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07/26/2011 12:49 AM (UTC)
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I fucking love the idea of Noob and Scorpion teaming up, that'd be sweet.
Liu Kang being a tweener is an interesting idea, it also shows he has not died after all. (Other wise it's zombie Liu... oh dear.)
Shang Tsung being permanently dead is meh for me, I'm not really bothered by his loss. Kahn also...
I'm gonna guess that their idea to get rid of the 5 least used characters is bullshit. It'd be a big risk to take.
Rain and Tanya as mega villains is an interesting concept IF they can make it work, it'd take some creative discussion.
Reptile becoming a more prominent character excites me, I like that Boon may actually raise Reptile's relevance.
The nods to MKA are so-so right now, that can all be discussed if it is revealed to be true.
Motaro as Quan Chi's slave seems plausible.
Edenia getting a mention gives me hope of something there.
A reveal at E3 2012? I doubt it, I feel it'd be too soon.
DLC bosses will probably happen too, I don't know when though.

I'm gonna say this is all just rumours for now.
07/26/2011 02:40 AM (UTC)
Hmm yea as somone said boon said they dont know where the story is going. But boon is about as trustworthy as tmz.

Im all for these (yes the cutting three people is a bit sketchy, but we will see how that turns out if true)

The one thing im not down for is the noob scorp team up. Scorp is an anti hero, noob is one evil son of a bitch, corrupted he cannot be saved. Does revenge really mean that much to scorp.

Scop gains - revenge fufilled
Noob - " A darker purpose of his own"

Scorpion is all about renvge yes but could he willigly let noob take over neatherrealm or sommthing crazy like that. He does that and noob will just become to new quan free to kill families just like his own.

Sommthing is adding up with that one is all im saying. Unless there is some deceny left in bi han (but there isnt thats what quai luiang is for)
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07/26/2011 03:12 AM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Hmm yea as somone said boon said they dont know where the story is going. But boon is about as trustworthy as tmz.

Im all for these (yes the cutting three people is a bit sketchy, but we will see how that turns out if true)

The one thing im not down for is the noob scorp team up. Scorp is an anti hero, noob is one evil son of a bitch, corrupted he cannot be saved. Does revenge really mean that much to scorp.

Scop gains - revenge fufilled
Noob - " A darker purpose of his own"

Scorpion is all about renvge yes but could he willigly let noob take over neatherrealm or sommthing crazy like that. He does that and noob will just become to new quan free to kill families just like his own.

Sommthing is adding up with that one is all im saying. Unless there is some deceny left in bi han (but there isnt thats what quai luiang is for)

This may sound sketchy but I'm thinking Noob will come out of that soulnado more good then evil. Perhaps NightWolf sensed a greater purpose in throwing Noob in there.
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07/26/2011 05:53 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
So if putting Shang into Sindel caused him to cease to be...what happened to all the souls he ever stole, like Kenshi's ancestors, exactly?

I kind of assumed that when Shang Tsung consumed souls, he literally consumed; considering he needs to constantly steal souls to live, maybe after a few decades or centuries, they are simply "digested" and no longer exist.
Since the MK9 story flashes directly to Sindel gaining power and we never explicitly see Shang Tsung die, maybe while he's off-screen, the souls that are still whole escape from him... Either that, or when Nightwolf took Sindel down, all the souls that ever fueled Shang and now her were set free and brought to The Heavens.
Edit: Damn, thought this thread was way more recent! Anyway, I wonder how much of this is actually true, since there never was a link to the story, though two users claim they've seen that post.
The thing that interests me the most is the Noob-Scorpion team-up. I must say, it is a big deal that they both put their differences aside to beat the crap out of Quan Chi. I always thought it was a terrible plot hole when they made it so that Quan Chi brought Scorpion back to kill Bi-Han in MK1, and controlled Noob Saibot in MK2, and that the two worked on the same team for so many years and Scorpion still hunted down the Kuai Liang. Bi-Han could've just told him that the Lin Kuei never destroyed the Shirai Ryu and saved Scorpion a decade-long headache! tongue
07/27/2011 02:58 AM (UTC)
I'm so hoping that ed boon will give some sort of info soon about MK 10!!!!! I think we're all curious as to what is going to happen to our fave characters!!!! And i want to know whats going to happen with the netherrealm onslaught and all that stuff. I will be extremely happy to see TANYA and Rain as major villains!!!!!
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07/27/2011 05:48 PM (UTC)
eliblue Wrote:
I'm so hoping that ed boon will give some sort of info soon about MK 10!!!!! I think we're all curious as to what is going to happen to our fave characters!!!! And i want to know whats going to happen with the netherrealm onslaught and all that stuff. I will be extremely happy to see TANYA and Rain as major villains!!!!!

The game's been out for 4 months. they're not going to announce a sequel for a while
07/28/2011 02:03 AM (UTC)
I know that.....but STILL. with an ending like MK9 had, people are really wondering whats gonna happen next! It was such a cliffhanger ending....especially with Shinnok!! :D
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