Mortal Kombat 10 (New Characters)
posted05/30/2014 12:28 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
Does anyone wish to replace the worst new characters with better ones? Some of the new ones are cool.

- Kai
- Fujin
- Quan Chi
- Reiko (new emperor)
- Shinnok
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Li Mei
- Kenshi
- Sareena
- Mavado
- Dairou
- Havik
- Hotaru
- Onaga
- Khameleon

New Replacement examples
- New violet ninja to replace Rain. Arachnid warrior.
- Tengu ninja
- Earth element warrior
- alien
- new light element warrior to replace Ashrah
- new red dragon warriors
03/20/2011 04:00 AM (UTC)
Wrong forum. This should be in Fututre MK Games hopefully a mod will move it
03/20/2011 04:02 AM (UTC)
That'd be kool. The whole point of the retell was to start new. I wonder if some of the characters like kenshi and reiko would come up different since the invasion was different and all.
03/20/2011 04:19 PM (UTC)
GlockXIII Wrote:
That'd be kool. The whole point of the retell was to start new. I wonder if some of the characters like kenshi and reiko would come up different since the invasion was different and all.

What about a new weather manipulator? Someone who can control water besides Rain. Maybe the return of a water god?

- a plant manipulator
- size control from special forces (like ant-man)
- Khameleon controlling poison
03/20/2011 07:19 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Does anyone wish to replace the worst new characters with better ones? Some of the new ones are cool.

- Kai
- Fujin
- Quan Chi
- Reiko (new emperor)
- Shinnok
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Li Mei
- Kenshi
- Sareena
- Mavado
- Dairou
- Havik
- Hotaru
- Onaga
- Khameleon

New Replacement examples
- New violet ninja to replace Rain. Arachnid warrior.
- Tengu ninja
- Earth element warrior
- alien
- new light element warrior to replace Ashrah
- new red dragon warriors

In no way are Dairou and Hotaru cool, and Rain does not need to be replaced. Also, Onaga could be left out and I'd be completely cool with it.

Other than that I agree.
03/21/2011 10:44 PM (UTC)
-A human dragon hyprid (not shokan) like actually looks like a dragon. Or a mini or baby dragon that fits on screen.

- The return of knitaro, as he was intended. Dont retcon kintaro but I would like to see a tigerman in the next game, the only real kind of lycathropy that would fit mk (i love werewolvs but they likely wouldnt fit mk)

-Black dragon Tremor. Dosent need to be a ninja, just the idea of tremow. Id like a very petit female tremor who looks very weak but has crazy earth powers.

-give us more onis (or omi or wutever) DEMONS they can be whatever you want, because satan or wutever ruler of an afterlife cant sue you. we keep hearing about female demons who have to keep it together, f that i want a gross and evil female demon.

Vampries - Theyv been introduced into the series and I dont think we should write them off. but make it MK i liked how knitara was not like Morigan (from darkstalker)

Dude we need a UFC doushbag (not callin them all douches but alot of them are) like johhny cage but U DONT LIKE HIM. just a flat out dick.


When you make a fighting game alota obvious chocies come to mind. u pick different fighters from around the world. BUT MK HAS 4 (main ones)

i think they should elaborate on the culture of outworld edenia and neatherealm. We should see fighters emerge from this.

- a pesant from edenia or a slave to whats thought to be paradise
- A spiritual and peacfull MONK TARAKATAN. (like he wants to be good but the monnks think hes a demon)
- I want some edgy shit comming from netherrealm, A drug addict or sommthin )needles stickin out of him. A soul dealer, (think the crossroads) whears a suit and all that jazz but is from hell.

juss some ideas lol
03/23/2011 01:05 AM (UTC)
I guess this is the "Who I wouldn't mind in the next MK." thread really. First of all.


MK4/Mythologies/Special Forces
Tremor - Just do it already
Tasia - Could be fun (both Tremor and Tasia would fill the role of Jarek)
Kia / Jatakka tag team endurance (Because I dont think they could produce interesting enough moves on their own)
Shinnok (As long as he is an awesome boss)

Deadly Alliance
Bo Rai Cho


So most of the cast then.

But I suspect there wont be that many new or returning characters in the possible mk10

The ones most likely to get in are Shinnok's mob.

I really wouldn't mind seeing:
Female Tarkatan - Possible Baraka rival - wants to lead the Tarkata to domination.
Some more Chaosrealm guys and gals
03/24/2011 09:54 PM (UTC)
- Kai - he needs to return with new powers.
- Tremor - maybe not a ninja, but... maybe a bandit... or a tibetan monk.
- Time Manipulator
- New Seidans to replace Hotaru, Dairou & Darrius and new Chaosrealm Warriors.
- A witch
- A new light warrior.
04/04/2011 08:28 PM (UTC)
Any story ideas for some new characters once the first game shows up after?
04/13/2011 05:48 PM (UTC)
That's it. If Rain's not comin' back in this game, then next game. Or a purple ninja replacement.
04/13/2011 10:29 PM (UTC)
To be honest, I'd like to see most of the old characters have their stories end, and come up with a great new cast appropriate to the universe. Of course, that isn't going to happen because of fanboys and fangirls, meaning it wouldn't be economically profitable, but it's what I'd LIKE to see.

As much as I have my favorites, stories are far better when characters can die and end forever. To me, Mortal Kombat being Mortal Kombat is dependent on the mood and theme of the game, not specific characters. Having characters exist endlessly reduces the story to incoherent worthlessness. Do you really want to see Scorpion and Sub-Zero languish on forever, their essence distilled into one dimensional crap? I feel this way about characters outside MK too, such as Superman, Batman, and many other characters in comics. Whatever great moments they may have, they have the same problem in my eyes, but I understand I'm pretty alone on this.
04/16/2011 04:04 AM (UTC)
I don't wanna see the good guys lose.

There better be new ninjas to complete the rainbow. New warriors with different abilities than the ones in Deadly Alliance & Deception.

Any warrior ideas?

I'd like an alien who crash lands onto Earthrealm and discovers the realms. He forms an alliance with Shinnok in conquering them.

The alien requires the energy of the Elder gods. Was able to get enough from Shinnok and needs to gain the power from the 5: Raiden, Fujin and new ones (Suijin & Inari)
04/17/2011 08:35 PM (UTC)
Can there be any new heroes to be made since the Forces of Light's souls are in Quan Chi's hands? Ones that can save them?
04/18/2011 02:27 AM (UTC)
In no way are Dairou and Hotaru cool, and Rain does not need to be replaced. Also, Onaga could be left out and I'd be completely cool with it.

Other than that I agree.

I dunno... I liked Hotaru! Dairou though was painfully bland imo. At least Dairou had one of my favorite fatalities though!
04/18/2011 04:54 AM (UTC)

"Black Widow" should be an all black dark-skinned African-American female ninja with a pair of sais to simulate the poisonous fangs of a black widow spider. She has a traditional black ninja garment such as a black short sleeved gi with red trim and loose fitting ninja pants and shoes in black. She would have an alternate color as a black ninja garments black gi and loose fitting pants with black trim. And she would have a Japanese emblem on the gi on the left side of her chest in red for her alternate color standing for fearlessness. She would have costumes just like Ibuki’s character in Street Fighter IV black shirts underneath the gi and arm and shin pads.

Once heralded by Scorpion as one of the best close range fighters of the Shirai Ryu, Black Widow was taught the black arts of teleportation from Shirai Ryu. Years later a raid from the Lin Kuei occurred and it turns out that Black Widow was to be one of few survivors left from the massacre of her clan. In the aftermath of the war, Black Widow went into isolation to harness her fighting techniques and to preserve her clan‘s traditions and culture. Years later after the massacre, her village was hit with a surprise raid this time by Shang Tsung and a band of Outworld warriors. Black Widow and clan member Poison Ivy were at the forefront of the resistance and lead the revolt against Shang Tsung’s foreign threats. Unfortunately, the remnants of Shirai Ryu were overpowered, outnumbered and taken captive. Impressed by their well-keened fighting skills though, Shang Tsung decided to spare their lives. Her and Poison Ivy were selected as members of an elite group of nine guardians to fight opposing forces in Outworld. As long as she remains under Shang Tsung’s hypnotic trance of sorcery, she obeys the will of her warlord in Mortal Kombat.

Standard Teleport - Leaves a blinking image of her behind and jumps either laterally across the screen in front or behind her opponent or reappears vertically in the upper part of the screen.
Aerial Teleport Attack - Lounges head first, like a hawk with her sais out point towards her opponent and impale them in the chest with her sais.
Somersault Attack - Executes a front somersault and slice/impale her opponent with her sais while in mid air.
Electric Net - From her fighting stance free-handed, she intersects her arms and launches an electric net towards her opponent leaving them open for combos.
Raising Sai Punch - charged sai punch where she cocks back her sais as if she where throwing a fireball, but it would be her sais and strike her opponent that would blow them back off their feet.
Four Corners Teleport - Executes a move where she disappears and leaves a blinking image of herself behind and then reappears with four images of herself from the corners of the screen. She then sequentially lounges at her opponent like a hawk with her sais out with the last image of herself lands into a forward ground roll.
Upper Two Corners Teleport - She disappears leaving a blinking image behind and two images of herself reappears from two upper corners of the screen to lounge at opponent head first with her sais out and then transitions into a ground roll.
Two Lower Corners Teleport - She disappears leaving a blinking image of herself and two images of herself reappears from two lower corners of the screen to lounge at opponent head first with her sais out and then transitions into a somersault.
Fighting Hologram - Launches a hologram image of herself to execute a brief combo on opponent and then disappears.
Rising Sai Uppercut - Executes motion where she spins one of her sais in hand and performs an uppercut with spinning sai in punching hand with knee bent and extended.
Retracting Hologram - Launches an hologram image of herself with her sais out that dashes out from her and strikes and impales her opponent then retracts back to her in one quick motion.
Aerial Retracting Hologram - Launches an hologram image of herself with her sais out that dashes out from her and strikes and impales her opponent then retracts back to her in mid-air in one quick motion.
Aerial Sai Swan Dive Attack - Executes a stepping move where she steps up from her opponents chest like a pedestal and then jumps into a forward somersault and descends into a swan like dive with her sais out and to impale her opponent her sais and lands into a forward ground roll.
Jumping Sai Windmill - Executes a jumping windmill motion towards opponent with knee extended that slices opponent with her sais.
Sai Boomerang - Executes a move where she twirls her sais and then throws them sideways at her opponent and they ricochet chaotically off the walls of the screen slicing her opponent with multiple hits and then boomerang back into her hands.
Four Corners Teleportation Slice - Disappears leaving a blinking image of herself behind and then reappears in the four corners of the screen to lounge at her opponent with her sais out in front at the same time to their respective opposite side corners of the screen and then lounge back to their original locations on the screen and disappear and "Black Widow" would reappear in the center of the screen in mid-air and drop down to the ground on her feet.
Ground Roll Split Kick - Executes a ground roll with legs split out on in air while in ground rolling motion towards opponent then transitions into her fighting stance.
04/18/2011 04:55 AM (UTC)

She would have the traditional ninja garments like “Black Widow” would except in all white. She could have a white gi with white trim and loose fitting white ninja pants and shoes with a black Japanese emblem on her left side of her chest and a white cloth mask. Her alternate color would be that she wear a darker shade of white gi with a darker shade of white trim and a darker shade of white loose fitting ninja pants with a darker shade of white ninja cloth masks. She would also have a retractable katana ninja sword that would break down into a metal whip and be able to retract into a ninja sword. She would have costumes just like Ibuki’s character in Street Fighter IV with a white sleeveless shirt underneath the gi and arm and shin pads. And she could wear her hair in a ponytail with a small blade attached to her hair. That way she could swing her ponytail blade to lacerate her opponent in close range.

Her back story would be that her along with Black Widow, Skarlett and Frost were of a few survivors of the massacre of her ninja clan the Shirai Ryu. In the aftermath she migrated to a discrete location to harness and preserve her clans traditions and fighting techniques. After a typical day years after the massacre, their small village was invaded by Shang Tsung and his band of warriors. Making their last stand in the fight against his army Black Widow, Skarlett, Frost and Poison Ivy and a few others were vastly outnumbered. In the battle, Shang Tsung cast a sorceress spell on both Black Widow and Poison Ivy that disoriented them and took Skarlett captive and put them under his control. Impressed by their fighting skills Shang Tsung decided to spare their lives. He decided he was going to form an elite group of nine guardians to protect him from any threats of harm from other warriors in Outworld and the tournament. So her and Black Widow enter the tournament with the intent to protect their warlord under the influence of his spell. As long as they remain under the spell they remain in his control.

Carousel Whip - She performs a carousel motion with her whip that when she spins would cut and slice her opponent.
Chaotic Ground Poke - She thrusts her sword in the ground in a crouching position and then the metal whip would extend out of the other side of the ground and hit her opponent suspending them in the air with multiple hits and then she could recoil the whip back to the ninja sword.
Lasso Whip - She could also swing the whip like a lasso slicing her opponent.
Dominatrix Whip - She can have a move where she sort snap the whip like a dominatrix at her opponent striking her opponent.
Tripping Whip - She can lay her whip on the ground and almost pull the whip from her opponent’s feet tripping them up in the air.
Ground Poke Backstab - She can thrust her sword in the ground and the whip come out the other side of the ground and impale her opponent from the back.
Metal Whip Wrap - She can launch her whip at her opponent and it would wrap around her opponent and she could then pull the whip back to her and cause her opponent to spin in a full body twists in mid-air and fall down.
Aerial Ninja Sword Slice - Another move can be that she do a leap forward similar to the slow motion training simulation scene between Lawrence Fishbourne and Keana Reeves in Matrix I, and then slice her opponent with her ninja sword.
Windmill Slice - She can do a windmill slice with her sword, or do standard slices and cuts with her sword. She can do a step off her opponent’s chest and do a half twist in the air and slice her opponents back.
Coiled Ivy Stance - She can have a coiled stance with the whip around clutched around her body.
Chaotic Backstabbing Sword Lodge - She could impale her opponent in the back when she grabs them and shards of metal chaotically strike her opponent in the chest and then she dislodge the sword from their back.
Metal Whip Silhouette - She can do a gymnastic like silhouette move with her whip causing shards of metal to strike her opponent and then she coil back the whip into a ninja sword. It would look like the scene in “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon” where Jade Fox escapes the fight scene she has with Li Mu Bai over the brick wall.
Rainbow Impalement - She can have a move where she points her hand to her opponent and the ninja sword breaks down into a rainbow over her head and towards her opponent to impale her opponent and then retract back into the ninja sword.
Rainbow Impalement & Lift - She could do the same move where the tip of the whip impales her opponent and when she retracts the whip back it lifts her opponent in the air leaving them open for more combos.
04/18/2011 04:58 AM (UTC)


Once word of a threat of Earth Realm and Outworld were to fuse together, Raiden summoned the help from the Elder Gods to have a fighting chance. With sought after assistance, Raiden enlisted help from Luminous the god of light in the heavens. Receiving word that there was a war brewing between the two worlds, Luminous enlisted his most trusted guardian, Genesis to assist with the efforts in the Earth realm.
With the knowledge of good and evil, he has proven to be the most trusted defender of light amongst, Luminous’ ranks. So being that it may, Genesis was entrusted with the powers of the manipulation of light from Luminous in order to give Raiden and the earth realm a fighting chance. He has taken on the image of a mortal and enters Mortal Kombat with a mission to defend Earth Realm from their doomed fate.

Light Blinding Beam - Blasts a beam of light from palm of hand in the direction of opponent blinding them in their sight and leaving opponent disoriented.
Light Burning Beam (Directional) - Blasts a highly concentrated beam of light from palm of hand in the direction of opponent that burns their opponent much like a laser beam.
Light Speed Transformation - A beam of light strikes down from screen vertically on Genesis while he kneels down on one knee, while light beam connects to the ground. If opponent stands stationary on ground when light beam spreads throughout the ground then the dimension of time for Genesis shifts to the speed of light. Opponent moves in slow motion and Genesis gains advantage of moving at light warp speed to deliver a series of free hits to opponent and magically transforming back to normal time.
Sporadic Light Speed Attack - Environment darkens to pitch black. Genesis dashes multiple times across the screen chaotically delivering multiple hits to opponent, and with each hit, a flash of a light aura glow illuminates around Genesis’s body.
Sporadic Light Trail Attack - A embodied trail of light is left behind as he dashes at opponent with swift motions towards opponent.
Solar Orb - A small solar orb of fire is launched at opponent that once physically struck turns burst into a supernova or an enlarged ball of fire at opponent.
Multiple Light Beams - A gleam of light illuminates around body with multiple rays of light protruding from body in a sporadic rotation, if touched it burns and cuts opponent.
05/01/2011 03:32 AM (UTC)
Any warriors to replace the weak Black and Red Dragon members? Including replacing Tremor for someone with great earth-abilities?
11/11/2013 11:31 PM (UTC)
So far we've seen those that are mortal and those that look almost mortal

- Liu Kang
- Kung Lao
- Johnny Cage
- Sonya
- Jax
- Stryker
- Nightwolf
- Kabal
- Sub-Zero (cryomancer)
- Frost (cryomancer)
- Kano
- Kenshi
- Jarek
- Kai
- Kira
- Kobra
- Mavado
- Hsu Hao
- Shujinko
- Shang Tsung
- Scorpion (undead/spectre)

Formerly Humans:
- Cyrax (cyborg)
- Sektor (cyborg)

- Raiden
- Fujin
- Shinnok
- Shao Kahn

Non Mortal:
- Kitana
- Jade
- Rain
- Sindel
- Tanya

- Noob Saibot

- Nitara

- Reptile
- Khameleon

Dark Creations:
- Mileena (half-Tarkatan/half-Edenian hybrid)
- Baraka (Tarkatan)
- Ermac (enigma)
- Skarlet

- Quan Chi
- Sareena
- Ashrah
- Smoke (enenra)
- Drahmin
- Moloch

- Goro
- Kintaro
- Sheeva

- Motaro

- Bo'Rai Cho
- Li Mei
- Reiko
- Onaga

- Dairou
- Darrius
- Hotaru

- Blaze

- Havik

But what other species have we not seen yet in MK in order to make them look human-looking?
11/12/2013 12:58 AM (UTC)
Scorpion is a "Spectre", a Wraith is a different type of undead with different powers. You might want to just call the category "Undead", but MK9 also uses the term "Revenants" to describe all the people Quan Chi has brought back from the dead, or plans to bring back, like the good guys who are now his slaves in Story Mode.

Noob Saibot's the only "Wraith"...although Reiko might be one too. He's definitely an Undead, it's never been said what kind, but he might be the same as Noob since they have some moves and traits in common.

You can keep Reiko under Outworlders if you like, I guess (though if you were going to do that, why not put Scorpion and Noob under Humans and put "undead" in parenthesis next to all their names? And do the same for Sindel while you're at it...) but he's actually dead, which is why his allegiance changes back and forth between Shao Kahn and the Brotherhood of Shadow, and why his bio in MK4 mentions him having the power to reappear after dying in battle.

Also, Shao Kahn should be listed under Immortals, not Outworlders. And I guess "Outworlders" is fine for Onaga...but since he's not actually the same species as the rest of them and the point of your list is to divide everybody into species, maybe make a separate "Dragon-Man" or "Dragon King" category just for him?

You accidentally listed Sheeva twice (once under Shokans and once under Humans) and wrote Kintaro under Centaurs instead of Motaro.

And you forgot entirely to list Shang Tsung (Human), Khameleon (Saurian), Meat (a Dark Creation), Taven and Daegon (Edenian, though you should put "Half-God" or "Half-Immortal" in parenthesis next to them and Rain), and Blaze (a Creation...though I wouldn't call him "dark". Specifically, he's an "Elemental".)

Also Male Chameleon...but since we don't know for sure if he's a Saurian or something else, that's fine. And Mokap...but I'm sure nobody cares.
11/12/2013 01:57 AM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
So far we've seen those that are mortal and those that look almost mortal

- Liu Kang
- Kung Lao
- Johnny Cage
- Sonya
- Jax
- Stryker
- Nightwolf
- Kabal
- Sub-Zero (cryomancer)
- Frost (cryomancer)
- Kano
- Kenshi
- Jarek
- Kai
- Kira
- Kobra
- Mavado
- Hsu Hao
- Shujinko
- Shang Tsung
- Scorpion (undead/spectre)

Formerly Humans:
- Cyrax (cyborg)
- Sektor (cyborg)

- Raiden
- Fujin
- Shinnok
- Shao Kahn

Non Mortal:
- Kitana
- Jade
- Rain
- Sindel
- Tanya

- Noob Saibot

- Nitara

- Reptile

Dark Creations:
- Mileena (half-Tarkatan/half-Edenian hybrid)
- Baraka (Tarkatan)
- Ermac (enigma)
- Skarlet

- Quan Chi
- Sareena
- Ashrah
- Smoke (enenra)
- Drahmin
- Moloch

- Goro
- Kintaro
- Sheeva

- Motaro

- Bo'Rai Cho
- Li Mei
- Reiko
- Onaga

- Dairou
- Darrius
- Hotaru

- Havik

But what other species have we not seen yet in MK in order to make them look human-looking?

Thanks for the reminder.

But I'm not gonna put
- Mokap
- Blaze
- Taven
- Daegon
- Meat
- Khameleon & Chameleon

Not quite useful.

Anyways... about what I said.

What other species has MK not had yet?
11/12/2013 02:23 AM (UTC)
Scorpion is a revenant
Sindel is an Edenian with banshee abilities
Noob Saibot is a wraith

They haven't added....

- angels

And what do you think of this link?
11/12/2013 02:58 AM (UTC)
Khameleon's a female example of a Saurian, how's that not useful to a list of species?
11/12/2013 02:49 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
So far we've seen those that are mortal and those that look almost mortal

- Liu Kang
- Kung Lao
- Johnny Cage
- Sonya
- Jax
- Stryker
- Nightwolf
- Kabal
- Sub-Zero (cryomancer)
- Frost (cryomancer)
- Kano
- Kenshi
- Jarek
- Kai
- Kira
- Kobra
- Mavado
- Hsu Hao
- Shujinko
- Shang Tsung
- Scorpion (undead/spectre)

Formerly Humans:
- Cyrax (cyborg)
- Sektor (cyborg)

- Raiden
- Fujin
- Shinnok
- Shao Kahn

Non Mortal:
- Kitana
- Jade
- Rain
- Sindel
- Tanya

- Noob Saibot

- Nitara

- Reptile
- Khameleon

Dark Creations:
- Mileena (half-Tarkatan/half-Edenian hybrid)
- Baraka (Tarkatan)
- Ermac (enigma)
- Skarlet

- Quan Chi
- Sareena
- Ashrah
- Smoke (enenra)
- Drahmin
- Moloch

- Goro
- Kintaro
- Sheeva

- Motaro

- Bo'Rai Cho
- Li Mei
- Reiko
- Onaga

- Dairou
- Darrius
- Hotaru

- Blaze

- Havik

But what other species have we not seen yet in MK in order to make them look human-looking?

Fixed it.


About MK having to add new races and new human statuses into the game.
11/12/2013 08:30 PM (UTC)
I dunno about adding new races because at a certain point, it makes you wonder how original you can be if you're raiding other kinds of fantasy for ideas and end up adding Elves and Dwarves as a result.

I mean, the MKA version of Motaro was a Satyr instead of a Centaur. In mythology, a satyr is technically a type of fairy. Do we really want to open the door for sparkly chicks with butterfly wings to be MK characters?

Adding Vampires was pushing it in terms of being unoriginal, but they sorta saved it by making Nitara different from vampires in other stuff are by giving her wings.

MK shines best I think when it makes up its own races, like, nothing similar to Shokans and Tarkatans really can be found anywhere else in fantasy fiction, and that's cool.
Besides, in order to add another race, they'd have to add another realm for that race to come from, and MK has too many realms already given how Seido and Chaosrealm don't ever really fit into the plots, MK really only works when it focuses on Earth, Outworld, and Hell. Anything else is always stuck off to the side and nothing interesting happens there.
The only real exception would be if they add Angels, because there's already Angels or something pretending to be Angels mentioned in Ashrah's storyline, and Heaven, Gods, Hell, and Demons already exist.
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