09/08/2014 04:44 AM (UTC)
... I still think Sub-Zero is a cousin.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/08/2014 05:02 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
... I still think Sub-Zero is a cousin.

I know Subby's your fav, so would you be cool with this?
About Me

09/08/2014 07:28 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
... I still think Sub-Zero is a cousin.

People are going to collectively shit their pants when Sub-Zero is revealed to not be Bi Han or Kuai Liang. I don't know the angle, but my money is indeed on a descendant. Honestly though I don't think there's going to be this obnoxious deluge of "descendant characters". New characters might have loose ties to some factions / realms / species of established MK lore but, they'll stand on their own merit.

Also...what's with the notion that a romance between characters would be out of place in MKX ? Of course it wouldn't if it was executed properly. That's a tremendous IF though given NRS's track record of narrative character development.

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09/08/2014 09:42 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Why can't they be JUST comrades in arms?

Because it would be placing a completely artificial and arbitrary barrier on the kinds of stories that can be told in an otherwise extremely diverse setting.

You can't go "Warhammer can be about more than just war, you can tell character-driven stories in that setting too" and then in the same post go "Mortal Kombat CAN'T be about more than just fighting" without sounding a little hypocritical.

Chrome Wrote:
MK is basically self-parodical with it's own stuff

It would be more accurate to say MK is contradictory in its presentation.

Yes, many game elements are comedic and self-parodying. The STORY elements, however, are almost never so and do take themselves seriously outside of isolated incidents like Mokap.

At the end of the day, I would say this: it's ONE thing to have the opinion that romances you have seen have been poorly done and that YOU would rather avoid potential future ones, that's on you to avoid the thing you don't like, or to suck it up and tolerate the parts you don't like when they exist as smaller elements within a thing you overall do like, or hell, to go on the net and complain about the parts you don't like after the fact, that's fine. It's ANOTHER thing entirely to say an artist SHOULDN'T do a thing with their art or that doing that thing is somehow objectively WRONG or "doesn't fit" when it clearly does and already has, because it goes against your opinion. Police yourself, not the franchise.

The creators intended for love interest angles, those angles blatantly exist in games we already have, they have existed since 1993. It's just plain WAY too late to go "There's no room for romance in Mortal Kombat".

The same logic works in reverse. Why must they be a pair? Isn't that another arbitrary point by which you steer the characters?

- - -

The problem is that Warhammer -when it is about something else- is not a game. The moment when you try to condense something as vastly -what- multidimensional as that into a game, you encounter a problem, as the game's function is to play it, not to tell a story. You do not find character development in the corebooks. That is why there is an aside literature.

I give you this, IF MK is in any other vessel of information, it is possible. I just do not think that making a game subservient to a story is a good choice. mainly because it is limited, especially in space.

Perhaps this will clarify: I see a trend of choices in video game storytelling that I do not necessarily agree with. Some genres of games, example MK9 had fights (because the game is a fighting game) that absolutely made no sense, and the plot was forced to adhere to the necessity of Jade/Smoke having to duke it out. This is a minor example of how the game itself influences the plot.

There are several other story based games, which arbitrarily introduce choices that are contrived, forced, do not really make sense. If the game's writing is good, these do not really stand out, but...

Let's take a look at a heavily story-based game: The Walking Dead. I really would like the game to drop Clementine now that the 2nd season is finished. When I look at the story it is basically ok, however the constant recurring element of choosing between adults and standpoints kinda kills the verisimilitude the game aims at (with the real world, just with zombies). How many times does the plot repeat the same stuff over and over again, because it is also a gameplay element?

We had interpersonal dilemmas in the first season, I would have rather liked some reprieve from that and the choices to be among the lines of picking important stuff up. Also I feel that a third season of doing this would lessen the overall experience for me.

I have a fear that after what happened in MK9 the romance stuff would come off as.. off. Fights, deep melodrama, romance fight, heroic posturing, fight....
kinda schizophrenic. I kinda liked the acting in MK9, but the writing is an entirely different thing: see Failden, god of blunder. or Troll Chi. And since NRS took the story on a superficial saturday morning cartoon style seriously, I do not think that they can:

- balance and integrate drama into the necessary chain of the predetermined plot.

- take it seriously (this could be argued that how seriously you take romance... I just cannot take sappy or overtly dramatic stuff.)

- manage the necessary content.

Games are not books as their purpose is not exclusively telling a story. I hope I am unfounded in my suspicions, this looks like a promising entry.

- - -

About what to write:

I am not talking about the content, I am talking about method. The content is up for subjective debate, I have no problem with that. HOW it is made, that is not necessarily up for debate. if it were, then 50 shades of grey could be on the same level as The Gulag archipelago, and I would rather sing the song that ends the Earth before I see that happen.

Do write.

09/08/2014 10:23 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
... I still think Sub-Zero is a cousin.

I know Subby's your fav, so would you be cool with this?

09/08/2014 10:23 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Why must they be a pair? Isn't that another arbitrary point by which you steer the characters?

No, because A) They "must" because they already ARE, already HAVE BEEN, and because MKX has characters' offspring in it and it'd be directly plot-relevant to see how the parents even got together in the first place, and B) That's not placing a LIMIT on anything. It's the INCLUSION of a story element, not the EXCLUSION of one.

There are numerous platonic relationships in MK. Making a relationship romantic does not eliminate platonic-ness from the setting, whereas you are arguing for the elimination of romance from the setting.

You're calling for less of something, I'm calling for more.

Chrome Wrote:
the game's function is to play it, not to tell a story.

And yet, in most video games, you don't play cutscenes. (And when games do have interactive mechanics in the cutscenes, known as "Quick Time Events", the audience is largely derisive of it.)

They're non-interactive parts that occur between the gameplay segments. ANYTHING can happen in them, to tell the story, and it won't interfere with the gameplay that occurs when the cutscene ends and the game resumes.

In the larger sense, a game's function is to provide entertainment, and lots of people are entertained by narrative.

Chrome Wrote:
Let's take a look at a heavily story-based game: The Walking Dead. I really would like the game to drop Clementine now that the 2nd season is finished. When I look at the story it is basically ok, however the constant recurring element of choosing between adults and standpoints kinda kills the verisimilitude the game aims at (with the real world, just with zombies). How many times does the plot repeat the same stuff over and over again, because it is also a gameplay element?

"The plot keeps repeating itself" is the entire Walking Dead franchise in a nutshell, man. The comic does it, the show does it, it's all retelling the same fucking story over and over again in an infinite loop and I lost interest in it a long time ago.

Chrome Wrote:
example MK9 had fights (because the game is a fighting game) that absolutely made no sense, and the plot was forced to adhere to the necessity of Jade/Smoke having to duke it out. This is a minor example of how the game itself influences the plot.

Chrome Wrote:
I am not talking about the content, I am talking about method.

See...this I understand. And on some level, even agree with.

NRS's current writers are certainly not up to my standards. WHATEVER plot elements, devices, or character developments ANY of us would like to see in the story, there is little hope of ever seeing them handled with nuance, subtlety, or dialogue that isn't hammy.

But sometimes, you HAVE to be a little hammy. A writer should never allow himself to be motivated by fear into NOT telling a story. If you're so afraid to tolerate a little ham that you avoid it altogether, but ham is all you're capable of, then the story will never even come to be.

When given only two choices: "Don't tell the story", or "Tell it badly", I pick "tell it badly", because if you EVER answer "don't tell it", even ONCE, then you open yourself up to cutting things out and making more excuses down the road. It's the slippery slope concept.

First it's "Oh I think we should leave the Baraka x Mileena scenes on the cutting room floor", then it's "Oh I know we're supposed to feel bad for the cyberninjas because their bodies are gruesomely mutilated...but we don't need to SHOW them being operated on, we can skip over it and maybe the audience will somehow magically infer how to feel about it anyway...that way we don't have to waste time building a Lin Kuei temple or an operating room backdrop", then it's "Y'know what? We don't have to SHOW Smoke and Sub-Zero talking to each other and hanging out, we can just TELL the audience they're friends, that should save time." "Hey, while we're making traits and motivations irrelevant, let's put stuff like characters' origins and the Shokan/Centaur rivalry in the bios but never actually mention them during the story." "The bad guys don't need playable chapters, who cares about them?" "Reptile doesn't need to talk." "Motaro who?"
And the more you do it, the more your characters are reduced to one-dimensional cardboard fucking cutouts that exist only to fight. And then there IS no story and no reason to care.

The ONLY valid reason to ever NOT have a scene that's actively relevant to plot or character happen on-screen (and in the case of MKX, romance very much DOES further the plot since the plot is literally ABOUT a new "generation" of fighters, some of whom have been directly biologically sired by the previous one) is if you want to build a mystery, i.e. Not showing Bi-Han transform into Noob Saibot so that you can reveal at a later date "Surprise, I'm dead Sub-Zero!" NO other reason is valid if you consider your characters important and the scene in question would flesh them out or move them forward.
09/08/2014 01:33 PM (UTC)
I do not like the idea of having descendants. I think it is a cop out honestly. I hope they only have cassie and one other (since they already confirmed cassie is not the only one).

My preference is new original fighter's. Solely because I think NRS will try and make the descendants give too many homages to their parents (ie Cassie Cage).

The only way I would embrace it is if a totally unique character is provided and halfway through the story we find out he/she is a descendant of someone we know.
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09/08/2014 01:50 PM (UTC)
There is an incredible hard line to distinguish between:

- > truly redundant scene which takes up memory.
- > unnecessary scene to the overall whole story (this is incredibly hard, because no matter how much it expands on the plot etc. it can interfere with pacing. This is even more pronunced in movies).
- > B rated character, not important / not deemed important (if you get my drift)

I do not know how much creative writing have you done, but there is usually a limit to novellas, novels and short stories. I had to cut scenes I deemed were important, but interfered with the overall wholeness of the story. Also, there were parts that were cut from my story that were unnecessary - as it was deemed by the overwatching supervisors who publish in the world of M.A.G.U.S.

Even in writing this applies, and there are a myriad of other factors that come in, such as how well liked the character is, who should we spotlight more, etc.
EDIT: I am absolutely okay with ham in the right context. Ham is not necessarily melodramatic - > Brian Blessed.
09/08/2014 02:20 PM (UTC)
Oh, I understand perfectly that not every character can be or should be important and sometimes scenes have to be cut out of a movie for the sake of pacing and flow. It's rare that you see a scene get cut that has something important to the plot or main characters happening in it, however. And hell, lots of movies have deleted scenes that I think should have been kept in the movie.

It's up to the artist to decide for himself what is and isn't important to his work, what can afford to be sacrificed for time or doesn't work as well on film as you thought it would in the script...But bringing it back around to the concern about "romance" content, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, and Kitana are some of the central protagonists of the Mortal Kombat franchise. If they become romantically involved with one another and produce children, that's pretty goddamn plot-relevant.

And as far as supporting cast, I'm not asking for Baraka to have a LOT of screentime, just enough to give him a god damned personality and explain why the fuck anyone should CARE about him when, to all appearances, he seems exactly the same as every single other member of his nameless, faceless race of footsoldiers that we've ever seen.
I mean, you've read my little outline ("little", he said ironically about a 13 page document...) of how I would have retold MK1, right? I only gave Reptile like two scenes in the whole thing, because he doesn't warrant more than that, but one of those scenes I made damn sure would establish his baseline fuckin' personality traits and what his job is in a quick and concise manner as opposed to having him NEVER SPEAK.
Like I said, "if you consider your characters important and the scene in question would flesh them out or move them forward", you shouldn't leave it off-screen.
If you don't think Sub-Zero/Smoke is important, then fine, don't show the automation process. On the other hand, I think those two and their subplot was VERY important to the story of MK3, so I would have showed that scene because I think SEEING the body-horror is vital to understanding what they're going through and why you should care about their storyline.
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09/08/2014 04:22 PM (UTC)
Chrome said: "Games are not books as their purpose is not exclusively telling a story."

This mindset and approach to game design is counterproductive to the growth of the medium which is, like it or not, the ONLY medium where there's DIRECT interaction from player to narrative. Movies, books, etc are all ultimately passive experiences.

Watch this video: LINK here as I'm not fooling with old ass embedded HTML code (seriously MKO get your shit together. It's 2014).

09/08/2014 04:47 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
... I still think Sub-Zero is a cousin.

This I would be okay with. Seems plausible
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/08/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
... I still think Sub-Zero is a cousin.

I know Subby's your fav, so would you be cool with this?



I know that a lot of people are fans of Kuai Liang and Bi-Han and this might bother them, but I'm cool with it too. With lines like "I'll freeze your soul!", whoever it is, he's already a badass.

Plus it would make more since for Kuai to still be a cyborg and Bi-Han still be Noob Saibot floating around in a soulnado somewhere.

Wait Cyber-Sub died right? It's been so long since I played.
09/08/2014 05:16 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
... I still think Sub-Zero is a cousin.

I know Subby's your fav, so would you be cool with this?



I know that a lot of people are fans of Kuai Liang and Bi-Han and this might bother them, but I'm cool with it too. With lines like "I'll freeze your soul!", whoever it is, he's already a badass.

Plus it would make more since for Kuai to still be a cyborg and Bi-Han still be Noob Saibot floating around in a soulnado somewhere.

Wait Cyber-Sub died right? It's been so long since I played.

Yeah, it would bother a lot, but you know, it's whatever for me. It's Sub-Zero nonetheless, and probably the best one so far since I'm dying to get my hands on my controller and spam the crap out of the ice clone throw.

And yes, he did die, but in a very goofy style.

One punch to the face by Sindel. I'm guessing the Automation Program can't design proper helmets.
About Me

09/08/2014 05:53 PM (UTC)
Also, substituting hydraulics and metal for sinew and muscle is a really bad fucking idea if you want to do martial arts.

Graphene or plastic perhaps. Either way, why they didn't just modify the brain if they wanted unquestioning loyalty? Heavy ordnance like grenades and missiles also aren't conductive to assassination.

The whole cyberninja storyline is weeiiird.
About Me

09/08/2014 06:07 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Chrome said: "Games are not books as their purpose is not exclusively telling a story."

This mindset and approach to game design is counterproductive to the growth of the medium which is, like it or not, the ONLY medium where there's DIRECT interaction from player to narrative. Movies, books, etc are all ultimately passive experiences.

Watch this video: LINK here as I'm not fooling with old ass embedded HTML code (seriously MKO get your shit together. It's 2014).

I would not call reading The Gulag Archipelago passive as you have to exercise your history knowledge about it to get the references. As for example Guardians of the Galaxy? Yeah, popcorn fun.

I agree, but games are not made primarily by story-first intentions. I do not believe they can be made, yet. There is however a very good example where it skirts it, and may have surpassed it.

Planescape: Torment
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09/08/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
Of course there are exceptions but when talking about the interactivity of the different mediums from a general perspective; you WATCH a movie, you READ a book, yet you PLAY a video game. One of these things is not like the other.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/08/2014 07:24 PM (UTC)
@ Icebaby

Lmao,yeah that's right! Sheesh,they could have at least had him and the others die with honor. There wasn't any honor in that scene at all. Come to think of it, I don't think any of them died with honor... Kung Lao maybe?
09/08/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Heavy ordnance like grenades and missiles also aren't conductive to assassination.

Sektor was using flamethrowers and explosives BEFORE he became a robot, though.

The in-universe justification for that being that he's a sociopath who just really enjoys killin' folks...so presumably, the Lin Kuei doesn't actually care that much about stealth in the modern age. (Or maybe their plan whenever they murder someone is to destroy the evidence by making it look like a house fire lol)

And he and Cyrax are blowing targets up while not even wearing a mask. And Lin Kuei uniforms have a LOGO on them (Hell, that part's been canon since Sub's original MK1 bio). What kind of ninja clan cares about branding? One that WANTS its name out there, WANTS you to hear about them and hire them to kill people for you. Maybe they don't fear the "getting caught" side of putting themselves out there, maybe they think they're untouchable.

Maybe the Grandmaster thought he could take over the world once he had his robot army. Hell, that's exactly what Sektor tried to do with the Tekunin in the old timeline, his goal wasn't to be an assassin anymore, it was to fucking conquer the country of Japan from the most visible kind of supervillain fortress there is, a fuckin' airship.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Come to think of it, I don't think any of them died with honor... Kung Lao maybe?

Nightwolf went out on his own terms. Kitana lasted long enough to get some last words in.
09/09/2014 01:41 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
@ Icebaby

Lmao,yeah that's right! Sheesh,they could have at least had him and the others die with honor. There wasn't any honor in that scene at all. Come to think of it, I don't think any of them died with honor... Kung Lao maybe?

Oh my God don't even talk to me about Kung Lao's death. Serously, he beat 2 sorcerers at once, then a tiger monster and Shao Kahn couldn't even be arsed to fight him properly. Maybe he was scared? And then no one saw Kahn sneaking up on him at all? That moment was one for the "wtf was NRS thinking??" list.
About Me

09/09/2014 03:53 AM (UTC)
Rainberri Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
@ Icebaby

Lmao,yeah that's right! Sheesh,they could have at least had him and the others die with honor. There wasn't any honor in that scene at all. Come to think of it, I don't think any of them died with honor... Kung Lao maybe?

Oh my God don't even talk to me about Kung Lao's death. Serously, he beat 2 sorcerers at once, then a tiger monster and Shao Kahn couldn't even be arsed to fight him properly. Maybe he was scared? And then no one saw Kahn sneaking up on him at all? That moment was one for the "wtf was NRS thinking??" list.

What about Jax?...Guy got his arm severed and became an ampute, he then gets cybernetic implanted arms...only to choke to death on Sindel's stiletto just a while later...

This is why I don't believe the deaths in MK9 meant much...there's no way they're going to go forward 25 years, and leave these characters dead...Their legacy...
About Me

09/09/2014 05:53 AM (UTC)
The "Sindel Massacre" is so bad it almost turns the game into a parody of itself. It's like the writers put their heads together and decided, "what's the quickest way we can kill off half the good guy cast for shock value?"

I mean they should've just fully embraced the camp and started having people die Final Destination style. Cyber Subzero slips on a banana peel and chokes on Sindel's hair, Kitana throws a haymaker only to have her throat sliced by a piece of Sindel's jewelry, etc. The scene culminates with Nightwolf yelling "everyone get to the chopper" as the wounded survivors limp away to safety only to have Nightwolf tackle Sindel as they both explode after a 10 second timer countdown pops on the screen for some reason. Cue "I don't want to miss a thing" by Aerosmith as Johnny starts making out with Sonya.
09/09/2014 05:58 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
This is why I don't believe the deaths in MK9 meant much...there's no way they're going to go forward 25 years, and leave these characters dead...

They can. And I am OK with it. Give way for the new generation. Fuck old stuff. Just for the one game.

I'd prefer 50/50 ratio of descendants / newcomers.

And the thread is laughable: two snobs arguing whose personal opinion holds more truth, seemingly forgetting that personal opinion is not truth. Ha-ha.

I don't see why somebody should limiting story, because "LOL!Personal opinion"

Chrome Wrote:
I agree, but games are not made primarily by story-first intentions. I do not believe they can be made, yet.

09/09/2014 06:10 AM (UTC)
Are you asking for more Orignal characters from previous games, or more Orignal New characters?

Either way, i would like to see a healthy roster of both, but leaning more to New Characters. Not necessarily all of the being descendant. but more orignal type characters. After all Ed Boon has stated MKX is going to be about NEW stuff. So slowly take out Older character and introduce new one. I understand their could always be Stable Characters like Sub Zero and Scorpion...but it would be nice to get a clean slate started and explore more of the MK Lore.
09/09/2014 07:11 AM (UTC)
Descendants are extremely cheap if you ask me.
09/09/2014 12:55 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Rainberri Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:@ Icebaby

Lmao,yeah that's right! Sheesh,they could have at least had him and the others die with honor. There wasn't any honor in that scene at all. Come to think of it, I don't think any of them died with honor... Kung Lao maybe?

Oh my God don't even talk to me about Kung Lao's death. Serously, he beat 2 sorcerers at once, then a tiger monster and Shao Kahn couldn't even be arsed to fight him properly. Maybe he was scared? And then no one saw Kahn sneaking up on him at all? That moment was one for the "wtf was NRS thinking??" list.

What about Jax?...Guy got his arm severed and became an ampute, he then gets cybernetic implanted arms...only to choke to death on Sindel's stiletto just a while later...
This is why I don't believe the deaths in MK9 meant much...there's no way they're going to go forward 25 years, and leave these characters dead...Their legacy...

I think the only character that got a decent death was Nightwolf. He died in a fight, not a curb-stomb.
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