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Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war drum

08/19/2014 08:55 PM (UTC)
I'd be fine if both return, and I'm pretty sure we can make a case for either side.

Kitana, although dead, for her popularity.

Mileena, though not as popular, is alive and most likely has more story potential to be explored at this point in time.

IF they both make it in, it would be nice for their rivalry to finally come to a close with either one killing the other for good, or them joining forces. I'd personally prefer the later. How deadly would that be?
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08/19/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
I brought up the list because he said Mileena is the most popular female and the face of MK, surely the "face of MK" would be more used than Kitana, Sonya, and Jade, no? I didn't bring up the list to try to prove that Mileena won't be playable due to being bottom 5 in 2/3 consoles, but nice try. Glad to see you're still checking for me and my posts in every thread, since you know that i've been suppossedly discussed the list and the list only these past months.

Well, I didn't say Mileena is most popular than Kitana or Sonya. I said Kitana and Mileena are the two mortal chicks. I think Kitana is the most popular of them, followed by Mileena. But just IMO.

What I said is Mileena is one of the most developed character during the past 10 years, and that include not only her relevance to the story. We need to see all the other uses NRS give to MIleena image. Kitana, for example, is stick in her MK2 representation and fans clamed for that return. Mileena was, at MK2 time, just a shadow; today, is one of the most recognozible faces of the franchise. And that's my point. I don't prefer to NRS give a spot to a character who exist to remember her glorious days. Like Kitana and Mileena, really much, but If I need to choose just one of them, Mileena all the way.

The rest of your post is pretty biased, interpreting (intentionally) whatI said in bad faith.
08/19/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:

I brought up the list because he said Mileena is the most popular female and the face of MK, surely the "face of MK" would be more used than Kitana, Sonya, and Jade, no?

I don't recall him saying that Mileena is the most popular female or comparing her to Kitana or Jade. He simply expressed his opinion that during the last 10 years she has been one of the most developed and promoted character. Which is true. But anyway, once again getting defensive and mentioning the "list" when someone expresses he doesn't like Sonya. Typical. Every time someone says something about Sonya, you pop up with some nonsense about the list. Every. Time.

I didn't bring up the list to try to prove that Mileena won't be playable due to being bottom 5 in 2/3 consoles, but nice try.

Yes you did, as you have done before numerous times along with Squirt. You two are the only ones still taking that thing seriously.

Glad to see you're still checking for me and my posts in every thread, since you know that i've been suppossedly discussed the list and the list only these past months.

You know it's so funny how every time someone calls you out or proves you wrong on something, you always come up with the same reply: Everybody is obsessed with you, everybody is checking up your posts.
Have you run out of other things to say? Or do you really think people log in to this site to check some random dude's posts where he usually argues with someone? Nop. It's just that your posts are full of inconsistencies and inaccuracies. And that's exactly why you usually end up in arguments where you insult people. I'd say that is because people here dislike you, not because they are obsessed with you. Don't fool yourself.

He never said anything negative about Sonya, and he didn't say he didn't like her, so this reners your whole post invalid.

I'll just stop addressing you altogether. Yes i believe you are obsessed because you literally send me several PMs a week, even after i stop replying. I will not keep quoting you or even read your PMs because it's sad how much attention you give to me. You can quote me or send me as many PMs as you want, i'll just act like you don't exist.

-> Back to Kitana's chances of being in MKX being greater than Mileena's.
08/19/2014 11:04 PM (UTC)

Tanya needs to be in this game, and she needs something new, not just following whoever the bad guy is.

I think Kitana and Mileena have an equal chance of being in this game. I also think that Mileena is more of the female poster boy for MK and then Kitana and Sonya. Mileena has gotten star treatment or a while now. I would compare Kitana and Mileena to Scorpion and Sub Zero though.

08/20/2014 05:20 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:

He never said anything negative about Sonya, and he didn't say he didn't like her, so this reners your whole post invalid.

Are you stupid? The fact that I didn't initially quote the Sonya part doesn't mean I can't see it.

Benetnasch Wrote:
I like both of them, they are part of MK (sorry Sonya and etc, these are the two mortal chicks).

So no my post was not invalid since once again, someone mentions he doesn't like Sonya and you get all salty-defensive-butthurt-fanboy mode.

I'll just stop addressing you altogether.

Good. Do us all a favor and stop addressing everyone. Your ignorant posts are not needed.

08/20/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
Thinking back to MKD/MKA time, didn't Milena become almost the main mortal kombat female? she was on all the promotions and her look and story were fantastic

I remember a lot of Milena love,

I think she played very clunky in MK9 compared to Kitana who was so fluid and fun to play with, and the fact they took a complicated, calculating and perhaps somewhat sympathetic female antagonist with an inferiority complex (who was smart enough to fool an entire army into thinking she was Kitana) into a mindless killer child didn't help either.

If they went back to basics with Milena and made her a high tier character there is no reason she couldn't go back to her glory days.

I think out of both characters she actually has more potential...
08/21/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
People want Kitana and Mileena, what about Jade? Jade is dead as much as Kitana is. Mileena is very well alive and the most probable to return in the main roster. Jade and Kitana can be DLC.

I know most people won't agree with this, but, what if they brought Khameleon ( female) back? Variation 1- Herself, Variation 2- Kitana and Variation 3- Jade.

Yes, they could have resurrected one or both through the time span and either/both can get a spot on the main roster, if not, at least DLC.


Jade is a secondary character to Kitana and Mileena, hence why people aren't considering her or giving her much thought.

I think they should, for my sake anyways lol. Jade is my fave out of the three. I hope she returns as herself or taken over by the entity in her MK9 ending.

zephyrwestwind Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:

Can't let you do that, Tazer_Gunshot

I'm not doing anything here. Just making a valid statement. When one pronounces "Mileena" and then when written, it comes out "Milennia"...there is a serious issue. However, when one pronounces "Kitana", it comes out the perfectly in writing (written as pronounced). I just used the ones for Kitana as examples, that's it. What's the big deal?
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