08/16/2014 04:12 AM (UTC)
As much as I want to smash her teeth for being an immature wench in MK9, I'm going to place my bet on Mileena.
08/16/2014 04:26 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
JadedReign Wrote:
So, with Rain already denied, who would it be this time around?
It'd have to be a character in demand but someone they could fudge not having in roster proper. Smoke? But maybe his fan base is too big. Jade?

Maybe Havik in the event that he doesn't fit in the storyline they wrote. Considering the anticipation of his inclusion from lots of fans here I'd be surprised if he wasn't in the initial roster, but then again we don't know what NRS plans to do. So there's always DLC for him.

I really hope that the events(mainly the deaths) in MK9 actually mean something though, at least for this game. Bringing characters back from death when they just died lessens the impact of them being killed off in the first place, so I think all the dead characters should sit MKX out completely, initial roster & DLC. With that being said I think Mileena would be more likely. She'd have a chance to act like an adult and actually use her sai more.
08/16/2014 05:04 AM (UTC)
I loved Kitana and She was the character i was most successful playing as in MK9 but I hope she doesn't come back. at least for the story mode. maybe she could be DLC later on but give Tanya and other potential characters another chance.

I feel like if Tanya is in this game I will be satisfied enough to not see her come back in the next one.

scorpion and subzero fans should feel lucky because this two characters will probably be in any future game to come. and don't have to worry about if they are going to make the roster or not. they are the faces of MK.

and don't get me wrong, i like them a lot. I just kind of had enough of them to be honest.

08/16/2014 06:41 AM (UTC)
I would say Mileena is more likely. In terms of options, she generally has more room for development in a variety of story-directions than Kitana, whose character arc is mostly straightforward.

I don't particularly care for either of them, personally. But the issue I see with Kitana is that - if she were resurrected - her arc would likely be a extended rehash of the one from the previous timeline. The sole chance that they could shake things up lies in the fact that she died, really; if that pans out to have consequences on her character development, she could diverge from the previous timeline.
Otherwise, it will just be a standard MK resurrection where they resume from where they left off, in which case she'll simply be destined to retake Edenia's throne again. And that's the most likely route, sadly, since Mortal Kombat seldom takes the experience of death and resurrection particularly seriously from a character development standpoint.

Mileena, on the other hand, has multiple prospects. There is the oft-discussed "Heir to the Outworld Throne" angle, of course. That could pan out in numerous ways, especially with what we know about Kotal Kahn.

There are also the implications from previous games that may strengthen her character somewhat. I'm speaking mainly of the possibility that she's not entirely evil, and could possibly end up showing signs of positive development. This was discussed early after MKX's announcement, the idea that Mileena might become an ally to the protagonists in a fight for Outworld.
Given that one could postulate that some of her capacity for evil stems from her desire for acceptance, and that evil characters have usually fulfilled that desire, we can imagine the possibility that someone on the virtuous side might reach out to her with some success. A non-canon MK2011 ending implied that Kitana could hypothetically do this, and I doubt she's the only one.

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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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08/16/2014 07:40 AM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
I would say Mileena is more likely. In terms of options, she generally has more room for development in a variety of story-directions than Kitana, whose character arc is mostly straightforward.

I don't particularly care for either of them, personally. But the issue I see with Kitana is that - if she were resurrected - her arc would likely be a extended rehash of the one from the previous timeline. The sole chance that they could shake things up lies in the fact that she died, really; if that pans out to have consequences on her character development, she could diverge from the previous timeline.
Otherwise, it will just be a standard MK resurrection where they resume from where they left off, in which case she'll simply be destined to retake Edenia's throne again. And that's the most likely route, sadly, since Mortal Kombat seldom takes the experience of death and resurrection particularly seriously from a character development standpoint.

Mileena, on the other hand, has multiple prospects. There is the oft-discussed "Heir to the Outworld Throne" angle, of course. That could pan out in numerous ways, especially with what we know about Kotal Kahn.

There are also the implications from previous games that may strengthen her character somewhat. I'm speaking mainly of the possibility that she's not entirely evil, and could possibly end up showing signs of positive development. This was discussed early after MKX's announcement, the idea that Mileena might become an ally to the protagonists in a fight for Outworld.
Given that one could postulate that some of her capacity for evil stems from her desire for acceptance, and that evil characters have usually fulfilled that desire, we can imagine the possibility that someone on the virtuous side might reach out to her with some success. A non-canon MK2011 ending implied that Kitana could hypothetically do this, and I doubt she's the only one.

Girl WERK.
08/17/2014 09:06 PM (UTC)
08/17/2014 09:07 PM (UTC)
I'd say Kitana!
Nix Dolores
08/17/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:

Can't let you do that, Tazer_Gunshot
08/17/2014 10:54 PM (UTC)
i would prefer mileena every time. i played with her much more than with kitana in mk9. she was also way more fun with nice combos.
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Join the Mileena army on FB!

08/18/2014 11:20 PM (UTC)
I like both of them, they are part of MK (sorry Sonya and etc, these are the two mortal chicks).

But, If I need to pick just one of them, I'll pick Mileena a thousand times. The most developed character in the last ten years. Mileena, back in 1993-MK2, is a minor character with a few fans. Mileena at 2014 is an icon. Thanks John Vogel
08/18/2014 11:49 PM (UTC)
Either: -Mileena will be playable in the initial roster while Kitana is DLC
-They're both playable in the initial roster but Kitana can possibly be a unlockable.
08/19/2014 12:38 AM (UTC)
Benetnasch Wrote:
I like both of them, they are part of MK (sorry Sonya and etc, these are the two mortal chicks).

But, If I need to pick just one of them, I'll pick Mileena a thousand times. The most developed character in the last ten years. Mileena, back in 1993-MK2, is a minor character with a few fans. Mileena at 2014 is an icon. Thanks John Vogel

What they did to Mileena in MK9 is not what i'd call "development". Not to mention she was one of the least used characters, so i don't get your post.
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Join the Mileena army on FB!

08/19/2014 01:39 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:
I like both of them, they are part of MK (sorry Sonya and etc, these are the two mortal chicks).

But, If I need to pick just one of them, I'll pick Mileena a thousand times. The most developed character in the last ten years. Mileena, back in 1993-MK2, is a minor character with a few fans. Mileena at 2014 is an icon. Thanks John Vogel

What they did to Mileena in MK9 is not what i'd call "development". Not to mention she was one of the least used characters, so i don't get your post.

Two things:
1) When I talked about "the last ten years", I talked about Deception and Armageddon. Mileena was a tool character in that period, and she became one of the most recognozible faces of the franchise. Ermac was the other character in the last ten years became a very recognozible face.

2) Development not only implies background. Implies popularity, aesthetics, role on the franchise, charisma, background, and more. While MK2011 marked a step back in Mileena from a storyboard perspective, not the same we could said about all the other aspects.

(The Top 5 bottom is pretty biased: most people that use this argument doesn't count this is a statistic about ALL THE GAME MODES, including Story Mode. But, anyway, there are a lot of factor to be considered. Kano is one of the least used character and plaff, he is one of the earliest reveals)
08/19/2014 02:24 AM (UTC)
A lot of characters that weren't playable in story mode were used more than Mileena. And i didn't say she isn't going to be playable in MKX because of her low popularity in MK9, so i don't know why you brought up Kano.
About Me
08/19/2014 03:58 AM (UTC)
I would love for Kitana to return. Her gameplay is always fun and versatile to use. However, I am predicting she will sit this one out unfortunately.
08/19/2014 03:36 PM (UTC)
Mileena as she still has purpose in the story.

Though, I wouldn't be surprised if she will become DLC classic character.
08/19/2014 04:03 PM (UTC)
People want Kitana and Mileena, what about Jade? Jade is dead as much as Kitana is. Mileena is very well alive and the most probable to return in the main roster. Jade and Kitana can be DLC.

I know most people won't agree with this, but, what if they brought Khameleon ( female) back? Variation 1- Herself, Variation 2- Kitana and Variation 3- Jade.

Yes, they could have resurrected one or both through the time span and either/both can get a spot on the main roster, if not, at least DLC.

08/19/2014 04:07 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
People want Kitana and Mileena, what about Jade? Jade is dead as much as Kitana is. Mileena is very well alive and the most probable to return in the main roster. Jade and Kitana can be DLC.

I know most people won't agree with this, but, what if they brought Khameleon ( female) back? Variation 1- Herself, Variation 2- Kitana and Variation 3- Jade.

Yes, they could have resurrected one or both through the time span and either/both can get a spot on the main roster, if not, at least DLC.


Jade is a secondary character to Kitana and Mileena, hence why people aren't considering her or giving her much thought.
08/19/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
And i didn't say she isn't going to be playable in MKX because of her low popularity in MK9, so i don't know why you brought up Kano.

That's exactly what you said. OP question was who's more likely to return:

diirecthit Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:
I like both of them, they are part of MK (sorry Sonya and etc, these are the two mortal chicks).

But, If I need to pick just one of them, I'll pick Mileena a thousand times. The most developed character in the last ten years. Mileena, back in 1993-MK2, is a minor character with a few fans. Mileena at 2014 is an icon. Thanks John Vogel

Mileena was one of the least used characters, so i don't get your post.

So you basically brought up the list to try and prove his opinion wrong that Mileena has more chances than Kitana to return.
Plus the list and Mileena being at the bottom is exactly what you've been talking about nonstop during the last month. So here we go again..
08/19/2014 04:40 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
And i didn't say she isn't going to be playable in MKX because of her low popularity in MK9, so i don't know why you brought up Kano.

That's exactly what you said. OP question was who's more likely to return:

diirecthit Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:
I like both of them, they are part of MK (sorry Sonya and etc, these are the two mortal chicks).

But, If I need to pick just one of them, I'll pick Mileena a thousand times. The most developed character in the last ten years. Mileena, back in 1993-MK2, is a minor character with a few fans. Mileena at 2014 is an icon. Thanks John Vogel

Mileena was one of the least used characters, so i don't get your post.

So you basically brought up the list to try and prove his opinion wrong that Mileena has more chances than Kitana to return.
Plus the list and Mileena being at the bottom is exactly what you've been talking about nonstop during the last month. So here we go again..

Not to interfere, but, it doesn't have anything to do with a character being least played. Easier to say Mileena has the better chance as she wasn't killed as Kitana was. If Kitana is to be resurrected and in the main roster, NRS will clearly have to explain how she was resurrected and why. They wouldn't have to take Mileena down that road.
08/19/2014 04:44 PM (UTC)
In the end, it doesn't matter where the characters are on any list or what point in their story they are. All that matters is that if NRS wants the character in, the character is in. Everything else are afterthoughts.
08/19/2014 04:46 PM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:

it doesn't have anything to do with a character being least played. Easier to say Mileena has the better chance as she wasn't killed as Kitana was. If Kitana is to be resurrected and in the main roster, NRS will clearly have to explain how she was resurrected and why.

I 100% agree with that but that list seems to be a new trend these days. And especially after Kano was announced (who was right down the bottom of that list) it's ridiculous to even mention it anymore.
08/19/2014 05:50 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
And i didn't say she isn't going to be playable in MKX because of her low popularity in MK9, so i don't know why you brought up Kano.

That's exactly what you said. OP question was who's more likely to return:

diirecthit Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:
I like both of them, they are part of MK (sorry Sonya and etc, these are the two mortal chicks).

But, If I need to pick just one of them, I'll pick Mileena a thousand times. The most developed character in the last ten years. Mileena, back in 1993-MK2, is a minor character with a few fans. Mileena at 2014 is an icon. Thanks John Vogel

Mileena was one of the least used characters, so i don't get your post.

So you basically brought up the list to try and prove his opinion wrong that Mileena has more chances than Kitana to return.
Plus the list and Mileena being at the bottom is exactly what you've been
talking about nonstop during the last month. So here we go again..

I brought up the list because he said Mileena is the most popular female and the face of MK, surely the "face of MK" would be more used than Kitana, Sonya, and Jade, no? I didn't bring up the list to try to prove that Mileena won't be playable due to being bottom 5 in 2/3 consoles, but nice try. Glad to see you're still checking for me and my posts in every thread, since you know that i've been suppossedly discussed the list and the list only these past months.
08/19/2014 07:54 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
I brought up the list because he said Mileena is the most popular female and the face of MK, surely the "face of MK" would be more used than Kitana, Sonya, and Jade, no?

Jade? Face of MK? Bizzaro world invades again?

Like it or not, but objectively, Mileena is much more popular than Jade, thanks to all those efforts from NRS, who promoted her as a sort of superstar (special renders, third costume and the like). As for the rest of the females, I think Kitana and Sonya are both rather prominent. I don't think Mileena is there just yet, but she is on the right track and that's why I hope she won't be ignored in MKX.

Of course, neither of ninja ladies are as popular as Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
08/19/2014 08:44 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:

I brought up the list because he said Mileena is the most popular female and the face of MK, surely the "face of MK" would be more used than Kitana, Sonya, and Jade, no?

I don't recall him saying that Mileena is the most popular female or comparing her to Kitana or Jade. He simply expressed his opinion that during the last 10 years she has been one of the most developed and promoted character. Which is true. But anyway, once again getting defensive and mentioning the "list" when someone expresses he doesn't like Sonya. Typical. Every time someone says something about Sonya, you pop up with some nonsense about the list. Every. Time.

I didn't bring up the list to try to prove that Mileena won't be playable due to being bottom 5 in 2/3 consoles, but nice try.

Yes you did, as you have done before numerous times along with Squirt. You two are the only ones still taking that thing seriously.

Glad to see you're still checking for me and my posts in every thread, since you know that i've been suppossedly discussed the list and the list only these past months.

You know it's so funny how every time someone calls you out or proves you wrong on something, you always come up with the same reply: Everybody is obsessed with you, everybody is checking up your posts.
Have you run out of other things to say? Or do you really think people log in to this site to check some random dude's posts where he usually argues with someone? Nop. It's just that your posts are full of inconsistencies and inaccuracies. And that's exactly why you usually end up in arguments where you insult people. I'd say that is because people here dislike you, not because they are obsessed with you. Don't fool yourself.
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