04/30/2011 01:12 AM (UTC)
I saw these on TRMK, I know you're not making them up.
Still, if these are true I wouldn't hold my breath on them following through on 5 least played guys getting left out considering ATM it's half the women including Mileena, and the Deadly Alliance, and we all know how much the team seems to like Mileena and Quan Chi. Of course, the leaderboard rankings are subject to change, but I can honestly say I wouldn't be surprised to see Sheeva left out. Boy, the next year is gonna be just brutal, ain't it? tongue
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

04/30/2011 02:10 AM (UTC)
I say drop Shang, and make Sheeva and Sektor DLC. The later of the two have very little to do with the upcoming plot. EDIT: A combine Sub-Zero and Cyber Sub-Zero.
05/08/2011 05:33 AM (UTC)
I find it pretty cool that Scorpion and Noob Saibot forgive eachother.

with the 5 characters being whiped out of the next roster. I say that is a bad Idea.

Most likley these characters will be gone.

Quan Chi
Cyber Sub-Zero

They could just make these characters better. Make Baraka a fast kombo beast. Make Mileena the same
Quan Chi is fine, just give him some more special moves
Sheeva can go fuck herself
and so can Cyber Sub-Zero. Shang Tsung being dead forever means NO MORE KENSHI!!! Unless they make Quan Chi do it. And giving Reptile a bigger part is a great idea.

Rain being a major villain? NICE! Joke Status: ELIMINATED!
05/08/2011 05:53 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
I find it pretty cool that Scorpion and Noob Saibot forgive eachother.

with the 5 characters being whiped out of the next roster. I say that is a bad Idea.

Most likley these characters will be gone.

Quan Chi
Cyber Sub-Zero

They could just make these characters better. Make Baraka a fast kombo beast. Make Mileena the same
Quan Chi is fine, just give him some more special moves
Sheeva can go fuck herself
and so can Cyber Sub-Zero.

Shang Tsung being dead forever means NO MORE KENSHI!!! Unless they make Quan Chi do it.

And giving Reptile a bigger part is a great idea.

Rain being a major villain? NICE! Joke Status: ELIMINATED!

Baraka's nowhere near the bottom 5, so I'd say he's not in danger just yet. grin
05/08/2011 06:05 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
I find it pretty cool that Scorpion and Noob Saibot forgive eachother.

with the 5 characters being whiped out of the next roster. I say that is a bad Idea.

Most likley these characters will be gone.

Quan Chi
Cyber Sub-Zero

They could just make these characters better. Make Baraka a fast kombo beast. Make Mileena the same
Quan Chi is fine, just give him some more special moves
Sheeva can go fuck herself
and so can Cyber Sub-Zero.

Shang Tsung being dead forever means NO MORE KENSHI!!! Unless they make Quan Chi do it.

And giving Reptile a bigger part is a great idea.

Rain being a major villain? NICE! Joke Status: ELIMINATED!

Baraka's nowhere near the bottom 5, so I'd say he's not in danger just yet. grin

One thing that brings my piss to a boil right now is that everyone is like "Rain and Tanya? Major Antagonasts?" Well no shit. They are Edenian traitors. With Shao Kahn, Kitana, Jade, Jerrod, Sindel and Jade gone. What did you expect?
05/08/2011 06:09 AM (UTC)
It certainly helps that Rain is the son of a God. I hope for good things from him. *evil laugh*
05/19/2011 10:54 PM (UTC)
i think rain becoming a major enemy is interesting since he is a half god but i really really hope shang sung returns one day to mk i mean he could be left out a few games but not forever n idc if noob or scorpion or both do it but they need to kill quan chi already n get there payback lol
05/20/2011 04:43 PM (UTC)
I'll respond on this.
"-Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung are dead forever."
As much as I like the characters, at least Shao Kahn has to stay dead in this timeline or all of Raiden's actions and every sacrifice he made would be completely in vain.
"-Noob and Scorpion will team up and forgive each other to destroy their master, Quan Chi"
Has potential, but I can't see the two staying as a team, maybe with MK11 they'll be split by Order vs Chaos. Scorpion's goals are more order based all for honor and believes his personal rules have been broken while as with Noob Saibot's ending, he'll gladly help Havik.
"-Liu Kang will become more of a neutral character than the hero."
Makes sense, he was just BBQ'd accidentally by his own mentor Raiden.
"-Motaro will be back as a slave to Quan Chi."
"-Rain and Tanya will be major villians."
If they're not completely revamped, I will never take them serious.
"-The least 5 characters played as online will be removed from the roster of the next game."
If only I could choose 5 to rid. (sigh)
"-Armageddon, Shujinko, Dragon King, etc. will be addressed and dealt with, but do not worry, they won't be prominent. The story from here on out will focus on the invasions and tournaments."
I'd hope so, pretty important.
"-Edenia will be touched upon more directly. Shao Kahn corrupted it in MK9 and it is in turmoil due to the deaths of the royal family. However, since Kahn's death, things have changed."
A masterless Ermac (King Jerrod) freeing Edenia?
"-Reptile stops being a pawn and forms his own group of kombatants and will challenge other fighters in the tournament. He is a major part of the story."
Stopping being a pawn sounds predictable and boring. I want crazy no one can trust Reptile back.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

05/22/2011 08:38 AM (UTC)

My thoughts as well.
About Me

Mortal Kombat -------------------------- 7/10
Mortal Kombat II --------------------- 9.5/10
Mortal Kombat 3 --------------------- 7.5/10
Mortal Kombat 4 ----------------------- 6/10
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance - 10/10
Mortal Kombat: Deception ---------- 8/10
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon ------ 4/10
Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe -- 7/10
Mortal Kombat (2011) -------------- 9.5/10

05/23/2011 02:18 AM (UTC)
Armageddon I'd understand but I don't want them to just completely scrape the story lines for Deadly Alliance and Deception. Those two games had the best stories in the entire series in my opinion.
About Me

Why couldn't this ending have happened?

05/23/2011 09:02 PM (UTC)
Some of those polt points sound interesting and I expect to be put into the game in some way shape or form.

Its about time Onaga, Shujinko and the Kamidougu were brought up. I was surprised [in a bad way] that this wasn't brought up in this game. Since Shujinko was running around on his quest during the events of this game [I think he even started well before MK1 IIRC]

Good news if Scorpion and Noob forgive each other since that means Scorpion will be moving on [to something that doesn't involve revenge for once. That theme has been done to death] I'm half way expecting to see Bi-Han show up as MK10s Sub-Zero since we're always guaranteed a Scorpion and Sub-Zero from the get go.

I'm hoping Shao Khan is gone for good now. His days as the main villain have been done to death. I wouldn't be surprised if Shang Tsung is gone for good even if Khan comes back. They went out of their way to establish Quan Chi as the new series Mary Sue with him coming up with all the plans, Healing Khan from Liu's death blow,etc. It made Shang's presence unneccessary.
05/24/2011 08:26 AM (UTC)
"-Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung are dead forever."
Makes sense.

"-Noob and Scorpion will team up and forgive each other to destroy their master, Quan Chi"
Nice twist!

"-Liu Kang will become more of a neutral character than the hero."
Makes me like him more already. I like how he turned on Raiden in the end.

"-Motaro will be back as a slave to Quan Chi."

"-Rain and Tanya will be major villians."
I see them as two of Shinnok's generals. Shinnok being the boss this time around. A revamped Shinnok would be pretty cool!

"-The least 5 characters played as online will be removed from the roster of the next game."
I sincerely doubt Mileena would be taken out of the game, since she is so popular and she didn't die at the end of MK2011. She has endless possibilities for MK10. Besides, when I'll get my PS3 in a week in a half I'll play her so much she will never be in the top 5 least-used characters ever hahaha.

"-Armageddon, Shujinko, Dragon King, etc. will be addressed and dealt with, but do not worry, they won't be prominent. The story from here on out will focus on the invasions and tournaments."
I think it's capital they do. Plus Shujinko was around way before MK1. I'm surprised he wasn't in MK2011.

"-Edenia will be touched upon more directly. Shao Kahn corrupted it in MK9 and it is in turmoil due to the deaths of the royal family. However, since Kahn's death, things have changed."
Edenia is my favorite realm (along with Outworld) and I can't wait to see what they did with it.

"-Reptile stops being a pawn and forms his own group of kombatants and will challenge other fighters in the tournament. He is a major part of the story."
He's always been one of my top favorite characters and I'm glad he's gonna get more screen time and a new plot. Go Reptile Go!
05/28/2011 07:27 PM (UTC)
I would say

and maybe Jade

are all gonna be gone
05/28/2011 07:57 PM (UTC)
^^ Care to elaborate on that?
05/28/2011 10:05 PM (UTC)
Some things were obvious, like Shao Khan and Shang Tsung's deaths, but overall, I was surprised. But I'm worried about the 5 Characters. This is unfair to a certain point. I only see people choosing Smoke and Scorpion, and my favorite character is Mileena. I WANT TO see her in the next MK. sad
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

05/29/2011 06:35 AM (UTC)
I have firm belief that Mileena will be okay.

I don't believe this "Least 5 Used Characters". We'll see. If anyone is removed...

Sheeva - Not because of her lack of users. It's clear that they have NO IDEA what to do with her. Unless they make the Shokan a major factor in the story (which I think they should, by having Shinnok relentless attack the Shokan, killing Goro and Kintaro), she has little reason to be there.

Sindel - Of the dead characters, Sindel has little reason to come back as a playable character. The remainder of her existence is really to serve Edenia, show her guilt for her forced deeds, and reunite with Kitana. None of these are really kombat oriented, and if anyone of the dead characters won't come back, it's most likely her.

Sektor - T-Rex and Razor are going to kill me. Sektor has few ties to the main plot of Shinnok. Unless they went out of their way and made Shinnok offend Sektor and the Lin Kuei in some way, I don't see Sektor really taking part in this war. As I've said before, I see him as DLC. However, he's probably the strongest contender on my list here that will be back.

Shang Tsung - sad Poor Shangy. Really, Quan Chi and Shinnok BOTH fill his role, and he has no real use or purpose in the next story, especially considering how dead he is. This is a real shame, as Quan Chi pretty much filled Shang Tsung's role in THIS game. furious

Cyber Sub-Zero: PLEASE! With the people raging over this? He'll be gone faster than you can say, 'Hate Mail'. Personally, I like his moveset, so I don't hate him. Hope he keeps at least one of his moves from his Cyber set.

Kano - I know. I'm surprised too. But the thing is, the next game will most likely have Jarek, and really, this is Jarek's time to shine. Kano is probably the most likely on this list to return, but Jarek will most likely not be ignored and will get his chance to make his Stryker Comeback with the next game.

Stryker - Surprised, aren't you? I love Stryker, and I know that a lot of people have changed their mind about Stryker. But he's barely relevant in the next plot. This was mostly MK3 characters' time to shine. Also, no matter how bad ass Stryker was in this game, the developers still have, instilled in their mind, that everyone hates Stryker. Unlimited proof with Boon's response to the 'Klassic Stryker kostume' requests. "Do you think players would want that?"

Kabal - Even with Jarek, the Black Dragon is BARELY important in MK4. With Stryker dead and Kano most likely not coming, Kabal doesn't have many connections. Again, I see Kabal as a 'Let's please the MK3 crowd'.

Nightwolf - After this past game, his story has been MADE. He is at an all-time high right now, especially after his sacrifice. Beyond that, I fear they'll easily drop him. Another character brought in for the sake of MK3. sad

Disclaimer: I don't WANT anyone removed. I want everyone returning into the next game.
05/29/2011 09:55 PM (UTC)
i hope shang is not dead and returns in a future game but no in mk10 cuz hes not needed there

i hope shijinko is in the next mk game but i hope hes not in his old age cuz dat be stupid i hope hes in his young man lui kang look or his kung lao kinda look or even better the look when he has the seido armor on n is in his lat 30s or early 40s but not old man shijinko
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Save a life; Kill a necromorph

05/30/2011 02:47 PM (UTC)
Due to the Iconic status of SubZero(either brother) and Scorpion, I won't be surprised that there will be still An Ice Wielding Sub Zero(either brother) and Scorpion.

I don't have the game itself but I have heard that In MK9 When Noob Saibot was knock into Soulando, he explode or acted weirdly. Like it is not a human soul. I will like that explained.
06/09/2011 01:33 AM (UTC)
what do u mean he acted weirdly he did what anyone would do if they were kicked in a tornado of curse souls he screamed lol
06/11/2011 04:12 PM (UTC)
Clearly this "news/rumor" was found prior to E3 and if so it could be completely false considering Ed Boon stated they he does not know where they are headed yet in the story for MK10. Of course he could be lying but really he could have said something else.

Even if this was true, some of it sounds interesting. But I don't think it's anything concrete or possibly even close due to Boon's comments.
06/16/2011 06:23 AM (UTC)
Some characters that died a dramatic/too saddening MUST stay dead.

Characters like Liu Kang
Kung Lao and especially Nightwolf.

Smoke's was shocking, mainly because his death was the most asureing out of all of the Sindel ass whoopin deaths. But that doesn't count.
06/16/2011 05:23 PM (UTC)
Have you ever thought its proably Kabal,Raiden,Possibly Sonya,Kitana,andJadefurious He could proably just be saying this stufff to get us hyped and to actually improve those five think of all the possibilities
07/16/2011 05:43 PM (UTC)
Yeah, Tanya and Rain should definitely have big roles in the next one! :)
07/21/2011 08:12 AM (UTC)
This is the most stupid/fakest thing I have ever read.
07/25/2011 10:25 PM (UTC)
ErmaSco Wrote:
This is the most stupid/fakest thing I have ever read.

Cool story, bro.
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