names and cut out the "Mortal Kombat" title at the end and show it to people do you think they'd identify it as MK? They might say "Dude, that guy with the blades is kinda like Baraka" but other than that it's not even close.

I think you're using Batman Begins wrongly here because while it was a reboot of the Batman movies it was not a reboot of Batman. This MK thing is more along the lines of an Elseworlds. Sure, Red Rain was fun. But do I want Batman to be a vampire in the regular continuity? Hell no. So while Dr. Baraka might be fun in the context of this project, I don't want these changes to stick.

Garlador Wrote:
When Resident Evil was remade for the Gamecube, people cried foul, saying that the bad graphics, stupid puzzles, and lame voice acting were "part of the charm" and resisted a more mature approach. The same thing happened with Resident Evil 4, where fans bemoaned the lack of zombies, the free-camera approach, and the shift in focus. And yet RE4 is one of the highest rated games ever.

I'll always have a soft spot for Tim Burton's Batman, the 32-bit Resident Evil games, and the original Ninja Turtles, but I can't deny that Nolan's Batman, Resident Evil 4, and the CGI TMNT all have their merits that match or exceed their predecessors.

A gritty, realistic approach to MK could looks wonders. It's already gotten exceptionally positive responses from non-MK fans, and many hardcore fans like myself. And, hell, if it flops, so what? We can always go back to the originals. If it succeeds? Well, MK2 will still be a great game. So no harm no foul either way.

Gameplay changes are of a wholly different variety. In fact, gameplay changes are exactly what I want for MK since most of its past is marred by some pretty crappy mechanics. Notice how the complaints about RE4 were about the changes to the gameplay. It's not like the actual essence of RE was forever changed. You didn't see Leon donning a cape and charging in on white steed against a bunch of zombies. No, he was still a cop.

I just don't understand how a couple of years ago people could complain about Sub-Zero vs. Batman because "DC is not in line with what MK is about" confused but here a lot of those same people are perfectly happy with Dr. Baraka, clearly a more dramatic change.

blackcyborg Wrote:
How to get MK back in the spotlight? The answer is easy...do what they did before. Make Mortal Kombat the most violent shocking game in the market.

How about just making a good game and ditching the gimmicks at the door? If what you're saying is true then it proves that gimmicks don't hold up. But quality does. Batman Begins wasn't popular because it was gritty Batman. It was popular because it was a great movie.
06/09/2010 02:39 AM (UTC)
I wanted a Mortal Kombat that featured a great tournament held and a war between several different worlds. Further embracing the fantasy elements of the series is what I would have wanted. Appearance wise, I would have opted for a Guilty Gear look with more of a serious, Gothic edge to it. That's the short answer of "what I'd want from Mortal Kombat".
06/09/2010 02:45 AM (UTC)
~Crow~ Wrote:
I wanted a Mortal Kombat that featured a great tournament held and a war between several different worlds. Further embracing the fantasy elements of the series is what I would have wanted. Appearance wise, I would have opted for a Guilty Gear look with more of a serious, Gothic edge to it. That's the short answer of "what I'd want from Mortal Kombat".

What says that might happen in the game? I mean, you can't just accept that the characters that were featured in the clip will be the only characters in the game... There could be characters missing, which I'm assuming there are, that could have some "war" between them... There might be differences in what you want but hey, it could happen with a twist.
06/09/2010 02:46 AM (UTC)
~Crow~ Wrote:
I wanted a Mortal Kombat that featured a great tournament held and a war between several different worlds. Further embracing the fantasy elements of the series is what I would have wanted. Appearance wise, I would have opted for a Guilty Gear look with more of a serious, Gothic edge to it. That's the short answer of "what I'd want from Mortal Kombat".

Pretty much this minus the Guilty Gear Theme.

Oh, and a deep 2D fighter.
06/09/2010 02:52 AM (UTC)
I don't understand the harsh words and attitudes towards people who were not fond of the video. Why is it okay to capslock your love for it, but not okay to criticize it? Pointing out something you don't like about it doesn't make you a whiner or a chronic complainer or endlessly unhappy. If anything I prefer people who can look at something objectively and not just fall in love with it because its based/loosely based on the MK series.
06/09/2010 02:56 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
~Crow~ Wrote:
I wanted a Mortal Kombat that featured a great tournament held and a war between several different worlds. Further embracing the fantasy elements of the series is what I would have wanted. Appearance wise, I would have opted for a Guilty Gear look with more of a serious, Gothic edge to it. That's the short answer of "what I'd want from Mortal Kombat".

What says that might happen in the game? I mean, you can't just accept that the characters that were featured in the clip will be the only characters in the game... There could be characters missing, which I'm assuming there are, that could have some "war" between them... There might be differences in what you want but hey, it could happen with a twist.

Nothing is saying that, but I can only judge what I see. What I see so far is pretty far away from fantastic or mythical like I want. Baraka and Reptile have been boiled down to "realistic" versions of themselves, and all they retain is their names and (vaguely) their appearances. While Baraka and Reptile are not really my two favorite characters by any stretch, one is left to deduce that all characters will be getting this "real world re-imaging" treatment. Until I see otherwise, I just have to go with my instincts.
06/09/2010 03:00 AM (UTC)
Hey guys, it's been a while hasn't?

I cannot tell you how excited I am for this new direction for Mortal Kombat. Although a lot of folks on here aren't liking it (Even I'm not too fond of Baraka becoming a deranged plastic surgeon), I love the new atmosphere and the feel that it has going, and I honestly believe that this is the creative shot in the arm that the franchise has been craving for years.

I am intrigued to see what they will do with such fan favorites as Raiden, Goro, Liu Kang, and all of the rest. I would also like to see how much they balance the realism with the fantasy, after all I wouldn't want to see Raiden running around as an electricity obsessed psychopath or see Kung Lao reduced to a homeless drunk Chinese illiegal immigrant. Personally I like the way everything looks and how much they reinvented the series, but I wish they scratched out the wannabe Twisted Metal Black/ CSI/ Batman serial killer stories and have Reptile and Baraka be themselves.
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06/09/2010 03:01 AM (UTC)
To bring a bunch of MK fans together in such natur is asking for the very natural itself to happen. We are MK fans because we ar ethat breed of people. You put all of us in a thread, expect this with the controvercy.

Only true MK fans try and finish each other off over the internet.

We Rule.
06/09/2010 03:02 AM (UTC)
Pink_Ranger Wrote:
I don't understand the harsh words and attitudes towards people who were not fond of the video. Why is it okay to capslock your love for it, but not okay to criticize it? Pointing out something you don't like about it doesn't make you a whiner or a chronic complainer or endlessly unhappy. If anything I prefer people who can look at something objectively and not just fall in love with it because its based/loosely based on the MK series.

I don't get it either. I am one of the people who are 50/50 on it, but enjoyed watching the video, but I don't see the need to freak out and insult other users just because they want to voice their opinions as well. It's the whole point of a forum...Some people just have a hard time accepting things that are different than they feel.

However I do agree that it is annoying when people are seemngly never happy. Which happens a lot with fans of long running franchises such as this, especially on the internet. But as I said, it's no reason to bash anyone.
06/09/2010 03:58 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:I just think that it's somewhat stupid how you're all making a big deal about the change when you've all asked for it after MKDC. This is the change you want, well then accept it.

Yeah! I mean didn't we all want the MK games to become a two-dimensional SAW knockoff with none of the East-meets-west dark magic we've come to love for over fifteen years? God you people are so THANKLESS
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06/09/2010 04:48 AM (UTC)
I don't like it. It does not look or feel like Mortal Kombat. I hope that it's not what Mortal Kombat 9 is going to be.
06/09/2010 04:51 AM (UTC)
Does nobody read any of the updates or previous posts in this thread?

It's already been confirmed via twitter by the actress who played Sonya in the video(Jeri Ryan), that it was a pitch to WB to make a full film. Merely a demo reel to show them what could be done if they were interested.
06/09/2010 04:54 AM (UTC)
I'm still liking the whole idea of having Baraka be a doctor. Hopefully, they'll develop the characters more in the whole thing, I'm assuming they will, and tell us why he would choose "Baraka" as a name... Unless that's just the code name that Jax and Sonya are giving, doubt it though.

And what's with the fucking piercings? And the dreads? That made me laugh. Hardy har har!
06/09/2010 04:58 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Does nobody read any of the updates or previous posts in this thread?

It's already been confirmed via twitter by the actress who played Sonya in the video(Jeri Ryan), that it was a pitch to WB to make a full film. Merely a demo reel to show them what could be done if they were interested.

People are going to ignore what they need to ignore so they can hold on to this idea. Like I said, you can't completely discount it but what has been stated by a credible source cannot just be ignored. Right now, the operating theory is that this has nothing to do with a game and is not a green lighted movie. At best, it is a green lighted movie and at worst we will see nothing more from this concept. On another note, my typing skills are so awful tonight.
06/09/2010 06:05 AM (UTC)
I hope MK9 doesn't go with a modern presentation like MK3 did, with stages such as The Subway, The Street, The Bank and Rooftop. If anything it should keep that archaic oriental feel for the cast and arenas that was a part of MK1.
Historical Favorite
06/09/2010 07:08 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
As I've asked this question before and only one person had actually answered it with a decent answer... What do you guys want in Mortal Kombat?

A fair question deserves a fair answer.

What draws me to the series (besides just liking fighting games) is the scope and grandeur of it all. Men and women fighting for the fate of entire worlds, the heroes who have literally come back from death, the treacherous villains, and the constant escalation of threat and raising of stakes. Mortal Kombat, despite being corny and over the top (which is very much a part of it's charm), is a fucking opera.

So yeah, more of that would be neat.
06/09/2010 07:40 AM (UTC)
People the story is clear now Shao Kahn will be a republican presidential candidate that will use his underworld hench man shang tsung to scare people into voting him in.

Lol knock on wood the mk team never reads what i just said and thinks its a good idea and makes that happen. I still think there may be a magical element to this after all Jax and sonya didnt know about outworld ect till during/after mk1. They could be Dusk till Dawning us and once the game gets kicking all the magic happens
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06/09/2010 08:22 AM (UTC)
sss133 Wrote:
People the story is clear now Shao Kahn will be a republican presidential candidate that will use his underworld hench man shang tsung to scare people into voting him in.

Lol knock on wood the mk team never reads what i just said and thinks its a good idea and makes that happen. I still think there may be a magical element to this after all Jax and sonya didnt know about outworld ect till during/after mk1. They could be Dusk till Dawning us and once the game gets kicking all the magic happens

Thanks, I was thinking about it just now.

Maybe Scorpion is a schizophrenic, or someone with Disassociative Personality Disorder. Or maybe there really is a Scorpion inside Hanzo.

Also, I like how Sonya and Jax are not military. If the military would have had any real intel about a paralel dimension bent on invading, they would have nuked Tsung, or anyone else hostile on Earth via airstrike. ...
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06/09/2010 11:14 AM (UTC)
I know y'all have your shitty opinions and what not but please. This was a very decent reboot of MK. I mean if you didn't want to watch the rest of the movie your outta your damn mind. It looked pretty sweet. I know they took the supernatural magic out of MK but times are changing people and MK is a dying franchise that needs some kind of boost. This trailor might not be real but it was still pretty cool. The only thing I didn't like(if it is real) is that scorpion is suppose to kill everyone. I'm guessing he won't and do his own thing like he always does and just head straight for Sub-Zero, but if he actually had to kill everyone it would suck. I'd like to see a sequel or two. I wonder what Raiden would look like?
I still think it's for a video game, because of the pic of Sub-Zero.
06/09/2010 07:09 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
As I've asked this question before and only one person had actually answered it with a decent answer... What do you guys want in Mortal Kombat?

If you're whining that something different is going to take place with this game, why? Why do you guys sit here writing long sentences that people barely read through all of it, whining that there's finally a change in the game. A change that we've probably haven't seen for a fighting. Sure, there's violence in other games, but those were probably not fighting games... Since so many are hoping that MK turns to God of War in violence... Last time I checked that game was an action game, not a fighting game.

Sitting here and trying to watch very closely to things that people don't normally find in a video isn't going to help. Whining to others on here isn't going to help either. If there's change in the video game, then let the change happen whether you're all going to be accepting it or not. It's a video game, it's not like the whole world is going to fall apart because Mortal Kombat is in hands with Warner Brothers.

What do you all want in this game if you cannot deal with the change if there is any?

To answer your question I want Mortal Kombat to go back to it's roots story wise. Have the original characters, have a tournament that decides the fate of the world. Make a new villain and unique story. I am one of the naysayers to this crap, and let me tell you I never wanted a drastic change. I want the new MK to be like the new Star Trek or Street Fighter 4. The overall impression to the original is present, but there is a new story. So excuse me for calling this trailer pig shit, and I honestly don't know what good people see in it. It makes me think that the fans like it because it is loosely based on MK.

Not to mention that nobody except for me has brought forth the plot holes to this trailer. If nobody has powers and it is ultra realistic than martial arts shouldn't even matter, guns should matter. If Johnny Cage was packing then he could have just shot Baraka. Why doesn't Jacks and Sonya just go to the tournament and shoot all of the psychos? It would be the perfect sting set up. They know where all of these killers are going so now is the perfect time to apprehend them. So where does the martial arts fall into play here if guns are the great equalizer? The real MK warriors can take bullets and spears to the chest so there almost isn't a point to use guns. Not to mention this trailer takes a tragic birth defect and makes it into a sick mockery.

You want to know what I want for an MK movie then go look up street fighter legacy on youtube. I want that treatment for MK.
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

06/09/2010 08:15 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Pink_Ranger Wrote:
I don't understand the harsh words and attitudes towards people who were not fond of the video. Why is it okay to capslock your love for it, but not okay to criticize it? Pointing out something you don't like about it doesn't make you a whiner or a chronic complainer or endlessly unhappy. If anything I prefer people who can look at something objectively and not just fall in love with it because its based/loosely based on the MK series.

I don't get it either. I am one of the people who are 50/50 on it, but enjoyed watching the video, but I don't see the need to freak out and insult other users just because they want to voice their opinions as well. It's the whole point of a forum...Some people just have a hard time accepting things that are different than they feel.

However I do agree that it is annoying when people are seemngly never happy. Which happens a lot with fans of long running franchises such as this, especially on the internet. But as I said, it's no reason to bash anyone.

This is pretty much where i come down as well. I'm 50/50 on it. I like the fact that there is a gritty look and that they're taking a more realistic turn with it. I like that we're not talking about fantastical realms and that we didn't have centaurs and lizard people. Some people like the more fantastical elements of MK, I say your opinion is just as valid as my own. Nothing against those that feel that way whatsoever.

I like the more mystical aspects, the asian theme etc of MK and while it's not represented here, I still like the look and feel of that video, even if I'm not a big fan of what they did to Reptile and Baraka. Some liked what they did to those two though and again, I see no problem with that at all.

My knee jerk reaction to this video was complete and utter elation. I loved it and thought "FINALLY!! MK is growing up!!" But after a few more viewings, I see some flaws and what not, the idea that maybe, for me at least, they went a little too far with the grisly imagery, but I really do think that as a long time fan, I'll never be entirely pleased.

I have this burdon, almost, of having these rose colored glasses when it comes to the past and as much as I'd love to tell myself that I didn't really like Sonya in MK1 or Goro etc... I still look at that time period as sort of the golden age of the series.

So I'm not one of those people that can simply be happy that MK exists. I was enraged when MKvsDC was announced. I've grown to enjoy the combo system, even if I still wish it were a game between MK characters only and was called, you know, MK8.

But the whole idea that people in their 20's and 30's, as I'd suspect many on this board are, can get so angry and vehement about loving or hating this so completely, well, I have to admit that it's a little surprising. Personally, I see a LOT of shades of gray here. I see a lot to like and alot that I'm not so fond of.

Of course,I think that everyone has a right to their opinion, the right to their view of what this concept idea for MK is (to them, of course) and that if this is sort of a dry run for the news on the game at E3, well, this might be a VERY interesting place in the coming weeks.
I don't think it's for the new game anymore...

06/09/2010 10:24 PM (UTC)
MortalKombatFan2010 Wrote:
I don't think it's for the new game anymore...


old news bro
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